Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

677K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 32

7.9K 199 9
By Scratch_your_head


Amelia was bored, they had been standing and recieving wishes and congrats from people. She wasn't interested in meeting with strangers. They were all related to her new husband and they were as bad as him. There were his relatives, friends, business partners, colleagues, associates and the people who were a tiny bit related to the mafia world. They were all there to celebrate the wedding of their king.

She felt a cold shiver running in her body when she remembered what he had said earlier. "Welcome to my world!" His voice was so dark and his eyes were intense silver swirls. His arms securely wrapped around her petite body and his ring perfectly placed on her finger. After signing the wedding documents, Candace had covered both of them under her veil and he had kissed her again.

He had married her and joined her with him. The thought was making her want to cry. She was completely trapped now. She took in deep breaths to control the tears forming in her eyes. She had been doing it that whole day. She felt his fingers rubbing circles on her waist. He hadn't let her go since her father handed her over to him.

She looked in front of her to blankly watch the couple who was greeting them. She didn't bother to pass a smile or even answer any of their greetings. She wasn't going to thank them for congratulating her on her wedding with the devil. They were there to strengthen their connections with their king so it was his headache. She couldn't be of any use to them.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Santiago!" Another couple came and congratulated them. Amelia felt her heart sinking in the pit of her stomach. Mrs. Santiago! She was Mrs. Santiago now. She had become his wife. She never wanted it, she hated being called by that name. Ajax on the other hand felt his chest swelling with pride. He had made her his and his only. She was his wife and he fucking owned her.

Amelia turned her head away from the female who was trying to pass her a smile. She wasn't interested in interacting with anyone. She had expected Ajax to say something about her rude behavior but he didn't say anything. He didn't force her to fake a smile because he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him was that she was his.

Plus, her attitude wasn't considered too rude in his world. She was the wife of the king, she was the queen. People perceived that she was uptight, dry and plain due to her rank. She could show attitude to every other low life in his world. If she had acted according to her sweet nature, that would be more peculiar in his world. He wanted people to hesitate before taking to her. And she was unknowingly acting up to his wishes.

A few females tried to give her hugs but she would always retreat away and he would like her backing up in his arms. All the girls and women thought that she didn't like being touched by low ranks. And about males, he didn't let any of them touch his woman not even for a handshake.

"You are looking gorgeous, my love!" Amelia gasped a little when she heard him whisper in her ear. His hot breath fell on her skin making it tingle. It was the first time he was complimenting her that night and knowing him, it wasn't going to be the last. He would always compliment her and show his affections openly. He was very expressive about his feelings towards her.

She kept her eyes down and didn't dare look up. She couldn't get herself to look in his piercing silver eyes. She felt his lips being softly placed on her cheek and realized that he had kissed her. She felt numb, her mind was working at a very slow pace. She had to take few minutes to figure out everything happening around her.

She felt herself moving and realized that he was taking her somewhere. He stopped and she looked in front of her to see a huge wedding cake. It was very beautiful and it looked appetizing. She was stunned by it just like she was stunned by the marvelous wedding decorations. There was something different about the cake. It wasn't the mint chocolate cake she had selected.

He knew! He knew what she did that day. He changed the cake and instead got this very beautiful and ginormous one. "Let's cut our wedding cake!" He said. Our? More like his! I am just a puppet and puppets don't get married. They get sold only.

Everyone gathered around them. Victor came and handed him a sword. An actual freaking sword! Ajax stood behind her and brought his arms around her. He made her hold the sword. It was surprisingly light weight and she could hold it easily. He placed his one hand on her hand holding the sword while his other one rested on her stomach.

They cut the cake and everyone clapped and cheered. They looked like a couple in love when in reality she would give anything to get the fuck out of his arms. He cut a piece and brought it to her lips. She wanted to turn her head away but had to bite it. It tasted really good. Now it was her turn to feed him the cake.

She hesitantly took the piece from his hand and brought it to his lips with trembling hand. He looked deep in her eyes and took the bite. She had to look away from his eyes to keep her heart from shooting out of her ribcage.


Everyone ate and drank. Amelia sat at the head table with Ajax. There were multiple cuisines and the aroma was appetizing. But she didn't feel any hunger despite not eating anything after lunch. Food was the last thing on her mind. She only took a few bites after being constantly nudged by the man beside her. He was eating normally because it was a happy day of his life. She on the other hand, considered it her doom day.

"Eat!" She heard him say in her ear. She would always shiver at his close proximity. Why does he always have to lean so close to my ear? Can't he talk normally. She rolled her eyes internally but had to oblige him considering her family was also sitting on the same table.

