When Blood Meets Silver

By Leiaricca12345

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Hyunjin stopped on her tracks behind a wide tree. Her eyes widened at the girl holding two curved blades, too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 17

121 7 0
By Leiaricca12345

The bleeding on Heejin's arm and Chaewon's leg had stopped after they used cloth to press on the injuries. A deep silence engulfed the whole house as they waited for Jinsol and Haseul to arrive. Hyunjin sat on her armchair, eyes closed and hands buried in Selene's fur.

Haseul was coming. She promised her she would protect Yeojin, and in reality, it was her protecting Hyunjin. How was she going to explain that? How would Haseul ever forgive her failure?

Their scents reached her nose, and she braced herself for the reality she was about to face.

Mere seconds later, the front door barged open, and the moment Haseul's eyes landed on Yeojin, laying on her stomach over the couch with the cut on her back exposed, her body froze completely, the case dropping from her hand to the floor.

"Hey, sis," Yeojin greeted, waving her hand weakly at her.

Taking small steps, Haseul walked towards Yeojin, tears breaking free from her eyes as she kneeled beside her. Jinsol, still standing by the door, had her eyes widened at the whole scene.

"What in the world happened?" Jinsol approached everyone as well, and when her eyes found Hyunjin's and she noticed her neck, she gasped.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," Hyunjin said.

"Is... everyone safe?" Jinsol asked, looking around and taking better looks at them.

"Does she look safe to you?!" Haseul's voice boomed in the room, more tears running down her eyes. "You said nothing would happen to her! You said you were only going to train her! How could you let this happen?"

Hyunjin knew all of that. But it didn't hurt any less. Letting Selene down on the floor, Hyunjin dropped on her knees, bowing until her head almost reached the floor.

"H-Hyunjin!" Jinsol gasped, alongside others in the room.

"I can't possibly apologize, and I'm taking full responsabil-"

"Get up, Hyunjin," Yeojin said. "You did your best to protect us. We were ambushed, and they weren't even coming for you. I got hurt because I was fighting alongside everyone, and that's better than standing back and letting you get hurt in my place."

Hyunjin raised her head enough to look ahead at them. Haseul looked away, sighing.

"Get up," Haseul mumbled.

Hyunjin did as told without another word, and everyone's eyes were on her.

"Haseul, I know you're worried, and yes, this hurts and it's gonna scar, but I'm a vampire. Heejin and Chaewon are injured. They don't have healing powers like I do, so please, help them instead," Yeojin said.

"Am I not supposed to do anything to help you?" Haseul asked, taking a closer look at her back.

"No," Hyunjin said. "We were attacked with silver weapons, but the wound will eventually heal on its own. Mine scarred already."

Haseul looked at her neck, at how the cut had closed, but the scar was left there forever. She looked around then, noticing Chaewon and Heejin at last, sitting at the dinner table, still pressing the cloth to their wounds. She sniffed, and after kissing Yeojin's forehead, she stood up.

"I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me." Haseul wiped her eyes. "I'm a doctor, and this behavior is unacceptable. Let me see your injuries."

She grabbed the case from the floor and joined them. Chaewon was already holding on Hyejoo's hand, but insisted Haseul should take care of Heejin first, so she approached her to take a look at her arm.

Jiwoo and Jungeun scooted closer to Yeojin, keeping her company, and Hyunjin only observed everything, her mind a big void.

Fingers touched her neck, tracing her new scar, and Hyunjin turned her head. Jinsol stood beside the armchair, eyes fixed on her.

"Can I hug you?" Jinsol asked.

"I don't wanna break down again."


Hyunjin could never refuse when she asked with such a pleading voice and eyes. She barely had time to stand up when Jinsol's body collapsed against hers. Hyunjin let her body lean against the armchair's back, as her arms circled around Jinsol, and her breathing tickled Hyunjin's neck.

"How did something like this happen?" Jinsol asked.

"I don't want to explain everything twice, so let's just wait until Haseul is done and we'll all talk."

"Are you okay?"

Hyunjin smiled, resting her head against Jinsol's. "No. But the hug is good, so, let's just stay like this for a bit, yes?"

