Stargate SG-1: Escape

By dwatkins77

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The SG-1 and SG-4 teams find themselves on a world dominated by a colossal metal city. Several generations a... More

Supplement to Initial Report - D. Jackson, PhD
Chapter 1 - Gate Duty
Chapter 2 - A Gate Lost
Chapter 3 - Presents from Home
Chapter 4 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 5 - Riding the Rails
Chapter 6 - The Ride Ends
Chapter 7 - Welcome to Hell
Chapter 9 - Devil Wind and Other Obstructions
Chapter 10 - Up and Away
Chapter 11 - Toxic Underground
Chapter 12 - Back in the Real World
Chapter 13 - Friend or Foe
Chapter 14 - A Wild Ride and It Gets Wilder
Chapter 15 - A Gate Found - Almost
Chapter 16 - The End of the Road
Chapter 17 - The Final Battle
Chapter 18 - Homeward Bound

Chapter 8 - Meeting New Friends

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By dwatkins77

O'Neill gives a short laugh. "Thank you, Captain, you know how to make a person feel welcome."

"Sorry, Sir, but that's what Daniel says our escorts call it. They're really upset about being here. They've been discussing this decision with Daniel since we started down the stairs. Daniel's been trying to help them understand that none of us wants to be here."

To O'Neill the heat and humidity doesn't seem as bad on the ground as it did at the top of the column. The air is still heavy with humidity but the ground appears dry. A strong breeze brings with it a confusing smell of salt water and decay. A gust of wind swirls around the column, picking up fine dust and pelting the team with it. There is a faint and constant hum as the wind blows among the columns and exposed metal. The pitch varies as the wind's speed and direction change.

The colonel takes a quick look at the ground around the platform. "What's the situation?"

"Well, you can see that the ground is dry. It's a little uneven, dusty, a few inches of soft soil but with firm ground below. We shouldn't have any problems walking on it. We have the cart for Randall so he shouldn't slow us down much." She points toward Randall.

O'Neill watches the corporal walking around, testing the splint. "How is he doing?"

"As well as can be expected. Tired from the walk down. He's walking around to see how the splint holds up. Seems to be okay. So far."

O'Neill surveys the rest of the area. The two lights mounted above the platform provide enough light for O'Neill to see how the team has spread out around the platform. Unfortunately, the light is quickly swallowed up by the pervasive darkness. Since the lights are only on one side of the column the rest of the area surrounding the column is in perpetual darkness. The lights on the nearest columns are easily visible but they provide little illumination for the large area between the columns. O'Neill looks up at the beams running across the metal sky. No lights have been suspended from them or the cross beams. Almost all of the three hundred meters between the columns is dark. That darkness, combined with the relatively short distance between the floor above and the ground, continues the strong claustrophobic effect they experienced in the corridors above.

Bundy notices that Dr. Jackson is missing. "Where's Dr. Jackson?"

"He took a walk toward that column." Carter points to her right.

"Oh?" O'Neill and Bundy turn to take a look.

In the dark area between the columns they see a faint bobbing light. O'Neill assumes it's Dr Jackson.

Carter continues. "He thinks he knows the direction to take, but he wanted to be sure so the group wouldn't have to waste their energy walking in the wrong direction."

Before O'Neill can speak, Carter provides an answer to the obvious question. "I had Teal'c go with him."

"How's he going to know which direction is the right one?"

She points toward the column and up. He turns to look. There, above the platform and between the emergency lights he sees a series of large, faded characters.

"Daniel says they match the coordinate numbering scheme he saw above. He'll know which way to go once he sees the numbers on the other column."

"Where are Misters Jenz and Gren?"

"They decided that Daniel didn't need their help to check out the column." She points to the middle of the area lit by the platform's lights. There, standing back-to-back well within the circle of light, stand the two men.

"I guess they feel a little safer in the middle."

O'Neill steps to the edge of the platform. Below he sees that Randall has moved to his cart. Watkins stands watch over him.

O'Neill calls out to Randall. "How's the leg?"

"Not bad, Colonel. The splint goes from the foot up to mid-thigh. It's pretty tight. I don't think I'm putting any weight on the break. Won't be a problem until I have to take a ..." he sees Captain Carter move to stand next to the colonel "...uh go to the bathroom."

O'Neill laughs before responding. "Okay. Looks like we've got a long walk ahead of us. You'll be riding the whole way though."

"Hey, Sam," Daniel's voice comes over the radio.

