Earth and Wolves

By allhailwhovians

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Kaitlyn Evena met a boy. That's typically a girl's downfall, right? Where her story gets a bit chaotic, but s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Sixteen

123 32 5
By allhailwhovians

          Waking up the next morning, I pushed myself from the bed and stumbled around getting ready for my day that I'm spending with Tyler. I sent him a text telling him to be ready in ten as I struggled to pull my shoe over my heel, rushing to the bathroom to pull my hair into a messy bun and apply a bit of makeup. When I was finished I started to scrawl a note to the sleeping Devon, but stopped fascinated by how cute he was sleeping. Then he reached out toward the right side of the bed, where I slept the previous night. He took a second and with a confused sleepy groan, sat up and spotted me next to him.

Devon wrapped his arms around me yawning. "Why are you awake at like five in the morning?" He mumbled, burying his face into my belly.

          "It's nine thirty sweetie. I have a date remember? Tyler and I are going to go out and spend the day together, while you, my love, get some sleep and then help my aunt and grandma around the house."
          He groaned again this time much groggier and I giggled, he fell back onto the pillows arms slipping down to my hips before dropping completely. I kissed his dear lips gently and slipped away as he fell back asleep.

Tyler was leaning against the front door hallway waiting for me, drowsily. He grinned suddenly, pulling me outside at a rapid pace, as I somehow managed to pull my keys from my bag, a hard task considering the only arm I had was the arm carrying the bag, not to mention he was dragging me at a full sprint... sideways.

          "Ty!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him when we arrived at our destination. I hopped in the driver side and once settled, was about to pull out of of the driveway when when I got a text. I slipped out my phone and scanned it, smiling before throwing it in the cup holder and getting away from the glorious beach house.

Morning honey. Have fun with Tyler. I love you Kitty.

          We pulled into town and I snorted when Sara made a snarky comment.

You know you live in a small town if fourth street is at the end of it.

Ty raised an eyebrow "What?"

"Nothing, Sara is just an idiot."


"Never mind." I smirked turning onto main. "So what do you wanna do?"

          "Um. Not much to do. We don't have a movie theater, but we have a bowling alley, and I think-"

"Bowling? I have never been. Sounds like a good enough bonding experience."

"Bonding? Is that why you, turn right, wanted to hang out with me?"

          "I would be lying if I said no, but I also came all this way and haven't really hung out with you. I love Devon but you are my family, who I just met. I want to get to know you. And also be known as the coolest cousin ever. It's too bad your twin sisters aren't old enough to appreciate the young me."
          He just smiled at me, jumping out of the car. I had just stopped in front of a dreary, grey, one story building with faded writing that said: Bowling Stars. The writing underneath made me smirk at the bad pun, What Happens In The Bowling Alley Stays In The Bowling Alley. I stepped out and followed Ty into the establishment, and to the front desk. Tyler started to pay but I quickly stopped his arm, grasping his elbow.

"You have a job, and you earn money that you don't have to, and shouldn't have to spend on your dumb cousin dragging you bowling. I'll pay for this and you can pay for absolutely nothing of mine."

          "The rule is, the guy pays for the girl. Always. "

"Do you pay for your mother?" I snapped sliding the money over to the clerk.

          "No, but-"

"It's fine Ty. Trust me. I'm older anyways. Responsibility really." I told the clerk I have size six and a half and she handed me a brand new pair of black shoes.

"Can I get your shoes when you put these on? I know it's a stupid rule but it seems to make my manager feel better." I smiled, and kicked my shoes off before handing them to her, and she set them under her counter.

          "Thank you." Tyler huffed and sat down next to me on the bench and we prepared our feet for the harsh task of bowling. Or easy. I wouldn't know. I have never been bowling before as I previously mentioned.

We went to our lane and Ty let me go first, which might have been a nice gesture but I had no idea what I was doing. But of course I went ahead and grabbed the ball, putting my fingers in the slots and pulled my arm back to toss it or whatever the term is for doing this. I gasped as it slipped from my fingers, hitting the floor behind me with a harsh thump, and then the ball decided to crash into my heel. I yelped pulling my foot up to avoid any more pain, but my foot caught the ball, rolling back and causing my balance to leave me.