She wanted to go to them but he didn't look like he would let her go any time soon. Even while sitting, he had his arm wrapped around her body like twine. He liked feeling that he could keep her in his arms all the time. He liked that kind of power over her.

After eating, Ajax took her towards a big royal chair. He put his hand on her shoulder and made her sit on it, she looked at him confused. She had no idea what he intended to do. He had this habit of not telling her anything even if it was about her. "Time for the garter toss!" She heard a male voice yell excitedly, it belonged to Oscar Santiago. Her eyes widened, Garter toss! She didn't want to do that kind of embarrassing tradition.

She vaguely remembered Candace telling beauticians to put their family garter on her leg. She had blocked them out and didn't pay mind to what the workers were doing. Her mind was so numb that she didn't think any of it. She watched as Ajax got on his one knee in front of her. He could see the troubled expressions on her face. She felt her breathing increase when he touched her wedding gown.

She looked at the crowd and panicked more. She was about to stand up but he discreetly applied pressure on her left knee, telling her to stay put in her place. She looked in the crowd and found her mother's sorrowful eyes. She looked back at Ajax when she felt him grab the edge of her gown. His hands disappeared under it.

She gasped when she felt his touch on her bare skin. She tried to move her legs back but he didn't let her. He slowly moved his hands up her legs making her goosebumps raise on it's way. She felt a crippling feeling on her skin with every inch his hand moved up her leg. When he touched her knee, she placed her hand on his from above her gown.

He held it with his other hand not allowing her to resist. To other people it looked like he was sweetly holding her hands but in reality he was pinning them down. His fingertips touched the thin lacy fabric on her thigh making him stop going up. She sighed in relief when he found it. 'Pull it out!' The crowd cheered. Her breath hitched when he held her legs with his one hand and her gown with the other.

He raised the gown a little revealing her milky feet. He maintained eye contact with her as he lowered his head making her feel shivers in her body. His head disappeared under her gown. She tightly clutched the side of the cloth in her fists. He ran his nose on her leg all the way to her thigh. She cursed the dressers who had put the garter so up on her thigh.

She felt his teeth enclosing around the lacy fabric. He pulled it with his teeth and moved out of her skirt. He tossed the cloth towards the cheering cloud. She kept her gaze low trying to hide her flushed cheeks. She felt embarrassed at his family's peculiar traditions.


"It's time for the bride to dance with her father" Candace told Ajax. Amelia who was standing beside him, took a breath of relief. Finally! A few moments away from him. She desperately wanted some time without him breathing down her neck.

"There is no need for that" Ajax straightforward denied. Amelia's face fell. He was denying her few minutes of happiness. "It's a father daughter dance Ajax. It's a tradition" Candace told him. Ajax raised a brow saying he doesn't give a shit about any stupid tradition. His arms tightened around Amelia pressing her more into him. She had a troubled expression on her face. Her sad eyes met with Candace's, she didn't want her to give up on her.

"Give the girl a little time to breath. Don't take this away from her" Candace tried to persuade Ajax. His hard face didn't change but he thought about her words. He wanted to make every moment of his girl perfect. If dancing with her dad makes her happy, so be it.

Amelia had lost hope when he said; "okay!" Her face lit up, she wanted to be with her dear dad. "I'll call Mr. McCarthy" Candace said and threw a reassuring glance towards Amelia before going away. Amelia felt Ajax's hot breath falling on her skin. He placed a soft kiss on his favourite spot. It was the only mark the beauticians hadn't covered with make up.

She shivered but didn't dare say anything. "You are so gorgeous mia bella" He whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes for a second to control her nerves as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. Before he could do anything else, she saw her dad coming their way. She thanked him jn her head for coming to rescue her from the monster.

Ajax begrudgingly left her waist and let her father hold her. "One dance" He said and Arnold seethed but didn't say anything. His forced son in law was a psycho. He ignored him and took his dear daughter away since the song had started.

"I... D-dad... " Amelia sniffled to control her tears. She couldn't let them flow since they were surrounded by so many people. She tried to say something to her dad as they started dancing but she was on the verge of crying. "I know honey, i know but your dad is poweless" Arnold said sadly. He hated himself that he couldn't do anything to save his daughter.

"Don't blame yourself dad, it's not your fault" She said as she slowly danced with her dad. "Money and power is everything in this world. I always thought that we were rich but we weren't... Not enough" She said after few seconds. She was feeling very depressed right now.

