Lancelot1864 द्वारा

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 129

636 33 23
Lancelot1864 द्वारा

3rd Person POV (The Wall)

Tensions were high among the soldiers as they took their positions in front of the wall. Whispers could be heard among the soldiers as they made plans among their squads. Fear was plastered on their faces, but many agreed that they would survive should they watch each other's backs.

The ground underneath the soldiers shook from the footfalls of the approaching horde. Dust rose into the air from the beasts disturbing the earth beneath them. The soldiers in formation shook as well, not from the vibration from the beasts but from fear.

The twin horns, Claire, Theo, and Caera, stood together in a circular formation, facing the approaching Horde. Reynolds stood before them, staring down the beast horde with determination.

Reynolds turned around to face his comrades to address them. His squad mates all looked at him, and Reynolds could see the fear in their eyes. Reynolds was also afraid of the coming battle, but he wouldn't show it; he couldn't; he needed to remain confident for the others.

Reynolds cleared his throat, pushing down his fear and preparing to distribute orders, "Listen up. Angela, you'll stay on ranged attacks and cover us. The rest of us will take a circular formation and keep our enemies outside our perimeter."

"Also, don't forget," Durden began, getting everyone's attention. "These beasts have been corrupted, so they're stronger. Don't be a hero and go running off; stick together."

"There's more than the beasts to worry about," Adam began, clutching his spear tightly and staring at the approaching dust cloud. "There are Alacryan troops with them."

"Keep the formation tight. The closer we are to each other, the more we can help each other out," Reynolds said, getting a nod from everyone. "If we fight together, we can make it through this."

The sound of beasts roaring gained the soldier's attention. Reynolds spun around and faced the beast horde, seeing they were now visible and much closer, so close Reynolds could also smell them. Suddenly, a horn sounded in the distance. Battle cries and beasts roaring could be heard before they suddenly began to charge toward the wall.

The DIcathen defenders got into defensive stances but did not advance. Their eyes were locked on the beast horde, watching as they closed the distance. The ground vibrated furiously under the weight of the incoming wave of beasts.


The beast horde on the right side exploded, followed by a series of explosions set off as the beasts hit the traps that were previously set up. Blown-off limbs and bodies could be seen flying in the air from the sheer force of the explosions.

The soldiers on the ground looked up as they heard a whizzing sound. Their eyes fell on flaming boulders and mana-coated arrows flying through the air.

Reynolds looked at the top of the wall, knowing his daughter was with Helen. "Please stay safe," Reynolds whispered in a prayer before he looked forward toward the beasts once more.

The boulders and arrows struck the Horde, thinning out their ranks just a little. An explosion erupted in the air over the Dicathen soldiers on the ground, giving them the signal.

"FOR DICATHEN!!" Soldiers shouted valiantly as they charged forward.


Helen looked through the telescope at the oncoming beast horde, seeing its massive size. She lowered the telescope and looked at the artillery personnel stationed on the wall, seeing them awaiting her orders.

"Load catapults!" Helen commanded loudly.

Wind mages waved their arms, manipulating the catapult wheel which controlled the rope. The wind spun the reels, lowering the catapults into a firing position. Earth mages lifted the boulders set to the sides and loaded the catapults. Fire mages standing at the ready set the boulders ablaze.

Lieutenant Quinten looked around, verifying all catapults were loaded before he looked at Helen and yelled, "Catapults loaded!"

"Hold for now! Wait for them to hit the traps!" Helen commanded, watching the Horde intently, hearing her heart pounding in her ears.

Helen peered through her telescope again, watching the beast horde approaching. She looked at the soldiers waiting at the base of the wall and observed the Twin Horns standing together, along with Caera, Claire, and Theo.

Helen gripped her telescope tightly, afraid for her teammates who were like her family, and whispered, "Please be okay."

"Is it Dad?" Ellie asked, standing next to Helen.

Helen looked at her to see Ellie looking at the Horde concerned. Helen placed her hand on Ellie's shoulder reassuringly.

