When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

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Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 21

143 8 40
By Leiaricca12345

When are they arriving?" Hyunjin asked, checking the time on her phone. It was almost noon.

"Lunch time, so, I think they can arrive any time now. Don't forget to act surprised, please!" Jiwoo said.

Around fifteen minutes later, the sound of Haseul's car came into Hyunjin's earshot.

"They're here!" Jiwoo rushed to the door, opening and waiting for them to come inside. "Everyone, look who's here!" she said, using the liveliest voice she could.

Haseul stepped inside, smiling at them. "Hello, everyone."

"Haseul!" Jinsol stood up from the couch with the others. "Where's Yeo-"

Yeojin ran past Haseul, almost bumping into her, dashing to Hyunjin. She barely had time to stand up from the couch to receive the girl into the tight hug she wanted so much.

"Yeojin! Goddess, what a surprise!" Hyunjin tried to sound as surprised as she could.

Jungeun snorted, and Jiwoo almost facepalmed. Yeojin pulled away and looked up at her.

"What kind of reaction is that? You never sound that excited when you see me." She turned to Jiwoo, a deep frown on her face. "You told them we were coming, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry!" Jiwoo hid her face in her hands.

"She didn't, I just guessed. And yes, I don't react like that, but I'm in fact happy that you're here." Hyunjin pulled her closer again, patting her head. "How have you been, Yeojin?"

"Let's talk over lunch, I'm starving, and I bet you all are as well. I brought food." Haseul raised the bags in her hands.

Before settling down for lunch, Haseul and Yeojin introduced themselves to Yerim. Yeojin clicked with Yerim right away. Both girls were like balls of sunshine and huge extroverts, it was only obvious they would be great friends, even though Yeojin was a few years younger.

"How's your back?" Jinsol asked Yeojin, who sat next to her, at the head of the table, bottle in hand.

"A badass scar!" Yeojin gave her a cheeky grin, which earned her a pinch on her arm from Haseul.

"Don't joke about that!"

"But it's true! It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm fine."

A pang hurt Hyunjin's chest, like another wave of guilt piercing it. "Are things at home well?"

"Since she's always been a rebellious girl and a prankster, our parents think she settled down and is serious about school, now that she's in the last year of high school."

There was a pause.

"T-That's good, right?" Jungeun broke the awkward silence.

"Yes, it is. She's in fact been getting better grades."

"As if I was a bad student..." Yeojin mumbled.

"You weren't bad, but you weren't good either. Let's just hang on a bit more until we can move out."

"If there's any way I can help, with anything at all, tell me," Hyunjin said, and everyone focused on her.

"You already helped a lot with the blood. Yuta is a nice man, he didn't hesitate in helping us and was very friendly"

"I'm glad. But if there's anything else I can do, just ask."

Haseul sighed. "You don't need to think you have to help in any other way. What happened wasn't your fault. You don't owe us anything."

The atmosphere got suddenly heavier, at least for Hyunjin, who dropped her head and stared at the almost emptied bottle between her hands.

"Right, sorry." Hyunjin forced a smile. "I didn't want to bring the mood down, so, keep going with the conversation."

There was another pause, while everyone looked at each other, as if waiting for someone to bring something up to talk about.

"So, you like to play pranks on your friends, uh?" Yerim elbowed Yeojin with a smirk. "Go ahead and tell us some!"

Yeojin's eyes sparkled, like Yerim had brought up her favorite topic ever. The mood was quickly brought up again, and Hyunjin allowed herself to laugh as Yeojin told them some stories.

Guilt wouldn't get Hyunjin anywhere, nor forcing herself to help when there wasn't anything else to help with. She just had to be happy they were there with everyone, safe, resting, and recovering from what had happened.

When dinner was over, one would expect the girls to start getting tired and sleepy. But today that wasn't happening. Yeojin was already loud, and now with Yerim, they managed to infect everyone in the group with relentless hype. Hyunjin headed outside to get some silence among the chaos and breathe in some fresh air.

But she should have guessed her moment of solitude wouldn't last long.

"Full moon?"

Hyunjin looked up at Heejin, standing beside her.

"Almost, but not yet. The full moon is tomorrow."

"Can I sit with you?"

Hyunjin patted the soft grass next to her, and Heejin sat cross-legged, looking up at the night sky. "I thought you could use some company."