Carter replies. "Yes, Daniel?"

"We're a little over halfway to the other column. I'll have to get closer before I can make out the numbers."

"I understand. We'll stay here until we hear from you."

Two minutes later Dr. Jackson reports in.

"Hey, Sam, Jack?"

O'Neill motions for Carter to answer, which she does. "Go ahead, Daniel."

"The numbers check out, this is the right direction to go."

"Great. Can you wave your light so we'll be sure to go in the right direction?"

Through the dark a barely visible light swings back and forth.

O'Neill reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small compass. He takes a quick reading on Dr. Jackson's light.

"Got it." He talks into his radio. "Okay, Daniel, we see it. Hold tight. We'll be there in a few minutes."

"We'll be here. Jackson out."

O'Neill speaks to his two officers. "Let's get a move on. Maybe we've lost them, but I don't want to take any chances."

O'Neill, Bundy, and Carter climb down. The rest of the team waits for them at the base of the ladder.

"We'll go as a group, no stragglers–"

Before he can complete his sentence a gust of wind swirls around the base of the column, showering the team with dust. O'Neill spits the dust out before continuing.

"Where was I? Let's see, no stragglers. Martinez, you have one of the NVGs? Ok, you go first. Here."

O'Neill hands Martinez the compass and gives him the heading to use.

"The rest will follow. Bundy, take the other NVG, bring up the rear. Watkins, you get first pull on the cart. Be alert, use the flashlights sparingly, try to save the batteries. We don't know how long we'll be down here." He pauses long enough for the team to assemble. "Okay, head 'em out."

Martinez leads the team into the increasing darkness. Before they leave the circle of light Bundy calls out.

"Colonel, I think we may have a slight problem."

"What is it?"

Bundy shines his light at the ground, highlighting a very clear set of tracks.

"The ground's pretty soft, and with the wind blowing the way it is it will probably cover up our footprints. But Randall's cart leaves deep ruts. They might last long enough for the Federation to find. And if they do they'll be able to catch up to us real quick."

O'Neill shines his light on the tracks. "Oh hell, you're right. What do you suggest?"

"Not sure, we need something to wipe out the ruts."

Martinez has walked back to see why the group has halted. He listens to what the two officers are saying. Looking up he scans the surrounding area with the night vision goggles. A dozen meters away lies a stand of long dead bushes.

"Colonel, I think I can put together a drag using that brush over there. Someone can drag it behind us, wiping out the tracks."

O'Neill asks, "You think that will work?"

"Worth a shot. Want me to try to rig something up, Sir?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Martinez walks off into the dark. The team hears faint rustling as Martinez strips branches from the dead shrubs. He reappears dragging several branches behind him. He lays them on the ground, arranging them so they will create a slightly random pattern. Once satisfied, he ties them together with several pieces of rope. The finished product is about two meters wide, with a three-meter length of rope running from it. He walks back to the column and returns to the group, pulling the drag along the trail left by the cart. The drag creates a cloud of dust that quickly dissipates. When he reaches the group he stops.

"Well, what do you think?"

Bundy shines his flashlight back along their old trail. He can see where a set of random striations has almost removed the deep ruts left by the cart. As he watches, the wind begins to shift the soil, slowly covering the marks. At this rate the tracks will be completely erased in an hour or so. The Federation will never be able to find the tracks.

Captain Bundy congratulates the Airman. "Excellent job, Martinez. I think that will do nicely."

O'Neill watched the demonstration with interest. He's impressed with what Martinez was able to do.

"Nice job, Martinez. Okay, Captain, looks like for the moment you'll be pulling the drag. Maybe we can leave it behind once we've gone far enough."

Martinez returns to the front of the group and begins walking toward their destination. The team follows. By the time they've gone twenty meters their shadows are barely visible. At fifty meters there is little light to show the way. Only Martinez and Bundy are able to see the ground, thanks to the night vision goggles. Martinez provides a walking commentary concerning the terrain, warning them of possible hazards. The small rocks, gravel, and fine dirt make walking difficult. Their feet sink several inches with each step, raising small clouds of fine dust that the wind quickly blows away. The unevenness of the terrain also slows their pace since no one wants to risk a twisted ankle. Martinez tries to pick a path that is relatively clear of brush and large rocks, but it's not easy. Bundy brings up the rear, dragging the branches behind him. Occasionally the team hears coughing as the wind blows the dust cloud back at the captain.

