When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

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Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 35

131 10 8
By Leiaricca12345

They headed to their meeting point, where Jinsol already was, leaning against her blue BMW.

"How was it?" she asked as they arrived, approaching to meet them.

"It was..." Hyunjin started, trying to find the best words. "Weirdly pleasant."

Jinsol irked an eyebrow. "Really? Wasn't it scary or anything?"

"Not really."

"Okay, that's nice, right?"

Hyejoo shrugged, walking ahead and hopping inside Jinsol's car. Jinsol frowned.

"Yves was there too, you know." Hyunjin sighed. "We'll talk better at home, let's go for now."

And all the way during the ride, amidst everything in Hyunjin's mind, there was one thought ringing louder than the others.

"So, Vivi wants to fight alongside you?" Jinsol's eyebrows were high in her forehead as they explained the whole conversation, already in Jiwoo's house.

"Yeah. And we will," Hyunjin said. "The Blood Alliance will not stand a chance if we work together."

Jiwoo bounced her legs, an ear to ear grin in her face. "Oh man, is it weird that I'm this excited?"

Jungeun shook her head with a chuckle.

"I am, too." Hyunjin nodded. "I can see the end approaching, and I can't wait for all of this to be over. Also, I have something else to say. I want us to go back to my house."

The girls were too surprised to say something right away.

"I-Is it safe?" Heejin asked.

"I was thinking about it in our way here. I think it's safe to say the Silver Blades are on our side, even if just for now. And there's no way for them to know we're back either. As for the Blood Alliance, don't they have other things to worry about? And everything is gonna be over soon. I mean it. Also, it's important for us to be close. Chaewon needs to get her hand checked frequently."

"I vote yes!" Jiwoo said, followed by nods in agreement from the other girls.

"Go pack, then. We leave tonight, so Jinsol doesn't have to come pick us up some other time." Hyunjin got on her feet and headed upstairs with the others.

Heejin closed the door to their room with a heavy sigh.

"What is it?" Hyunjin turned to her.

"Everything is happening so fast."

Hyunjin approached her and wrapped her arms around her waist. "I know. How do you feel? About the meeting."

"I don't know. A lot of mixed feelings. The things they do there without anyone else having a clue, them wanting to fight with us... It's a lot to take in, but at the same time, I'm relieved that things are going this way. Does it make sense?"

"It does. I feel the same. What about Yves?"

"She can be very strict and professional, but she showed emotions today. I won't lie, I felt like hugging her when I saw her. I missed her and she's making an effort to change. I know it, and I know the struggle, but I still feel a little resentful. Was I too harsh with her?"

"I honestly was more surprised because Vivi was there. Don't worry about that now. If things go well, you can apologize some time later. Soon, this will all be over."

"I hope so." Heejin hugged her, hiding her face in the crook of her neck. "Provided we come out victorious."

Hyunjin squeezed her, kissing her head. "I know we will."

"What about you? How are you feeling?"

Hyunjin looked up, wondering about it herself for a second. "Not sure myself. It feels like there's so much in my mind, but nothing at the same time. Learning everything about the Silver Blades, what they do there, the whole conversation... But somehow, it's like I trust Vivi. I felt like she really listened to me, instead of just dismissing whatever I was saying. So I'm rather calm and hoping things will eventually get better, instead of being angry. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. I think I'm kinda like that as well."

A comfortable silence settled in as they stood hugging each other, but time was ticking. "Let's pack, or else we'll arrive later than we were planning, and poor Jinsol needs some sleep too," Hyunjin said, pulling away to kiss her lips.

In an instant, they had everything packed. Taking one last look around the room, they went downstairs, almost at the same time as the others.

"Go ahead and take your things to Jinsol's car, I have a mission now." Hyunjin looked at the couch, where her cats laid comfortably. They looked at Hyunjin, unbothered, but the second she lifted the transport boxes, Selene ran. "Hey, we're going back home, don't be like this!"

Heejin giggled as Hyunjin ran after Selene, trying to lure her with a treat. With Heejin's help, they were finally able to get a hold on the black cat, who hissed at Hyunjin and bit her hands. Heejin opened the cage and Hyunjin stuffed her inside, locking it next. "I'm sorry baby, but we need to go!"

