Rainbow Heart

By PlottingStories

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Bryan is a normal teenage boy but with a secret that he keeps to himself. Until he told his best and only fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

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By PlottingStories

Sunday morning had come, Bryan's mother was up getting ready for work. Bryan was still fast asleep. The mother was getting changed, and doing everything she needs to do before heading out. She knew that Bryan would be still asleep, so she didn't want to bother him. The mother of Bryan left the house, taking off as the car leaves the driveway. Bryan woke up, as he heard the car moving, slowly looked around as he sat on his bed. He realised that his mother had work today. He got up, grabbing a new pair of boxers and walked to the bathroom to have a shower. He also grabbed the clothes from his bedside table before heading towards the bathroom. He placed them in the dirty clothes basket and took off his underwear placing them in the basket. He stood nakedly leaning into the shower turning it on, the water was cold at first, so he waited. The water warmed up in a few seconds than he walked on in. Closing the shower glass door, he wets his body before grabbing the 'two in one Boys shampoo' and puts it all over his long hair. He then cleans his face and shaves his legs and arms, armpits and manly parts. After he is done shaving, he puts soap all over his body cleaning from bottom of his feet to the top of his neck. He removes all the soap by putting his head underneath the shower head, as the water cleansed everything away. Turning off the shower and walking outwards, he grabbed his towel and started drying his legs then manly body parts, then chest and back! Using the other side of the towel to clean his face. He puts on his underwear and walks on out.

He walks out of the bathroom in his boxers, walking to the kitchen to make himself something to eat. Probably the same as yesterday, so he grabbed the ham and cheese making a sandwich. He puts everything together then sits at the dinner table as boredom hits him. His best friend was probably still away at her grandmother's house. So, Bryan had nothing to do all weekend, he stands up after he ate and watched tv. He didn't know what better to do besides nothing.

The day was another slow and boring day. He spent seconds watching Tv, then minutes, now Hours! Hours fly by, sat on the lounge watching tv bored. He had nothing better to do, the clock is ticking away as all Bryan does is sit at the tv, watching random garbage that he doesn't even like! But then I heard, a sound at the door, a knock that was loud! No one was coming today, or as i'm aware of. Bryan stands up confusedly, as he slowly walks to the door opening it to see who it would be awaiting on the other side! Bryan stands awkwardly at the door, opened it slowly and there she stands Taylor was at my door. "Hey Bryan!" Taylor said hugging Bryan. "Oh, bad time?" Taylor said as she saw Bryan in his boxers. "No! I'll get dressed; I thought you were at your grandmothers?" Bryan said as he walks into his room. Taylor walks in waiting outside his bedroom's door, "well, we decided to go home a bit early." Taylor said in a happy voice as she waits patiently for Bryan to get dress. Bryan came out of his bedroom, as Taylor was leaning against the wall waiting. "So do you want to go to the park?" Taylor said confusedly, "sure!" The sound of his response was loud. They both walked out of the house, Bryan locked the front door before leaving. It was alright, his mother had the second key if he comes home later.

"So how has your weekend been?" She asked wondering what's been up with her best friend. "Nothing much, went to my mother's friend's house yesterday. It was boring, but that's all, just boredom." Bryan replied as they both walked down the sidewalk heading to the park. "How has your week been?" Bryan asked wonderingly. "It's been alright, had better weekends but I guess it's good." She said as we crossed the street into the gates of the park. They both walked to the nearest free bench, by the small lake where the ducks swim with their pride. They both sat down having the most boring conversation! After all every age has their boring side to them. "Well, we have school tomorrow." Taylor said as the conversation surely died quickly, well I guess kids boring conversations ends faster than adults. "Yup, nothing better than wasting my whole day learning." Bryan said as he looks at the ducks in the water.

Taylor didn't know how to continue onwards with the conversation, so she copied what Bryan was doing and looked at the swimming ducks. The ducks swim in a group, like four ducks following each other. Some time goes by it was getting a bit late, but Bryan randomly spoke. "Ever wondered why people's differences is looked upon disgustedly?" Taylor didn't know why Bryan would be the one to be bringing up the life questions. "No not really, why you ask?" Taylor responds to the random question. As a few seconds go by Bryan finally responds. "Nothing, just something random I guess". They both stand up from the bench and walked on by. Bryan didn't like lying to Taylor, but she knew something was on his mind that is somewhat bothering him.

"Are you sure, that it is nothing?" She questioned once more to make sure. "I guess so" Bryan said awkwardly, and nervously. It was like Bryan was scared to say something, or to admit something is bothering him. "Why is life so hard? Why are the thoughts always coming." Bryan said randomly, but this time a voice of sadness a tear could appear. She stopped walking, as he stopped as well. Taylor hugged Bryan, the biggest hug she could possibly give. A hug so big it may as well have suffocated somebody! "I'll tell you tomorrow." Bryan said, as Taylor wondered, but they were at her house. She had to go, "bye Taylor!" Bryan said as he walked away, "Bye Bryan!" Taylor shouted as she walks on into her house. Taylor was confused on what he could possibly tell her tomorrow, and why a whole day later? Bryan was walking down the sidewalk heading home, as Taylor walks into the kitchen and eats her dinner that was awaiting on the kitchen bench.

Bryan opened his front door, and walked on into the kitchen as he saw his mother wasn't home. So, in the meanwhile he thought it would be a good idea to have a shower now. He grabbed a new pair of underwear and walked to the bathroom locking the door behind him. As he takes his shirt and pants off, then taking off his underwear. He puts everything in the basket as he takes a shower. The mother walked in hearing the shower running so she walked on by to the kitchen. She sat at the kitchen table stressed and tired. She was drinking coffee late at night! She would just make simple minute noodles for her and Bryan.

Bryan got out of the shower, drying himself then put on his underwear. He walked to the kitchen and saw his mother cooking noodles. "Good afternoon, Bryan, sorry i'm tried so this should be the easiest to cook" she said half asleep. "It's ok, but probably shouldn't be drinking coffee at this time." Bryan said as he sat at the dinner table waiting for the noodles to be ready. He waited for a little while, the mother placed the bowl in front of him, as they both sat down eating. "I'm gonna spend the rest of the year sleeping" Bryan's mother said sarcastically, as she felt that tired! Bryan and his mother ate and ate and ate. Till Bryan eventually finished his dinner putting his bowl in the sink.

He walked down the hallway into his bedroom, taking off his underwear as he lays nakedly, it wasn't hot, but he didn't want them on. He is now asleep, dreaming a great dream. Waiting for his alarm clock to rage in noise, as he gets dressed to go to school that morning. He catches the bus, so he had to make sure he wakes up early enough to catch it, without missing it. So, he sleeps at 9 Pm, dreaming away. Bryan's mother laid nakedly on her bed as well sleeping away, as she worked endlessly for the past days! She wanted a new job, as the hours were too much for her ageing body to handle. She rarely could spend time with her own son! Monday's, she has off, but he has school. Sunday, she has off, but one out of 7 days a week to hang with your son. To the point you're spending more time working, than with the family you've made!

The night was growing darker, as the night animals awake. The rest just sleep until the sun appears once again. The sound is quiet, as mostly everything is asleep. The night was slowly passing, but eventually the sun will appear once again! As Bryan goes to school, and his mother, well sleeps.

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