Undead but still Poly

By Myers_Stories

81 2 3

After the death of his two lovers, a man resurrects them with the aid of a magical lightning strike. Now he m... More

The Lovers
The death of Love
Eat or be Eaten
A bully needs to be dealt With
The Bully
Street gangs are just the Worse
A reason for Treason

The need to end Things

1 0 0
By Myers_Stories

Just as they attacked the group of people, screaming along with the sound of gunfire roared throughout.

"Oh fuck!" Blake shrieked. He then ran to the other side, hiding behind a mailbox, watching as Haley and Ashley attacking random people.

There were several dead bodies on the ground, many guns as well.

Suddenly, a man in a fluffy jacket named Jackie came out of a store holding a shotgun.

"YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATHS! COME AND GET ME!" He yelled before giving his gun a quick pump and aiming it at Haley.

The man then started shooting at the zombie, unleashing all of his shells into him.

Haley was very damaged, his arms were now disconnected while several small bones were scattered. He suddenly got up while Ashley reconnected his arms.

"O-Oh fuck..." Jackie muttered, he then tried running away but Haley tackled him, tearing open his back and ripping the man's spine out.

"O-Oh fuck... They must be like The Return Of The Living Dead zombies..." Blake squealed.

Then, Haley and Ashley heard him. Their heads twisted backwards with bloodstained rotting teeth.

"Blake... Baby..." Haley cackled.

"Honey..." Ashley giggled.

They then walked backwards towards Blake, taking their time to do so.

"Ashley... Haley... Please, just stop! This isn't you!" Blake cried out, falling to his knees and beginning to tear up.

"Babe... We can't... You didn't get us enough food..." Haley told him, kneeling down and grabbing both his cheeks gently.

Then, their heads went back to normal before they turned around.

"You do realize that this is your FUCKING fault, right?" Ashley asked Blake.

"No, no it isn't! I-I have done so much shit for you two! You know I l-love you both! I want you two to stop!" Blake answered back, crying his eyes out while staring into Haley's eyes.

A few other people watched, police couldn't believe their eyes whatsoever as their cars arrived and they got out with guns drawn.

"We love you, too... But this is necessary... We're hungry... Here's the thing, hon... We're gonna fucking kill everyone in this miserable city... Then, we're gonna eat a few, after that, you'll be giving us a body each night from the streets. We'll start all over..." Haley told the man before beginning to kiss him.

Blake tried to push him off, blood was pouring out of their mouths, bits of flesh mixed in as it all pooled out like drool.

Finally, he was shoved back onto the ground by Haley as Ashley giggled.

"I'm sorry, baby... But if you get in our fucking way again, we'll kill you this time..." She said.

"You're fucking insane if you think you're actually gonna get away with killing even half this city!..." Blake told them.

"Seems like everyone is in some sort of dumb fuck spell. Take a look around..." Haley chuckled.

Blake then looked around at everyone within the city, everyone outside seemed to not be doing anything now.

"I... I don't understand..." He whimpered.

"Guess that green lightning gave us extra secretive powers... Laying dormant until now." Ashley replied.

Blake then puked a little upon having remembered that he just swapped spit with Haley.

"Yuck... Let's start our little killing spree, shall we?" Haley asked looking at his girlfriend.

"Mhm!" Ashley answered back, kissing him on the lips.

"Y-You two are fucking monsters!... You both changed for the worst!" Blake cried out.

The two zombies rolled their eyes before beginning to slaughter many of the people around them.

Within an apartment room, a man and a woman were on the couch together. These two were Ryan Floyd and Brianna Swift.

Ryan was 6'5 and pretty heavy while Brianna was 5'8 and very skinny.

Both of them seemed to be unaware of what was going on, Ryan wore a necklace of a black stone and a green gemstone.

Chandelier by Sia was currently playing in the background as the two had World War Z on the TV.

"So, enjoying the movie so far?" Ryan asked his girlfriend while smirking. He then handed her a glass of wine before wrapping his left arm around her neck.

"Definitely!" Brianna answered back, smiling at him before taking a sip of her wine. "Hey, did George show you what he wanted downloaded?"

