Loving you no matter what - E...

By MCUgirlstories

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Maya moved to New York to pursue her dreams of becoming a singer. but (there's always a but) she gets pregnan... More

Characters And Backgound Info
1 - The day I met you
2 - pwetty lady / Green eyes
3 - Club / Great to see you again
4 - What's wrong with her
5 - normal
6 - do I make you horny
7 - my wife
8 - visitor
9 - date?
10 - sweet pea
11 - know who I am?
12 - get to know you
13 - bday info
14 - bday surprise
15 - good for her
16 - let's do this
17 - pancakes
18 - The record deal
19 - kidnapped
20 - Falling
21 - tell her
22 - shes a friend / Kisses
24 - bday craziness - Part 1
25 - bday craziness - Part 2
26 - birthday roller coaster
27 - Surprise Guest?
28 - You got it dude

23 - Sick / Mrs grumpy pants

641 24 0
By MCUgirlstories

Maya Pov

Can I just start with THIS IS SHIT. WHY? just why on earth does my throat decide to be a BITCH to me. today was going to be the day I tell Lizzie I like her since yesterday I couldn't because there ended up being a thunderstorm and I obviously couldn't take the kids out the house or they would get sick so I just decided that I would tell her the next day but than again everything didn't work out and it rained again except this time Annie was babysitting the twins so I could go talk to Lizzie so I did and I obviously got ready but my one dumb freaking self forgot to grab an umbrella. And since I was not going to let that get me down mostly because I was already half way to her house I was just like fuck it.......but than I got a text from Lizzie saying she wasn't going to be home because they called her to do some scenes so I was like okay that's fine I mean work comes first and there was nothing wrong with delaying one more day. NOPE FUCKING WRONG WHY MAYBE BECAUSE WHEN I GOT FUCKING HOME I HAD FORGOT THE HOUSE KEYS INSIDE BUT SINCE IT WASN'T RAINING THAT BAD I WAS LIKE FUCK IT ILL JUST RUN..........NOPE WRONG AS SOON AS I GOT OUT THE STUPID RAIN DECIDED TO JUST POUR AND I MEAN MAKING ME SOAKING WET. IT DOESN'T END THERE NO I KNOW MY LIFE SUCKS BECAUSE ONCE I GOT TO THE FRONT DOOR I REALIZED IT WAS ALREADY 1 IN THE MORNING AND I WAS NOT ABOUT TO KNOCK ON THE DOOR BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT THE TWINS WOULD WAKE UP SO I DECIDED TO TEXT ANNIE TO ONLY FIND OUT THAT SHE WAS ALREADY SLEEPING AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS GIRL SLEEPS....................THAT'S WHEN IT HIT ME THAT I FUCKING HAVE A SPARE KEY UNDER THE FLOWER POT NEXT TO THE HOUSE IN CASE OF IN EMERGENCY. NOPE STILL WRONG I GUESS DANI OR ANNIE TOOK THAT KEY SO I WENT WITH MY LAST RESORT AND RAN BACK TO MY CAR AND DECIDED TO SLEEP IN THERE INSTEAD. so now guess who woke up sick, still wet for some reason, and angry ME why MAYBE JUST MAYBE  because I wont get to talk to Lizzie again. If this is a sign from the universe that I shouldn't tell her how I feel then.................................





Did I forget to mention that I was woken up by a knock on my car window with a smiling Annie seems like she got a goodnight sleep, lucky her. I rolled down the window so that I could hear what she was saying.

"Oh my, You look like shit did you sleep here all night" she says as I roll my eyes and lay back down. does this girl not have a brain of course I slept here, what does it look like I just pleadingly decided to sleep in my car while I have a comfy bed inside.

"No Annie I just ended up teleporting here and decided to sleep here instead of my bed" I say sarcastically as I groan from the pain in my head and throat.

"alright than get up Mrs grumpy pants and let get you some medicine because you are definitely sick" she says as she helps me out the car I feel dizzy and start to throw up on the grass as she holds my hair back and rubs my back.

"there, there take it all out" she says as she rubs my back.

Once I finish throwing up she helps me walk inside the house and helps me to my room. I lay down on my bed as she goes and grabs medicine from the bathroom cabinet along with a cup of water from the kitchen.

"There you take that and go to sleep while I go and take care of the twins" she says as she hands me the medicine and water. I take it and nod as she leaves, I lay back down on the bed and go to sleep.

Annie Pov

I go and get the twins up from their nursery since they were already awake just talking to each other about nonsense. Once they hear me come in they tilt their heads confused why I am still here and not their mama.

