[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love Wi...

By Pinkrainbowcorn

143K 4.5K 5.6K

"No, this is not one of those fucking stories where you save me and we have anal sex in the end." Timothy lau... More

13. PULP
I Fell In Love With An Emo Boy - Soundtrack
15. PET
22. CAKE
26. VOID
31. 100 SUNS
38. HUNT
53. EMO
54. SONG


3.3K 98 178
By Pinkrainbowcorn

"Wait, he's a fag?!" I exclaimed as I stared at Timothy's laptop. I had just looked up this Oscar Wilde guy to find a poem that wasn't totally sissy and then I find out this!

"You should really stop saying that word."

"Why? Does it hit you where it hurts?"

"It's not a word to just throw around."

"Of course you would say that." I got up from the bed. "You're one of them. I mean, look at this," I pointed at the Tokio Hotel poster on the wall. "Guys in makeup, the tight clothes, long hair. It's a fucking disgrace."

"How does it affect you what other people wear?"

"Well, I'm the one that has to look at it, aren't I?"

Timothy chuckled. "Look the other way!"

"Ugh! You disgust me!"

"Look, all you have to do is pick a few poems-"

"No way! I'm not reciting poems from a-"

I looked into Timothy's demanding eyes.

"You know what I mean. I'm getting enough crap from my friends as is."

Timothy sighed and lay down on his bed. "And why's that?"

"Because you insist on wearing that homo-uniform!"

"And your friends judge you based on who you have to do an assignment with and what that person is wearing?"

I sighed. He just didn't get it.

"They sound more gay than I do..."

"Dude! Don't fucking start with me, okay?"

Bitch boy smirked. "Or else?"

I was about to lunge at him when the door opened.

"Look what I found," Joe strugglingly  pushed a mattress into the room.

"Here, I'll help." I single-handedly lifted the mattress into the room. I glanced at Timothy to see if he was looking but the only thing he was looking at was his phone. He smiling so bright again. Damn Australian.

"Thanks, Josh." Joe said.

"No problem."

"How's the project coming along?"

I grimaced. "Fine."

"Alright buds. Don't go to sleep too late, okay?"

"Yeah sure, dad." Timothy mumbled absently without looking up from his phone.

Joe and I sighed in unison.

Joe smirked at me. "Goodnight. I'm right next door if you need anything." He smacked my arm.

"Thanks." I was honestly not used to this. A caring father.. huh.

I closed the door and faced the devil's spawn himself.

Why did he feel the need to constantly be in contact with that guy?! He'd been over a few hours ago!

I stood in front of him. My body cast a shadow over him but he didn't look up. I shook my head and snatched the phone out of his hands.

"Hey!" Timothy finally looked at me.

"Let's see what you're so busy with, oh you're texting that Australian guy, I'm shocked!"

I walked to the other side of the room.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: I miss u so much bbz

You: miss u 2

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: u should come over

You: u know i can't

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: :(

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: send me a pic then :p

You: ....

You: okay :o

You: gimme a sec

My blood was boiling at this point.

"That's fucking disgusting. You were going to sext him?! Right here?!"

Timothy finally got up from the bed. "Just give it back."

I held his phone up in the air. He had no chance.


How I loved watching him squirm.

"Come on, that's private!" He looked up at me with those massive blue eyes of his.

I shook my head and scrolled up further.

"I wonder if you've sent any yet.."

"Josh!" At this point Timothy was jumping up in a sad attempt to snatch the phone out of my hand.

I scrolled up to a conversation they'd had a couple weeks ago.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: have you tried out my gift yet? xp

You: not yet

You: it looks scary

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: i can help u

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: if u want :p

You: um ok

You: my dad just left xD

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: im at ur front door xp

You: 😳 you're fast

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: just open the door already!!!

You: Coming xD

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊<3: yh u will be xD

What the fuck?! How is that even-

New message (1)

I scrolled down and nearly puked. Bitch boy's boy toy just sent a full frontal pic. He's sticking out his tongue and his eyes are covered by his ratty hair. He has a tongue piercing.. huh.

But ew! Look at his junk! It's fucking disgusting! Who would send this?!

"Ah! My eyes!" I screamed tossing the phone in the air.

Timothy caught it in his hands. "What did you see?! He looked down at the screen and his mouth fell open.

"That's right. I saw your little boyfriend's ding-dong."

"You weren't supposed to see that!" Timothy smacked my arm. It felt like the wind.

I chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't be jerking off to it at night."

"Are you sure? You're the one that keeps asking about him!"

With moderate force I pushed Timothy against the wall. "Hey, just because you like it up the ass doesn't mean that everyone else does, alright?! Keep those sick fucking fantasies to yourself!"

Timothy didn't say anything. He just looked at me, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Got it?" I growled pushing my arm against his chest. I knew I was hurting him. But he didn't let it show. He simply looked away. Suddenly he looked so sad again. I felt a little bad. I loosened my grip on him.

