When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

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Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 33

117 10 6
By Leiaricca12345

About two hours later, after Haseul dropped Hyunjin and Heejin where they left Bumblebee the evening before, they arrived at Jiwoo's house. Jiwoo barely had time to open the door, as Hyunjin was already rushing to go check on her cats. They came from upstairs, meowing at them.

"My babies." Hyunjin sat on the floor, hugging them and petting their bellies.

Diana left Hyunjin's lap and ran to Heejin, rubbing her head in her ankles. Heejin smiled and grabbed the cat. "Hi, Diana."

As for Selene, she hissed at Heejin.

"Well, at least it's not only at me now," Hyejoo mumbled, giving Diana a few scratches behind her ears while glaring back at Selene.

"She doesn't like the smell of vampires. But then she gets used to it, eventually. She's just silly, aren't you, Selene?" Hyunjin squeezed her between her arms, and the cat thrashed in her embrace.

"She's gonna scratch your face if you keep doing that to her," Jungeun said.

Hyunjin shrugged. She was more than used to it already. They healed in seconds, anyway.

"Alright, everyone, eat, rest, sleep, whatever," Hyunjin said. "Please just take a break for today."

"Is it... really okay for us to rest?" Jiwoo asked.

"What do you intend to do? It's not like we can go back to the Silver Blades and ask if they need help, or if we could go and attack the Blood Alliance now. We need to think what to do next, but first, take the day to recover, in any way you prefer."

"I'm gonna go upstairs, then," Chaewon said, already on her way, and Hyejoo went after her.

Jungeun sighed, dropping her body on the couch. Jiwoo approached from behind, bending down to kiss the top of her head. "Text him."


"I know you're worried about Yeonjun and Ryujin. Just text him."

"Didn't you guys find them?" Hyunjin asked.

"We tried to find them when we were looking for Heejin and Chaewon, but no sight of them," Jiwoo said.

"But you didn't feel him leave, did you, Jungeun?"

"No, but I'm still worried. For Ryujin as well."

"Try and reach them."

Jungeun nodded, fetching for her phone. Jiwoo sat next to her, head on her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go take a nice shower," Hyunjin said, heading for the stairs, looking behind at Heejin.

Without a word, she followed her. It was silent in the upper level. Maybe Chaewon went to sleep, and Hyejoo was just keeping her company.

Hyunjin stepped inside her room, and the second the door closed, Heejin's body hit hers from behind, her arms squeezing around her stomach. She smiled, resting her arms and hands on top of Heejin's.

"What is it, Heejinie?"

"I just want to be like this for a bit."

Fine by Hyunjin. But, Heejin kept on tightening the grip around her, maybe forgetting for a second that now, she was stronger.

"That hurts a bit," Hyunjin mumbled. "You're really strong."

Heejin let out a small gasp, letting go and taking a step back. Hyunjin turned, meeting her worried eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize..."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Do you already feel anything different?"

"Your scent is stronger."

Hyunjin cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips.

"When can I start practicing?" Heejin asked.

"Whenever you want. I'm here."

"Then let's do it."


"After the shower, let's go outside."

Just like she did with Hyejoo and Yeojin, Hyunjin started from the basics. Explaining all there was to know about their senses and strength, even though Heejin already knew, but she listened well and followed every instruction. She had already activated her eyes earlier with barely any effort, and did it again.

"You're literally not even a day old, and you can already activate your eyes like that," Hyunjin said, staring at her pink eyes.

"It's easy."

"Oh, look at me, my name is Jeon Heejin and this is so easy for me!"

Heejin glared at her and lunged forward. She was fast, way faster than Hyunjin could ever predict she would already be. In a second, Heejin had her pinned down, Hyunjin's front pressed against the soft grass, a hand in the back of her neck and a knee on her back.

"Oh my god," Heejin gasped.

"I'm the one in pain, and you're the one reacting like that?" Hyunjin grunted.

"I realized... Now I am as strong as you."