          With a bit of trouble I stood up, ignoring Tyler who appeared to be in pain from laughing so hard. I could practically hear the snicker of the bowling pins from across the room.

"Your move."

          Tyler silently stood up and grabbed a ball. He took a deep breath and let go. The ball somehow managed to knock down all pins but one, and I was astonished at this talent that Ty seemed to have.

Who's laughing now? Sara snickered, referring to my hallucinatory laughing pins.

          I highfived Ty, who in turn asked me to go get food. It's ten in the morning and he wants bowling ally food? Of course I agreed coming back with a half pizza and a giant thing of nachos.  He had gotten the pin knocked down and I smirked at him.

"Hey Tyler! What's up man?" Another teenager came up to us, with a few friends tagging behind him. He seemed to know him pretty well, and the conversation flowed naturally.

          "Just bowling with Kaitlyn."

"Are you...?" He raised his eyebrows at Ty.

          "What?! Of course not. Kaitlyn's my cousin." The tension radiating from the girl peeking behind the man talking to Ty behind him seemed to disappear and I smiled at the gorgeous, dark skinned brunette.

"Oh that's chill. 'Nessa just did that one thing." He got pinched by who I assumed was his sister, seeing as they have same eyes and facial structure, not to mention skin tone.

'Nessa' caught Ty's unwavering stare, and blushed looking down.

"So we are going bowling to cheer her up 'ya know?"

          "Sure do. Do you wanna join our game? We just started and I am the only one to have actually have knocked down any pins." Tyler smirked and I just growled returning to the booth where our food was sitting and started picking at the nachos. Ty just jumped over the back, landing on the cushioned seat, and his friends joined us. The other guy who was human as compared to the wolves who came in with him, winked at me with a smirk on his face, sliding into the booth next to me.

"Hey" he murmured, and I shrank into Tyler a teeny bit.


"So do you live around here?" He put his arm on the booth back, and I rigidly shook my head a no.

          "Oh where do you live."

"I live in Washington."

Tyler was immersed in a conversation with 'Nessa already and her brother was just listening to them.

"Oh maybe we could go out before you leave. I would love to show you the town."

            You can see most of it from that window. Sara growled.

"As appealing as that is, I already have plans tomorrow with my boyfriend, and the other two days I am spending with my family. Thank you for the offer though."

          "My pleasure." He took his arm off the back and excused himself. "I'm David by the way." 'Nessa's brother reached across the table to shake my hand.

"Kaitlyn." I grinned at him before standing. "Hey Ty. Do you think Devon could borrow your car? He won't be here long. I just need him to bring me my prescription, I forgot to take it and I feel a migraine coming on."

          "Yeah the keys are on my TV stand. Tell him to be careful."

"Thank you so much."

I called Devon and replayed that information.

"Okay babe. Do you need anything else?"

          "Do you know how to bowl?"

"Not a clue."

          "Then nope."

"Okay I'll be there in a few. Love you to the moon and back Kitty."

          "I love you to infinity and beyond."

"I guess you win this round... again. Bye my love." He hung up and I had those few seconds where I got chills from missing his sexy voice.

          "You're my mate." 'Nessa suddenly blurted out and Ty looked absolutely in love at that moment. Was that what Devon and I looked like? Because we're doing the world a favor. It was like they were radiating happiness.

"Oh, I know." David stared at him and they both stood up, ready to bowl again I guess

          I tried my luck at injuring myself some more. By this time David's friend was back, and I just ignored him. It wasn't that he was a bad person but it makes me uncomfortable with people after I am hit on.

          I just managed to knock two pins down after after I pushed the ball down the lane. Nobody seemed to want to teach me how, and honestly I think they were amused by my inexperience.

Someone grabbed me from behind and I immediately knew it was Devon because I am so used to his arms by now, and his amazing scent.