The team takes a little more than five minutes to walk the three hundred meters between the columns.

Eventually they reach Dr. Jackson and Teal'c. The two men stand to one side of the column, in the light, so the team can see them.

"You sure this is the way, Daniel?"

"Yes. I'll discuss it with Maren and Lorn to confirm but the numbers match what I expected."

Dr. Jackson waves for the two men to come to him. They spend a few minutes looking at the journal with Dr Jackson's flashlight and at the numbers on the column. O'Neill sees the three men nodding in agreement. Dr. Jackson walks back to the group.

Carter asks Daniel, "How are they doing?"

"Nervous wrecks just about. And we've only been down here, what, thirty minutes?"

O'Neill spends a few minutes re-organizing their movement. "Teal'c and Martinez will continue at point, about twenty meters ahead of the main body. Sergeant Sullivan will follow, with Dr. Jackson, Gren and Jenz. As we move, Daniel will provide directions to Teal'c and Martinez, making sure we don't wander off the path. Randall follows, with Watkins pulling for now. Lorenzo, you're with Watkins. Carter and I will follow. Davis, you and Captain Bundy watch our six. We don't want anything sneaking up on us."

"Colonel?" Corporal Randall asks.

"Yes, Corporal?" O'Neill answers.

"Perhaps I could hold onto the IR scope? I could scan to the sides and behind a little easier since I'm on the cart."

"Okay, whoever has the IR give it to Randall."

O'Neill waits until Randall has the IR scope before continuing. "I hate repeating myself, but I will. We need to save the batteries because I don't know how long we'll be down here. So, alternate with your hike buddy. Use one light sparingly, then switch. Any questions?"

No one says anything. Dr. Jackson provides the proper heading to the two point-men. Teal'c and Martinez move out, with the rest of the team following behind.

Daniel tries to reassure Gren and Jenz as they walk to the next column. Even in the darkness one can easily tell from their body language they are extremely nervous. Several of the team chuckle over what they believe are needless worries.

Other than being buffeted by gusts of dust-laden wind they reach the next column without incident. Daniel runs to the platform on the far side of the column and quickly climbs the ladder. A light shined at the faded numbers confirms what he was hoping to see. He returns to the group.

He announces, "yep, this is the right way."

Captain Bundy is a little confused. "Wait, I thought you said we were on the right heading?"

"I did, I just wanted to be sure." He points toward the next column. "We'll need to head in that direction for a number of columns, then turn right for a few columns." He moves his hand to point in that direction. "However, the great thing about being down here is we can take the direct route. I think it is in this general direction, give or take a few degrees." He points in a direction about ten degrees from their current heading. "The direct route will probably shorten the journey by fifteen or twenty kilometers compared to being on the surface."

"Martinez, get a compass reading from Dr. Jackson so we don't stray off the path."

Martinez walks up to Jackson. Once Martinez has the proper heading the team members resume their positions and move out.


The team has been walking for over two hours without a break. O'Neill knows they are struggling, but he's afraid they haven't gone far enough. He wants to put as much distance between them and the Federation as possible. However, since there hasn't been any signs of pursuit O'Neill decides to take a break. Since their heading will take them near a column, O'Neill radios Teal'c and Martinez to stop there and wait for them to catch up. Once the team reaches the column they do a quick search to be sure the area is clear. O'Neill even shines a flashlight under the platform to prove it is a monster-free zone.

The colonel takes the night vision goggles from Bundy and climbs the ladder. Once on the platform he puts on the goggles and scans the horizon. The light from the columns provides more than enough illumination for the goggles to show him the terrain. Though rough to walk on, the ground is level enough for him to see several kilometers. He doesn't see any movement.

Daniel joins him on the platform. "See anything?"

"Nope, nothing. Carter's misdirection might have thrown them off the scent."

"Surely they would give up by now."

O'Neill shakes his head. "You really think they'll give up? After attacking the stargate, then the delegates bringing the journal, and then attacking us on the 'supposedly neutral' tracks they'll probably follow us to hell and back."

As O'Neill speaks another strong gust of wind brings a blast of hot air and lots of dust. Spitting the grit out of his mouth, "And we apparently are already in hell."

Dr. Jackson shakes his head as well. "It's a shame they can't apply their paranoia to improving this city instead of tearing it down."

O'Neill responds. "Color me skeptical, but if the city is pinning their hopes on those clowns they are in big trouble."