Ellie looked at Helen as she gave Ellie a small smile. "He's with the Twin Horns, Caera, Claire, and Theo. They'll be okay. We need to have faith," Helen said, not only trying to reassure Ellie but also herself.


Everyone looked toward the Horde as a series of explosions erupted from the traps.

"Captain! They're in range!" Quinton yelled.

Helen stood straight and yelled, "Archers! Knock!"

Archers stationed on the wall knocked arrows to their strings while Eliie formed a mana arrow.

"Catapults! Archers! Release!" Helen yelled.

Soldiers pulled the levers on the catapults, sending the flaming boulders flying through the air. Archers pulled back on their arrows, coated them in mana or elemental spells, and released their attacks. Ellie fired her mana arrow, which split into four mid-air before each turning into a different element.

Helen watched the rain of fire as it collided with the beast horde. Beasts and Alacryans alike were crushed by flaming boulders or struck with arrows. Soldiers on the wall watched intently as beasts and Alacryans ran around while being burned alive.

"Reload Catapults!" Helen ordered. Soldiers scrambled to ready another barrage. Helen looked at Ellie, "Ellie." Ellie looked at Helen. "Give the signal."

Ellie nodded. She formed a mana arrow on her bowstring. She pulled the arrow back, aiming toward the sky. Fire formed on the tip of the arrow, and she released. The arrow flew through the air, and Ellie snapped her fingers. The arrow erupted in a loud explosion, and battle cries could be heard from the soldiers below.

Helen and Ellie looked below and watched as the soldiers on the ground charged forward. Helen watched intently as the group closed in on each other. Spells could be seen firing from both groups toward the other.

"Catapults loaded!" Quinton yelled.

"Fire!" Helen ordered.

Archers knocked their arrows and coated them in spells. Soldiers pulled the levers, releasing the catapults. The archers fired their arrows, and Helen watched as the attacks rained down and crashed into the Horde, avoiding the Dicathens.

Suddenly, several beasts within the Horde took to the air, filling the sky like a cloud of death. The beasts raced through the sky, heading straight for the top of the wall.

"We got incoming!!" Quinton yelled, sounding alarmed.

Helen narrowed her eyes at the incoming beasts and yelled, "Archers at the ready! Load all ballistae!"

Soldiers scrambled and loaded the ballistae, and archers knocked their arrows and coated them in spells. The beasts closed in on the wall, and Helen and the other archers took aim, shaking heavily with fear.

"Stay close to me, Ellie," Helen ordered.

"I will," Ellie said, aiming toward the beasts closing in on them.

Helen took a breath, stepping closer to Eliie protectively, "Fire!"


The soldiers on the ground charged forward, closing in on the beast horde. Flaming boulders and arrows flew overhead and slammed into the Horde. Beasts within the Horde took to the air and flew toward the wall. Reynolds' stomach dropped in fear for Ellie and Helen seeing the flying beasts, but he had to put his faith in them and concentrate on his battle.

The beast horde and the soldiers approached each other, and everyone coated their weapons in magic. Reynolds surrounded his body in lightning magic and his fists in fire magic. Adam coated his spear in water magic. Claire wrapped her rapier in fire magic. Theo lessened the gravity around him. Jasmine wrapped her daggers in wind magic. Aaron covered himself in fire magic and shrouded his sword in water and lightning. Caera conjured soul fire, which danced around her ruby blade. Durden lifted several rocks from the ground, which rotated around him clockwise. Angela formed a wind cloak around her and hung back as the ranged attacker.

The two groups slammed into each other, and beasts pounced on Dicathen soldiers, digging their nails into their chests. Blood and intestines poured out of the soldiers as they lay there, torn apart by beasts, filling the air with the metallic taste of blood.

Dicathen mages waved their wands and staves, firing spells at the beasts. The spells hit the beasts, tearing at their flesh and blowing off their appendages.

Behind the beasts were Alacryans, who charged forward, weapons at the ready. Spells flew through the air, hitting both groups with explosions from various elements. The Alacryans advanced and crashed into the Dicathens with the sound of metal clashing.