          "Hey baby girl." His voice was husky in my ear, and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Devon!" I turned around in his arms and wrapped my own around his neck, standing on his feet, as well on my tip toes to bury my face in his neck.

My head is throbbing.

I know baby, I have your pills right here. Do you want them now?

          I nodded feebly and he pulled me to the booth and sat me down.

"I'll be right back sweetie."

          Ty winked at me.

"Get some."

          "I don't endorse sexual P.D.A in a bowling alley at all, especially since this is a public place and both of us would become registered sex offender's considering that it is illegal to do so." Devon commented making me want to 'get some'

"Shut up nerd."

          "Hey at least if I wanted to, I could get some." He turned toward Tyler smirking as he set down two pills and a soda next to me.

I pinched his butt as I popped the tablets in my mouth and he sat down on my lap. A huff escaped my lips and he looked at me sweetly over his shoulder. I leaned into him and rubbed his shoulders gently instead of pushing him off.

          "I have to go and help your aunt. Did you know she collects wolf memorabilia like you? She is totally chill in my book." I felt my heart swell over him bonding with my family.

"Okay Dove." He kissed me softly, and and I felt absolutely wonderful for the few seconds it lasted, sighing when he pulled away.

          "Kkiiitttty Caaaattt!!"My cousin whined so I stood up, and sent a wink to my mate who turned around to wave goodbye before leaving.

"Tyyyyyyeeeeeeeelllllllleeerrrrr!" I responded.

          "Bowling is boring and you suck at it. We should go somewhere else."

"Your pick cousin."

          Tyler and I then went to the coffee shop where we met and I got a vanilla chai, sipping on it as we started walking towards a park that was a street away.

"So what are you interested in?" I asked skipping ahead of him, halting and turning towards Ty with about a half dozen feet between us.

          "I really love to play the saxophone. Best instrument...ever!"

Is a doctor's tools not instruments anymore, because I think those are my favorite.

           Stop being so sarcastic today. He's passionate about this. Shut up.

Sara just chuckled, again becoming an observer.

          "What got you into playing?"

"Mom gave it to me as a Christmas gift one year, fifth I think, and payed for my lessons. Been playing ever since. "

          "It's great you have your thing. Most people go their whole life without finding out what their thing is. I think mine is the earth. Have you ever just layed down and listened to her?" I drug Ty over to the edge of the woods, where there was natural clean grass. Then gently pushed myself down to the soft land, and leaned my head against the earth listening to the birds, and all the animal life in the park, Ty awkwardly followed suit. I listened to the gorgeous sound of nature, and looked around me. Northern California is a really pretty place. Gorgeous trees, and it is mostly undisturbed, a lot like Washington State.

"Uh. It's definitely going to rain. " Ty said suddenly and I looked to the grey skies.

          "I wouldn't be able to tell because it's so foggy here."

"Like Washington's any better."

          "At least I can tell if it's going to rain." I pushed his sitting posture over and laughed when he growled.

"Tyler!" A man called out.

          Did I mention it's a small town?

Shut up hypocrite.

          "Fuck." Tyler muttered so low a human couldn't have heard it, but I'm not a human.

Wolf! Sara screamed at me when I caught his scent.

          "Who are you?" The twenty something man asked me.

"None of your business."I answered standing up, just when the rain started to fall. It took seconds for the rain to soak through, and it was pouring buckets.

          "Respect your elders, child."

"Excuse me? Who do you-"

          Ty cut me off quickly, "not worth it."

"Tyler! Long time no see. Is that your girlfriend?" His eyes flashed dark.

           "No, we really have to go."

"Miss you son."

           "That's great. But I have to get her home, right now. " Tyler seemed to be begging.

Who is this and why are you acting so weird? I asked him.

  Just someone who knew me when I was a kid. Bad news. Bad news.

I stared at the side of Ty's face for a good thirty seconds.

What did he do? You can trust me Tyler.

Tyler sighed and explained, tears starting to run down his face. The initial shock wore off pretty fast and I suddenly hated this horrid creature in front me.

