Rainbow Heart

By PlottingStories

3 1 0

Bryan is a normal teenage boy but with a secret that he keeps to himself. Until he told his best and only fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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By PlottingStories

The afternoon was over, people returned home. Johnny, and Bryan hugged before leaving. Bryan's mother, and Bryan was in the car driving back home. I got home and had a shower i was upset as Taylor covered my mind. After all this day, and this day for the rest of Bryan's life would always be remembered as Taylors day. Taylor meant a lot to him, but sadly she is now gone.

He went in the shower, the water was warm. He cleaned himself, than dried himself. Wearing his boxers and walked to his room looking at the photo of Taylor on his bedside table, he hugged it as he imagined it being Taylor hugging him back. He cried uncontrollably, the sadness could be heard throughout the house. The heart of this man was breaking by the second the scream of the heartbreaking pain pinning him down. The memories of him with Taylor is all he had left of her, and photos. But he wanted her to be here with him physically, not just in his mind! Wants to hug Taylor once more and say how much she meant to him. She was everything a friend is, a true loving friend.

Laying on his bed, photo beside him on the bed. The tears flowing down on the bedsheets, the room covering in sadness. You learn to love someone over time, you learn how to be a better person! You never repair for the times where they would be no longer here with you, so when they do know it's a pain so painful, worser than agony itself! How could you describe the pain? Heartache, as the heart breaks a part! Ripping through the middle, as you cry away a endless river as tears never dried up?

You spend your time wanting to hug them, but now they're gone no hugs goodbye. The heart drops landing on the hard grounds, as she now disappears from reality. Now you dream the night away, imagining you and her hugging, and saying the final goodbyes just so they can fade away from reality as you were awoken. How can you live, when the person you loved is no longer by your side. But you know, there may be a ghosty form helping you, as it gives you a hug when down. That ghosty from maybe them.

Bryan lays on his bed sleeping, as the tears will eventually dry up on his face before he is awoken. He dreams about Taylor and saying their goodbyes. But then Taylor faded away, Bryan wasn't awoken, but the dream stopped. Bryan was now sleeping all that can be seen was darkness, as the ones he loves fades away. Tomorrow is Saturday and Johnny is coming over for a sleepover, we're gonna set up the guest room before he arrives. But for now, they all rest, Bryan's mother was sleeping a few tears could be spotted on her face, so she wants to hurt by the lost as well. She became good friends with Taylors mother, when they were talking at the park that afternoon.

The next morning came, the birds singed with pride they singed out loud. The birds flied above the daylight skies; Bryan was awoken as he goes to the bathroom. Going to do his business and handed his hands. He washed his faces as he was crying a lot lately. He goes back to his bedroom to get dressed for the day, as his boyfriend was coming. Bryan's mother was in the guest room making the bed, for Johnny to sleep tonight.

After Bryan got dressed, he went to make breakfast he just made simple Bacon. The mother wanted some, so Bryan added a few more on for his mother. He grabbed a cup and filled it up with orange juice. Drinking it as he waits for the bacon to be completed. Bryan grabs two small plates and added the bacon onto them. Placing the plates onto the table he ate his bacon, as the mother comes through the kitchen door sitting at the table eating her breakfast. "Johnny is coming at around 12 Pm." The mother said letting Bryan know, when he will be turning up. "Good!" He shouted in great joy, couldn't wait to see him! The Bryan, and his mother finished eating as they now cleaned around the house, as you do when guest is coming.

You know when someone is coming, so you make the house so unrealistically clean like the house has never been lived in or used. Cleaning everything, picking up everything. When everything was done, Bryan just watched a bit of Tv while waiting for his boyfriend to arrive. Johnny, and Bryan's relationship only started that week, and it was already undying. Spending every possible time together, at the park, or at their houses! Just like what it used to be with Bryan, and Taylor. Taylor would be forever missed, but time to move on. But she deserves a special place in Bryan's heart, and mind. She will never be pushed to the back.

A knock, a bang, front door shaken from the force of the hand when knocking on it. Bryan stood up, Tv turned off running towards the front door. He opened the door, and Johnny stands smiling and I welcome him in. The mother of Johnny waved by the car, as i waved back but the car was passing by she didn't saw me waving bye.

I closed the door, and we both walked to the kitchen. Opening the back door to the backyard, no one goes to the back much but Bryan likes going in the back when friends, or in this case boyfriend comes over. They got on the trampoline, and jumped being boys as they were playing a game who can carefully knock each other down only by pushing. No kicking, punching just a push. Johnny pushed a great push, as Bryan fallen down, they both laughed as Bryan pushed Johnny's leg forcing him to go down, luckily the trampoline isn't as dangerous. As the trampoline net was still on it, so no one would fly off it. They both lay on the trampoline ground laughing, as they looked at the skies above. To eventually get back up and go for a second round! By the end of the day Johnny won by 20 knock downs by pushing, as Bryan won 15. So, Johnny was officially the strongest, they both left the trampoline laughing, and making jokes about each other's strength. But they both given each other a hug, as the mother returned. They both sat down on the couch watching tv, seeing if anything good is on. They kissed each other on the lips for a few seconds, but luckily the mother didn't saw us, or it may turn out to be awkward as hell!

Bryan's mother, Bryan, and Johnny sat at the dinner table, eating Pizza. And talking about random boring teenage stuff that Adults fine totally lame and boring. But the mother found it interesting, as she is glad to see her son and boyfriend to be happy and having a great time.

It was getting late, so the mother went to sleep. As the two boys stayed up, they were both in Bryan's bedroom they were both sitting shirtless, and in their boxers. Talking, and laughing. Judging each other, in a joking way. They hugged each other and kissed each other for minutes on end! Johnny, and Bryan both laid together in the same bed, not in the blankets. Sleeping together but facing the opposite way, in their boxers awaiting to be awoken the next morning.

Two boys fallen deeply in love with one and another, dreaming of their fantastic future together forever!

Rainbow Heart

Corey James Church

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