Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

(Splitting it up into parts, cause If I don't then it's going to be hella long.) 

It's been a few days since the news of the rampages, and things have gone semi back to normal.

I trained Tuk little by little. Teaching her how to throw a punch and where to bite if in a hold.

I was a proud teacher upon seeing her throw a right hook to Lo'aks groin when he said something rude to her. She was a fast learner, just like Netyeam.

Right now though, Ao'nung was complaining about waking up to help us bring in the fish from the hunt.

"Why do I have to do this?" He complained for the twentieth time.

He was the laziest mofo I knew.

"Ao'nung, since we are friends now and we are being open and honest with each other. I've been curious about something."

I stood up and cracked my back, loosening me up.

He looked at me confused and Neteyam's eyes widened.He knew, he always knew. 

I finished my sentence in english " did your mother purposely raise a bitch or just a ugly Motherfucker with a nasty personality?"

He sat there confused but I wasn't done.

I had a bad feeling in my stomach and woke up in a bad mood and Ao'nung just made it worse. I didn't appreciate his negative attitude or his laziness so I decided to give him hell today.

"You know what the sky people say, the apple doesn't fall-"

Neteyam puts a hand over my mouth to prevent me from finishing my sentence.

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing, she just isn't feeling good."

Neteyam said through his teeth smiling, "isn't that right Riti?"

I made a muffled sound. Hell no. I was feeling fine. Fine enough to kick some ass.

Ao'nung shrugged and turned back to Roxto

"I knew I shouldn't have taught you cuss words." Neteyam whispered in my ear, giving me a reprimanding look

"Come on, it was the best decision you've ever made."

He snorted.

"Watch your potty mouth." He tapped my lips, his fingers lingering for a little bit longer then they should've.

All these years ad he still caused my heart to speed up. 

I snapped my teeth at him, playfully.

"Don't tell me what to do."

He pointed to himself, "Me? I wouldn't dare."

He cheekily smiled at me, he was such a dork. A beautiful, annoying, funny, amazing, dork.

I wanted to ask him if he was seal the deal. The past few months with him have been amazing, I wanted that forever. I wanted to be with him and spend the rest of my life with him.

I knew he was waiting for me, and I'm ready.
I was just waiting for the perfect moment to tell him.

"What are you thinking about?"

He peered down at me, "Let me into your weirdo mind, ma RIIII"

He placed his fingers on my head and closed his eyes.

See? Dork?

I rolled my eyes, placing my hands on top of his head.

I was sort of a dork too.

What it would be like to see into his brain.

It better be about how amazing, beautiful, caring, kind, and smart I am. 

"You guys are perfect for each other." Ao'nung snickers

Roxto added, " I agree. They both have really weird minds."

Neteyam rolled his eyes, taking his hands off.

"I stand by the fact that you two are jealous."

They both rolled their eyes and I threw a fish at them. It hit Ao'nung in the head, and he snapped his head up to glare at me.

"You did not just do that."

"But I did." I smiled at him evilly.

"It's on."

I pulled Neteyam in front of me and used him as a shield.

"No why am I being dragged into thii-AYE!"

He held his stomach where the fish hit him.

He looked at me and I nodded.

We both gathered a whole bunch of fish in our arms.

"Guys are we really doing this?" Roxto sighed

"YES!" We all yelled at him

He grumbled under his breath, gathering his own fish.

Me and Neteyam where back to back about to take down these fish fuckers down when we heard the conch sound out.

"Are there more visitors?" Roxto asked confused

"No that is not it." Ao'nung said with his face furrowed in concern. He quickly threw the fish hitting me in the face and rushed to where everyone was gathering.

I groaned, wiping my face. Cheater.

As much as I wanted my revenge on Ao'nung there was a bad feeling in my stomach. Making me nauseous.


I looked at him, something wasn't right.

Bad feeling means a bad thing is about to happen.

At least that is what past experiences have told me.

He quickly dropped his fish and tugged me with him, I didn't let my fish go.

It was giving me a little bit of comfort I think.

I was going to name him fickle, no berry, no-

"Stop naming the fish, Ri." Neteyam muttered.

I gaped at him. How did he know?

He smirked a little and then dropped when he saw the scene in front of us.

Everyone was yelling in protest, Ronal and Tonowari lay in the center, rage apparent in their eyes, rage and sadness.

I threw my fish back into the ocean.

Jake stood there trying to calm them, his arms out, "Be calm Be calm."

Ronal stared at Jake, "My spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the sky people."

I sighed.

