When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

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Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 25

130 8 0
By Leiaricca12345

A week of intense, hard training went by. Jinsol and Yerim would be coming over, but Haseul and Yeojin couldn't come, much to Yeojin's disappointment. Haseul was piled up with school work, but honestly, Hyunjin was kind of glad they could discuss the news without them. She didn't want Haseul and Yeojin to know about it, it would only worry them when they could do nothing to help.

"An attack?!" Yerim gasped, a hand to her opened mouth and terror in her eyes.

Jinsol just widened her eyes without a word, and Hyunjin knew she was just waiting for the explanation.

"The Blood Alliance is attacking the Silver Blades next week," Jungeun explained again, short and simple. "Sunday night."

Yerim leaned back on her chair, her eyes suddenly shining. "T-They need to know!"

"They will know," Hyunjin said. "We'll be going earlier to warn them."

"Let me do it," Yerim said. "I'll talk to them!"

"No," Jinsol turned to her. "You can't and won't do that."

"Why?" Yerim scowled, almost offended.

"Because there's a chance they will suspect you got that information from us, and then you'll be in trouble. They would know you're with us," Hyejoo said.

Yerim opened her mouth to fight back, but didn't say anything.

"Chaewon and I will go there," Heejin said. "They can't really hurt us after knowing what happened to those who went against Vivi's orders."

The worry in Yerim's face didn't leave, and Hyunjin nudged Jinsol, telling her to comfort the girl in her mind.

"They'll be fine." Jinsol took the hint and rested a hand on her shoulder. "You thought the plan through, and considered all your options, right?"

"Yes. But if by any chance you have any other ideas, we will listen," Hyunjin said.

"You're gonna go there and warn them alright, but, what next?" Jinsol asked.

"There are two possible outcomes," Heejin said. "They give us a chance to talk, we manage to talk to Yves, and if she believes us, they can prepare a defense and we will fight with them. If they don't believe us or don't even want to listen to us, that's on them, and we will still be there during the attack."

Silence followed, as Jinsol nodded, and Yerim still didn't look the slightest bit calmer.

"Jinsol, we need you to come on Sunday to drive us back to Seoul, please," Hyunjin said.

"Of course. What are you going to do until then?"

"We'll spend the week training, like we did this past week. We need to be prepared."

It was Saturday night, and the girls were exhausted. Hyunjin had been pushing them all to their hardest, and she could see a huge improvement from two weeks ago.

"Tomorrow's the big day. Let's sleep early tonight and rest tomorrow until we have to leave," Hyunjin said as they made their way back to the house.

"I'm gonna drink two bottles and head to bed, honestly," Hyejoo breathed. That girl worked so hard, Hyunjin didn't even need to tell her to push forward. She already did it herself, and Hyunjin had never seen her work and fight so hard.

"You deserve it. You all do, so let's eat well and rest."

No one spoke during dinner. That was how tired they were. And right after, they all headed to their respective rooms after a deserved shower.

Heejin fell face down to the bed, and Hyunjin chuckled.

"You're sleeping like that?"

"I just need a second." Her voice came all muffled from the sheets.

Hyunjin laid under the sheet, patting her shoulder. Heejin rose from her position and laid next to her, their bodies glued to each other, and rested her head in her favorite spot. Hyunjin caressed her hair, leaning her cheek against her forehead.

"Sleep well," Heejin said, kissing her neck.

"You too." Hyunjin pulled her chin up to kiss her lips.

Minutes passed, but Hyunjin didn't seem to be able to fall asleep. Her min spun with uncertainties and fears and random thoughts, like different outcomes from that would happen the next day.

"Hyunjin?" Heejin called in a whisper.


"Can't sleep?"

"No. You too?"

Heejin sighed. "Yeah. I'm exhausted, but..."

"I know." Hyunjin rolled to Heejin's side to hug her, bringing her to her chest. "Too much on our minds."

Heejin nodded against her chest. Then, an idea popped in Hyunjin's mind.

"You know what? Put something on, let's get some air."


"Do you trust me?"