"er mama aunie an?" Milo asks as he looks at me as if to tell if I am real or if hes still sleeping.

"Good morning to you too little mister and your mama is not feeling well so shes asleep in her room right now" I say as I take Milo out of the crib and change his diaper.

"e mama?" he asks as I finish changing him and place him on the floor so he can play with his toys while I go and pick up Stella to change her diaper.

"no bud shes sicky and if she gets close to you guys you will also get sick and you don't want that right?, remember mama birthday is next week and we cant have you guys sick for her birthday, can we" I say as I remember that today I had to go out and meet up with Scar and Lizzie to keep on planning for Maya's birthday party, I guess those plans are canceled.

"nu e nu et icky fo mama" Stella says as I nod and finish changing her diaper and place her on one hip as I pick up Milo and place him on the other and head into the living room placing both of them in the playpen that they got for there birthday luckily they haven't figured out how to open the damn thing which is great now I have a baby cage. 

"Okay little ones I have to text someone real quick so if you guys can just chill in here while I go and do that than that would be great" I say as I do thumbs up at them and grab the remote turning on paw patrol for them to watch.

"tay aunie an" they say as they sit down and watch the TV screen while playing with their toys.

I make sure everything is good and that there is nothing near them that they could somehow end up getting hurt by. Even though they don't really walk much they sure can cause a lot of trouble together just by sitting down by pulling things around them. I quickly look at everything around them before pulling out my phone to text Scar and Lizzie that I wont be able to meet up today.

Don't mind the name of our group chat let's just say that me and Scarly named it because us two and Lizzie can be quite a mess when we are together but moving on.

The Cray Trio

Psycho 1

Sorry guys wont be able to go today

Psycho 2

Why is everything okay ?


You okay ?

Psycho 1

I'm doing fine......actually no I am stuck on babysitting duty today and before you ask I am taking care of Milo and Stella today since their dear old mama got sick.

Not even a second later of the message being sent and Lizzie quickly replies. Shes definitely the one for Maya if she cares so much for her. I totally see them getting married in the future I'm just saying but I definitely called it.


Is she okay? actually ill be there in 5 minutes maybe less see you in a little.

Psycho 1

shes fine probably just a stomach bug but sure you can come over just don't be mad when you get sick

Psycho 2

shes already gone she quickly picked up her stuff and left she did tell me to tell you that 'she doesn't care if she gets sick and that you better open the door for her when she gets there or she will throw down the door'....she went really specific for this but oh well and tell Maya I hope she feels better soon.

Psycho 1

okay than I shall be on a lookout for when she gets here and alright ill tell her you said that

Not even a minute later I hear a car pull up along by small mumbling sounds of someone talking to themselves. I look outside the window and I am honestly shocked to see Lizzie she really wasn't kidding about being here in less than 5 min, I go ahead and open the door before she even gets a chance to knock on the door.

"where is she?" she says as soon as I let her in

"not even a hello or good morning Annie, you just go straight to the point but to answer your question shes asleep in her room right now" I say as I can tell that she just wants me to get to the point.

"izzie" we hear from the living room as we both turn and look I smile as I close the door and tell Lizzie to follow me.

"hey sweethearts, Good morning how did you guys sleep?" she says as I scoff how dare she tell them good morning and not me

"Why do they get a good morning and I don't" I grumble as Lizzie looks over at me and giggles before looking back at the twins

"because they are cute" she says as she goes over and picks them up sitting down with both of them on her lap as she kisses both there cheeks as they giggle and kiss her back.

"really so cuteness is what someone needs to get a good morning around here, I see how it is anyways can you watch them while I make breakfast" I say as she nods

"yup go ahead I don't mind getting morning cuddles with these two" she says as I just nod and don't get me wrong but she sure is winning me over and I am definitely okay with her and Maya dating.

Lizzie Pov

Once Annie leaves to start making breakfast I stay seated with the twins still on my lap while we just cuddle

"izzie, mama icky" Stella breaks the silence as she looks up at me.

"I know sweetie, what about if we make her a get better card?" I say as Milo looks up at me as well, they both look at each other than back at me nodding.

"yesh, mama ike it" they say at the same time making me smile at their cuteness

"yeah I am pretty sure she will definitely like it" I say kissing both there cheeks making them giggle. god I sure love that sound.

"izzie?" Stella says tilting her head a little

"yes sweetie" I answer her as she places her hand on my face.