"The war has come to us!" Tonorwari yelled out into the crowd

"We knew about this hunting of our Tulkun people but it was over the horizon far away. Now it is here!"

People yelled out in agreement, sticking out their tongues and hissing. I felt sick. I held Neteyam's bicep and hand. His hand clenched in mine.

This was our fault.

I could only begin to imagine their pain. It would be like losing one of my own family members. The pain would be unbearable, and I would want to avenge them too.

"You have to understand how the sky people think. They don't care about the great balance," Jake pleaded

Their rage was going to start a war, a war that was inevitable.

A war that was going to kill many.

"Listen to him. Listen to him." Neteyam stepped forward helping.


"DEMONS!" Everyone yelled in agreement.

"The sky people are not gonna stop. This is only the beginning."

So who will put a stop to it?

Jake was right, they won't stop. Not as long as we were in the way of what they wanted.

I never pledged to be perfect, my rage towards the sky people clouded my judgment.

My urge to protect my planet and my family made me willing to do anything, and that was dangerous.

"You've got to tell your Tulkuns to leave.You gotta tell them to go far away!"

He turned around at the crowd, everyone was unamused.

"Leave?" Ronal asked incredulously.

"You live among us, and you learned nothing."

"We will fight to protect our brothers and sisters!"

Everyone yelled out again. They wanted revenge, revenge and justice for those that they have lost.

"No. No. No. No."

I saw Tsireya crying and I pushed my way to her.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, she sniffled into my chest. I placed my hand on top of her head, trying to console her.

"If you attack, if you fight. Then they will destroy you."

"They will destroy everything that you love." He held his hands toward Ronals stomach

I flinched.

My gaze drifted to Neteyam. He was trying to calm down everyone, his hands.

"Mawey, Mawey."

"Hear my words! Hear my words!"

"Listen to my father. He speaks the truth." Neteyam pleaded along with Jake.

"Damn it." Jake cursed and grabbed a tracker out of Kiri's hands.

He stood up above everyone and they immediately quieted.

They watched in fear, and anticipation.

"Tell the Tulkuns, that if they are hit by one of these, they are marked for death. Call for me and I'll silence it. Saving their lives, that's all that matters, right?Saving your family."

I felt Tsireya nod her head and she pulled away to stare at Jake.

Tonowari looked conflicted, turning to Ronal to make a decision. Just like when we first got here.

Her and Tonowari looked at each other for a brief moment.

"Tell the Tulkun."

"Go. Go" Ronal nodded to a few warriors.

I turned to the side and saw Lo'ak rush off.

I turned to Neteyam who was already walking after him.

"Thank you-"

"I gotta go." I squeezed Tsireyas arm as I followed after Neteyam and Lo'ak.

"What is he doing?" I caught up with Neteyam and he immediately latched his hand to mine.

"I don't know. Knowing him, probably something reckless."

We saw Lo'ak throw a saddle on an Ilu. Oh shit he was going to go see Payakan.

"Lo'ak!" I yelled after him.

No way was he going alone, I preferred not at all but I learned a long time ago that nothing could stop Lo'ak once he put his mind to something.

"You're not going anywhere, little brother."

Neteyam walked so fast that his braids almost hit my face.

"I have to warn Payakan."

Neteyam shook his head, "No. You've got to keep your skxawng ass here."

Lo'aks tail swished angrily behind him.

"He is outcast. There's no one else to warn him but me."

Neteyam sighed, placing a hand on top of Lo'aks head.

"Bro, why do you always have to make things so hard."

Lo'ak did not like that sentence.

Do I get involved? Do I not get involved?

He pushed Neteyams hand off with a scoff, "No. You mean why can't I be the perfect son like you? The perfect little soldier."

If only Lo'ak knew how wrong his statement was. Yes, Neteyam tried to be a good son, a good warrior, a leader. But he wasn't perfect, he tried but it was impossible. We all had our faults, Neteyam struggled with his own things too. He just made it less obvious to everyone around him, he didn't want to burden others with his problems. He was trying to live up to unrealistic expectations for himself and it was eating him alive.

Lo'ak felt a need to live up to him, a competition that was unfair and straining to their relationship. Being compared to Neteyam was degrading to who he was, his individual self. They both needed to sit down and talk things out, realize that they had a lot more in common than they thought. That they were brothers and it should be them against the world. They both were stubborn, and that stubbornness was going to ruin their relationship.

Neteyam clenched his jaw and nodded sarcastically, taking a step back.

"Well I'm not you, Okay?"

