When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

6.4K 421 241

Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 30

97 10 2
By Leiaricca12345

Hyunjin walked back and forth in her living room, hands running through her face, hair, arms, completely unable to sit still while waiting for Haseul to arrive. Heejin laid on the couch, still unconscious, her heart beating so weak Hyunjin could barely listen to it.

She couldn't even enjoy the fact that they were back at her house, home. If she had ever imagined the moment she would set foot in her house once more, it had to do with anything but Heejin on the brink of death.

No, she couldn't be dying. If Jinyoung's blood still ran in her veins, she couldn't die. But what if she succeeded in sucking it out? What if she was still a human, and was actually dying?

No, no, no.

More tears dwelled in Hyunjin's eyes as she stared at Heejin.

An engine sounded outside. Hyunjin dashed to the door, opening it to see Haseul's car approaching faster than she ever saw her driving. It stopped a couple seconds after, the car drifting as Haseul stepped hard on the brakes.

Haseul stood up and flung the door shut, running to the trunk to fetch her supplies, then ran to Hyunjin.

"What happened?" Haseul asked, out of breath.

Hyunjin grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. Haseul gasped the second she saw Heejin laying down on the couch, skin still too pale to be healthy.

"Jinyoung fed her with his blood. I ran, bit her to try and suck his blood out so she wouldn't turn, but I think I drank too much, and now she needs blood."

"She-She's a vampire?! And you bit her?!"

"I don't know!" Hyunjin threw her arms in the air, frustration taking over her. "Just help her! It was the only thing that came to my mind to try and save her, but I have no idea if it even worked. I don't know if she's human or not, but look at her, she needs blood!"

"Oh, god," Haseul mumbled, a hand to her head, like she was feeling dizzy. "W-What if you feed her blood?"

"What if she's human? She only swallowed a few drops of his blood, I honestly don't know how much it's needed to turn, so what if I managed to somehow clean her blood? I can't feed her blood without knowing!"

Haseul kept staring at Heejin. "Okay, let's do a transfusion."

"Where do you have the blood?"

Haseul folded her sleeves up her arms. "In me. I'm gonna give her some of mine, my blood type is compatible with every other type."

"Thank the Goddess." Hyunjin exhaled, feeling a weight being lifted from her chest. "Thank you, Haseul."

Nodding, Haseul rushed to Heejin.

"Is she okay there?" Hyunjin asked. "Do you want me to put her somewhere else?"

"She's okay like this, just bring me a chair, please."

In an almost literal second, a chair was right beside Haseul. She widened her eyes for a second before mumbling a thanks, and sat down. From her bag, she took a syringe, some cloth, and a bottle of some transparent liquid.

Hyunjin sat on her armchair and observed as Haseul soaked the cloth with the liquid, and carefully grabbing Heejin's arm, she rested it on her lap. Then, she cleaned Heejin's inner elbow with the cloth, and her own right next. Haseul grabbed the syringe and after taking a deep and long breath, inserted the needle into her own arm.

A chill ran down Hyunjin's back as the red liquid slowly filled the interior of the syringe, its scent like a light mist surrounding Hyunjin. Her inhale echoed in the silence of the room.

"Is this okay for you?" Haseul asked without taking her eyes of her arm.

"Yeah, I've drank plenty of blood already."

But it was a fact that it didn't matter how much blood she had drank, her eyes still activated and her fangs grew on their own.

A minute later, the syringe was full, but before Haseul did anything else, she fetched for a small package from her bag, and ripping the corner with her teeth, she sipped the content into her mouth.

"Sugar," Haseul said, as if reading Hyunjin's questions floating in her mind.

Grabbing on Heejin's wrist to keep her arm in place, Haseul placed the needle near her skin.

"Aren't blood transfusions done with a blood bag and all that stuff?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah. But we're in a hurry, and Heejin's life can be at risk. So, we're doing this the fastest way, which is highly discouraged and very risky. But it's the only way."

Hyunjin's gulp was loud enough for Haseul to turn her neck at her.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. This is not recommended, but it can be done. I'll insert the blood slowly so it doesn't clot."

Silence filled the room as Haseul did her job. The needle was inside Heejin's skin now, the blood slowly entering her veins.

"Can I ask what even happened for Jinyoung to... try and turn Heejin?" Haseul asked, never leaving the focus on her task.

"The Blood Alliance attacked the Silver Blades."

For a second, Haseul's head jerked to Hyunjin, but it soon went back to Heejin's arm. "W-What?"