O'Neill looks at his watch. He thinks to himself, "Another thirty minutes and then get moving again." He notices that the team has spread out around the platform and the column, with most of them sitting down. All except Gren and Jenz. Once again they stand back-to-back in the center of the circle of light, weapons at the ready.

O'Neill gestures at the two men. "Why are they standing there like that?"

Jackson looks up. "I think it's so nothing can sneak up on them out of the shadows."

"You've got to be kidding?"

"No, Jack. They really are nervous. If we weren't armed to the teeth, I truly think they would be willing to take their chances with the Federation."

"The only thing attacking us is this blasted wind. Maybe you can reassure them, again?"

"I'll try. How much longer?"

"Oh, about twenty-five minutes, maybe."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do."

Dr. Jackson climbs down the ladder and walks toward the two nervous men. He begins to talk in a subdued voice with them. Soon neither his nor their voices are exactly subdued.

O'Neill shakes his head and sighs. "Oh for Pete's sake."


"Captain!" Randall whispers urgently.

"Yeah, Corporal?" Captain Bundy answers.

"I just picked up something on the IR. It was there for a sec then it disappeared."

Captain Bundy walks just a few paces ahead of Davis, who now has the honor of pulling the branch drag. Bundy turns to face the rear,

"Where did you see it?"

"It was behind you, off to your right, about one o'clock."

Bundy walks backward, taking each step carefully. He scans the area with the goggles, but nothing is there.

"I don't see anything. You sure?"

"Yes, Sir. The stuff Watkins gave me is pretty good, but it doesn't make me see things."

As they speak the group approaches the end of the current dark zone.

"Could you tell what it was?"

"No, Sir. I just saw a vague shape. It must've dropped down when I said something. I don't think that's a good sign."

O'Neill, hearing the conversation, drops back to walk beside Bundy. He speaks to the corporal.

"What was it, Randall?"

"Not sure, Colonel. I picked up something on IR. When I notified the captain I turned away for just a sec. It must have dropped down. It looked like an animal of some kind."

"Well, we are in a shallow depression here, maybe it's hiding behind a ridge."

O'Neill looks ahead. Since they are about to pass another column O'Neill radios Martinez and Teal'c.

"Teal'c, Martinez, do you read?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Slight change. Head to the column. Climb onto the platform and see if you can see anything following us. Act like nothing is up."

"Yes, Sir."

The two men change direction and walk calmly toward the column. Dr. Jackson slows his pace to allow O'Neill to catch up to him.

"Something up, Jack?"

"Maybe. Randall thought he saw something but isn't sure. Martinez will check it out."

They continue toward the column. By the time they reach the illuminated area, Martinez stands on the platform, scanning the area behind them.

Martinez provides his report. "Colonel, I see three animals on the other side of a slight ridge, directly behind you about forty or fifty meters."

"Repeat, three animals?"

"Yes, Sir. Three animals. Can't make out much detail, but they look to be about the size of a large wolf."

"Anything else?"

"Nothing near here that I can see. There's something in the distance, like a large group of animals. Hard to tell at this distance."

"Okay, hold your position, we'll be there soon."

O'Neill turns to Dr. Jackson. "See what our friends think?"

Dr. Jackson speeds up. As soon as he is close enough he asks them about the animals following them. They looked shocked. They speak rapidly.

Dr. Jackson turns to O'Neill, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. Obviously they don't know anything and aren't happy about the news.

When they arrive at the column, O'Neill steps next to the platform. He looks up at Martinez, "What are they doing?"

"Nothing, Sir. Still just sitting there."

O'Neill turns to Bundy and Carter. "Thoughts?"

"If it's just three I can't see them posing much of a threat," says Bundy. "It's not like we can't see them. We've got plenty of firepower."

"True," Carter adds. "But if we have to shoot them that might attract the Federation. Course, we do have the Zats. We could also go back up into the city. We've walked about ten kilometers so far. That might be far enough."

O'Neill considers their comments. "We'll stay with the plan for now. We're covering ground faster than if we were upstairs. Stick closer together, move as one group. We'll keep a close watch on our friends, especially if there are any more around. If you're carrying a Zat keep it handy."

Martinez slides down the ladder to join the group. Daniel has already checked the column numbers and compared it to his journal. He points in the direction to head. After Martinez gets a compass reading the team moves out.


"Captain!" Randall yells out, "Behind you!"