"Correction," Hyunjin said, with her palms against the soil and a good, strong push, she pulled herself up, sending Heejin stumbling back. She turned, launched at Heejin, the two vampires stumbling around on the grass, until Hyunjin managed to grab her wrists and put them above Heejin's head. "Remember when we did this before, when you thought you even stood a chance?" Hyunjin asked, her face an inch away from hers.

"I remember that I actually got you for a second there."

"Correct, a second. And my correction was, you can now be as strong as me, but not just yet."

Heejin fought back, trying to set herself free, and Hyunjin had to use much more of her strength to keep in place.

"You're struggling." Heejin smirked. "I'm gonna be even stronger than you."

Hyunjin rolled her eyes. "Is that your ultimate goal or something?"

"Nah, I just enjoy teasing you."

"Leave that for another time."

"Who's on top of me like that?"

"If you hate it so much, do something about it."

And it seemed like it did the trick. With a grunt and a strong push outwards, Heejin released her wrists from Hyunjin's strong grip, and the same second, went for Hyunjin's collar, rolling around and pushing her back against the grass. They stared at each other's colorful eyes in silence, and it felt like magic how nothing else mattered at that moment. Hyunjin's arms circled around Heejin's neck so she could pull her into her embrace, and Heejin did not oppose.

"I'm so glad you're here," Hyunjin whispered, closing her eyes. "I was so, so scared of losing you."

"Did he turn me out of revenge?" Heejin asked, resting her head in her favorite spot.

"Yeah. He said something..." Hyunjin clenched her jaw. "About turning you first, and then killing me, so you would live an eternity without me."

There were a few seconds of silence, as if Heejin was too stunned to react, or didn't even know what so say. She scoffed. "He really thought he could kill you?"

"What if he had?"

Heejin supported herself on her elbow, looking at Hyunjin. "I would never rest until he was dead."

"I'm alive, but you can keep that mindset, because I will never rest until he's dead."

"I know. We will end this together. I'm a vampire now, I'll be stronger when we fight again. I pity him, honestly. What a dumb fuck."

Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle at the way Heejin spoke. "Alright, cuddling for five minutes, and then we go back to training."

"Actually, shouldn't we go have lunch?"

She frowned, checking the time on her phone. "You're right. You must be hungry again."

"I am. And I'm worried about the others, I wanna check on them."

"Let's go, then."

After lunch, Chaewon insisted she wanted to be left alone. She stormed upstairs after finishing her food, and Hyejoo didn't even fight back.

"You're gonna keep training in the afternoon?" she asked, taking the last gulp of her bottle, and Heejin nodded. "Mind if I join you?"

"If that's what you want to do, of course."

"I'm gonna go ahead then, I need to get some air," Hyejoo said, rushing to the door.

Jiwoo sighed. "Well, I guess we'll join you as well."

"Did Yeonjun say anything?" Hyunjin asked.

"No. Let's just wait and hope he does," Jungeun said.

Hyunjin rested a hand on her shoulder. "He will. Now, let's go outside? Occupy our minds with something else."

Hyejoo only joined them almost an hour later. Hyunjin couldn't put a finger on what was going on in her head, but she was worried about her. She seemed out of focus, unable to follow Jungeun's movements, like her mind was constantly somewhere else, and Hyunjin couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let's take five," she said, and immediately, Hyejoo turned to walk away.

Hyunjin rushed after her, grabbing her arm. "Hyejoo, wait."

"Didn't you want to take a break?"

"To talk to you."

"About? You don't need to tell me being like this won't change anything. I know that."

Hyunjin opened her mouth, and dropped her head.

"Gowon isn't dealing with it well. She can't accept it, and I can't do anything to help her. I feel awful, I still think it was my fault-"

"Please," Hyunjin halted in front of her, holding her arms. "anything but that. It was not your fault. I understand if you feel bad because you can't do anything to help, but I guarantee you it was not your fault, and she doesn't think that way. You heard her before. She never yelled at you, but she did because of that. Have you thought that maybe that's only making her more anxious about the whole situation? She doesn't need you to feel guilty on top of everything she must be feeling already. She just needs you to be there for her now."