"I thought that too. I thought I had earned enough to give my girls a good life but...." Arnold trailed off talking about his wife and daughters. "But it's nothing in front of him. He is very rich and powerful. It doesn't matter if he has black money. The only thing matters is that he is the one who has it and w-e are n-nothing in front of h-him" She said but her voice started breaking at the end.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around her father's neck. She placed her head on his shoulder. They lightly danced at the tune playing. Arnold had a helpless expression on his face. He lightly stroked her back when he felt her tears soaking his suit's jacket. She was hiding herself in her dad's arms so that she could at least cry at her misery.

"Please take me away from here d-dad. T-take me somewhere he cannot f-find m-me" She whispered crying. Arnold gulped to control his own tears. "I wish I could, my princess, I wish I could... " He repeated again and again. They stayed silent after that, bathing in each other's embrace. They didn't know when will they meet again.


Amelia heard a throat clearing sound and raised her head from her dad's shoulder. Her tears had dried by now. She didn't want to turn around and see who it was. Arnold glared at the man standing in front of him. The man who had stolen his family's happiness. He could never forgive him. If he wasn't worried for his girls, he would have shot that man himself.

"I want my wife back" Ajax said with authority. He didn't care that Arnold was glaring at him since he couldn't do anything. The man was powerless in front of him. He could kill him in a snap and he would've already done it but he couldn't give that much pain to his girl.

When Arnold and Amelia didn't move, Ajax held Amelia's waist and pulled her into his arms. He took her away from her dad and made her stand in front of him. It was time for the bride and groom's dance. He snaked his arms around her waiist and made her place her hands on his shoulder. She gasped when he pulled her towards him and she fell on his chest.

Her blue eyes met his silver one's and her breath hitched. He was staring at her, his eyes seemed to captivate her. He started moving their bodies in rhythm with the song without her realizing it. He could see slight redness in her eyes which wasn't there before he had left her with her dad. He knew she had cried.

She had to avert her gaze from him, his eyes were making her nervous. She tried to create some distance between them but he pulled her back. Her front was pressed up against his hard chest. "You are looking so angelic in your wedding dress. My choice always suits you" He said making heat raise to her cheeks. She was angry that he would always choose stuff for her. He changed their wedding cake too. None of her wishes mattered to him.

At the same time, his compliments made her flustered. She shook her thoughts off, she didn't want to be seen beautiful in his eyes. It had always caused her trouble. They swayed with the music. She was good at dancing and he knew that. She used to dance around in her college dorm and sometimes he would catch her by calling her at that hour. She would be all out of breath and trying to hide it from him. But he would always get her to tell him everything.

His arms tightened around her posessively; "Mine!" He growled in a low voice. She looked up from his chest into his eyes. She gritted her teeth, she hated whenever he would make a claim on her. She stepped her long pointed heel on his shoes. He didn't make any sound but smirked at her attempt of pretending that she stepped on his foot by mistake. "Hmmm.... Feisty!" He mumbled. She kept looking in his eyes. "You can keep that attitude if you want me to go rough on you tonight" He said with a smug smirk on his face.

She visibly trembled at his words. Her hands fisted his suit's jacket. Tears started filling her eyes as she looked at him with scared expressions. He cursed himself in his head. He knew his girl wasn't the fiesty type. She was an innocent angel and he had successfully scared her more than she already was. He rubbed circles on her waist but she flinched slightly at his slow movements.

He needed to calm her down. He knew she was already very overwhelmed with everything which had happened tonight. It was against her will. He did everything without her consent and in just few hours made her his. He placed his hand on the back of her head and made her rest it on his shoulder.

He rubbed slow circles on her waist and her trembling lessened in few minutes. People were looking at them in awe, not knowing the reality. She closed her eyes, she was tired and wanted to get out of there. She wanted to go back to her own house and forget about everything which had happened tonight. She wished that it was all just a nightmare.

Ajax knew she must be tired. He decided to end the event. He took her towards his mom and told her that they would be heading home now. Her family came and he let her meet them for one last time. She hugged her mom, dad and sister. She cried a little when they cried but she couldn't do more when Ajax was standing right behind her.


Amelia was blankly looking at the passing trees through the car's window. They had come out of city and moving through some woods. She wanted to get lost in that place, in that dark night and never be found. She completely ignored the man sitting beside her throughout the way. She hadn't said a word to him all night. She was least interested in having a conversation with him.

She closed her eyes when she felt him place kisses on her bare neck. He had been busy in placing smooth kissess on her skin all the way. There was a partition between them and the driver's seat so he couldn't see them. She fisted her hands on her lap. As long as she stays like a statue, he won't hurt her.

After few more agonizing minutes for Amelia, Ajax raised his head from her neck. She realized that the car had now entered in his area. The big walls with that big iron gate. She remembered it from the night she tried to escape him. She felt her body shivering at the dark memories. The car was moving through that same path. She felt dread slowly settling inside her.