          I felt my clothing tear as I attacked this thing. His face was what I managed to claw when he himself transformed.

I fought hard, until I was drug away by a panting Devon. Blood stained my face and I ignored the smell of it, knowing it would would wash out in the rain.

What the hell Kaitlyn!?
          I snarled at the man, Sorax. His name even sounds evil. I tried jumping over Devon to snap this demon's neck.


          YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE DID! I screamed at him, and then started to talk to Sorax. I WILL TEAR YOU APART!

Shut up child, you have no right to touch me! His voice in my head disgusted me.

Baby girl please? Just calm down for a second. Tyler left to get our clothes, just get out of the open!

I complied, growling as I was pushed into the trees behind us by Devon.

          The disgrace to wolf kind just shook his giant head, and took off in the opposite direction, toward a different stretch of redwoods, disappearing.

I shook in adrenaline, falling to the ground as soon as we were away from view.

          "Why in the world would you do that Kaitlyn?" Devon asked his body now sitting against a tree.
          I shifted and slid down the tree across from him and put my face into my knees, hiding as much of my battered body I could behind my legs.

"It's not my story to tell." A large brown haired wolf suddenly dropped several clothing items at my feet before nuzzling his wet face into my shoulder.

          Smiling I slid my fingers into his fur and kissed his nose and Devon grabbed his clothes, quickly putting them on, and I myself did likewise. Tyler was the last to put on anything, and at that moment I realized that he had forgotten my shoes and I just demolished the pair I was wearing. On a normal day I would have loved to go barefoot but this is a park, not to mention it is still raining like crazy. The earth glorious and fresh smelling, but dangerous to a teenage girl who could get hypothermia, frost bite or tetanus.

Dove? I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking and I shouldn't have-

          I lost my train of thought as his lips crashed into mine, pushing me into a tree, lifting me so I was able to wrap my legs around his torso.

"Kitty, I am just so glad you are okay..." his lips touched mine again and I melted into him feeling aroused, but then pulled away, remembering we weren't alone.

      Not to mention how hot you are wet and naked.

I smacked his shoulder, sliding down his body. Devon just winked at me smoothly, and I shook my head.

          "Just give me a piggy back ride so I can go to the car."

I don't want to tell mom, it's so embarrassing. Ty sighed.

She needs to know. There is so much more to it than that. He is a rapist and a molester. It's not okay, and Aunt Lorraine needs to do things for you. I'm sure you could put this idiot out of a pack if you told your mother the truth. You should stop him from doing it anymore. But it is entirely your decision.

Okay I'll do it, and I guess that Devon deserves to know the gist of it, so he knows you aren't insane. I'll tell him.

          Wait! You...I felt Devon tense up incredibly as we arrived at the car, and I suddenly felt a nasty pain in my shoulder. It took me a second before I realized what happened, and I got out from his arms blocking the link that allowed him to take away my pain. Pulling a muscle isn't that bad anyway, just really uncomfortable and a dash of painful.

Falling into the backseat I closed the door and leaned against it as soon I had buckled.  It wasn't long before I fell back to sleep.

          I awoke in Devon's arms on our way through my grandparents door, causing me to jump from them. I stalked into the living room, trying to pretend I wasn't sleepy.

It looked like Ty and Aunt Lorraine were having that conversation now, the twins in were in their playpin, so I'll meet them later, instead I went straight up the stairs with Devon following behind me. I just went and took a quick shower, and got ready for the evening in some spandex for now and a crop top so I didn't have to dress up. It's pretty late already anyways.

          Devon had changed as well into just a regular outfit, jeans, his black v-neck, and his leather jacket. Now he was just laying on his back watching tv. I went and cuddled into his side, really tired from today. Devon looked down at me for a second and pulled my body so I was straddling him.

"I love you sweetie."

          "I love you too Devvie-bear." He growled playfully pushing me over, so I just fell, but then he suddenly grabbed me again before saying the cutest words to me.

"Go put on something nice, like that pretty dress we bought a couple weeks ago. I wanna take you for a walk my love." That was spontaneous.