"izzie ike mama?" She asks as I just blush at her words. This little girl sure is something else. 

wait what umm okay Lizzie think of a reasonable way to answer this question so I don't mess up or screw anything up.

"yes sweetie I like your mama shes a very good friend" good going Lizzie definitely saved it there

"nu izzie u iky mama wot" This time Milo says, okay never mind I didn't save it okay think of another reasonable answer

"um mhm yeah buddy I do like your mama like I said before shes a very good friend" okay maybe that wasn't a great answer but I cant just say oh yes I really like your mama so much that she makes me get all comfy and warm feeling when she walks into a room oh and let me not forget to mention her smile and how her dimples make me feel all sorts of things when she smiles or laughs. maybe I am a little overboard but either way I cant just tell them that in case if it ruins mine and Maya friendship along with me and the twins bond that is just something I am not prepared to lose like ever in a million years just no.

"lizzie, Lizzie, ELIZABETH" Annie says pulling me out of my thoughts

"what um yes" I say as she laughs and walks over to me and the twins

"what were you thinking about?" she says reaching out to take Milo from me as I stand up with both of them.

"huh oh nothing anyways what did you need" I ask her as we walk towards the kitchen.

"sure nothing and to answer you I was telling you that breakfast was ready" she says as I nod and we start walking over to the dinning room.

I hand over Milo to Annie so she can put him in his highchair while I place Stella in hers


After breakfast which Annie made chocolate waffles which were absolutely delicious we talk about some random things and talk a little more about Maya's birthday plans and what else we need to make sure is ready and set up before her birthday, The twins occasionally give us there ideas here and there. which were just the cutest things you could think of, you can definitely tell they are just like their mama. After all that I help Annie wash the dishes while the twins are still seated in their highchairs watching their show.

"what about if you take Maya some breakfast while I take care of the twins. I already got her a plate ready, just need to make her tea and she should be good to go" Annie says as she grabs a mug from the kitchen cabinet.

"sure thing" I say nodding as she leaves the kitchen and gets the twins out of their highchairs carrying them to the couch as I make the tea and get Maya's food on a food tray to be able to take it upstairs.

Once I finish organizing it nicely I head upstairs to Maya's bedroom and yes I know where her room is since I have been over a few times. And before you get any ideas no I didn't sleep in her bedroom but she did give me a tour of the place, I knocked on the door hearing a small and raspy come in.

"good morning I brought you breakfast and before you ask Annie made it I only made the tea" I say as she looks at me with a smile but a shocked expression.

"good morning and thank you I also didn't know you were coming over today" she says and by her voice you can tell that she is sick but my god is her voice hella attractive all raspy. I really need to get my head together like REALLY NEED TO.

"yeah sorry I would've told you but Annie texted and said you where sick and well I decided to come, Sorry for not telling you in advance" I apologize while looking down embarrassed that I just came without telling her I mean after all this is her home. Stupid Lizzie, stupid

"hey, don't do that I really don't mind I actually really like that you came plus now its less I have to worry since your here now and I know that Annie isn't the only one taking care of the twins, I should tell you that I may be contagious and well I doubt you want to get sick" she says making me look up shaking my head.

"no don't worry about that I wanted to come and I don't really care if I get sick I mean free pass to stay home from work so its a win" I say walking over and placing the food tray on the nightstand as she gets comfortable so I can place it on her lap

"I mean yeah that is true and thanks again for caring I mean and also for the food" I nod at her words

"yeah no problem and I do truly care about you" I say as we stare at each other for a while before she clears her throat pulling me out of my daze

"Anyways I have to go now if you need anything we will all be in the living room or so.......okay I should probably go now" I say walking towards the door, hearing Maya say okay as I walk out the room closing the door as I head downstairs

"so how did it go" Annie says as she sees me

"yeah it went okay she just said thank you for the food" I answer her while sitting down next to her on the couch

"okay cool anyways sorry to leave you along but I have to go deal with some things with the coffee shop since Maya cant be there today so if its okay with you can you um maybe stay and take care of the twins if so ill go tell Maya to make sure she knows" she says as I look over at the twins seeing that they are distracted playing with there toys in the playpen.

"umm if shes okay with it then sure I don't mind" I say as Annie nods and starts to head upstairs. oh wait now okay um do I stay here or go with her. what no Lizzie you do the most reasonable thing and stay and take care of the twins while she goes and talks to Maya

Okay relax I mean what could go wrong I am just watching two little adorable kids nothing can go wrong. Right ?