Pulling away enough to look at Hyunjin, Heejin smiled at her. "Of course."

Hyunjin got up on her feet and put on the first tank top her hands could find, her jeans, and her leather jacket.

"We're not hunting, are we?" Heejin asked, tying up her sneakers.

Hyunjin chuckled. "No. But I need my jacket to ride Bumblebee."

Heejin irked an eyebrow. "We're going for a ride?"

"We are."

There was a hint of nervousness in Heejin's eyes.

"I know you don't like it much, but believe me, it's great for stress relief. Unless you have any other ideas?"

"No, that sounds great." Heejin approached her and pecked her lips. "What about the others?"

"Let's just leave through the balcony, let the others rest."

"Oh no, the weird sensation in my stomach." Heejin grimaced.

Hyunjin chuckled, pulling her towards the balcony. "It's just a couple seconds." Before Heejin could accept it, Hyunjin grabbed her bride style and jumped out the balcony. Heejin yelped, holding onto Hyunjin's neck for dear life. A second later, Hyunjin landed on the soft grass with a thud, letting Heejin down.

"Why ride rollercoasters when I can just feel the same when you do this?" Heejin had a hand over her chest, taking in deep breaths.

"Fun, right?" Hyunjin chuckled, heading towards Bumblebee. She put on her helmet and handed Heejin hers before hopping on the motorcycle. "Hop on."

Heejin complied, arms around Hyunjin's stomach. Trying not to make too much noise, she kicked the ground and drove slowly to the main gate of the property, but as soon as she hit the main road, she sped up for real, Heejin's grip around her tightening the same second.

For around fifteen minutes, Hyunjin drove without a destination, taking turns in unknown roads, enjoying the summer night air. Heejin seemed to have relaxed, and peeking back, she looked around the city as Hyunjin drove.

There was a place on Hyunjin's mind. One of the nights she went hunting with Hyejoo, she had found a park by the river, with a high viewpoint to the whole river and the other side of the city. So, ten more minutes later, she slowed down to a full stop, parking Bumblebee.

"Where are we?" Heejin asked.

Hyunjin stepped off the bike, taking her helmet off and shaking her head to fix her hair. "Some place."

Heejin also took off her helmet, showing the raised eyebrow in her face. "So explicit."

"Let's go, you're gonna like it."

For a bit, they walked in silence through the park, hand in hand, the sounds of the cicadas filling in the night air. Hyunjin looked up, to the absence of the moon in the sky.

"Was the ride okay?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah. And you were right, it does relieve stress. It felt really good."

"I've always loved to ride Bumblebee. I feel... free when I ride it."

"Since when do you have it?"

"Well, it has been mine for ten years. I think I never mentioned this, but it was my brother's."

Heejin faced her, eyes big in her face, but she didn't say anything.

"He had always loved motorcycles, so when we had enough money, he got Bumblebee, his dream yellow Virago. He was the one driving it, I didn't even know how to drive it before he died. I learned after that, and now, it's one of my treasures."

The grip on Hyunjin's hand tightened. "I'm sorry, I never know what to say in situations like this."

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Just felt like sharing because I never talked about this. I still remember the first time you saw that I rode a motorcycle."

"I was honestly impressed. And for real, I never expected a vampire to ride a motorcycle."

"Just admit it, it's cool."

"You're super cool, Hyunjin. And Bumblebee too."

Hyunjin smiled, her chest filled with pride. With all the conversation, Hyunjin didn't notice they were almost reaching the destination where she wanted to take her. Just a couple more minutes going up, then down three sets of stairs to a circular wood platform with a big boulder at the center, and the amazing view showed up in front of them.

"Wow..." Heejin let out a small gasp. She let go of Hyunjin's hand and rushed ahead, grabbing on the protective wood rails. "It's beautiful."

"Right? I came across this place with Hyejoo, one of the nights we came hunting."

Heejin supported her forearms on the rails, bending forward and looking at both sides, taking in the beauty of the scenery. The calm river, a bridge by the left side, the woods on the other side. The stars shone bright in the sky, completely visible as there weren't any street lights on the other side of the river, only trees and darkness. Heejin inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air.

