Love So Life

De KillerRain

93.8K 4.4K 1.1K

What if Kinn and Vegas actually got a long and Kim never left the main house and actually grew up with his br... Mais



1.8K 86 7
De KillerRain

Porsche's P.O.V:

Porchay looked at me obviously shocked.

"We won the lottery?" He asked.

I nodded hurriedly.

Then we stood up and hugged each other tightly.

"That's really good P'Porsche" He said chuckling.

"Tomorrow I'll buy a very nice meal and we'll also go watch a movie then we'll go to the beach for a long long vacation and..." I started.

But remembered that I signed up for the training course at that big company.

Oh well...I guess I'll just quit.

Finally...Something good has happened.

(The next day)

Kinn's P.O.V:

I was at the company taking a look at the job applications in front of me.

A lot of people applied for the secretary training program after all.

But looking at their profiles wasn't really that interesting.

There was a knock on the door then Tem walked into the room.

"Ummm...Mr Kinn the candidates are waiting outside" He said.

I nodded.

"Let them in" I said.

He nodded and left.

There was another knock on the door then Porsche poked his head from behind the door.

"Oh...Hey there" I said.

He smiled and walked into the room.

"What brings you here? The training program is on the afternoon" I said.

"I actually came to withdraw" He said.

I frowned in confusion.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing...I just don't have to work anymore" He said.

I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms over my chest.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I won the lottery so...I don't want to work anymore bye bye" He said.

Then turned to leave.

"This is quite the lame logic" I said.

He turned to me and frowned.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"You're excused and that logic of yours is so stupid and pathetic" I said.

"Hey...Isn't that too much? I just said that I don't want to work here anymore you don't have to insult me you know" He said.

I chuckled in disbelief and stood up and walked away from my desk.

"Coming from you? I must say I'm disappointed...I thought you had an actual backbone but it turns out that you're just a lazy punk" I said.

He walked over to me and grabbed my collar.

"What the hell did you just say?" He asked.

"Oh...You want me to repeat that? You're a pathetic loser" I said.

He raised a fist to punch me.

I grabbed his fist and pushed it away.

"Do you want to be a loser? Is that it?" I asked.

"I just want to rest...Isn't that my right?" He asked angrily.

"You'll have nothing if the money you won is gone...What will you do if that happens?" I asked.

He pursed his lips into a thin line and looked at the floor.

"Then what will you do huh? Beg in the streets?" I asked.

"FINE" He snapped.

Then sighed heavily and brushed his hair back.

"Fine I get it...You don't want me to withdraw or whatever" He grumped.

"I expect to see you at the training program in three hours if you don't come I'll assume that you ran off like the coward you are...And if that happens I won't give you another chance" I said.

He nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait" I said before he could leave.

"What now?" He asked as soon as he turned to me.

"Use some of that money you won to buy yourself some decent looking suits we don't accept less then semi formal here so make sure to dress the part understood?" I asked.

He nodded then left the room slamming the door shut behind him.

I sat down again and started working.

(Later that day)

Porchay's P.O.V:

I was looking through my phone as I walked on my way back home from school.

But accidentally stepped on my shoelace and fell to the ground.

My eyes widened in horror when I saw a car speeding up and I was frozen in fear but the car screeched loudly and halted to a stop right in front of me.

Then the driver got off and slammed the door shut in obvious annoyance.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to die?" The driver asked.

The backseat door opened and a guy with long hair wearing a chiffon shirt got off.

"He seems fine...Don't bother with him or we'll be late" The guy with long hair said smugly as he looked down at me.

"Yes mr Kim" The driver said and got inside the car then drove away.

Woah...That was close...

I stood up and dusted myself then tied my shoelaces tightly before crossing the street and going on my way.

My phone started ringing so I took it out and answered.

"Yes P?" I asked.

"I called you to say that I'm joining the training program at the company fuck the withdrawal I'll show that fucker that I can do it" P'Porsche said angrily.

Then hung up before I could say anything.

I looked at the phone and frowned.

What the hell was that?

I shrugged it off and went on my way.