Neteyams eyes narrowed and he stepped closer to Lo'ak, his ears going up and down. He sucked on his teeth preventing him from saying anything that would further escalate the situation.

"Guys." I warned both of them stepping forward to place a hand on both of their chests.

"I'm not you." Lo'ak repeated staring right into Neteyams eyes.

Oh Lo'ak.

"He's my brother. I'm going."

Lo'ak pushed my hand off of his chest, looking at me like I betrayed him.

"He is your brother? No, I'm your brother." Neteyam grabbed his arm but I stepped forward again.

"Lo'ak maybe we should talk about this before we rush-"

"Shut up! You aren't on my side! You're a liar!" He yelled at me, eyes staring at me like he felt betrayed.

"Lo'ak I am on your side but we-"

He scoffed and pushed my hand that was reaching for him away.

"Don't touch me."

He looked at me with such betrayal, such anger.

I don't know what I did to deserve that but it hurt.

I knew he was acting out of anger, but why was it always directed at me?

"Stop fucking talking to her like that." Neteyam growled, pushing up against my hand that was still on his chest.

He growled, stepping closer, it looked like they were about to fight.

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya yelled, showing up with Roxto and Ao'nung.

Lo'ak glared at me and Neteyam jumping into the water, right on his ilu.

As soon as he jumped into the water I called my own Ilu. No way was he going alone, even if he was being a stubborn dick right now.

"Lo'ak! Come on, he's going to Payakan!"

Everyone followed in line after me.

We raced behind the reef, zooming in between the coral and fish.

Lo'ak was fast but he was never too fast for me.

Hasn't been since we were kids. In between jumps for air, we yelled his name.

Attempts that he purposely ignored.

"Lo'ak I'm going to kick your ass!" I yelled

I heard a familiar voice call his name and I jerked my head to the side to see Tuk and Kiri.

When the hell did they join?

I groaned, "What the hell are you two doing here?"

"He's our brother too!"

I wanted to smash my head against a rock. Sully's. So fucking stubborn.

We chased him all the way to Three Brothers' Rocks.

When I finally caught up to Lo'ak he was on Payakan, pulling on a tracker lodged into his back.


I jumped up on Payakans back and tried to pull it out with Lo'ak.

It was stuck in there pretty good. It wasn't budging at all.

I looked down at Payakan, "Hold on buddy. We're gonna get this out of you."

He made a whining noise, and it made me feel twice as bad for him.

"oh, I'm Ri by the way. I know Lo'ak probably told you a lot about me-"

I ranted to Payakan trying to distract him, then grunted when Lo'ak bumped me so hard I almost landed back into the water

"Can we do introductions later?"

I heard a loud noise, and I saw the ship coming.

"Neteyam!" I yelled and he immediately showed up with everyone else.

"I'm here, Princess." He grunted his hands immediately latching onto the tracker and pulling with me.

"Help me! Hurry the ships coming!" Lo'ak yelled

Everyone joined in to try and get the tracker out of Payakan.

I grabbed a rope and tied it to my Ilu,

"Call dad Lo'ak. Do it. Go! DO IT NOW!" Neteyam urged Lo'ak as they pulled and I tried to get my Ilu to move faster.

Even though everyone was attempting to get it out, it wasn't moving.

Eywa how did the sky people get it so far in?

"It's coming closer!" Tsireya alerted us about the gunship that was only a few feet away from us now.

"3,2,1 PULL!"

"Dad's on his way, they're coming!" Lo'ak rejoined.

Netryam grabbed the other rope, "we need more."

"Ao'nung!" He threw the rope to him so that he could latch it onto the tracker.

He tied a knot to the saddle, copying me and urging the Ilu to push forward.

"Bro hurry!'

"I swear to Eywa Lo'ak!" I growled at him, flashing my teeth.

Both of the Ilu's were pulling now.

"At the same time!" I yelled back to them stopping the Ilus

"Go go go!" Ao'nung yelled using his feet to try and push the tracker.

I looked and now there were people on boats coming our way. I could almost make out the sky peoples ugliness.

I groaned, just our luck, really, it was our shitty luck.

"Pull harder!"

The tracker finally came bursting out causing everyone to fall in the water.

My arms felt limp, with all the muscles I used.

Me and Neteyam pulled the ropes to us.

"Come on! Get out of here! Go that way I'll draw them out!" Neteyam waived Lo'ak off.

"The hell you will!" I yell back tugging back the tracker, out of Neteyams arms.