Annie Pov

"so before you say anything or get mad at me just know that one I need to do this and two you really need this so remember that I am your bestie and that I care about you so much and I am very sorry" I say as I walk into Maya's room as shes eating her breakfast watching Grey's Anatomy.

"what did you do now An, as long as you didn't start a fire again then I wont be mad but if you did then your going to talk to the fireman and police because I can't deal with that now. Now if its about my children than you offered to take care of them and if somethings wrong with them than why the fuck aren't they with you" she says pausing her show

"What no I didn't burn anything this time and I told you already three times is enough there's no way I can make it 4 and as for the kids they are both okay and hanging with Lizzie right now, but moving on from you doubting me I came to tell you that I have to go do something at the coffee shop and since your sick I asked Lizzie if she could take care of the twins. she said shes okay with it and doesn't mind taking care of them just as long as you don't mind. So if you don't mind then goodbye and ill come check up on you later"

"hm your lying if something was needed to be done at the coffee shop I would get a message or notification from Mrs or Mr Stanley and I didn't so what are you up to now Annie Louis Jackson and don't you try and lie to me again I may be sick but I know you better than you know your own self" she says sitting up crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow giving me a death glare. well shit she also full named me so......think Annie think.

"okay um I need to leave because I need to meet up with someone at the coffee shop about an important business thing I need to do and no I wont tell you what it is" I say which is half truth just not the full thing

"hm okay fine than but before you go can you tell Lizzie to come upstairs and to bring the twins I really miss them and yeah I know I am sick but I am pretty sure its just a simple type of sick so please can you tell her to bring them up here" thank god she didn't question me more but okay than I guess I shall bring them up after all its her deal if they get sick.

"fine I will but if they get sick that's on you bye, bye now" she sticks up her middle finger and nods while I walk out sticking both middle fingers at her while also sticking my tongue out.

I walk downstairs and see Lizzie and the twins in the playpen playing with cars and dolls. yup shes definitely the one for Maya no doubt.

"okay well I have to go now but Maya said for you to bring the twins upstairs because she misses them shes also okay with you watching them while i'm gone ill come back later to check up on you guys" I say with a smile as I grab my bag and keys heading to the door.

"okey dokey than who's ready to go see mama" Lizzie says picking up the twins while opening the gate to step out making the twins giggle as she kisses their cheeks. YUP SHES THE ONE FOR Maya


Maya Pov

At least 2-3 min later I hear giggling down the hallway before I hear a knock on the door

"Come in" 

Lizzie walks in holding the two troubles with huge smiles.

"MAMA!" the twins scream making me and Lizzie laugh, they are so adorable.

"why hello and buenos dias mis amores" I greet my lovely children

"iss mama" Stella says sticking out her arms to me so Lizzie walks over and places them both on the bed

"I miss you guys too now mama is sicky so no good morning kisses but we can do air kisses okay" I say looking at my two babies as they lay down beside me

"tay" they say as they turn to me and do air kisses to which I do back making them burst into giggles again as I do a grab motion like i'm catching their kisses and placing them to my chest.

"mama siwy" Milo says in between giggles as I act shock

"what me no I am not silly it's just that your guys kisses wanted to run away" I say dramatically hearing them laugh including Lizzie, I look over at her and smile. I really like seeing her happy she has this amazing glow when she smiles and laughs. shes just so amazing I notice that shes standing up still so I motion for her to sit down

"you can sit down if you want don't worry I don't mind" I tell her as she looks down blushing.

"okay um sure thank you" she says sitting down on the edge of the bed towards us.

"yeah no problem" I say giving her a reassuring smile so she knows that I really don't mind. 

"izzie" Stella says going over and sitting down on Lizzie's lap.

"hey munchkin whats up" she says while holding her still so she doesn't fall.

"ishy peas" she says as she looks at Lizzie with her cute puppy eyes and pout.

"you want to watch fishies" she says as both twins nod

"Okay then I guess we can watch Finding Nemo" I say grabbing the remote and changing it to Finding Nemo I guess I can watch Grey's another day.

"izzie atch" Stella tells her as she sees that Lizzie isn't paying much attention to the TV. 

"yeah ill watch with you guys" she says as Milo pats on the other side of the bed beside him so it will be me, Milo, Stella, and Lizzie on the bed

"er izzie" Milo says as he continues to pat on the bed next to him

"okay are you sure you wont mind" she says looking at me

"no not at all go ahead" I tell her 

"Okay then" she gets up and walks over to the other side of the bed sitting down beside Milo with Stella still on her lap. We all just watch the movie as the twins start to fall asleep Milo cuddling to me and Stella cuddling Lizzie.

