Rainbow Heart

By PlottingStories

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Bryan is a normal teenage boy but with a secret that he keeps to himself. Until he told his best and only fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

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By PlottingStories

Laying on his bed of tears, the dream he dreamed darkened. The world he felt caving in, the world he lived in was a tragic tragedy of its own! The danger around every corner, the heartbreaking pain of loved ones disappearing as life washes them away! The ones you loved truely now gone, the times you held them in your arms, the times you gave them a hug. A smile that shines across the daylight sky. But the time we have to realise they're now gone and gone forever in the world of earth.

We start going to dream land, imagining a world that is better than our own. Where the ones we loved deeply is still here with us in our arms, where we can tell them how much you love them or miss them! A life with the people you loved the most doesn't disappear, always appearing young with the greatest smile. Where death shows no sign, as the ones we loved remains in our mind as we dream the great dream.

But the sad part of a dream, is that dreams have an ending. When we are awoken by a new morning, the dream land fading away the ones we love disappearing again. But we spend the day knowing, we'll dream with them in the next following night. The ones we love may disappear in the real physical world, but they will always be with us in our mind, and dreams.

Bryan woke up the next morning, his mother finally found out what happened when she was given a call by the same person. The mother of Taylor was afraid if Bryan was upset about it and may take a bad approach of dealing with the heartbreaking situation. Bryan's mother checked in in Bryan to see how he is going about what had happen to Taylor. Bryan was sitting on the edge of his bed upset, he couldn't handle the fact she is gone, and she isn't returning! The heart is a useful part of the body, but why does it need to be so bloody weak! The friend he had loved, and cared for is now gone. Gone forever in physical form never saying goodbye.

The last day together was me opening up as gay, ending in her disappearing from reality. The tears kept on coming, why don't they stop? Dry up at least! The tears were like a waterfall always dropping from the main source. Waterfall using rivers, tears using eyes. Why does this need to be painful, why does it have to hurt me physically? A pain like a knife to the heart, a pain like being punched in the neck! How can a broken heart beat? How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? It just hurts, it happens out of nowhere.

The day was just a darkening mess, the mother hugged her son. As he cried over her shoulder, the sadness that could be felt throughout the facial expression on his face. It wasn't easy to watch a teenage boy crying, the heartbreaking feeling is all he could feel. Loving became a breaking feeling. He was going crazy, insane maybe. When you lose someone, you wouldn't know how to react, what is overreacting when losing someone you love?

Who am I kidding, theres nothing we could do. A man feeling emotions that will break you no matter what. A heart can't mend, as you're always gonna miss them. And every time you think of them, you will revisit that heartbreaking pain. You can only move on, but you can never stop loving the ones you lost on the way. This is just reality, sometimes you will lose someone you love. You'll never know what to do, or how to react. But you will be facing the heartbreaking reality. The path isn't always happy, not everyone is lucky.

Bryan just sat there crying, thinking sad thoughts in his mind. He is lost, he is trapped, what is reality if your best friend is no longer here with you? He got up from his bed and ran the bath to help him relax. He hasn't stopped crying in a while! He can't keep sleeping hoping that she'd be in the dream with him, so he can say goodbye! This is no fairytale this is the heartbreaking truth of a darkened reality. He removed his underwear and hoped in the bathtub relaxing trying to calm down. He turned off the bath, so no more water comes through, it was a somewhat of a hot bath. He closed his eyes trying to control the breathing, hoping he wouldn't have another heartbreak emotional mess of a situation.

Losing someone can make you go insane, like you're going emotionally crazy! The tears flowing uncontrollably, the pain being unbearable. What is life when life itself, isn't always fantastic! What is the meaning of living, when the ones you love aren't here to live it with you! Why does life make you feel like, you're the only one who went through hell. Pinning you down, making you feel useless! Sometimes you need somebody by your side, to remind you of who you are. So, you don't go outta control. Who is to help you when down, when the one you trusted is gone? All I know, whenever her funeral comes, i'll be the first one coming! I may not be invited as the mother doesn't really know who I am! But like it or not, i'm gonna show up and say my final goodbyes. And be reminded of how important she was to us all, not just me but to everyone.

I miss her, we miss her, everybody misses her. Bryan couldn't stop thinking about her, she is the only friend he had! Now a truck takes her away! Lost and trapped, an emotion of unbearable pain! Depression runs in, as you feel useless and depressed. Going out of control, as you have no one to support you through hell!

Bryan has become depressed. Who is he, when she isn't here?

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