"Oh... Right... Is it that new game that got released? The one with the... Fucking animatronics or whatever? Apparently it's a sequel to a previous installment?" Ryan asked with a sigh.

"Mhm! I don't know if it's on the app store or not, but it's definitely available on computers, that's for sure." Brianna answered. She then kissed her man on the cheek.

"Well then..." Ryan said with a deep sigh.

"This movie's pretty boring..." Brianna replied.

"I guess. The book's so much better in my opinion." Ryan yawned.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.

"I wonder who that is..." Ryan would sigh once again.

He then walked over to the door, unlocking and opening it slowly.

Immediately, Haley slammed it open, striking Ryan's face and fucking it up, breaking the man's nose and jaw. He now also had brain damage, twitching a bit.

"Hello... Food." Haley spoke, he then grabbed Ryan by the throat before lifting him up with one hand and biting out his throat, chewing on it a little.

Ashley then stepped in, Brianna instantly fainted from seeing the two zombies.

"Aw man... I wanted to fucking eat her alive, GOD DAMMIT!" Ashley shouted, kicking the wall as hard as she could.

Blake had secretly been following them, he held a double barrel shotgun while panting heavily with fear. He was waiting for them to both walk out, and Ashley was the first to step out.

She had a smirk on her face as she said, "Daw... How cute." Before walking up to the man.

Immediately, Blake would shoot her right in the head, sending her flying through a wall.

The zombie twitched a little, looking surprised as she wasn't healing whatsoever.

"What... DID YOU DO?!" She cried out, shivering as Blake went up to her and aimed the gun at her head again.

She was struggling to even move. Haley looked over to the two, his eyes widening.

"BLAKE?! WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled.

"I-I'm sorry... Babe... I h-have to do this... I can't let either of you hurt anyone else!" Blake told them.

Ashley started to tear up a little, shaking her head as she begged not to be killed.

"Pl-Please! Blake! We love you! Don't y-you?!" She cried out.

"I-I do love you... And that's why I'm setting things right... You... Need... To... Rest." Blake said before splattering Ashley's head into nothing but blood and mush.

He would immediately begin sobbing after doing that.

Haley shouted, "YOU MONSTER!" He then tried tackling Blake, but he was quickly shot in the head as well. His body went flying into the TV.

Haley started panting wildly, he shivered and stared at Blake as he was approached by him slowly.

"I-I won't k-kill you... Without one last goodbye..." Blake told him, still crying and trying to contain himself.

"Wh-Why a-are you d-doing this?" Haley asked him.

"I love you... You loved me... I won't ever forget all the times we've spent together... Me, you and Ashley... I wish we could g-go back to those times... But something inside you two changed..." Blake answered. "And for that... You must be put to rest. It's the only moral thing I can do... I love you."

And with that, he kissed Haley on the lips before killing him finally. He then raised the gun to his head, tearing up before attempting to blow his brains out.

There was no ammo left, he dropped to his knees and started breaking down crying. The man would crawl towards Ashley, dragging Haley towards her before hugging the two corpses and repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry..."

January 17th, 2016

Blake approached the two graves that were right next to each other. He held in his right hand some baby pink and pastel green flowers.

The man set down the baby pink flowers in front of Haley's grave before setting the pastel green ones in front of Ashley's.

A single tear left both of his eyes as he tried to contain himself and not break down.

The man had finally moved on, he lived a normal life now with a very high paying job provided by his parents to work at their company.

Even though both Haley and Ashley turned on him in the end, it wasn't entirely their choice.

Something within them had grown so much without proper treatment that it created a hostile environment for all three of them, but especially for Blake.

Blake himself had not moved on with death at first, but things have changed as he walked away, not looking back. He will never forget them, but he will not allow Death to take over his life.

When the man had put both his lovers to rest, he thought of ending it all, including himself.

Suicide is never the answer, nor will it ever be. Don't let Death and grief control you. Move on from a snail's pace and you shall find happiness just like Blake eventually, the light at the end of the tunnel isn't too far off, getting there will be a struggle. You will be hurt in the process, but in the end, it'll be worth it.

The End

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