"mama uv u izzie uv u" Stella says as she falls asleep I look over at her and then down at an already sleeping Milo, I look back at Lizzie and see her looking at them smiling with a tear coming down

"we love you too" we say as I look up and see her looking at me I reach over and wipe the tear drop and smile at her.

"are you okay?" I ask her concerned as to why she's crying.

"yeah i'm fine just that I never thought she would say that it's just so cute" she replies as she wipes the tears from her face.

"yeah it is cute" I say looking at her eyes then down to her lips. I could really kiss her right now.

"mhm cute" she says as she looks at my lips.

I clear my throat and look back at the screen

"do you want to watch something" I ask trying to help with the tension in the room. 

"uh sure whatever you want I don't mind" She says as she blushes while looking down at Stella who is asleep on her lap.

"okay umm not really sure what we can watch" I say since I really have no clue of what she may like to watch.

"hmm, What about marvel since you haven't watched most of them yet" She says as I nod

"sure why not um which one though" I ask since there is quite a lot to watch 

"lets start with the first which is Captain America: The First Avenger then we can go from there" she says to which I nod and put it on

"okay then"


Annie Pov

"okay so it worked but I almost got caught" I say sitting down in front of the person.

"Good we cant let her know if she finds out than we will probably all be dead" The person says looking at the other people sitting with us

"are you sure she doesn't have access to the security cameras"

"yeah don't worry she doesn't I know her and the owners and she doesn't have access at least not from home she has to be here to see the cameras so we should be good"

"okay then well what's step two then?" one of the people says.

"well since you guys are all dumb I guess step two is to get them both alone and than if that doesn't work we go to plan B and.....I actually haven't thought about plan B yet" 

"okay well your stupid than plan B is steal or kidnap one of them and see if that does anything if not than well we are screwed I really hope we can do plan B its fun" she says grinning

"okay well I guess that shall work and yeah it is more fun but we really should not do that and lets hope that Plan A works" I say as they all nod with a few people scoffing

"I already told you we should just do plan B its better and would most likely have a bigger affect"

"yeah but if we do that then we could cause one of them a heart attack and that's just messed up so if you have a problem then take it up with me and trust me you don't want to do that" I say sternly

"fine your no fun"

"yeah, yeah whatever"


Lizzie Pov

After watching marvel with May we ended up falling asleep not sure when she fell asleep but I fell asleep half way through Captain America. we talked during the movie and Maya was telling me how she had already watched some marvel films which I found cute considering she hadn't watched any when I met her so that was sweet. I was kinda upset as well since I wanted me and her to watch marvel movies together so it could be like our thing but I mean it's okay I guess. she didn't get far so we can still watch them. Luckily well more like I find it weird watching my own films which is why I wanted to watch this with her since I don't watch them myself and yeah I am in the films but that's until later I may or may not also be using it as an excuse to hangout with her. I mean shes really amazing and I don't know but recently shes been getting this glow and I just feel safe which is something I haven't felt in a while. After Robbie and the whole engagement call off everything has just been weird and I haven't been able to feel happy nor safe anymore. Its like every time I go out or do an interview I get followed by paparazzi and get asked about him and why I called off the engagement....in the end everything I do isn't good enough or people judge me for it which is also the main reason of me delaying on telling Maya my feelings. I just need time to process everything that has happened in the past year and with everything he put me through along with my mental health have just been shit so its definitely the biggest thing that has really affected me recently.

Moving on from that I woke up with someone poking my cheek. I turn around and see Stella smiling at me as she pokes my cheek while Milo is beside her rubbing his eyes yawning.

"hey munchkin" I whisper since Maya is still sleeping and she needs all the rest she can get so she feels better for the birthday party that me and the girls are throwing her.

"izzie ake sopy fo mama" Stella asks with Milo nodding his head beside her now.

"you want to make soup for mama?" I ask as they nod along aww how sweet...I look at what time it is on my phone and see that its 3 already wow time really went by fast.

"sure but we got to be quite so mama doesn't wake up okay" I tell them to which I get a nod 


I pick them both up quietly each one on one hip as soon as I adjust my hold on them Milo lays his head on my shoulder while Stella just gets comfortable and points to the door.

"go go" she says as I laugh

"why yes we shall go, ay ay captain Stella" I say in a funny voice making her giggle as I carry them both out closing the door slowly to not wake Maya up.

