Confessions of the Lovestruck

By NelBlake92

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While struggling to fit into their families' worlds, Davina and Elijah find acceptance in each other. But whe... More

Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5

Chapter 1:

4 0 0
By NelBlake92

Davinas POV

I tried to be discreet as I checked over my shoulder for the hundredth time.

The rain pelted my head, soaking my hair and running into my eyes so that I could only make out three blurry shapes following me. They had been following me since Id left the cafe; I worked at ten minutes and 15 blocks ago. Id turned corners and ducked downside streets trying to run into someone or find some help, but so far, the streets had been completely empty.

Of course, my phone had died, not that it mattered anyway.

My best friend/sister was in LA trying to land either an acting or modeling gig. Our parents were busy with work and their social lives. And my brother was probably out partying and too drunk to drive himself home, let alone come rescue me. I didnt have anyone else.

Finally, I saw someone walking toward me.

He was tall and dressed in a black hoodie pulled low over his face, black jogging pants and black Nikes. He had headphones in, and I could hear his music from five feet away. He didnt seem to be paying much attention.

Taking a moment to consider that he was a robber, rapist, or murderer just like the men following me and figured Id have to take that chance if I wanted to be saved. Otherwise, I would just end up like my birth mother left broken and bloody in an alley. With one last glance over my shoulder at the figures following me I decided to go for it. "Hey," I said excitedly, and I barreled straight into the guy.

He looked surprised as one arm came up to either push me away or pull me in while the other removed his earbud. What, he asked in a heavily British-accented, raspy voice. "Can I help you, miss?"

"I'm sorry to ambush you, but you're the first person I've come across and these guys have been following me for a while. I've been walking in circles so I don't lead them back to my place. Can you please just pretend to me my friend," I pushed out in one breath.

He looked over my head at the guys who had stopped walking to watch us and I got the chance to see the bright green color of his eyes. They were beautiful.

"They arent even pretending to be subtle," he said quietly.

"No," I said.

With that he threw his arm around my shoulders. "What took you so long, love," he asked loudly.

"Sorry I got lost," I said, and we started walking back toward the way I'd come.

The guy gave the three creeps a murderous glare as we passed them, and they started moving in the original direction I had been going. We walked in silence in the cold rain for a little while.

"Are we going the right way," he asked.

I hesitated for a moment but then nodded when he gave me a serious look.

"I live right up here," I said pointing to my apartment.

"I'm Elijah by the way," he said, glancing behind us to make sure those guys hadnt turned back around.

I did the same before turning to look up at him. "I'm Davina and thank you so much. Again, Im sorry I made you go out of your way, but I was so afraid," I admitted shaking my head.

"Its fine, really. Im just glad you felt comfortable turning to me for help," Elijah said. Most people are intimidated by me, he said.

"Why? You seem like such a nice guy," I said smiling at him even while I shivered as cold water ran down my spine.

He smiled at me and it was heartbreakingly gorgeous. "Well, I'm covered in tattoos for one thing and the piercings dont help. Plus, I'm known to be a bit of an asshole," he admitted and shook his head.

"Well, you're just what I needed tonight," I said and knew that it was a little too close to flirting but something about him made me feel safe.

I shivered again, and he noticed.

"You should go inside. You are soaked, and its freezing out."

"And you probably have somewhere better to be than saving random girls on the street," I said and laughed a little at my own predicament. "I wish I knew how to repay you. I suppose I could offer you a drink," I said and shrugged.

"As nice as that sounds, I really should get going. It was nice to meet you Davina," he said.

"Same to you Elijah. Be safe and have a good night," I said with a bright smile before turning to unlock the front door of the apartment building.

I waved to him before going inside and letting the door shut behind me. I headed for the elevator and pressed the button. As I stood there waiting, I replayed everything that had happened since leaving the cafe.

I closed my eyes for a second and all I could see was the bright green of Elijahs eyes.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as I turned and headed for the door. "Idiot why didnt you offer him your number," I scolded myself as I stepped back out in the rain to look for him.