"She does not, you heard her. She wants to be alone."

"What about you, and all the times you stormed away to be alone? She needs time to be alone, to process it herself. Above everything else, this is about her. It's something nobody understands but her. When she's ready, she will want and need all the support she can get. And you can bet yours will be the most important."

It was Hyejoo's turn to be speechless.

"I'm not telling you you can't also be down at this moment. Grieving is just as important. Just please don't dwell too much on it and remember we're all here if you need."

Hyejoo took a step closer and let her forehead hit Hyunjin's shoulder. "I just want Gowon to be okay."

"She will." Hyunjin circled her arms around her, rubbing her back. "Give her time. Not everyone processes things the same way."

They went back to training, and now, Hyejoo was her usual self. Practicing hard, all her mind into the fight.

The girls were having dinner in silence. Chaewon, the only human now, had no company to eat real food, but Hyunjin insisted she would cook for her. Heejin looked at her as she picked on her noodles with a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

"What is it that you miss eating the most?" Heejin suddenly turned to Hyunjin, frowning after taking a large gulp of her blood.



"And coffee. Yeah, I know, with so many nice things to eat, those were my favorites." Hyunjin chuckled.

Hyejoo gasped all of a sudden, stealing everyone's attention.

"What happened?" Jungeun asked.

She had her phone in hand, staring at it with widened eyes.

"S-Sooyoung is calling."

"Yves?!" Jiwoo gasped as well.

"Well, pick up!" Hyunjin said.

"W-Why would I?"

"Why would she call you? Something must have happened!"

Hyejoo kept staring at her phone. Fearing she wouldn't pick up in time, Hyunjin lunged forward and stole the phone from her hand, swiping up on the green circle.

"H-Hyejoo?" Yves' voice cracked.

"She's here, but it's Hyunjin talking."

"Oh, Hyunjin. Well, it was exactly you who I wanted to talk to."

Hyunjin irked an eyebrow. "Me?"

Jiwoo motioned a lot with her hands, mouthing frantically 'put her on speaker!'. Hyunjin rolled her eyes and did so, just in time for Yves to continue.

"There was a meeting today with all the high ranks and our leader, Vivi. After what happened, and knowing you knew about the attack and tried to warn us, Vivi wants to meet up with you."

The girls exchanged confused looks, mouths agape.

"Hello?" Yves said, since there was no answer.

"Y-Yes, I'm here. I... She wants to meet me?"

"You all, in fact. You, Hyejoo, Chaewon, Heejin, and the two other vampires."

"Jungeun and Jiwoo are their names," Hyunjin said. "They're the reason why we could warn you about the attack."

"I apologize, I did not know their names."

"That's okay. Can I ask why she wants to meet us?"

"She has given me her word that she doesn't hold any hostile intentions. I cannot exactly reveal everything, but it is about the vampires who attacked us. I believe Jungeun and Jiwoo were related to them?"

Hyunjin looked at them, and they nodded. "Yes, they were, but not anymore."

"I know they are with you now."

Hyunjin scanned their reactions again, and she could see a lot of worry in their frowns. "Why should we go, though? More than half of us are vampires, how would that be safe for us?"

"Like I said, Vivi has given me her word, and that means I can give you mine too, if that counts for anything. No one will try and harm you. I will receive you myself and take you to Vivi."

"Can't you at least let us in on what it's all about?"

"This isn't something to discuss over the phone, the way we see it. I know we haven't been exactly good listeners the other day, but I guarantee it won't be the case this time."

Jungeun and Jiwoo nodded, and Heejin joined them, giving her a thumbs up. Chaewon shrugged, and Hyejoo sighed, nodding at last.

"Alright. When?"

"Tomorrow at 7:30pm. Meet me by the fountain outside."

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