I walk downstairs with them with Stella still giggling and Milo starting to wake up more looking around also giggling. I walk into the kitchen and try to place both of them on the floor but they whine so I keep them with me as I get the stuff to make soup. Yes I have been here for a while now and know where everything is at this point.

"okay so who shall help me with this very important task huh" I ask looking at both at them as they lift up there arms

"e elp izzie e elp" they say eager to help me.

"Okay, since I have two helpers I think this soup should come out just right but first we need too....." I wait to see if they know where I am going with this.

"ashy han" Milo says pointing to the sink

"ding ding ding correct we have a winner what shall our winner receive as a price?"

"uddels izzie uddels!" he says beaming up as he responds

"Okay then cuddles it is for Mr Milo....hmmm now what shall we do after washing our hands" I ask looking at Stella who looks around trying to figure out what's next.

"dy han an aky sopy" she says beaming at her response as well

"correct we have another winner what shall this little one have as a prize?" I ask as she thinks about it before responding

"uddels wif izzie" she says giggling

"okay than both winners shall get cuddles than now lets make this soupy because it sure can't be made itself" I say sarcastically getting more giggles from both of them as I carry them over to the sink so they can wash there hands.

"ashy ashy han cen all ceeeennn alllll so iny han ashy ashy han nu tinky han nu ticky" they sing as they wash there hands. I didn't know they had a song for washing their hands and that is just cute.

"such a cute song" I say as they sit on the floor while I wash my hands

"mama aky ong" Stella tells me as I dry my hands before helping them dry there.

"well your mama sure knows how to make washing hands fun huh" I mean yeah I can totally see Maya teaching them a song.

"mhm, un"

I pick them up and carry them over to the counter top where I have all the soup ingredients.

"okay well lets get this soup made" I say to which they cheer to.

Once we finish making the soup I get a tray to be able to carry it upstairs along with some flowers that the twins got from outside and a card that the twins made while the soup was cooking. Once that's all fixed and organised on the tray I help the twins upstairs and open the door to Maya's room a little so I can push it open when I get back upstairs with the food once that's done I head downstairs and get the tray carrying it upstairs slowly so I don't spill anything.

"okay go ahead and push the door open" I say to the twins as I reach the top of the stairs and walk over to the door pushing it open so I can walk in.

"mama aky aky" Milo says going over to the side Maya is sleeping on pulling the blanket since he can get up on the bed.

"buddy be a little quieter remember that mama is sicky and loud sounds hurt her head" I tell him as Maya starts to move around groaning before hiding her face into her pillow.

"mama aky food er" he says quieter as Maya starts to sit up rubbing her eyes before looking down at the twins smiling than at me.

"you guys brought me food" she says as I place the tray on her lap as she gets comfortable

"mhm sopy fow mama icky"Stella says as I help them up on the bed

"an ard wif ower" Milo says as Maya grabs the card and reads it which says

et bewwer mama uv ella an ilo
along with drawings they made of Maya with them and as Milo said the drawing he made with Maya fighting off the germs and Stella made a drawing of Maya with get better flowers all around her as if that's the why she fought the germs.

"I love it babies, it's cute and thank you i'm sure with these cards and your guys love I will for sure get better soon. thank you for the soup Lizzie" she says looking at me at the last part.

"You're welcome but the twins did help so I can't take all the credit for the soup" I say looking down at the twins who smile at being mentioned.

"well than thank you to you two as well" she says looking at the twins as they smile at there mama


Annie Pov

"Do you really need to record our plans and everything we do or are you just doing it to annoy us"

"what can I not record plus its just for proof and evidence of everything we are doing for them so they can't say that we didn't or had nothing to do with them being married in the future plus its fun I mean look I can add filters so they wont even know what we are doing" I say showing everyone all the filters and stuff you can do

"okay as long as your dumb ass doesn't accidentally get those leaked than we shall be good"

"yeah, yeah I am not that stupid trust me I have it all under control.......Sorry again Maya and Lizzie just in advance you will know when we show you the next part of our plan about what exactly we are sorry for anyways love you bitc actually the twins might see this so BYEEEEEEEE OLSREY and again sorry in advance I was dragged into this" 

"ow what was that for" I say looking at the person sitting on my right

"That's for lying you were not dragged into this MAYA AND LIZZIE she was the one who came up with this whole thing so don't believe a word she says its all full of lies. Love you and how she said sorry in advance although it was totally worth it if it ends up working" she says

"LOVE YOU OLSREY AND WE ARE ALL SORRY" everyone says as I cut the video getting everything ready for plan B and C in case Plan B doesn't work.


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