Bundy whirls, gun at the ready. Davis drops the rope to the brush drag and steps next to the captain, moving his gun up as he drops to one knee. Bundy does a quick scan with his night vision goggles. He can see one of the wolf-like animals, standing there not more than eight meters away.

Several beams of light illuminate the creature. It stands there, its head cocked to one side, staring at the group. As large as a full-grown wolf, it looks like a nightmare on four legs. Lizard-like in appearance, sharp white teeth almost spill out of its open mouth. Its dark hide looks smooth with a hint of scales. Long, well-muscled legs show that the team could never hope to outrun it.

"There's one to your right, no two."

Another light finds the other two creatures ten meters away. They too stand motionless, staring at the group. The creatures are hesitating. No one knows if this is the result of the bright lights or because the group has turned to face the creatures.

O'Neill speaks softly. "All right, everyone, take it easy. Randall, do you see anything else?"

Randall does a quick 360-degree scan with the IR scope.

"Uh, no, Sir. Just these three."

One of the two creatures to the side takes several steps toward the group and then stops.

Someone asks, "Colonel, what do we do? Shoot them?"

Dr. Jackson speaks out, "They seem more curious that hostile."

Sergeant Sullivan steps away from the group. The pair of creatures watch as he moves away from the safety of the group.

"Sergeant," O'Neill, whispers, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not exactly sure, just a hunch. Cover me just in case."

He takes two more steps and then kneels. He holds out a hand toward the creatures. He calls out softly to the creatures.

"Take it easy boy. That's a nice whatever-the-hell-you-are."

One of the creatures takes a step forward. It looks at the sergeant and then the group. Looking back toward the sergeant it takes another step forward.

"That's it. We're not going to hurt you. We want to be friends, right?"

He lowers his outstretched hand. He slowly moves his other hand to his belt, where he keeps his bayonet. Gently he releases the catch and slowly grasps the bayonet's handle.

The creature takes several more steps. The team watches in silence, amazed at the scene playing out in front of them. The creature hesitates, ducking its head a bit. The sergeant continues talking softly. The creature stretches its head forward and sniffs the air, trying to catch the sergeant's scent. It moves again, its head only a few inches from Sully's hand. It takes several sniffs and another step. With that last step the sergeant's hand is just underneath the creature's head. The creature sniffs the offered hand, then looks up at the sergeant. The creature bares it teeth. O'Neill slowly aims his weapon at a point just behind the creature's head.

Sergeant Sullivan slowly turns his hand until the palm faces up. Slowly he raises his hand until it just touches the underside of the creature's jaw. The creature doesn't move. Sully gently scratches the bottom of the creature's jaw. The creature drops it head slightly and inches closer. The sergeant continues scratching the jaw and speaking softly. After a few seconds the creature takes a full step forward. Lowering its head the creature gently butts up against Sullivans's chest. The sergeant almost falls over but quickly recovers. Laughing, the sergeant takes his other hand away from his bayonet and uses that to scratch the top of the creature's head.

"That's a good boy," says the sergeant in puppy talk.

He stands and rubs the creature's flanks. The creature whimpers and shivers as the sergeant pets it. He stops. The creature makes a whining sound and bumps into him, rubbing its head up and down the sergeant's side. Sullivan vigorously rubs the creature. It begins whimpering and shivering so much it can barely stand.

"Jesus, Sully, how the hell did you do that?"

"I've spent some time with K-9s. These things didn't act like they were wild, did you boy?" He rubs the creature vigorously. The creature falls to the ground and onto its back. It begins to growl, its front legs flailing at the sergeant. "I thought it was worth taking a chance. Otherwise, we'd have to shoot them."

The sergeant turns to the second creature. It has been watching the interaction between its fellow creature and the sergeant and whining softly. The sergeant gives a low whistle and pats his leg. The other creature trots to his side, rubbing against his leg and hip.

Everyone's attention has been focused on the sergeant as this scene played out. Captain Bundy, mesmerized by Sully's actions, had completely forgotten about the third creature. He is reminded of it when he feels something bump into him from behind. Only with the greatest amount of willpower does he keep from jumping and screaming. He looks down to see a mouth full of teeth with a pair of eyes looking up. "Nice doggie" is about all he is able to get out. He carefully reaches down to rub its head.

Dr. Jackson realizes something. "If they are tame, who tamed them? There must be–"

Before he can finish his sentence, they hear a long whistle. The creatures jerk their heads back in the direction from which they arrived. The long whistle is repeated, followed by two quick ones. The three creatures jump up, turn and run away into the dark.