"I was okay by myself."

"Oh." Heejin pouted.

"But I'm better now."

Heejin's lips pressed together, visibly trying not to laugh.

"Just laugh all you want, it was lame," Hyunjin's eyes went back up, to the night sky.

Instead, there was just a light giggle. Heejin extended her legs and supported herself on her elbows, looking up as well. There was nothing Hyunjin would like to say, and it seemed it was the same for Heejin, so they stayed silent, admiring the beauty of the night sky.

"Would you like if I went to grab my guitar?" Heejin asked.

Hyunjin looked at her. Heejin's eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.

"That would be great."

Heejin beamed and got on her feet. "I'll be right back, then."

With a nod, Hyunjin went back to stargazing, another big, silly grin on her lips already. Heejin had barely played for her last night, and today, they spent all their time playing Switch on the TV, watching a movie, and chatting, so Heejin still didn't have proper time to play.

Hyunjin looked back as Jinsol's scent grew stronger, and indeed, the woman walked towards her. Without a word from both, she dropped next to Hyunjin, head in her shoulder with a heavy sigh.

"What happened?" Hyunjin asked.

"I'm feeling like shit."

Hyunjin frowned, looking down at her. "What in the moon, Jinsol?"

"I should be happy. Yerim has been friends with them way longer than she knows me, and it had been a while since she was with them, especially after everything that happened. She was worried sick about them, and now they are together, having fun and not worrying about all the shit, at least for a little bit."


"But I'm being a jealous bitch and I hate this."

"You're human, don't beat yourself up for feeling things. Maybe you can't quite control that, but remember that you do control how you react."

"What am I supposed to do, then? I am happy that she's with them, it's not about her not being with me for now, I literally spend time with her everyday at work. It's... how she smiles at Hyejoo."

Hyunjin snorted a laugh. "She smiles like that at Hyejoo, Chaewon, Heejin, you, all of us. She met Yeojin today and she smiled like that at her. She really is a ball of sunshine, just like you said. Maybe you want to believe she doesn't feel anything for you so you don't need to do anything about it. You're sabotaging yourself."

Jinsol looked up at her, irked eyebrow. "What?"

"You know I'm right. You're clinging into the idea she would never like you, for whatever reason."

"Why would she like me? She has much more amazing friends, and of her age. She wouldn't look at an old woman like myself."

"You're making it seem like you're old enough to be her mom! Jinsol, you're four years older than her. What are four years? She's not a sixteen year old girl, you are both consenting adults. She's twenty three, and you're twenty seven. Do you really think that's a big age gap? Look at me, I'm literally..." Hyunjin paused, doing the math in her mind. "Forty four years older than Heejin!"

Jinsol removed her head from Hyunjin's shoulder, straightening herself and giving her a wide-eyed.

"Go ahead, make fun of me," Hyunjin said.

"No, no, I won't. You're... admitting that you like her?"

"Am I?"

"You tell me!"

Hyunjin chuckled. "I don't know what it is, Jinsol. But it's... something. I definitely don't dislike her. I can't deny it anymore."

"Yeah, you really can't."

"Is it that obvious?"

A loud, cracked laugh escaped Jinsol's throat. "I think we all here can feel the sexual tension between you two."

"Goddess..." Hyunjin sighed. "Can you believe... my eyes accidentally activated twice already?"

Jinsol blinked. "Accidentally, you mean... the lustful look?"


"Hyunjin, you share a bed with her. But did she notice it?"

"Yeah, but I always had an excuse at hand and I guess she didn't make the connection."

"Are you going to do something about it?"

"I can't just go and say 'hey Heejin, you're really, really attractive, wanna get this to another level?'"

"So, you really do want that."

"I do."

Jinsol's chin almost reached the floor.

"You didn't expect me to admit it," Hyunjin said.

"Of course not!"

"Neither did I."

Jinsol shook her head. "Just talk to her. Chances are she wants it too."

"I don't know if I can. Imagine we're all just seeing things. There's a lot at stake. Even if we try to forget about it for a few days, we still have a collective goal to take care of, and it involves nearly all of us. What if I make things awkward and it compromises our ability to work together?"

"What if your unresolved sexual tension compromises your ability to work together?"

Hyunjin opened her mouth just to close it again and elbowed Jinsol.

"There you go. No more excuses."