The cars entered through another gate and stopped in front of the main door. Amelia's breathing increased. She didn't want to go back in that prison. She didn't know if she will ever be able to step out of there. She didn't notice when Ajax got out of the car. He walked to her side and opened the door for her. He forwarded his hand for her to take.

She didn't want to step out of the car but she had no other way. She raised her trembling hand and placed it on his hand. He firmly held it and helped her out of the car with that heavy bridal dress of hers. "Welcome my love!" He said. She shrieked lowly when he suddenly lifted her up in his arms. He lightly smiled at her; "It's a tradition" He told her and entered his mansion through the porch.

He carried her up the stairs, all the way to his room. He opened the door with his foot and took her inside. He placed her on her feet. She looked around the room. It was decorated beautifully with flowers and candles. The dim light from the candles was giving it a romantic look. Her heart beat at a fast pace. The room was decorated for newlyweds. There were flowers and petals everywhere.

Amelia hurriedly turned around when she heard the click sound of the door. Her heart thudded when she saw that Ajax had locked the door. He looked in her eyes and took slow steps towards her. He removed his suit's jacket while coming towards her. She backed away in fear but was stopped by the bed's foot.

He threw his coat on the couch and stood in front of her. He stared at her face with a longing look. He raised his hand and slowly caressed her face with his fingers; "so beautiful" He mumbled. Amelia turned her face away not wanting to be touched by him. She shrieked when he suddenly pulled her towards him with a jerk. She landed on his hard chest. "All mine. Mine. Mine.... " He mumbled repeatedly.

"Tonight you are finally mine and I can do anything with you Mrs. Santiago" He enjoyed calling her with his last name which would always give her chills. She panicked and pushed at his chest with her trembling hands. He tsked; "Don't do it love. If you don't want to anger me, Don't. Do. It." He told her. His hard voice brought tears in her eyes.

His eyes softened, he didn't know what that girl was doing to him. She had turned him into a fucking softie. He couldn't see the tears in her eyes. He wouldn't make her cry only if she would accept him. He caressed her hair and turned her around. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder; "Did you like the decorations of our wedding night?" He asked.

Her body shivered at his words. "It's our special night love" He told her. She didn't want to spend any kind of special night with him. She just wanted to get away from him. She shrieked when she felt him opening the zipper of her dress. She hurriedly turned around and said; "N-no!" It was the first word she had said to him that night. He would have been happy if she wasn't resisting him.

"Relax love. I'm your husband now" He told her and tried to pull the zipper down again but she whimpered and backed away. She was panickingly looking at him with her teary eyes. "P-please" She pleaded. He knew she was scared of him; "Okay relax. Let's sit first" He told her.

She looked at the bed and shook her head, she didn't want to go there. "Do you want to get out of these fancy clothes before sitting on the bed?" He asked and she hurriedly shook her head. She knew it was a threat ,so this time she let him take her to the bed. She sat on it with him standing in front of her. She kept her eyes on her lap and fiddled with her fingers.

He sat on his one knee in front of her. She moved back when he pushed her gown back from her feet. But he pushed only a little to reveal her feet. He held her right foot and unstraped her heel, taking them off. He did the same to her other foot. His fingers lightly grazed on her milky skin. As they glided towards her leg, she hurriedly pulled her feet up and moved to the middle of the bed.

He smiled seeing her at her place and got up. He unbuttoned his black inner vest and took it off. He untied the knot of his tie and now it hung losely around his shirt's collar. He took off his shoes and got on the bed. He sat in front of her and kept staring at her. She looked so stunning. She was sitting in his room, on his bed, in her white dress, surrounded by red petals. He felt like he could stare at her beautiful face all night. But he wanted more tonight.

He could see the slight shiver in her body. He knew she was scared but he wanted to calm her with his closeness. When he tried to hold her trenbling hands, she pulled them back. His jaw clenched at her move. She gasped when he pulled her closer to him. "I have waited so long for this moment" He said. She averted her eyes from him. She couldn't put up with the burning passion in his silver eyes.

Her breath hitched when he placed his lips on her ear. He moved back and took her earrings off. Next he lowered his head on her neck. He placed a soft kiss on her slender neck and took her necklace and chains off. He looked at her still lowered eyes and ran his fingers through her hair. He took off her veil which was hanging at the back of her head and put it aside. He took all the accessories out of them and opened her hair.

He held her hands and placed soft kisses on her wrists. He took off the bracelets but left his engagement ring and wedding band. "Look at me!" He said. She lifted her heavy eyelids and looked at him.

"You will be mine tonight!"


Words count: 4376

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