"Ma Meuia trust me.Please! Take Tuk and go!"

He looked at me with pleading eyes.

I felt tears spring to mine, I wasn't going to change his mind. He was going to do this no matter what.

"You better come back to me, jerkface."

Please Eywa, please don't let him get hurt.

I usually could protect him when I was with him, but I wasn't going to be with him this time.

The thought made my heart clench and my body cold.

"I always do. I love you Ma Ri."

He gave me a quick kiss, so fast that I thought I could have imagined it, then he was off.

"They're after us RiRi!"

"Common kid." I grabbed Tuk and pulled Kiri.

I could see Lo'ak and everyone else on their Ilu's riding them behind the seaweed. It would make it harder for the sky people to see us...hopefully.

All of a sudden there were explosions under the water, causing me to almost fall off my Ilu and a ringing to settle in my ears. Tuk's arms tightened around me, she was shaking.

I would protect her with everything I had. She would get out of here, I would make sure of it. I hoped she realized that.

My Ilu made a crying noise, obviously hurt from the noise. We joined everyone else in the seaweed. Watching the boats above us turn around.

Lo'ak looked over at me confused but I didn't know either. I realized why they turned around pretty fast.

I pushed Lo'ak and we immediately took off with their submarines right on our tails.

I held Tuk close to me, feeling her shaking.

My poor Tuk Tuk, she was too young for this.

The machines weren't letting off. Every turn I made they were right behind us.

Seaweed started slapping me in the face as I tried to go further in, I narrowly dodged a machine that had launched itself from underneath us.

I started spinning, turning, anything to try and get them off.

Tuk had become loose and her grip was suddenly ripped from mine after a hard hit from the seaweed. Panic spread through me like a wildfire.

I immediately turned around but she was swimming away and the machine was after me.

It was easier to get to her now, but they didn't notice that she fell off.

Their attention needed to stay on me.

It made a grab at me with its arms and I dodged. I couldn't keep on doing this, I needed air and fast. I felt the black spots appear in my vision,I tried to calm my heart like Tsireya taught me but adrenaline was making it hard to do so.

I left my Ilu and swam, knowing that they were going to follow her.

I swam into this leaf life structure and gasped for air. The spots cleared and my heart slowed.

I needed to find Tuk, I needed to find Lo'ak and everyone else.

Neteyam wasn't here. Eywa where was he?

He couldn't be safe, no one was safe right now.

Separating was so stupid, so fucking stupid.

I couldn't protect him or Tuk or anyone with us all being separated.

I should have insisted I come with him. Maybe then I wouldn't have been careless and lost Tuk.


I jumped holding my heart, there was Tuk who looked like she was about to cry.

I tugged her to me, stifling her cries.

She was okay. Thank Eywa.

"Shh Tuk, Shhh."

"RI, I'm scared."

"I know baby, me too. But we've got each other so we're going to be okay."

"Where is everyone?"

"I don't know but they are okay. Just like us, we're gonna be okay."

Maybe if I kept on repeating that in my head then I would start to believe it.

We both yelped when someone burst into the water next to us.

"Tuk. Riti!" Lo'ak gasped as soon as he saw us.

I placed a hand on his head in relief.

He was okay. My little brother was okay.

"Have you seen Kiri?" Now we just needed to find her and get the hell out of here..easy, right?

"Last time I saw her she was with ao'nung and Roxto."

I nodded "Good, that means they have each other."

She wasn't alone, that was good. It didn't reassure me at all.

Tsireya came up underneath us.

"It is coming." She spoke with urgency and panic.

"We have to go!"

We took a deep breath and went back in, we tried to swim as fast as we could but it wasn't enough.

They shot out a net that quickly entangled us. I kicked and pushed but it was no use. The net was staying on.

Lo'ak had slipped out just barely, hugging onto the net as we were suddenly launched into the sky. The rope dug into my skin, tangling in my hair. I yelped when it gave a harsh tug on my scalp.

Tsireya tried to help take it out, it was stuck in my braid, my braid with the bead that Neteyam gave me. I tugged and tried to take out the knot that now resided on a hole.

I suddenly felt a release but realized why.

My heart dropped when I saw the bead fall out of the net, into the ocean below.

"No!" I cried out, reaching for it.

That small bead held a lot of meaning to me.

It was my favorite gift, and now I just lost it.

"Lo'ak hurry!" Lo'ak tried to cut us a hole in the net from the outside but we didn't have enough time for that.

We were placed on the floor and I immediately used my knife to stab one of them of the fake Na'vi in the leg. Almost smiling when he shouted out in pain.

