Undead but still Poly

By Myers_Stories

81 2 3

After the death of his two lovers, a man resurrects them with the aid of a magical lightning strike. Now he m... More

The Lovers
The death of Love
Eat or be Eaten
The Bully
Street gangs are just the Worse
A reason for Treason
The need to end Things

A bully needs to be dealt With

4 0 0
By Myers_Stories

Later that night, it was almost morning time, still very dark outside.

Blake traveled through the mostly busy city, a knife in his pocket as he entered an alley.

"G-Gotta find someone..." He said out loud while going further. Then all of a sudden, he came across a dead homeless man, immediately getting an idea that should have popped in his head earlier.

"Hey! You dead?" He asked the homeless man. And indeed he was, the man wasn't responding and he seemed to be bleeding quite a lot.

Blake pulled out his phone, calling Ashley immediately.

Ashley would answer with a, "Hello?"

"I found something you might wanna see... Come down to the alley next to Burkshot's Pourhouse." Blake told her. "And BE SURE to dress up quite a lot. I don't want people knowing you two are god damn zombies, or that you're still even alive."

"Got it... Will be there in a bit." Ashley responded before hanging up.

"Fuck..." Blake sighed before walking up to the homeless man, he then kneeled down and whispered, "I'm... So fucking sorry."

Eventually, morning arrived and both Ashley and Haley finally arrived dressed up in a bunch of unnecessary clothing.

"Oh my god... Seriously?" Blake mumbled while crossing his arms.

"What?" Haley asked.

He then approached Blake, immediately giving him a kiss on the lips before taking all of the unnecessary clothing off, now he was just in his every day clothes, same with Ashley.

"You're gonna take em off now?!" Blake would squeak.

"Yes, dumbass... They're really uncomfortable." Ashley growled.

"Wh-What if someone recognizes you?!" Blake asked.

"No one goes in this alley, it's a hot spot for fuckin' murderers and other types of degenerates." Ashley answered with a huff.

"Ugh, ok... Fine, fine, fine! Anyways... This guy is dead... After you eat this one, can I please just dig up bodies from the local cemetery to feed you two?" Blake responded.

"Fuck no! We are not gonna just eat disgusting maggot filled meat bags!" Ashley yelled.

"SHH! Keep it the fuck down!..." Blake loudly whispered. "JESUS... You're completely, one hundred percent fine with eating both blood, organs, and literal fucking feces at times, but not maggots?!..."

"What do you talking about? We don't eat fucking feces, dipshit." Ashley said.

"Did you even go to school? Intestines contain feces, that's how you shit. You literally eat shit and guts." Blake told her while looking very disappointed with her lack of knowledge.

"Wait... What?" Ashley asked, she looked disgusted already.

"Yeah, study biology next time." Blake grumbled.

"Excuse me?" Ashley replied, she then walked up to him and grabbed the man by the throat before slamming him against a wall.

"Hey, woah! What the fuck!" Haley shrieked, he then stopped Ashley, making her release Blake.

"Jesus Christ... You're re-really fucking hot when you're mad, you know that?" Blake let her know, blushing a little.

"I... Am?" Ashley asked as she grasped the man's throat once more but a little more gentle this time.

"O-Oh fuck yeah." Blake answered, biting his lower lip.

"Come here..." Ashley told him before pulling his face to hers, kissing his lips immediately.

"J-Just don't eat my face off..." Blake said, his voice muffled as they started making out.

Haley started eating the homeless man's corpse, feeling a little bad about doing so.

Then, Blake started stripping Ashley down a little, feeling her body.

It felt disgusting to him, but it was his girlfriend's, so he didn't exactly mind. The woman's body was also very cold.

"Oh fuck... You're cold as hell." Blake commented.

"I know, dumbass... Keep kissing." Ashley told him, giggling a bit. "Or else~"

She then pinned him down onto the ground before getting completely naked, stripping him of his clothes as well.

Slowly, they would start fucking each other while Haley kept eating.

"Haley, you better fucking save some for me." Ashley told him while kissing and making out with Blake.

"Will do..." Haley mumbled.

Within another alley nearby, a young man named Donald Miller was currently leaning up against a wall by himself. The man was 6'5 and he wore a brown jacket with a black and blue buttoned up shirt along with black pants and brown dress shoes.

He had blonde hair and a very pretty boy looking face, pretty feminine looking with brown eyes.

Suddenly, the man noticed what seemed to be a very deformed woman walking down the alley, minding her own business with both hands shoved deep down into her pockets.

Donald let a big smirk grow across his face before he approached her and asked, "You lost, beautiful?"

"N-No... Thank you for asking, though... And... Beautiful?" The woman would respond.

Donald then chuckled and said, "I'm just fucking with you, ugly whore..."

The woman instantly looked offended, backing up a bit before reaching into her back pants pocket and pulling out a switchblade.

"Back off..." She told him.

Donald then went up to her, looming above the 5'1 woman before stroking her beautiful blonde hair and whispering, "Or what?"

He was immediately stabbed in the left cheek, his face full of surprise and shock before he grabbed the woman's hand and squeezed it as hard as he could.

She started screaming for help, Donald would let go and shove her to the ground before shouting, "GET OUT!"

The woman would slowly get up and run right out of the alley, her right hand bleeding a little as the man had dug his nails into it slightly.

Donald grunted as he pulled the knife out of his cheek, shaking a bit before yelling, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! STUPID BITCH!"

He then went back home to his horrible apartment, within his living room was a German flag as well as a bunch of art hanging up on the walls.

The man then went onto Reddit, logging into his account and scrolling through an atheist group he and his friends created back in 2012 on May 6th.

"Let's see what we have here..." He said to himself, suddenly seeing a post a minute later. One of his old friends had posted an update on their grandmother, she just died last night and it seemed to be a genuinely wholesome post detailing her last words to him, but to the bum fuck known as Donald Miller, it contained ban worthy words at the end. These words were, "I hope I get to see her again."

Immediate ban, Donald removed him from the group and banned him before messaging the man and telling him, "Don't ever fucking post again. Since you decided to go against the rules, here's a news flash, dick head, your grandma is dead and never coming back. Rest in penis."

"That should do it... See how he likes it..." The man chuckled.

Suddenly his phone rang and it seemed to be coming from his mother back in Kentucky.

He slowly picked it up with hesitation before answering with a shaking voice, "H-Hello?"

"Hey, I'm gonna be taking some more money out of your account, I need it for the church." His mother spoke.

"Seriously? Again?... I-I only have like... Three hundred dollars left..." Donald whimpered.

"And? Who raised you? Don't be such a baby, what's more important? Serving the one and only true God? Or money? Goodbye." His mother simply responded before hanging up.

Donald could feel his eyes tearing up as he was having a few flashbacks to the times of his childhood.

As a six year old boy he was often beaten by his mother for disobeying or accidentally saying, "Oh my god." As well as a few other things.

Many other punishments included isolation, shunning, and far worse by the hands of his father.

His mother controlled his bank account at the moment as he had no idea how to run it.

"What the fuck am I g-gonna tell Charlie?..." He asked himself before beginning to cry a little.

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