He pushed my arm away and walked out of the room.

I stared after him. I opened my mouth to speak but didn't know what to say.

I waited for him to come back. Ten minutes went by. Another five.. I was beginning to feel really guilty. Who knows, maybe he was out in the bathroom slitting his wrists for all I knew.

I looked at the picture of the anal poet on Timothy's laptop and sighed. Fine. It doesn't really matter which poet we choose. Either way it's gay as fuck anyway.

I started scrolling and went by poem after poem from him, selecting my favorite three. They were all actually really nice. I didn't understand half of them but they sounded nice. I read them in Timothy's voice in my head.

An hour later I was beginning to get nervous again. Where could he be?!

I got up, resolved to search for him when he came into the room.

He avoided eye-contact.

"I finished my part." I said, guilt in my voice.

Timothy nodded. We both stared out the window. Well, this was awkward..

I mean, I knew this was the point where I was supposed to apologize but.. Come on. I couldn't apologize to him. He was too gay.

"Which ones did you choose?" Timothy asked suddenly.

I was surprised he was willing to move on so easily.

"Uh.." I went over to the laptop and sat at the desk. "Look."

Timothy approached me. He leaned over my shoulder and peered at the screen. For whatever reason having him this close to me made me uncomfortable. Well.. It wasn't for whatever reason. The reason was he was gay and he was probably staring at my nuts.

He smirked. "Nice picks."

"I know." I nodded and got up.

Timothy sat at the desk. "Now we only need my notes on your poems and I guess we need to write it on paper later and we're done."

It was past twelve. My dad had called me four times. I was definitely not coming home. I knew he was livid.

I threw my phone on a chair and looked at Timothy. He was typing away on his little laptop. And writing things in a notebook. He was really tiny. The same height as a girl, I'd say. I looked at his hair. It was perfectly in place as always. I wondered how it felt.

I placed my hand on top of his head. It was hard as a rock! How much hairspray did he use?!

He looked up at me. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just shut up and write." I commanded.

That earned me a small chuckle. Timothy continued typing. "And you call me weird."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

Timothy didn't say another word.

I couldn't help myself and touched the back of his neck too. Just as I thought. Very, very soft.

Timothy kept on writing. I kept touching his neck since I was weirdly enthralled by it's softness.

I found myself wanting to touch his shoulders, his chest, his stomach... I wondered what he would do if I did.

My thoughts scared me. When had I started caring about any of this?

"Are you getting ready to strangle me or something?" Timothy said finally. When I didn't respond he looked up at me. His big eyes looked wondrous.

I pulled away. "Yeah." I walked to the other side of the room. "If you don't hurry the fuck up."

"I'm almost done. You can go get ready for bed if you want to. There are new toothbrushes in the bathroom next door um.. towels are in the cabinet if you want to take a shower."

"Yeah.. I'm sure you'd love that."

Timothy sighed. "I'm just trying to be nice."

I knew that. He probably didn't mean anything by it but still. His kindness was beginning to mess with my head, clearly. "Don't."

I walked into the bathroom next door.

I locked it behind me and began to take off my clothes.

Once the warm water hit me I began to think. I thought of everything that had happened today. How Timothy had been making out with his boyfriend, his voice that practically hypnotized me.. the soft touch of his neck..

I wondered if I should jack off. I mean, why not? I was finally alone and it's not like this wasn't totally normal. Come on. I'm a guy. I hadn't had sex since sophomore year and there weren't any girls around right now. Damn, of course I would feel things. I wasn't made of metal and Timothy wasn't exactly Mr. Masculine.

I took my dick into my hands but immediately let go.

No. I wasn't going to do this. I hadn't sunk this low yet.

I finished my shower quickly and only after drying off realized I didn't have any PJ's. And I sure as hell wasn't going to sleep naked with gay boy next to me.

He'd told me about the toothpaste and towels but nothing about clean clothes. This had been his plan all along. To get me to walk into the room naked. And that's when he would attack. I opened the door, anger boiling in my veins.

He was a disgusting, conniving, deviant-

My foot caught on something on the floor. I looked down and found a pair of PJ's perfectly folded in front of me. I looked around but found Timothy nowhere in sight.

I.. I guess he wasn't so bad.

I ignored the relief and warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

I snatched the clothes off the floor and disappeared into the bathroom again.

When I entered Timothy's room I found it empty. I looked to my left and saw the bathroom door was locked. I heard the shower. ...He was taking a shower. Damn, he was quick.

Alone in his room I felt a strange sense of curiosity. He was too perfect. Too nice. Too calm. He had to have a secret. He was gay, remember? There had to be something wrong with him other than just that fact!