Selene hissed once again, showing her sharp teeth at her.

"Can you take her to Jinsol's car while I grab Diana, please?" Hyunjin asked, handing Heejin the cage.

Heejin went outside while Hyunjin put Diana inside hers with no effort at all. The grey fluffy cat laid there, ready to go back to sleep as if she was in the couch. "You're such a sweet girl." Hyunjin gave her a few scratches under her ears and walked outside to hand the cage to Jungeun.

After checking all the rooms one last time for things they may have left behind, they were ready to go back. Heejin's guitar was the last thing they stuffed in the trunk, as it had to go on top of everything, but thankfully, it still fit.

It was almost eleven when they arrived at Hyunjin's house, sleepy and tired.

"Thank you so much again, Jinsol." Hyunjin hugged the girl.

"No worries, I'm always glad to help. Get some rest, okay?"

"You too."

Jinsol got in her car but before she could drive away, Hyunjin leaned on the open window.

"By the way, how's things with Yerim?"


But the way Jinsol's heart skipped a beat said otherwise. "Spit it out."

Jinsol rolled her eyes. "I-I asked her out for dinner some time during this week or the next or whenever she's free or she feels like it."

"But that's great!" Hyunjin laughed, playfully smacking her arm. "Unless she turned you down. Please don't tell me she turned you down."

"She didn't." Jinsol's lips stretched into a shy grin. "She was all smiles when I invited her."

"Oh, for the love of the moon, just tell her then! Take her to a nice restaurant, then take a walk by the river, and please, please, tell her."

"A confession by the river? Have you been watching dramas or what?"

"Actually, yeah, Jiwoo loves those."

Jinsol laughed. "I'll think about it. What about you and Heejin? Are you still just fuck buddies or...?"

"We talked about feelings again, and... We do like each other."

"Just say you love the girl, we all know."

"Yes, I do love her."

Jinsol gasped, taking a hand to her chest and another to clean a fake tear. "My baby is in love, and has a girlfriend... Oh, I'm so emotional right now."

"Shut it. Go home." Hyunjin straighened herself, crossing her arms. "And I'm not sure if... it's right to say she's my girlfriend yet."

"What? Why not?"

"I don't know. I didn't really... ask. I don't want to assume."

"You don't need to formally get on your knee, grab her hand and ask 'Heejin, will you be my girlfriend?' for her to be your girlfriend. You love each other, you do all the stuff a couple does."

Hyunjin took a hand to her neck, scratching the roots of her hair. "I guess so."

Jinsol shook her head. "If you're not sure, then go ahead and ask her."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm serious!" Jinsol narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at her.

"I know you are. Now go, it's late and you need to rest as well."

They bid good night as she drove away, and before going back inside home, Hyunjin looked up at the sky. How she missed looking at the night sky from her own house.

Selene and Diana ran around the house like crazy. They missed it too.

"Everyone, let's go to sleep. It was another long and tiring day," Hyunjin said.

"Wait, shouldn't we have gone with Jinsol, like we used to?" Jungeun said.

"Don't worry, you'll be sleeping in my brother's room."

"Is that really okay?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yes. The bed is big enough for the both of you. Hyejoo, Chaewon, is it okay for you to sleep here as you did before?"

They nodded from the couch. Were they that tired, or was just too much on their minds?

After preparing to sleep and wishing each other good night, they went to their rooms. Hyunjin took off her t-shirt, beaming as she threw her body to her bed with a content sigh.

"I missed my bed so much."

"We slept here the other night." Heejin stared down at her, still standing.

"I know, but it wasn't the time to think about how great it felt to be here. And now, we're back for good."

Heejin gave her a nod, her eyes averting somewhere else, around the room. Hyunjin observed her with a frown.

"Is everything alright?" Hyunjin sat up.


"It's not."

Closing her eyes for a second, Heejin sighed. "I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, but I kind of... eavesdropped on your conversation with Jinsol earlier."