"We tried to warn the slayers, they captured me and the others- fuck, the others!"

"Where are they?"

"They must still be there. Yves, Hyejoo's sister, released us, and we got caught in the middle of the fight. That was when Jinyoung captured Heejin and took her, and I... couldn't do anything to stop him. The slayers injected us vampires with a serum to conceal our powers, and I wasn't strong enough."

"A serum?"

Hyunjin fetched her phone from her pocket and called Hyejoo. "Yeah. It was... bad there." The images of the room flashed in her mind, but she had other things to worry about at that time, she didn't need that to get her even more anxious. "Come on, Hyejoo, pick up..."

But after it rang time and time again, it went to voice mail.

"Try the others."

Right, Jungeun told her to warn them in case they found Heejin and Chaewon first. She called her, and after just a couple rings, Jungeun picked up.

"Hyunjin! Did you find them? I can't find them anywhere and we keep getting held back."

Behind Jungeun's out of breath voice, she could still hear the ruckus of battle cries and clashing blades.

"Jungeun, find Hyejoo and Chaewon, and get out! I had to rush to my house with Heejin. Find them and come here."

"What?! Hyunjin, what's going on?"

"Do as I said."

"Where are they?"

"The last time I saw them, we were in the right wing. I left Hyejoo with Chaewon, I have no idea if they're still there, but be careful."

"Got it. We'll go get them and leave."

And the call was over. Hyunjin sunk in her chair, suddenly feeling like crying again.

"Are they okay?" Haseul asked.

"I think so. Jungeun and Jiwoo seem so, at least. They'll be here soon. I hope."

Her mind burned with all the questions and worries that she couldn't get rid of. She fixed on the blood slowly emptying the syringe, still praying that Heejin would wake up anytime soon.

"How or when do we know if... Heejin is really a vampire now?"

"Remember Yeojin?" Hyunjin said, and Haseul nodded. "It doesn't hurt. You just feel sick in the stomach and then, you get thirsty, your eyes activate, and your fangs grow. I was sure Yeojin was one because she threw up the second she put food in her stomach."

"Should we try and feed Heejin food, then?"

"She's still knocked out. Is the blood doing any good?"

"She's gaining color, and her heartbeat is picking up, which is good."

Hyunjin's leg bounced back and forth with anxiousness and anticipation. Heejin could wake up any second now. And Hyunjin just wanted her to, either human or a vampire. She just wanted Heejin to open her eyes.

"How's Yeojin?" Hyunjin asked, a failed attempt to get her mind off of everything.

"She's doing fine, always missing you. I'm convinced she likes you more than me now-"

Heejin moved with a low grunt. Hyunjin jumped from her seat and kneeled beside the couch, a hand reaching for Heejin's hair.

"Heejin?!" Hyunjin called, her own heartbeat echoing in her skull.

"Easy, I'm still working," Haseul said, but her voice denounced how eager she also was.

Then, Heejin's eyes opened. Tears fogged Hyunjin's as she sobbed and dropped her head to Heejin's chest, her hand caressing her hair.

"What..." Heejin mumbled, blinking, as if trying to focus around her.

"We're in Hyunjin's house. Don't move around, you're still receiving blood," Haseul said.

"Blood? Why? Hyunjin, what happened? Where are the others?" Panic was starting to appear in her groggy voice.

"You were attacked, and Hyunjin brought you here."

"I... What? Here, where?"

"Hyunjin's house." Haseul sighed as she repeated herself.

Heejin would have to process everything herself when she fully regained consciousness. Hyunjin sniffed, slowly raising her head. She met Heejin's eyes and gave her a small smile, caressing her face with her thumb. "You're here."

"Hyunjin, what happened? I saw you, but then someone grabbed me and... then what?"

The sudden burst of happiness and relief with Heejin opening her eyes faded faster than it lasted. And what Hyunjin most dreaded at that moment was about to happen. But they needed to know.

"Haseul, do you have more sugar?"

Haseul gulped. "In my bag."

Hyunjin reached for it and looked inside, taking another small package like the one Haseul had for herself. "You lost a lot of blood, you should eat this."

She should know first what could happen, but Hyunjin couldn't come up with the courage to tell her. She only kept praying, all while Heejin nodded, accepted the package, and swallowed the sugar. Hyunjin waited, staring at her, praying and praying that she wouldn't react to it.

One, two, three seconds passed.

Heejin frowned. She took her right hand to her stomach, and Hyunjin's breath stopped.

Gagging, Heejin raised her torso just in time to throw up on the floor.

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