Silver Lining - Bradley Will...

By rak098

6.8K 161 10

Silver’s a 18-year-old photographer. After 6 months away her sister who is dating James McVey introduces her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

414 9 0
By rak098

Brads POV

I can't help stealing glance of her, she's so beautiful, her clear green eyes, long brown wavy hair and soft olive skin. She looks tired but still beautiful. She catches me looking at her and smiles weakly.

"Are you sure okay" I ask still worried, I wished she'd seen a doctor but it didn't seem like she was going.

"Yeah" she sighs with a little smile looking back at the ground, I could tell she was getting annoyed at me asking.

We fell back into a silences, I didn't know what to say to her. Think brad, say something, what could I say to her, she didn't even know my name. Wait. She didn't know my name. I didn't introduce myself.

"I'm Bradley" I start off a little louder than expects and she jumps a little and smiles again. " err Brad" I continued, "kayla's friend, well kayla's friend through James, her boyfriend, he's the one in the hospital gown, we're in a band. You're Silver, her sister, she talked about you a lot." I rambled on like an idiot but she stills smiles her perfect smiles.

"Hi Bradley" she says is in her sing song voice, "hi" I breath out not realizing I kept anything in. And then we're back walking in silence.

She must be so worried about Kayla. I was worried about Kayla. The boys and me had gotten really close to her since she and James got together 5 months ago. I really hope she pulls through. James sounded so broken when he called to tell us they'd been in an accident, he hasn't said anything since we got to the hospital, just stares at the floor in his daze.

"Bradley" my thoughts are interrupted by Silver

"Yeah" she stops in her tracks and looks up at me, as do I.

"Can you maybe not mention what happened to me back there, I don't want my family to worry, they have enough to deal with, with Kayla, they don't need to be concerned about me" she pleads.

I think for a second, I don't know how I feel about not telling her parents; I'm still worried about her. "err I guess won't tell anyone, unless it happens again. Deal?"

She bites her plump pink lips looking at me; I can't help but look at them. After thinking for a second She nods, "okay, deal. thank you" she says moving off towards the waiting room and I follow.


When we got to back to the room everyone was standing around hugging and smiling, I notice James' Parents and little sister had finally made it to the hospital. Silver and I stood at the doorway confused before they noticed us. Silver's mom made her way over pulling her into a hug.

"She's Okay. The surgery went well. She's going to make it" Mrs. Hales told her daughter.

I looked over at James who was smiling widely, tears still his eye's I assumer from happiness. I made my way over to hug him.


Silver's POV

I slump sitting on my bed taking my shoes off. We were finally back from the hospital, it was 5 in the morning. After the doctor reassured us that Kayla would be okay, everyone decided to go home, get some rest and come back later during visiting hours; mom stayed with Kayla obviously. I crawled into my bed; I was exhausted, it would be understatement to say it was a long day. I fell into an instant slumber expecting to wake up in a couple hours to go back to the hospital.


Kayla's POV

I've been awake for a couple hours now. Everyone was in my hospital room, my parents, James, James' parents and sister, the boys, Daniel and his girlfriend Natalie. They told me Silver was back but she hadn't come in yet, Dad told me she was still sleeping at the house, they didn't want to wake her and I wouldn't want them to, she must've been exhausted after a 10-hour flight then coming home to deal with my accident. But I was excited to see her when she finally did make it. I hadn't seen her in 6 months; we'd never been apart for that long. Although she was my little sister we were only a year apart so we were super close. We all sat in the hospital room everyone in different conversations in different groups. I looked over at James who was sat on my right on a chair his hand holding my while he talk to my brother, Nat and the boys. He looked so funny in the hospital gown but still cute. I was so glad he was Okay; I don't know what I would do without him.


"Do you think Silver awake yet" I asked my mom who was sitting to my left.

"Oh I completely forgot, let me call her, she probably won't be able to come see you now though visiting hours will be over" my mom replied taking out her phone. That's disappointing, I was looking forward to seeing her, but I'll settle for a phone call for now.

I could hear the phone ringing, then a groggy sounding Silver mumbling "Hello".

"Hey baby, you awake" mom spoke to her through the phone, earning an "mmm" from Sil. I laughed, everyone knew how much Silver loved her sleep and how moody she was after she woke up.

"Wait. Kayla, is kayla okay" I hear her ask frantically through the phone clearly starting to remember everything.

"Yeah,Yeah, Silver she's fine, she' awake, she's good" my mom reassures her.

I hear Silver sigh in relief, then go back to her sleepy voice "ok good, I'm gonna get ready, I'll be there in a bit".

"Honey, there's no point visiting hours are over"

"What? What time is it?" She sounded confused.


"Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"You needed the rest love"

"So I can't see her today" I smiled, she was just as disappointed as I was.

"Afraid not, tomorrow ok"

"Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah, here" my mom says as she hands me the phone.

"Hey Sil" I say through the phone

"Hi Kay, How you feeling"

"I'm good"

"I'm sorry I didn't come see you, but in my defense no one woke me up"

I laughed, "It's ok Sil we all know how much you love your sleep"

"Haha funny" she says sarcastically, "I promise I'll come first thing tomorrow"

"Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow" I agreed "now you can get back to precious sleep"

"Thanks. Love you Kay"

"Love you too" I reply then we hang up.


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