Chapter 17

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Silver POV

"Urgh" I groan trying to pull my suitcase out of the cab.

"Here" I heard Brad from behind my, He reaches his hand over to grab my luggage, I let go a stand back while he effortlessly pulls it out and places it on the ground.

"Why thank you, kind sir", I say in my fake posh accent taking the handle from him and pull it behind towards out front door. Mom invited the boys and Jessica back to our house so they could have a nice home cooked meal when they got back.

I get my keys out of my bag and open the door quietly. The others are still behind me getting the bags out so I leave the door open for them.

I'm about to call out for my mom but stop once I hear my dad's voice from the kitchen, "you have to tell her Sara", he says in a harsh tone. Tell whom, what?

"No I can't" I hear my mother voice crack.

"You said you'd tell her when she's old enough. She's old enough now tell her"

Kayla comes up behind me along with the rest, "What are you stand here f-".

"shhh" I quiet her and the others and they begin to listen in the muffled voices from inside the kitchen with me.

"I know what I said, but I can't, it'll crush her, Silver doesn't need to know", my mothers voice speaks again. They're talking about me.

"She needs to know I'm not her real father?"

And there it is, the answer to all my questions.

I just stand there not know what to do.

I feel Kayla's hand on my shoulder before she yells, "Mom!"

I few moments later my mom come rushing out followed by my dad. Or who I thought was my dad.

"When did you guys get in?" my mom asks, I can hear the nerve in her voice.

"What were you talking about?" Kayla asks by my said.

"H-How much did you here" My mother stutters.

"Enough, What did Dad mean by not being Silver 'real father'" Kayla asks, confusion in her voice.

My mom looks at me ignoring Kayla's question and speaks to me, "Silver I meant to tell you".

She steps towards me but I step back, "so tell me" I speak quietly.

I look at my mothers face, guilt rushes over her, "ok erm" she starts of in her shaky voice, "just after Kay was born, me and your dad when through a rough patch, we decided to take a break and I did some things I'm not proud of. I got pregnant by another man and that where you came along"

She continues talking but I'm not listening, I look at the floor trying to process the new information.

"Honey, I'm sorry" I hear her whisper. I look up at her face with tears running down her cheeks. My eyes dart to the man behind her, that man I called my 'dad', tears in my eyes threatening to fall but I hold them back. He avoids my gaze and shuffles around awkwardly.

"Is that why you hate me?" I finally say as a whisper and his eyes lock on to mine. He doesn't say anything.

"No, no he doesn't hate you honey, we love you" my mother tries to tell me but he stays quiet and that's all the answer I need.

"I have to get out of here", I whisper to myself, stepping backwards, I turn to the door running out past the bodies stood in the way.

"Silver!" I hear Kayla call.

Silver Lining - Bradley Will Simpson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now