"Then what excuse do you have not to talk to Yerim anyway?"

"Hello? We work together too. Of course I have the same concern."

"Then why aren't you following your own advice? You make no sense."

"Yah—" Jinsol grabbed Hyunjin to hit her arm while she giggled and pretended to protect herself. Their bickering was interrupted by Heejin's scent growing stronger, but not only hers. Hyunjin looked back, and all the others girls walked towards them, the guitar in Heejin's hand.

"Four years are nothing," Hyunjin whispered to Jinsol just before they approached, and Jinsol rolled her eyes.

"Sorry for the wait!" Heejin said, sitting next to Hyunjin, while the others sat in a full circle. "They kept me inside, trying to convince me to play with them, but in the end, I convinced them all to come and join us."

"Are we having a moon cult?" Hyunjin asked.

"I just thought I could play for everyone while we enjoy this beautiful night."

Yerim, who sat beside Jinsol, clapped, an ear to ear grin plastered in her face. "It is a great idea! I missed this. We used to gather together at night sometimes. Heejin would play and we all sang. But now there's more of us!"

"That's so cute!" Jiwoo said. "Let's have fun and take this moment to bond and strengthen our friendship, now that we are all together, even with our Yerimie!"

Hyunjin chuckled. Calling her by a nickname already, even though they had just met the day before.

Yerim's grin became even wider, if that was humanly possible. "Thank you so much everyone for receiving me so well! In all honestly, I never thought I would be spending time like this with my friends and vampires. I'm not technically a slayer, but I'm still part of the Silver Blades. I was still taught what they stand for. Now I see they're clearly wrong."

Jiwoo, sitting next to her, circled an arm around her shoulders. "Hey, it's okay! Just the fact that you accepted Hyejoo and us so easily means the world to us."

Sniffing, Yerim wiped a fake tear. "My friends' friends are my friends. I know how Hyunjin received you all and took care of you hoping for nothing in return. She really has a kind heart."

Heat crept under Hyunjin's cheeks, with everyone staring at her with nods and smiles.

"H-Hey, we were gonna have fun and all, right?" She nudged Heejin. "Go ahead, play something for us."

"She's a huge tsundere as well," Jinsol said, blocking her mouth from Hyunjin's sight, as if that would work.

Heejin giggled and looked down at the guitar. A couple seconds later, and she started playing something Hyunjin didn't know, but the others did. Yerim threw her hands in the air as she started singing, Hyejoo and Chaewon joining her soon, singing their hearts out. Yeojin sang the chorus with them, and Hyunjin couldn't help but smile as she observed the whole scene. Nothing else existed at that moment. Not the mission, not whatever dangers awaited them in the future. Just her and her friends.

"Hey, Heejin, why didn't you sing?" Yerim frowned when the song was over.

Hyunjin frowned, looking at Heejin's reddened face.

"I-I was focused on playing."

"Lies!" Hyejoo pointed at her. "You always sang with us while playing the guitar. You're shy, just admit it."

"Now I wanna hear you sing," Jungeun said.

"She's really good! Like, really good!" Chaewon nodded vigorously.

"It's really nothing special-"

"Let me hear it," Hyunjin said, catching her attention. "I mean, let us hear it."

Jinsol snorted, and without looking at her, Hyunjin elbowed her.

All eyes were on Heejin, and Hyunjin was growing way too excited to listen to her. Taking a deep breath, Heejin closed her eyes and started playing. A few seconds of a sweet, slow melody, but when she opened her mouth and started singing, Hyunjin stopped breathing.

Her normal voice had always had an effect on Hyunjin, and her singing voice was no different. It was still deep, but also hoarse and sweet and caring and silky and so many other adjectives that Hyunjin could come up with. If she knew before that she sang like that, she would have definitely asked her to sing for her. But now she was getting nervous because of how fast her heart beat, so, after the first chorus, she decided to beatbox over her guitar. She actually didn't know how to beatbox, she just liked to joke around with it, so it caused an immediate laughter around the circle.

"What was that?!" Jungeun clapped like a seal, laughing so hard she leaned against Yeojin by her side.

"Yeah, why would you do that? Didn't you want to hear me sing?" Heejin frowned.

"Sorry, I thought it would sound cool."

"Please do it again!" Jiwoo said, also still laughing. "That thing you did with your lips!"