If there was a place where she felt safe, it was in Jinsol's arms. After she relished in the calming effect of the embrace for a little, her neck turned so she could glance at Heejin, and much to her surprise, she was already staring at them as Haseul stitched her arm. Heejin held her gaze for a few seconds until she averted it to her arm.

"Alright, it's done," Haseul said. "Be careful, don't go and move it a lot until it heals completely, okay?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Haseul turned to Chaewon, the girl's eyes widened.

"Please, don't throw another fit," Haseul said, sitting in front of her.

"It's gonna hurt!" Chaewon whined.

"Probably not more than it did getting that cut in the first place."

"I'm here." Hyejoo rested a hand on her head and had her forehead reach her chest. "Close your eyes and breathe. It'll be over before you know it."

Chaewon shut her eyes, nodding, and Hyunjin chuckled at how the girl who didn't hesitate in shooting three slayers was so scared of minor surgeries.

Heejin remained seated, eyes down at Diana who sat by her feet. She petted her head, and Hyunjin couldn't contain the smile. She felt good in Jinsol's arms, but... for a second, she wished she could be hugging Heejin at that moment, even if for a couple seconds.

A couple minutes later, Haseul stood up. "Alright, good job, Chaewon, you did way better than the last time."

Chaewon opened her eyes. "It's done already?"

"Yes. Now, can we please know what happened?"

Hyunjin sighed, pushing Jinsol away. "Everyone, gather around."

Hyejoo helped Chaewon up, and walked with her until she could sit on the couch. Heejin stood by her with Hyejoo, and Haseul ran to Yeojin's side. Yeojin tried to sit, but Jiwoo stopped her. "Stay like that. The cut will scar faster."

"But it's weird to have a conversation while laying down on my stomach!"

"Just do as she says!" Haseul said.

Yeojin huffed. "Fine."

"I wish I could explain properly what in the moon happened, really. We just know we were attacked," Hyunjin said. "The idiots just barged into our training facility and went for us."

"Just like that? Did you know the attackers?" Haseul asked.

"Slayers. Did any of you know them personally?" Hyunjin asked, looking ahead at the three ex-slayers.

"Some faces, but we weren't even close to them. I didn't even know some of their names," Hyejoo said.

"How did they even know where we were?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yerim," Hyunjin said.

"What?" Jinsol frowned at her.

"She must have told them-"

"Why would she do that? She's our friend, she's on our side!" Chaewon said.

"You can't know that for sure."

"We've been friends for years. She wouldn't just betray us like that," Hyejoo added, her voice forcefully calm.

"Maybe she didn't want to, but what if they made her talk? They must know you're friends, they could have assumed she would know where you were, and thus, threatened her or somethin-"

"She wouldn't!" Jinsol said. "If that happened, she would have told me, so I could tell you and we could do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but she wouldn't just tell them where you were."

"How else could they know, then?!" Hyunjin's own voice raised. "Your letting your stupid crush-"

"This has nothing to do with that! She's a colleague and a friend, she's the most professional in the precinct, she cares about everyone. We've worked together, you don't know her!"

"Seriously, Jinsol?" Hyunjin crossed her arms. "And you do?"

"Way better than you, at least!"

"Enough!" Jungeun's voice caught everyone's attention. "Cut it out already and use your brains for a damn second! First of all, why does it matter how they found us? They did, and they attacked us. That means they know our location. Hyejoo, you said that after you were turned, you still went back to the Silver Blades, right? And you spent the night there before leaving in the morning."


"You came here with Chaewon, and it still took a while until Haseul arrived and took off your tracking chips. They must have realized you escaped earlier than you think and rushed to check your locations. It's as simple as that. They didn't need more intel when they had your whereabouts practically handed to them."

There was silence for a moment.

"That makes a lot more sense," Hyunjin said. "I'm sorry."

"I am sorry for yelling at you," Jinsol said. "And also, those slayers went against Vivi's direct orders. They couldn't attack you."

"But they still did. They don't give a fuck." Hyejoo clenched her jaw. "And they didn't want to just scare us. They were trying to kill us."