"What was that about, Colonel?" Carter asks.

"Sounds like someone was calling them. I wonder who?"

"O'Neill," they hear Teal'c. "I believe it was them." He points in the direction in which the creatures had run.

Forty meters behind them they see four dark shapes silhouetted by the light of a distant column. They appear to be armed, but with a mix of weapons. Two have rifles. One has a long spear. The other has what appears to be a crossbow. The three creatures are running and jumping around them like dogs would their owner. The men remain motionless. One holds out its hand and then waves it toward the ground. As he does, the three creatures stop moving and sit.

"Daniel, any thoughts?"

Dr Jackson is already discussing the situation with Gren and Jenz.

"They aren't sure, though Gren has an idea. He thinks we should probably go meet them."

"You think that's wise?" Bundy asks.

Dr. Jackson answers. "Well, I don't think it will hurt. They obviously aren't the Federation. If they had meant us harm, they could have had their 'dogs' attack us at any time."

O'Neill considers Gren's suggestion.

"Sure, why not." O'Neill finally says. "Daniel, Jenz, and I will go say hi. The rest of you staaayy."

He puts his hand out, duplicating the motion one of the strangers used to have the 'dogs' to sit.

"Watch your flanks. If it goes sour, you are in charge, Carter."

O'Neill raises his hands and walks toward the group of men. Dr. Jackson follows. Jenz reluctantly brings up the rear.

The three stop a short distance from the new group. They are about the same height as Jenz, meaning they are several inches shorter than O'Neill and Dr. Jackson. Each one has lightly colored hair, almost white. Though their exposed skin is very pale they are not albino. In the light their eyes appear to be slightly larger than normal with a very dark iris. Even in the light their pupils look dilated. Two of them try to shade their eyes from the team's flashlights.

O'Neill turns to the team. "Kill the flashlights."

The lights are turned off. The strangers uncover their eyes and say something, probably a 'thank you.'

One of the men, apparently the leader, speaks. Of course, O'Neill can't understand a word. Dr. Jackson turns to Jenz. Jenz shrugs his shoulders. Neither can understand what the man is saying.

"I don't know," Jackson says.  "It sounds a little like their language, but neither one of us understands it."

O'Neill shakes his head to show he does not understand. Jenz speaks. The leader turns to face him. He replies in the same language. They begin to talk.


"I'm not sure, Jack. It must have been a dialect that isn't widespread. He and Jenz seem to be communicating fine now."

He pauses to listen.

"He says they were out hunting when their 'dogs' went off without warning. Normally that means they've found prey. Turns out it was us."

"What are they hunting down here?"

"Uh, sounds like there's a wide range of creatures that live under the city. They hunt them. They also tend a herd of something, couldn't quite make that out. They trade the meat and skins with the people in the city."

Dr. Jackson listens and then continues. "It appears they live on the ground or maybe on the lowest levels of the city. There aren't a lot of them. From what I can tell they are descendants of the engineers and technicians who lived their entire lives in the bowels of the city, repairing it and keeping it running. When the city broke down things didn't turn out well for them. They had to make it on their own. Even though they trade with them, they and the 'uppers' do not get along very well."

O'Neill lets that sink in for a moment. "What do they think about us then?"

"I don't think they care. They are impressed that we seem to get along with their 'dogs'. We can't be all bad I guess. They think it's odd that we're traveling down here. I don't think they are buying what Jenz is telling them. I guess as long as we don't bother them, they will leave us alone."

O'Neill feels something bump into him from behind. He turns to see one of the creatures looking up at him. Without thinking he reaches down and scratches its head. No longer the center of attention, one of the creatures decided it needed its head scratched. It circled behind the 'strangers from above' and settled on O'Neill as its new friend. The 'underdweller' leader groans and makes a comment.

"That one is always misbehaving, he says. Hmm, that must be why it likes you." Dr. Jackson laughs at his joke. O'Neill opens his mouth to respond but decides not to.

The conversation between Jenz and the leader appears to be over. The man says a few words and then turns to walk away. The others join him. They hear a whistle and the dog-like creatures run off into the dark.

"He wished us well, hoping that the columns guide us on our journey, or something like that."

O'Neill smiles. "That was nice of him."

Dr. Jackson continues. "He also said, based upon the direction we are going, we should be wary of the devil wind? I think that's what he said."

"What's the devil wind?" O'Neill asks.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out." Dr. Jackson answers.

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