It was part of Hyunjin's beatbox technique. She inhaled, then popped her lips as she exhaled in small bits, moving her head back and forth with the rhythm. This made everyone laugh even more, but Jiwoo and Jungeun were losing it. Jungeun fell down on the grass, wheezing, and Jiwoo's laugh was so loud it echoed in the trees.

"I don't know if I should laugh more with the awful beatboxing or your wheezing!" Hyejoo kept chuckling, voice more high pitched than usual.

Hyunjin did it again, and Jiwoo waved her hands. "Please, stop! I can't breathe!"

"Is it that funny?" Hyunjin pointed at herself, looking around.

"It is!" Yeojin nodded. "But the way they're laughing really makes it even funnier!"

Jungeun grabbed Jiwoo's arm to pull herself up, wiping the tears, still laughing, even though not as much. "I don't remember the last time I laughed like this."

"Me too. That was amazing. And the fact that it was actually sounding nice with Heejin playing, I need to listen to it again!" Jiwoo said.

Hyunjin exchanged a look with Heejin. Without any words, Heejin started playing again, singing a few seconds later. Counting the beats, Hyunjin joined her song. The girls looked like they were about to laugh again, but everyone turned at Chaewon when she suddenly started rapping. Hyunjin had to force herself to keep beatboxing, because she wanted to let her chin drop. Chaewon was actually good! The metric, the rhythm, and her high pitched voice sounded so unique, Hyunjin had never heard anything like that.

Chaewon stopped when Heejin reached the last chorus, letting her shine as the notes got higher and Heejin nailed them all, sending chills up and down Hyunjin's arms.

Another voice joined Heejin's for the final high notes, widened eyes focusing on Jiwoo. They finished together, in perfect sync, as if they had practiced that a thousand times.

Silence fell for a few moments as they shared looks among themselves.

"Well, that was a show!" Haseul clapped, and then everyone started clapping along.

"Chaewon, that was amazing!" Jinsoul reached to her side, punching her leg playfully.

Chaewon squealed, hiding her face in her hands.

"Do we all have hidden talents?" Jiwoo asked. "I just know the others must have one as well, show us!"

"Hyejoo can break a watermelon with a tea spoon!" Chaewon almost jumped in her place.

Hyunjin rolled her eyes. "She's a vampire, of course she can."

"No, before, at the Silver Blades! There was this time we were at her room and she had bought a watermelon, but there was nothing to cut it with, and no one felt like going down to the kitchens, so she grabbed the tea spoon from the tea I had before and started stabbing it, until she could snap it with her hands!" Chaewon was so excited her voice had raised nearly a full octave in pitch.

"It's true, I was there." Heejin nodded.

"Here, I filmed it when she did it again a few nights after!" Chaewon turned her phone for everyone to see, and in fact, it was exactly like she described, leaving everyone with mouths hanging and raised eyebrows.

Hyejoo smiled proudly, like that was the best thing she had ever done in her life. "No way I would not eat watermelon just because I didn't have a knife. I miss eating it, though."

All the smiles died down suddenly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you remember." Chaewon sulked.

"No, it's okay!" Hyejoo grabbed her hand. "I didn't want to bring the mood down!"

"Alright, let's do that!" Jiwoo said. "You've always been amazingly strong, Hyejoo! Now, who's next on the talent show? Yerim?"

She jumped on her feet, an ear to ear grin plastered on her face, and she showed off her popping skills, limb by limb. Chaewon stood up and joined her, throwing her arms forward, popping shoulders at the same time, and the girls clapped and cheered.

"Hyunjin, your beatbox!" Jinsoul elbowed her.

Matching their movements, Hyunjin tried her best to do a decent beat. Chaewon took a step to her side, extended her arms to her sides, and starting from her right side, she waved her arms, her left hand touching Yerim's right hand, the wave continuing through her arms, and going back to Chaewon.

A wave of cheers erupted between the girls as Chaewon and Yerim bowed at them before sitting down again.

"That was amazing!" Yeojin kept clapping her hands.

"Alright, next one, Jinsol!" Jiwoo kept following the sitting order.

"I don't really have anything, but I can do this with my eyebrows," Jinsol said, and with everyone's attention on her, the inner corners of her eyebrows rose high in her forehead, making her look like she was a lost puppy.