          "Why? It's raining."

"It's stopped my dear."

          "Oh okay. I'll do that now then." I stood up putting on the mint high-low dress in front of him. He smirked at the view, so I threw the shoe I was going to put on at him. He caught it gracefully before tossing it back with the same smirk planted on his face. I slipped on the black lacy flat and he stood up pulling me to the door.

"Okay! No need to rush. It's half past eleven o'clock already! Not like I'm going to be getting any sleep tonight."

          "Sorry baby." He walked me out the front door quickly and I giggled at him. We were about halfway to the pathway that lead to the beach when the cold air finally hit me. It's freezing out!

"Babe it's cold out. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

           "I don't know if it's a good idea but yolo." He answered, shrugging off his coat and putting it over my shoulders.

"First off, never say that again. Second, won't you be cold? I can't cuddle with a Popsicle tonight." I moved closer to him, and he continued to walk down the trail.

          "I'll be fine Kitten." He pulled me in front of him and wrapped his arms around me gently. I leaned into him for a second before dancing ahead, suddenly hyper. I heard Devon chuckle so I stopped, turning toward him and just stood there blocking his path way.

"Just gonna stand there?" He asked, his dimples showing and I felt pride in knowing this is my soul mate.

          "Maybe." I laughed.

Then I watched as his eyes got this mischievous glint in them and shrieked when he swooped me into his arms. His lips brushed mine slightly before he switched from cradling me to throwing me over his shoulder.

          I sighed and got comfortable, or as comfy as I could get hanging upside down. He suddenly stopped and I was set down, immediately noticed how there was lights behind me, so I cautiously turned around and gasped inwardly. 80's classics played in the background so softly you almost couldn't hear whilst the full moon shone so bright, and what I saw was the cutest thing thing he has ever done for me. There was thousands of little tea lights littering the beach surrounding words drawn in the sand:


          I turned around to him, my face lit up with delight.

"You remembered!" Our lips met and danced in the candlelight. He stopped suddenly and looked at my eyes giving me chills as he searched them, his baby blue eyes shining in the most beautiful way. I felt something stir inside of me and I fell into the dark pit that is lust.

          He stared at me with such passion before he started speaking, "I waited until it was midnight to show you this, because today is the official day. Already I am so nervous. I know that we have been together for only six months, but it feels like an eternity and I want to spend the rest of that eternity with you. I know we are still teenagers but you are my soulmate. My one and only. The only person I rely on to live, and humans may not be very good at finding their soulmate because their connection is weak, but I managed to find mine while I'm still young. So I am asking this question not because I want to run away away and elope with you," He got down on one knee, and I realized what he was saying and I felt tears come to my eyes. "But because I want want to make a promise to you that you are the woman for me, and the only one I will ever fall in love with...Will you marry me Kaitlyn Marinne Evena?"

I stood there in absolute disbelief for a second. I hadn't even seen this coming. This must have been done with the help of Aunt Lorainne. He held the gorgeous ring out to me, and my heart was beating a hundred miles per hour. I have a prince charming, my own knight in shining armor. And he's going to be legally mine. I somehow found my voice despite the fact I was having an emotion overload as I looked at my boyfriend standing on one knee in front of me.

          "Oh my gosh! Yes!" I choked out trying not to cry too hard. His beautiful face lit up when when he slipped the astonishing diamond on my finger and next thing I knew, I was in his arms and leaning down to kiss him with the most passionate feeling I could muster, and he kissed me back. My legs tightened their grip around his body, as I tugged at his shirt. It took him a second but he took it off, and did so in the sexiest way possible, reaching behind him in one swift motion and then it was on the ground. I ran my fingers across his chest, loving his body, and how toned he is. I jumped from my perch on Devon and landed on the sandy beach easily enough, and as soon as I did I reached for the zipper of my dress. His hand stopped me from going farther.

"Are you sure? Kitty I-" the dress slipped off my shoulders, and I let it fall off my body.             

          "Devon, shut up." And he did.

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