A quick glance around told me that hed already disappeared into the night just as quickly as hed come. I was mentally kicking myself for not saying something before I walked in the building and now, Id probably never see him again. Which fit just how things were going since I decided to move to the city away from my adoptive family.

Once I reached the 18th floor I entered my empty apartment.

I took off my shoes by the door so I wouldnt leave wet shoe prints on the expensive hardwood floor and hung my jacket up on the coat rack, though the dryer would have made more sense with how soaked it was. I made my way to my room to strip out of my soaked clothes and change into something warm and dry. Since it was so late, and I was home alone I decided simply to go to bed. Tomorrow had to be a better day. Didnt it?

Elijahs POV

My night had been shitty, but doing the good deed of saving Davina had improved my mood.

Id been forced out into the cool spring rain in an attempt to clear my head. My loving parents had just spent the better part of three hours badgering me into giving up my flourishing business, my dream job, to join my father and younger brother in the family business. Which was doing just fine without me, by the way.

I know that doesnt sound horrible, but when they make it sound like Im some failure who is living out of box instead of someone on the 30 under 30 to watch list for entrepreneurs in the city, it was pretty damn insulting.

Needless to say, I was more in the mood to put my hands on someone than save the pretty girl. Yet here I was standing in the rain convincing her to go inside instead of standing out here catching her death just to talk to me.

She waved as she went inside and as soon as the door closed I groaned. I should have asked her out while she was still standing there. I went up to the door and thought about knocking but she was more than likely in her apartment already.

Defeated, I decided to head to my favorite hangout spot. I slipped my headphones back into my ears and started walking again. I let my mind go blank again so that I didnt get angry as I moved toward my destination.

A few steps from The Vulgar Bats, the rain let up, and it seemed that my night was looking up.

I stepped inside to see that the place was packed as usual. Nigh and Kira were behind the bar serving the dozens of customers that were crowded around. Every pool table had a game going, all 3 dart boards were occupied and there were more than a few people trying their hand at axe throwing.

I took off my soaked hoodie and hung it on the coat rack near the door. I nodded to Nigh and Kira before heading for the stairs that led to the bathroom, the VIP area, and Colson Kanes office. As I passed the dance floor and chill area, females smiled and winked, a few were even bold enough to reach for me.

I moved out of reach and kept moving with polite smiles.

"No matter where you go the girls love you, huh," a painstakingly familiar voice said as I reached the top of the marble stairs.

I looked up and sighed. At the top of the stair stood my ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Preston. And she looked just as good as she always did, even dressed in a waitress uniform.

Elizabeth also known as Ellie, was tall and model thin with shiny dark brown hair, a heart-shaped face, perfectly shaped eyebrows over big gray eyes that were framed by a fan of real lashes, not those fake ones the girls all seemed to sport all the time. Her nose was thin and slightly upturned over full rose bud lips.

"What are you doing here, Ellie," I asked with a defeated sigh.

"Colson is helping me out while Im in town," she explained, looking me up and down, taking in my soaking wet attire. "He's a good friend but I wouldnt need to be working in a nightclub if you would just let me stay with you," she said giving me puppy dog eyes.

Here we go again.

This wasnt the first time she had tried to guilt trip me into letting her move in with me which would just lead to us sleeping together and then Id be back with her. It had happened before. I had yet to figure out how to make her get it through her head that it was over.

I moved up the last couple stairs so that we were on equal ground and I was looking down at her. "We aren't together. We aren't getting back together, and we absolutely cannot live together," I said in a cold voice. "Be safe out here, Ellie," I told her and kept heading for Colsons office.

Coles office was unlocked, and I walked right in. He was on the phone with someone doing business, so I didnt say anything. I went over to his closet and took out a set of dry joggers and a tee shirt before going to change in his private bathroom.

When I came out, he'd poured two tumblers full of ice and whiskey.

"Must've been a rough night for you to walk here in the pouring rain," Cole said with a smirk.

"Brother, you've got no idea," I said taking a seat and accepting the drink and downing it.

I don't know why Wattpad didn't keep my proper formatting, but I'll be mindful of that when I post the next chapter on Friday!

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