Almost everyone squealed, except for Jungeun, who cringed. "Don't do that."

"Hey, it's cute!" Jinsol protested, doing it even harder and pouting at the same time, forcing her voice to sound cute.

Jungeun shook her head with a disgusted face, but Hyunjin could see how it became redder.

"Yes, you are cute, Jinsol, Jungeun just doesn't want to admit it," Jiwoo said.

"I'm used to having tsunderes around me." Jinsol shrugged, jerking her head to Hyunjin's side.

"Hey, don't bring me into that." Hyunjin frowned.

Jinsol shrugged. "Okay, next, Hyunjin and Heejin already showed us their talents, now it's Haseul's turn!"

"I don't really have anything to show everyone, I'm sorry-"

"Yes, you do!" Yeojin shouted, frowning so hard it felt like someone committed a crime. "She's like, out of this world smart, and she can do math with huge numbers in a few seconds using only her head. It's amazing, show them!"

Haseul's face went red and she sighed. "Alright, go ahead."

Yeojin beamed, taking her phone from her pocket. "Alright everyone, watch this. Haseul, how much is 67 plus 42 plus 95?" Yeojin asked as she wrote the numbers herself in the calculator of her phone.

Haseul mouthed something, and about three seconds later, she answered - "204."

A collective wow sounded in the circle, with a few gasps.

"But she can do it with higher numbers! This was just a warm up!" Yeojin said, getting even more excited. "Okay, how much is 343 plus 664 plus 129?"

Again, Haseul looked at the void, mouthing fast. "1136."

"Holy shit," Hyejoo mumbled.

"And I thought I was smart for ranking eleven in a Math competition in high school..." Jinsoul said.

"T-This is nothing special, don't feel bad!" Haseul shook her head.

"She's joking, just dramatizing, don't worry." Hyunjin chuckled.

"That's really amazing, for real!" Yerim was still in shock, mouth agape, and then turned to Jinsol, an accusing finger pointed at her. "And you. You ARE smart."

Jinsol widened her eyes for a second, but didn't answer, and Hyunjin bit back a laugh.

"Right!" Yeojin nodded. "Doesn't matter how many times she does it, I'm always in awe."

"Okay, now you show your magic trick thing," Haseul said.

That immediately caught everyone's attention.

"But I need a card deck to do it." Yeojin pouted.

"Don't worry!" Jiwoo got on her feet. "I'm sure I have one in my room, I'll be right back!" And she dashed to the house.

"I'm about to blown your minds!" Yeojin said, rubbing her hands together.

"I bet I can find out how you do it," Hyunjin said.

"Oh, is that a challenge?" Fire burned in Yeojin's eyes.

"Yes. If you need a volunteer for the trick, it will be me."

"You bet."

Jiwoo was back. She plopped back to where she had sat before and handed Yeojin the cards. "Here!"

"Thank you! Now..." She turned to Hyunjin, smirking at her. "Miss old and wise vampire, you will shuffle the deck the way you want to. Take how much time you want and shuffle it however you want."

Hyunjin smirked back and accepted the cards, starting to shuffle then back and forth, taking care to mix up the cards as much as she could. It was dead silent, only the sound of the cards and the crickets around them. When she was satisfied, she handed Yeojin the cards.

"Alright, I won't shuffle them anymore. I will turn the first card and show it to everyone."

Yeojin held the deck in her right hand, and with her left hand, turned the first card, showing a queen of spades. "Everyone, please memorize the card! Queen of spades, this is your card, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin nodded, full focus on her hands. Yeojin laid the card back on the top of the deck.

"I'm gonna lose the card in the middle of the deck." Yeojin proceeded to open the deck about half way and slid the top card in the middle, stacking both mounts together again with Hyunjin's card lost in the middle.

"And now, I'm gonna shuffle the deck again," Yeojin said, dividing the deck again to do a riffle shuffle with amazing skill.

"Do it again," Hyunjin said. "Shuffle it one more time."

Yeojin raised her eyebrows, and without showing any effort, she repeated the shuffle. Then, she held the deck with her right hand, grabbing the top corner with her thumb. "I'm gonna flip the cards, and whenever you want, say stop."

Hyunjin nodded, keeping the focus on how Yeojin would do the next part. Sliding her thumb over the corner of the cards, Hyunjin said stop. Yeojin's thumb halted almost at the end of the deck. She removed the top part of the deck and kept the rest in her right hand.