"Who knows if they can try it again, with even more slayers. They know where we are, they know where we train, they know how many of us there are," Jungeun said.

"You need to leave," Jinsol said, and everyone looked at her.

"Leave? What do you mean leave?" Hyunjin frowned.

"Leave here, find another place to stay."

"I'm not leaving."

"It's not a matter of you wanting it or not. The Silver Blades know where you are, the Blood Alliance know this location as well. You have a target on your back. It's not safe."

Hyunjin took a hand to her forehead, rubbing her temple. "This is all my fault. Since the beginning I knew this was something I should be doing alone, and I should never have put you guys through this, so, you leave, find somewhere safe, and I'll stay here-"

"Enough!" Heejin's voice came out so loud it startled everyone. "Seriously, just stop!"

Hyunjin frowned. "Why are you mad?"

"Because I thought you were past that bull crap! We talked about this, I told you I wanted to do this with you. Do you think any of us is here by force? We have our own opinions, we chose to be here! Quit that self-absorbed crap. This is our fight too."

"And look where it got you! You're hurt, Chaewon's hurt, Yeojin's hurt-"

"And you're hurt as well! Are you blaming us for that scar you got on your neck? I know you're not, so why do you think we would blame you?"

"It's not about blaming you, it's about how dangerous all of this is. I would be dead if it wasn't for Yeojin, and look what happened to her. If I can't even protect any of you in a fight like this, how am I supposed to feel? Jinsol is right, you shouldn't be here anymore."

"Well then why are you training us? I thought we were all supposed to know how to defend ourselves." Heejin's eyes suddenly sparkled. "No one here is expecting you to protect us. And where do you suggest we go? Do you want us to go back to the Silver Blades? And Jiwoo and Jungeun to the Blood Alliance?"

"That's not what I'm saying-"

"Then what are you saying? Make up your mind! Don't you understand everyone here looks up to you? I don't care if you don't want to accept it, but you brought us all together, to do what we all think is the right thing. We gave you our trust! Wasn't that what you wanted the most?"

"Yes, and maybe that's the problem. Maybe you shouldn't have trusted me."

Heejin balled her fists. "Then fuck this shit. If you want to be alone so bad, be my guest," she said between her gritted teeth, walking to the door. "Go ahead and do everything on your own if you don't even need our help."

"Heejin! It's dangerous, they can still be out there!" Jiwoo said.

"I can take care of myself," she said before storming out the door.

Hyunjin crossed her arms, pretending any of her words, or how she caught on the tears rolling down her face as she left didn't hurt the slightest.

"Seriously? Is everyone just letting her go like that?" Haseul asked, looking around the room.

"She said she can take care of herself, didn't she?" Hyunjin shrugged.

Chaewon burst down in tears, hiding her face in her hands. Hyejoo panicked, sitting next to her and circling an arm around her shoulders.

"You have no idea how much I want to slap your face right now," Jinsol said.

"What? Why? What did I even do?"

"Read the fucking room!" Hyejoo said. "Heejin was right. No one is here against their will or expecting to be treated like your kids you're supposed to protect. You heard what Yeojin said too. We're not helpless babies and our training is supposed to make us stronger and more independent fighters. It was our choice to trust you, and honestly, hearing you say those things almost makes me regret doing so."

Hyunjin's eyes widened.

"But I don't want to regret it. You've been helping me so much since we got here, and you didn't even know me. I just wanted somewhere where people don't want me killed, and since the moment you received us here, it felt like home. I didn't need to be scared, I didn't feel judged or hated. And this is really not the time to be fighting among ourselves. So, go out there, apologize and bring Heejin back."

All eyes were fixed on Hyunjin, waiting for her answer.

She had everyone's trust without asking, without even knowing how. And she was destroying it, she was letting everyone down. That was not the kind of protection they needed. They only needed a strong leader, someone to guide them and for them to rely on. They weren't her responsibility. They were grown-ups who had chosen to take this fight as their own, and she only had to feel grateful for that instead of pitying herself.

"I'm not in my best place right now," Hyunjin said, dropping her head. "I'm sorry. You are right. I'll go get Heejin."

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