The Twin Horns stuck together, keeping a close eye on each other.

Two beasts jumped into the air, aiming for Durden. Angela waved her wand, firing two wind blades at the beasts. The blades struck the beasts in their chests, and they fell to the ground. Durden slammed his foot on the ground, and several sharpened earthen spikes shot up through the beasts. The beasts coughed up blood before their lifeless bodies stopped moving. Another beast punched at Durden from behind, and Durden quickly reached back, wrapping his hand around the tiger-like beast's throat. The beast clawed desperately at Durden's arm, holding it up and cutting Durden heavily until Durden crushed the beast's windpipe. Durden dropped the beast's lifeless body to the floor, blood flowing down his arm.

Two more beasts ran around and charged toward Claire. Claire waved her rapier in the air, firing six wind bullets toward the beasts. The bullets struck the beasts, and one of them fell to the ground. The second beast closed in on Claire faster than she could react. Suddenly, the gravity around the beast increased, and it fell to the ground.

Theo dashed in from the side and slammed his fists onto the beast's head, crushing its skull with a wet, crunchy sound, coloring the floor with its blood. The beast who first fell began to get up, but Claire dashed in, coating her rapier in fire magic. She stabbed the beast between the eyes and watched as it slowly stopped moving.

Claire went wide-eyed and spun around, hearing Theo yell. The blood drained from her face, and her stomach dropped, seeing an Alacryan stabbing Theo in his left shoulder with a sword. Theo lessened the gravity around the Alacryan and punched him in the chest. The Alacryan was pushed back a ways from Theo, skidding to a halt. The Alacryan prepared to burst toward Theo yet again when Claire burst in from the side and stabbed the Alacryan through the chest. The Alacryan coughed up blood and fell to the ground as Claire pulled her rapier out before stabbing the Alacryan between their eyes.

Two beasts charged toward Jasmine with their claws extended. Jasmine jumped up and twirled in the air. Jasmine landed on one beast, straddling its neck, lifted her mana-coated daggers, and shoved them into the beast's head. The beast's lifeless body fell to the ground, and Jasmine rolled off. Jasmine quickly stood up and looked at the other beast in time to see it jumping toward her.

Aaron shot forward from behind Jasmine while surrounded by fire magic. Aaron thrust his sword forward, and two beams of lightning-charged water shot out and pierced the beast's eyes. The beast fell to the floor, skidding to a halt at Aaron's feet. Suddenly, a fireball flew in from the side, directed at Aaron.

Jasmine's gaze snapped toward the fireball, coated her daggers in wind, and fired two wind slashes, destroying the attack and protecting Aaron. Aaron and Jasmine turned to where the fireball originated and saw an Alacryan soldier standing there with a mace in hand. The Alacryan lifted his free hand, conjuring another massive fireball. Aaron and Jasmine got into a defensive stance when two water daggers flew in and struck the Alacryan in the chest. The Alacryan grunted as he fell and hit the ground.

Before the Alacryan could get up, Adam dashed in and shoved his spear through the Alacryan's head. Arron and Jasmine's gazes flicked behind Adam, seeing two Alacryan sword-wielders closing in on him from behind. Aaron and Jasmine were about to burst forward to protect Adam when he suddenly jumped up, twirled in the air, and landed behind the Alacryans. The Alacryans went wide-eyed in surprise and quickly turned to face Adam, only to be met with him slicing their necks open with his spear.

The Alacryan's lifeless bodies fell to the ground, and Adam stood straight when suddenly, an arrow flew in from the side and struck him in his right leg. Adam yelled in pain and fell to his knee, looking toward the source of the attack. Jasmine and Aaron followed his gaze, seeing an Alacryan arching, knocking another arrow, aiming toward Adam. However, before the archer could pull back on his bowstring, Angela fired three wind blades, which struck the Alacryan in the chest and head in a killing blow.

Reynolds dashed forward and punched a beast in the chest with firey fists, cracking its ribs. The beast fell to the floor, and Reynolds closed in on it and slammed his fists on its head, cracking its skull open.