I walked around the room opening random drawers and closet doors. His wardrobe was massive. But even though his room looked mostly tidy his closet was a mess. The clothes were stuffed in corners, some only halfway on their hangers.

I searched but found nothing abnormal.

I moved on to his bedside table. I looked behind me to make sure he wasn't done showering.

When the coast was clear I opened the drawer and sighed of disappointment. Nothing but boring old books.

With a frustrated sigh I closed the drawer and sat down on the floor. My foot hit against something under the bed.

I frowned and pulled out a black plastic box.

"What's this?" I wondered aloud.

Porn stash?

I smirked. I knew it. There was no way he was that clean. Now my curiosity was piqued. I wondered what gay porn magazines looked like. I wondered what kind he subscribed to.

I clicked open the handles and took off the lid. My jaw dropped when I realized what was inside.

Sex toys.

This was a sex toy chest.

No fucking way.

There were dildos, some more realistic then others. Then there were these oval shaped things, some butt plugs but the worst thing, the thing that traumatized me..

A unicorn horn. A shiny, pearly unicorn horn with a tail at the end.

"What the fuck?!" I couldn't help but scream.

Did he.. Did he put these in his..? How could anyone ever...?

"What are you doing?" I heard from behind me.

Shit! Was my first thought. I shot up from the bed, unicorn dildo in hand.

The hairs of the tail tickled my skin. I dropped it to the floor. That's when I realized I wasn't the one that had explaining to do.

"What is all this stuff?! I mean.. I knew you were twisted but this is fucking.. What is this? Some pleasure toy-chest?"

"You have no right to go through my things! What is wrong with you!"

"What is wrong with me?! I'm not the one putting fucking horns in my ass! You actually like that stuff? Does it feel good?"

Timothy was blushing big. He was staring at the floor. His wet, floppy hair dripped water to the ground.

"Is this what you use when your boyfriend isn't around?" My tone was mocking but inside I was curious. I wondered how it felt for him to use those toys. What faces he made. How his angelic voice would sound.

"Why don't you try it right now?" I continued taking a step forward. "I mean, I'm sure you'd get off on it. A straight dude watching you fuck yourself. Go on. Do it."

"Stop," He mumbled.

"Stop." I mimicked him. I knew I was being immature.

I could tell he felt ashamed. I guess he is a pretty timid guy and this right here was probably his worst nightmare.

His hands were balled into fists.

No homo, but he looked pretty cute. He wore loose shorts with skulls all over with a black T-shirt. His hair was wet and soft-looking. Not so unnaturally perfect as before. He was playing with the cords on his shorts.

"How does it feel?" I asked quietly, trying not to sound judgmental.

Timothy peeked up at me from underneath his hair.

I had to look away for a second to regain myself.

"Is... that a serious question?" He looked a little confused. Wary.

"Yeah." I grabbed the unicorn dick and put it back into the box.

"Um.." Timothy shifted on his feet.

He obviously didn't want to talk about this subject but.. he had no choice. Well, he had two options: either answer or I'd beat him to a pulp. Quite simple.

"It's like.. You know when you're on a roller coaster.." He only sometimes glanced at me before looking around the room. "When you're going up there's a buildup of nerves and stuff. And then there's the moment when you reach the top.. right before you fall. Those tingles.. I guess it's kind of like that." He brushed some hair behind his ears and shyly glanced my way.

He was very articulate. I kind of knew what he meant. I mean, I knew what an orgasm felt like. Still, having a six inch dildo up your ass must be a little different. I wanted him to show me. I wanted to see him use it.

I glowered at him in frustration. Here he went again, making me think about all this gay shit. He was corrupting me. I could feel it happening. Was he doing it on purpose?

"Let's just go to bed." I grumbled, pushing the black box back under the bed.

Timothy closed the bathroom door and sighed of relief.

"You can take the bed if you want." He stood by the light switch.

I can take the bed? What am I? Some sort of princess?

"You take it. It's probably contaminated."

Timothy said nothing and turned off the light.

I made my way to the mattress on on the floor. It was stupid comfy for a simple mattress.

Timothy crawled into bed too. I was much too aware of his presence. His every move I noticed.

After a while I sat up. I looked at him. His hair was sprawled out over the pillow.

I reached out to touch it when he turned around. My heart made a little jump.

His eyes were big in surprise but he said nothing.

His eyes..


Fuck it.

I pulled myself up on the bed, never breaking eye contact with Timothy. He moved back until he hit the wall behind him. We were staring at each other intensely.

I was so frustrated with him. I wanted to grab his face and..

"Did... did you want the bed after all?" He asked.

I had to control every inch of myself to not push him against the mattress and kiss him so hard he fainted. Because that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss him.

I soon enough realized how crazy and disturbed I sounded. I also realized I was hard. Again.

I pulled away and smoothly went back to the mattress. I covered myself under the blanket and squeezed my eyes closed.

This wasn't happening.

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