"Feeling better?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling."

"Same." Hyunjin did the same as Heejin, resting her forearms in the rails right next to her, their arms touching. "Am I nervous? Am I excited?"

"I'm scared."

Hyunjin turned her neck to face Heejin. "Me too. But I promise everything will be okay. We can do this. And it's only logical that we are scared, we're human. Well, you are, I'm not."

"You're no less human than me, Hyunjin." Heejin returned the gaze, frowning as if she was offended with her words. "You're more human than many humans out there. Doesn't matter if you feed on blood and have sharp teeth and bright yellow eyes and special abilities."

"That doesn't sound very human to me."

Heejin punched her arm, the intense training from the past two weeks clearly showing results, because that hurt.

"Damn, who taught you that?" Hyunjin hissed, massaging her left bicep.

"A very strong, skilled fighter."

"And very pretty as well, I'm sure."

"The prettiest in the world."

"Nah, you didn't teach yourself that."

They exchanged a look, hints of disgust in their faces, then burst out in loud laughs.

"Wow, that was cheesy," Heejin said.

"What, do you prefer tsundere Hyunjin all the time?"

"No, I love this Hyunjin as well."

A chill ran down Hyunjin's neck. Maybe it was from how the wind blew stronger for a second.


Somehow, that word made her insides tremble. Like a burst of warmth in her chest, a tingly rumble in her stomach.


Heejin blinked, as if only now she had realized what she had said. But she nodded. "Yeah. Love."

And maybe Hyunjin expected her to deny it, or play it off, or joke about it. "You-"

"I love you, Hyunjin."

It would be deadly silent if it wasn't for her heart thundering in her ears. She wanted to say it back, but somehow, her throat blocked any sound she tried to come up with.

"I could say I love you as a friend, as a mentor, as someone I respect and look up to. But, is that really all?" Heejin said, looking up at the dark, splashed sky, as if wondering about it herself.

"No," Hyunjin finally managed to say. "I don't think that's all."

Heejin met her gaze with a smile. That beautiful smile Hyunjin had fallen for.

"Right? There's definitely something else, as we talked before. Is it really love?"

"I-I don't know, you tell me."

Heejin's hand grasped Hyunjin's, their fingers intertwining like puzzle pieces. "I think that even if it's just a little spark, it's very much there."

A burst of happiness spread across Hyunjin's body and mind. She giggled, looking at their locked hands, hers slightly trembling, as if she was a high school girl being confessed to by who she thought was a one sided crush. "A vampire and a slayer? What kind of forbidden love is this?"

"Forbidden in the eyes of others. I don't want to listen to them. It feels right to me."

Was it really right? Until now, they had just been... friends with another type of benefits. They hadn't discussed their feelings again since their first night. A vampire and a human... It never ended well.

"I love you too, Heejin." But Hyunjin was willing to try.

It was Heejin's turn to become shy, miserably failing at containing the huge grin stretching in her face. She turned her body and took a step closer, a hand in Hyunjin's neck and waist so she could pull her closer and kiss her lips. It was sudden, and deep, so full of passion and want it burned Hyunjin's insides. She sucked in a breath, her hands grasping where they could - at Heejin's shoulders.

"Already?" Heejin smirked, looking at Hyunjin's yellow eyes as they pulled away.

"Well, what kind of effect did you think kissing me that suddenly would have in me?"

Heejin giggled, her index finger pressed against Hyunjin's lower lip. "I know, I know. I'm well aware of the effect I have in you, Hyunjinie."

Hyunjin blinked, and Heejin's cheeks grew warmer. "H-Hyunjinie?"

"D-Don't you like it?"

"I like it, Heejinie." Hyunjin smirked, and had to suppress a squeal when Heejin smiled so shyly.

"Let's go home?" Heejin asked.

"In a rush, are we?"

"Do you wanna stay here?"

"I mean, it's a beautiful night... but yes, I wanna go back."

Heejin smirked. She grabbed her hand and led the way back to where Bumblebee was parked.

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