Porsche's P.O.V:

It was the first day of training if I pass the test I'll be accepted in the company training officially.

Alright...I can do it...I just have to follow the instructions and then when I finally manage to make it to the main office I can stick my middle fingers in that bastard's eyes.

The expert who was supposed to instruct us walked between the desks.

"And now you're supposed to look at the files in front of you and sort them out according to importance...Based on how you'll sort them out your position as trainees will be secured" The guy said.

Then told us to start working.

I started working immediately.

After sometime I was done with sorting the Thai documents but the ones in foreign language was a bit difficult to sort.

So I ended up in the last place.

"Your time is up" The instructor said.

Then he started looking through our work.

After a while he started calling names.

"Arm first place...Big and Ken second place...Pete third place...Pol and Porsche fourth place...The six of you are qualified for the training program the rest of you is disqualified" The instructor said.

Then the disqualified ones left the room leaving five other guys aside from me in the room.

"Pol and Porsche...You have to work harder then that...The training system here offers an English course and a computer course" The instructor said.

Then he looked at his watch.

"I'll let you get to know each other then I'll come back in thirty minutes" He said.

Then left the room.

I looked around the room uncomfortably.

I didn't know any of these guys after all so it was kind of awkward.

Someone suddenly patted my shoulder so I turned.

"My name is Pete...What's yours?" He asked.

"I'm Porsche" I said smiling then put my hand out for a shake.

He smiled and shook my hand.

"Since we're in the same boat how about we help each other?" He asked.

I frowned in confusion and tilted my head to the side.

"Come on I'll introduce you to the others" He said.

Then took my hand and pulled me behind him.

"This is Arm and this is Pol...Arm is good with computer he can speak Chinese and French and Pol here is good in...Ummm...Well...He's good at maths" Pete said.

"Hey...It's not my fault that I find it interesting ok?" The guy who wasn't wearing glasses said.

Pete shrugged.

"As for me...Well...I know a little English and I can type fast on a computer...What about you?" Pete asked.

I chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Bié dānxīn, wǒ zhīchí nǐ" The guy in glasses said smiling.

I frowned in confusion.

The guy wearing glasses chuckled and shook his head.

"Sorry sorry...That was the Chinese for don't worry I got your back" The guy in glasses said smiling.

I smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Well...If we help each here and there we can all pass the training without trouble right? Which team do you want to join Porsche?" Pol asked.

"I want to join the manager's team" I said.

"Woah...That's such a high roof you have man" Pol said.

"Oh well...Good luck anyway...As for me I just hope to be in the stenography team or maybe even the archive" Arm said.

"What does this company do exactly?" I asked.

"They sell wine...The Theerapanyakul family has vast lands which they use as grape vines...And they also have a hand in other things like fruits and general farm products...But they're famous for their wines they only deal with seven star hotels and top notch restaurants...While most of the other farm products like meat and dairy products are donated to charitable organisations and the remaining amount is exported" Arm recited.

Wow...That must be...So tiring...Such a drag.

"I heard that even the president secures his food and drink from their company" Pol said.

I pursed my lips into a thin line.

"Well...Anyway I'll consider myself lucky if I get accepted as an employee here...Even the reception position is fine with me" Pete said shrugging.

Yeah I bet...

"But if you want to make it to the management office you have to pass those two...They studied business management abroad" Pete said.

Then pointed at Big and Ken.

"I studied with mr Tankul the oldest son of the house...My mother is their housekeeper so I did a few things around their house but I still want to get an actual job here" Arm said.

I nodded in understanding.

He's not wrong...After what he told me about the company I was getting intrigued myself.

"Do they sell anything else?" I asked curiously.

"Let's see...The animal products and plants production...Oh there's also the flower gardens but that's mostly for producing honey and perfumes" Pete said as soon as he was done looking through his phone.

"Well...That's because the late mrs Theerapanyakul loved the flower gardens the most so mr Korn decided to keep them open" Arm said.

He looked sad.

Maybe the woman was a good friend of his mother or something.

But anyway...I've made up my mind...

Tem...That lucky bastard...I'm getting this job even if it's the last thing I do in my life.

Continue lendo

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