"You can do that from so far away already?" Hyunjin was ready to compliment her on her amazing progress, but then remembered the subject of that conversation. "Oh."

"I do love you too, Hyunjin. And... I thought you wanted to, you know, be in a relationship with me."

Hyunjin jumped on her feet, panic flowing in her body as she approached her and held her cheeks so Heejin could look back at the sincerity in her eyes. "I do! I just didn't know if you wanted to, since we didn't actually talk about that. I didn't want to think we are when, I don't know, you weren't ready or..." Hyunjin sighed, dropping her head and her hands. "I'm sorry. I messed up, didn't I?"

A hand in Hyunjin's chin made her lift her head, and when Hyunjin expected the worst to happen, Heejin kissed her, sweet and caring.

"You didn't." Heejin rested her forehead against Hyunjin's. "Then, will you be-"

Hyunjin got down on one knee, holding her hands. "Will you be my girlfriend, Heejin?"

"G-Get up!" Heejin pulled her up, her cheeks getting redder by the second.

Hyunjin chuckled. "Sorry, Jinsol said it!"

"She said you didn't have to do that, and you went and did it anyway!"

"Exactly." Hyunjin smiled, her eyes turning into crescents, and Heejin froze in time.

"You are so, so cute, Hyunjinie." Heejin cupped her cheek. "Yes, I am your girlfriend."

She tried, Hyunjin swore she tried not to smile that widely, but she failed miserably, and could only look down not to embarrass herself even further.

"I'm sorry again for eavesdropping, I should have stopped myself," Heejin said.

"It's okay. I know it's tempting to try it out and listen to things around you. I am guilty of that myself."

"Yeah, tell me about it. Always paying attention to my heart..." Heejin huffed.

"Beating oh-so-fast with me around."

"Go ahead, make fun of me." Heejin pouted, crossing her arms.

"It beat so hard whenever I undressed, you're so weak-"

Heejin threw herself at Hyunjin, the both of them falling on the bed in a giggling mess.

"It's unfair!" Hyunjin tried to mimic Heejin's deep voice. "The heart can denounce people!"

"Stop it!"

Heejin tried to reach for Hyunjin's mouth so she could shut her up, but Hyunjin grabbed both her wrists. So instead, Heejin shut her with her lips, and Hyunjin melted the same second. The kiss heated in no time, Hyunjin's hands roaming up and down Heejin's sides, until she pulled away in rushed breaths.

"Did I do something?" Hyunjin asked, stopping as well.

"No, it's just..." Heejin opened her eyes, revealing her bright pink irises. "My senses."

"Oh." Hyunjin smirked. "Now you know how it feels."

"You really weren't exaggerating..."

"Wanna keep finding out how it really feels?" Hyunjin asked in a whisper, outlining her sides once again, barely touching her skin to tease her.

Heejin inhaled. "I think-"

"I SAID I WON'T DO IT!" Hyejoo's voice boomed in the house so loud it startled both girls.

"What in the moon?" Hyunjin sighed. "What's going on right now? Can those girls stop fighting for a bit?"

"You're not the one that gets to decide for me!" It was Chaewon's voice now, as loud as Hyejoo's.

"I'm gonna go see what's happening," Hyunjin said.

"Shit, my eyes are on!" Heejin said.

"You can force them to reverse, just stay here until that happens."

Just like in that same morning, Hyunjin opened the door at the same time as Jiwoo did. They shared a look with a sigh before rushing downstairs.

Hyejoo sat, face hidden in her hands, and Chaewon stood, tears running down eyes.

"What happened?" Hyunjin asked.

Hyejoo jerked her head to her, jumping on her feet. "Hyunjin, please help me, Gowon is saying some weird things! I think she needs to go to the hospital again."

Hyunjin frowned.

"Just listen to me!" Chaewon said, balling her fists at her sides.

"I don't wanna listen to you when that's what you have to say!" Hyejoo turned to her again.

"Calm down!" Jiwoo stepped in. "Just tell us what's happening!"

"She's saying she wants to be a vampire!" Hyejoo pointed at Chaewon. "She wants me to turn her!"

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