"Now, can anyone guess what card this is?" Yeojin asked, looking around, building up the suspense before revealing it.

"It can't be." Yerim's eyes threated to jump, her body bent forward, expectant to see what it was.

"But it is." Yeojin smiled, and turning the top card of the remaining in her hands, it was revealed to be, indeed, Hyunjin's card. "It's the queen of spades."

Yerim gasped with Jiwoo. "How?! You threw the card in the middle, shuffled, and Hyunjin said stop randomly!"

"Now, now, Hyunjin. How did I do this?"

"It was pretty impressive. I can't tell exactly how you did that, but I just know my card has always been at the top of the deck. Still, good one, I'm impressed." Hyunjin clapped a few times, nodding in approval.

"It's magic!" Jiwoo said. "There's no way!"

Hyejoo laughed. "Next time we're together, I'll know how you did it."


"Let me know, then," Hyunjin said.

"Nah, find it out by yourself if you want to."

"Wow, you little-"

"Alright, there's only Jungeun left!" Heejin said, stopping those two dorks from fighting over that.

"I know this is cliché, but I really don't have anything to show."

"I won't reveal her hidden talents," Jiwoo said, trying to suppress a smirk.

Hyunjin snorted, Jinsol gasped, Hyejoo exploded in laughter, and Yeojin looked very confused. Jungeun's chin could reach the floor as she threw a fit of smacks at Jiwoo.

"Alright, since you won't show us anything, you're gonna answer a question," Chaewon said, fear painting Jungeun's eyes. "What exactly is your relationship with Jiwoo? I mean, we all already heard it, but, that's it? We've never seen you kiss or anything! Are you shy to do it in front of us?"

Jungeun dropped her head, hiding her face in her hands, and Jiwoo giggled.

"Wait, what?" Yeojin irked an eyebrow, and then it clicked. "Oh, you two are a thing?"

"You didn't have to be so blunt, Chaewon!" Jungeun's voice came out muffled.

"I'm sorry, we're all just very curious!"

"Do you want me to answer instead?" Jiwoo squeezed Jungeun's shoulder.

Jungeun raised her head and faced them. "We are a thing, we've been dating for years."

Hyunjin threw her arms in the air. "Finally, an answer."

"And it's not like we are shy to be a couple in front of you, we were just so used to not showing it at the Blood Alliance that... we just carried on with it," Jiwoo explained. "And even though we know you already knew about it, it's still hard for us to just show it to others."

"That sucks." Heejin sighed.

"You don't have to hide anything here. So, if you want to try and change that, be more comfortable around us, feel free to," Hyunjin said.

The couple shared a look. Jiwoo smiled and suddenly grabbed Jungeun's face, pulling her close and smacking their lips together. Gasps and giggles and cheers sounded between the girls. Hyunjin could only observe with a smile in her lips, genuine happiness for them, and an unknown force made her neck turn to Heejin. She was already looking at her, and after locking eyes for a fraction of second, they both stared ahead again.

"You're so cute!" Yerim squealed.

"Now fill us in on those hidden talents Jungeun has," Jinsol snickered, making Yerim elbow her while bursting out laughing. "I'm joking, I don't wanna know."

"There's no use in knowing about them, you would have to learn about them yourself," Jiwoo said.

More gasps and laughs, and this time, even Hyunjin was surprised at how blunt Jiwoo was.

"I-I don't wanna learn about them either!" Jinsol's cheeks got red.

"J-Jiwoo! Yeojin's here!" Jungeun's face was burning again.

"Hey, I'm not a kid anymore."

Haseul chuckled. "You're always gonna be a kid to me. I have to admit it's endearing to hear you talk about that crush you have at sch—"

"Yah, unnie!" Yeojin threw herself at her sister, trying to block her mouth, but Haseul grabbed her wrists to stop her.

"Haseul unnieeee!" Haseul said, imitating Yeojin, even though the voice was nothing alike. "Yuna is so pretty! She ran to me today yelling Yeojin unnieeeee, and then she hugged me, and she's so tall but then she calls me unnie!"

Hyunjin couldn't stop laughing. Yeojin having a crush at school?! Somehow, that was something Hyunjin didn't imagine about her. Not that she was a kid anymore, even though for Hyunjin she would always be a kid as well. Jiwoo and Yerim squealed, while the others laughed at how Yeojin still tried to stop her. She could, she was a vampire after all, but Hyunjin guessed she didn't want to use it against her sister.

