She will be loved (Herophine)

By pleasebemyperson

8.1K 867 54

Josephine has a perfect life and a perfect family. But this isn't forever. Her life changes suddenly when she... More

Part 2 - Flirting
Part 3 - See You Soon
Part 4 - Nervous
Part 5 - Date Night
Part 6 - Surprise
Part 7 - No Teasing
Part 8 - Hard News To Tell
Part 9 - Superhero
Part 10 - Meeting The Family
Part 11 - Birthday Boy
Part 12 - Falling For You
Part 13 - I'm Right Here
Part 14 - Love Is In The Air
Part 15 - Best Surprise Ever
Part 16 - Remember Me?
Part 17 - Scared
Part 18 - Missed This
Part 19 - Unexpected
Part 20 - Worried
Part 21 - Memory Loss
Part 22 - Bad News
Part 23 - Wedding Day
Part 24 - She Will Be Loved

Part 1 - Shocking News

898 38 9
By pleasebemyperson


Wake-up, prepare the kid for school, prepare husband for work, take the kid to kindergarten, go to work, take the kid, prepare food, wash, clean, eat, sleep and repeat. It's a routine I already got bored of.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I already have the same routine for four years already. I have the feeling that I need a change, but I don't know what this change should be.

Maybe we should move in another house? I should change my job? I should spend more time with my friends? I should let my husband take care of our kid? I should send my kid to spend time with his grandparents, so me and his father should have more time together?

I have no idea what I have to do. I know from my parents that this is the family life. You work to keep your kid in a good way, and you have to be a good mother and wife. But I might be bored of that.

I have these thoughts for weeks and I don't know what I should do. Maybe I should go to therapy and a therapist will help me to know what I have to change in my life. I think this will be the best for me. Talking with someone, will help me to figure out what I want.


"Mummy!" I hear his tiny footsteps coming to our bedroom and a second later, my beautiful baby boy is running to my bed.

"Good morning, love." I smile and I help him to get up on the bed, then I kiss him.

"Where's daddy?"

"Daddy left for work, baby. He needs to work, so we can buy you toys and sweets."

"I have to go to school, mummy?"

"Yes, baby. Only for five hours, then mummy is going to come after you, okay?"

"Okay." He let his tiny hands on my face and he kisses me.

Danny, Daniel, was a blessing in our relationship when he appeared in our life four and a half years ago. We were married for a while, and we expected to have a baby. We were trying and the miracle happened right before when we decided to get information about other ways of fertilization, but at our first check-up about fertilization, our bundle of joy was already in my belly. It was a hard pregnancy, I didn't feel well, but all the nausea and tiredness deserved. We have a beautiful and healthy baby or big boy now.

"Let's have a good breakfast, then we can get ready for school, okay?"

"Pancakes?" He looks at me with puppy eyes and I can't resist.

"Yes, we can eat pancakes this morning." I sigh and he starts to laugh.

We get up from bed and we go to the kitchen where I prepare our breakfast. After we eat, I dress Danny, then I get dressed and we leave. I leave him to his school and after that, I go to work.

At lunch break, I get a call from Liam, my husband. Oh, wow... He remembered that he has a wife. What kind of him.

Phone call

"Hi, Josephine."

"Hi. You remembered that you have a wife?"

"Look, I'm sorry for what's happening. But I'll explain everything today. That's why I called. I'm going to pick up Danny and I will let him with my mum. So, we can talk."

"Alright. Then, I'll see you at home in a few hours."

"Yeah. See you later, Jo."

I can't say goodbye because he ends the call. Okay, this phone call was really awkward, and I can't wait to know what he will tell me.

After another hours of work, I'm finally done and I'm ready to go home. I turn off my computer, I lock my office, I say goodbye to my workmates and I drive back home. After an hour in the terrible traffic from New York, I finally park the car in the front of our house where Liam's car is already there. I'm really curious about what he wants to talk with me, so I hurry up to get inside. As I open the door, I see some of our luggage. He wanted to surprise me with a holiday?

"Liam, I'm home." I take off my shoes, then I put my keys on the key holder. I walk in the living room where Liam is waiting for me on the couch. "Hi."

"Hi. Have a seat."

"We're leaving somewhere?" I sit next to him.

"Nope... It's really hard what I'm going to say to you..." he takes my hand. "I'm done with being like this with you, Jo. It really hurts me to stay away from you. You are a good woman, and you don't deserve to be treated like this. So... the moment of truth is here."

"What are you talking about, Liam?" he's scaring me. What is he talking about?

"I... I want you to know the real reason of my absence from our relationship from the last months. I love you more than anything and I'm grateful for what happened between us in the last years. I'm grateful for Danny, he's the sun of my eyes and you also were and you will be an important person in my life. But I think it's time to divorce." I'm shocked by what he's saying. I know the things between us weren't honey and milk in the last months, but we didn't even tried to do something about it.


"Look, Jo... You didn't do anything wrong. It's me. I'm not interested in you anymore, I'm not interested in women anymore. I'm attracted to men."

Wait, what?

"I still love you, you are the mother of my child! But I don't love you in the romantically way. I'm really sorry to hurt you. You were good with me. But it's not working anymore. It will be hard for us, and especially for Danny, but we have to do this, Jo. We can't pretend to be happy. I know you understand and I hope we can still be the same."

"I didn't expect this, Liam. But I know it's not working anymore and I want to be good with you. I want us to have a relationship for Danny."

"We're going to make it work, okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for being honest for me, Liam." I say and I hug him.

A few weeks later...

"I'm glad we managed to do this right, Jo." He hugs me. "Don't forget, I'll always be there for you."

"I know. Danny needs his father."

"And I will be there at each step."

"Thank you." I smile.

"And please, go out and have fun. Find someone to love you more than I love you."

"I will."

"I'll take Danny from your mother and he will stay with me this week. Is that okay?"

"Yes. It's alright."

"Good. Go out and relax, okay? I don't want you to work hard and forget about your pleasure, okay?"

"I promise to go out and update you about my one-night stands." I giggle. "Please, call me if something is wrong with Danny, okay?"

"Okay. Take care and be careful with whom you land in bed."

"I will."

"See you soon, Jo."

And that was it my marriage with Liam. I lost a husband, but he will always be my friend, and the most important, the father of my beautiful child. I will listen him and I will find someone to love me.


And a new story is up. I don't think it will be a long story, but I hope you will enjoy it. Don't forget to let an opinion about this part in the comments. Thank you and stay tunned for the next part!

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