I pushed Tsireya and Tuk behind me, hissing in warning. They followed my lead, but their knives were quickly knocked out of their hands.

I couldn't fight all of them off, especially when they had guns.

"Stay down!"

"Drop your weapons."

I tuned my head and Lo'ak was being forced onto the ground with his hands behind his back.


"I'm okay!" He reassured me.

I had kept my eyes away for too long.

A gun was suddenly placed to my head, digging deep into my temple.

I watched pitifully as Tuka and Tsireya were forced onto the ground, handcuffs being placed on them.

"Ri!" Tuk cried and the sound made my insides turn.

"Drop your weapon." The fake navi with a long braid and weird tattoo's spoke in a deadly voice.

At least I think she was trying to sound deadly but she really just sounded stupid.

I hissed at her, "Fuck you."

She pushed the gun so hard into my temple that I felt the nozzle pierce my skin.

I didn't wince, I wouldn't show any weakness in front of them.

I needed to be strong, have a strong heart.

"Ri please!" Lo'ak pleaded from the ground, worry etched all over his face.

I dropped the knife kicking it away from me, I would get it back soon. I vowed to kill this demon with it.

"Do not kill her Tasha." Quaritch drawled as he disconnected from his Ikran.

He didn't deserve to bond with an Ikran, he didn't deserve to act like he is na'vi, he didn't deserve to live.

I knew what Neytiri would tell me right now.

That my way of thinking wasn't the way of Eywa.

I knew it wasn't...but it didn't stop me from thinking it.

"She killed Earl! She deserves to be punished."

I snapped my teeth at her when she let the trigger click. She just had to move her finger one centimeter and the bullet would go through my brain.

I felt fear, hell I wouldn't be sane if I didn't. But I would not beg for her to let me live.

I wanted to live, I really did. I wanted to mate with Neteyam, I wanted to have kids and become an aunt and see my family grow.

I wanted so many things, and I would get them.

I ignored everyone's cries staring deep into her eyes, I would not show fear. I would not show anything other than my hate and rage.

"And she will be, as soon as we have Jake sully."

Quaritch pushed down the gun, putting handcuffs on me. I thrashed around trying to detangle my arms from his harsh grip.

"Ha, she has a strong spirit. Let's see how long that lasts."

Quaritch threw me against the railing where my Tsireya and Tuk watched in horror. I coughed as my ribs hit the poles.

Damn that was going to bruise later.

"Leave her alone!" I heard a familiar voice call and I snapped my head up. It was Spider.

Spider who I left alone in the forest. Who I abandoned.

Upon seeing that he was okay, the burden and guilt I have been feeling since we left was suddenly gone.

"Guys you okay?" He was being held back by two sky people.

He looked the same, except without the blue stripes he usually painted on himself.

"Never been better Cuz." Lo'ak said sarcastically from the ground.

That sentence made me cringe so hard.

I don't even know what the word cuz meant.

I rolled my eyes, "There's a wound on my head, an ache in my ribs, and I'm being handcuffed to a railing but yeah I'm okay."

Spider blinked at me, "Nice to see you too Ri."

I smiled sarcastically at him, I turned my gaze to the water. I had been trying not to think of Neteyam. Because the fact that he wasn't with me right now hurt worse than any injury. I knew he was safe, hell I had to believe that he was, or I would drive myself insane. Maybe he had made it to Kiri and Roxto, and had made it to safety.

The world was blurry, the bitch must have put more pressure to my head than I thought.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Tuk cried

I smiled at her shaking my head, I needed to be strong for her.

"Not at all, it probably looks worse than it is."

"Be brave Tuk." Lo'ak murmured as he stared out at the water.

I smiled at her, and tried to lighten up the tension.

"You know I never thought this was how I would be put in handcuffs."

Tsireya held back her laugh and Lo'ak gagged.

I felt a knife suddenly being held to my throat, damn.

They really didn't like my joke.

"Shut up." The demon from before hissed into my ear.

My ears flattened.

Lo'ak hissed and I stared at him, warning him to shut up. She wouldn't kill me, no she had to get permission first.

She stood up and walked away, glaring at me still.

"Na'vi In Bound!"

We all looked out at the water and I smiled. There was Jake with everyone from the Metkayina clan on Skimwings. They were coming for us.

"Dad!" Tuk cried with a smile.

"It was about time." I murmured

There was going to be a battle today.

And I could only pray to Eywa that everyone was okay by the end of it. 

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