"I'm loving the expose, please, spill some more," Hyejoo said.

"No!" Yeojin whined.

"Now I wanna know all about that Yuna girl," Hyunjin said. "You're gonna tell me everything."

Yeojin crossed her arms, the tantrum only making her look even cuter.

"Okay, I'll stop. For now," Haseul whispered the last part with a giggle.

They kept the lively conversation, Haseul asking Chaewon where she learned how to rap like that. And only now Hyunjin remembered a talent she couldn't miss the opportunity to show off. She closed her eyes for a couple seconds, took a deep breath, and without any previous warning, she barked.

Heejin and Jinsol jumped on their seats, a hand to their chest and startled yelps. Silence followed, only chins reaching the floor and raised eyebrows at Hyunjin, who kept barking, so real Yeojin looked around to look for the dog.

"What the..." Hyejoo mumbled. "What the fuck was that?"

Hyunjin cleared her throat. "Another talent. I forgot to show it before."

"I think we should call it a day after that..." Jungeun shook her head.

"Call it a night," Jinsol said, visibly trying not to laugh at her own pun, but Yerim exploded in a fit of loud laughs, leaning against Jinsol as she did so.

"Actually, it's getting late, we should get going," Haseul said.

"What? You're not going to drive all the way back this late!" Jiwoo frowned. "You stay the night. The couches are big and comfy, you can sleep there."

"Yes, please, let's stay!" Yeojin held Haseul's arm, shaking it around with her pleading eyes.

Haseul rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "Alright, we'll stay. We need someone to lend us some pajamas, though."

"Don't worry, I'll get you cute ones!"

And with that, the girls went back inside, each pair going to their respective rooms after bidding good night.

As Hyunjin expected, Heejin took off her t-shirt first thing after Hyunjin closed the door. Her arm was okay now, so she didn't need help anymore, and Hyunjin could prepare herself and suppress her eyes as much as she could, which she gladly managed to all week.

"Wanna go to sleep now?" Heejin asked, making herself comfortable against the pillowed headboard.

"I think I'm gonna read a bit first."


Hyunjin did the same - took her shirt off, and laid down, back against the headboard. She had her book in hand, but it didn't matter how many times she had to read the same sentence over again, her brain wouldn't register any words. It kept replaying the conversation with Jinsol, the fact that she admitted it to her, and images of herself with Heejin flashed in her mind for a second. She shook her head, so hard she felt dizzy.

"You okay?" Heejin asked.

"Y-Yeah, I just thought there was a bug flying around my head."

"Don't worry, there isn't."

"Yeah, thanks."

What was she thinking?! Those thoughts... seemed so wrong, yet, she wanted to let her mind show her more.

But she fought as hard as she could and forced herself to read.

"So, are we still up for Back to the Future 2 or what?" Jiwoo asked when they finished cleaning the dishes after lunch the following day.

"Actually, we should get going," Jinsol said. "I need to get some paperwork done."

"Me too. I didn't finish it on Friday before coming here." Yerim pouted.

"Yeojin and I will get going too, we have a lot of school work too." Haseul said.

"Oh, okay. Well, let's do the same next weekend, then!" Jiwoo opened her arms to receive both girls into a tight hug.

"Of course! Hyunjin can't live a week without seeing me." Jinsol messed her hair up, and Hyunjin rolled her eyes.

"And me!" Yeojin jumped with her hand in the air.

"Yes, and I won't forget about Yuna, you will tell me about her." Hyunjin laughed when Yeojin's excitement died down and her cheeks went red. "I'll accompany you to your cars."

They walked outside after bidding their goodbyes, and Hyunjin held Jinsol's hand.

"Thank you again for bringing my brother's guitar."

"No problem, we had tons of fun yesterday!"

"We did too." Hyunjin pulled her in for a hug to whisper near her ear. "Don't forget our convo."

"You too."

Jinsol kissed her cheek before getting on the driver's seat.

"Bye, Hyunjin!" Yerim waved as Jinsol drove away, Haseul driving after her with Yeojin waving at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin walked back inside, with only one thought in her mind, again.

Talk to her.

How was she even going to do that?

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