Reynolds looked up and barely dodged a wind slash as it flew past his head. Two Alacryan soldiers dashed toward Reynolds, one wielding a longsword while the other wielding a spear.

The spear wielded swung his spear, firing multiple wind slashes toward Reynolds. The sword wielded closed in on Reynolds, with ice forming on his blade. Reynolds dashed toward the sword wielder while simultaneously dodging the wind slashes. Using his lighting technique, Reynolds closed in on the sword wielder quickly.

The sword wielder slashed his sword down at Reynolds, and Reynolds lifted his gauntlet, reinforcing it with fire magic like a shield. The sword and the gauntlet collided with a hissing sound as both spells fought against each other. With his other hand, he punched the sword wielder in the stomach. The sword wielder coughed and keeled over, falling to their knees. Reynolds lifted his arms above his head to deliver a finishing blow.

Suddenly, five wind slashes flew in, directed at Reynolds in a sneak attack. Reynolds gritted his teeth as the wind slashes pushed him back, deeply cutting him on his sides, chest, and shoulders. Reynolds grunted as he barely dashed backward, dodging another two wind slashes.

The sword wielder stood up and glared at Reynolds. Ice magic covered his sword as he took an offensive stance. Reynolds took a defensive posture, ignoring the pain while bleeding profusely, barely able to hold up his arms.

The wind user lifted his spear to strike at Reynolds when a crescent of black flames suddenly flew in and struck him in the chest. The sword wielder looked at his comrade in surprise to see him fall to the ground, fully engulfed in soul fire. The sword wielder looked toward the attacker with gritted teeth, seeing Caera closing in on him rapidly. The sword wielder thrust his blade toward Caera, and Caera spun on her heel, moving behind the Alacryan, and plunged her blade through their heart.

Caera pulled her sword out and looked at Reynolds in dread as he fell to his knees, coughing blood. Reynolds's vision was slowly becoming darker as he fell to his side, seeing Caera quickly running toward him, desperately reaching out to him.



The beasts flew overhead as archers fired arrow after arrow atop the wall. Soldiers scrambled around while they were picked up by mana beasts and tossed over the wall. Other soldiers crawled on the ground in fear, avoiding the mana beasts, as other soldiers were ripped apart viciously.

Helen knocked an arrow and surrounded it with rotating wind blades shaped like a shuriken. Two beasts flew toward her, and Helen released her arrow. The arrow flew between the beasts, and the wind blades cut them apart, shredding their wings.

The beasts fell to the ground, bleeding heavily, and slowly began to get up. Ellie shot two fire-coated mana arrows, which hit the beasts in their sides. The arrows vibrated before they erupted in a fiery explosion.

Another beast rushed down through the air and fired a lightning attack that destroyed another ballista. 

"Fuck! We just have one more ballista left!" Quinton yelled in a panic.

"Then fucking use it!" Helen yelled.


Helen looked behind her and went wide-eyed as a beast closed in on Ellie, talons extended. Ellie had her back to the beast as she fired another arrow.

"Ellie!" Helen yelled in desperation as she formed a wind arrow on her bowstring.

Ellie turned around just as the beast closed in on her. Suddenly boo appeared before Ellie and slammed his claws into the mana beast. The beast fell onto its back, and boo sunk its teeth into the beast's neck before tearing out its trachea.

"Ellie! We need to get you out of here!" Helen yelled, seeing the situation was dire.

"I'm not leaving!" Ellie yelled with determination.

"This isn't a discussion! Go!" Helen yelled, firing another arrow.


Everyone looked up and saw approximately fifty flying beasts flying overhead. They dived through the air, heading toward the defenders on the wall.

Helen went wide-eyed and gritted her teeth in dread, "Incoming!!!"

Archers fired desperately into the air at the beasts as they swooped down, picking up, eating, and slicing soldiers. Helen stood next to Ellie, firing arrow after arrow, desperately trying to protect her.

Suddenly, a beast flew down and crashed into Helen. Helen grunted as she fell onto her stomach, and the beast dug its claw into Helen's left shoulder. Helen yelled as she reached for her bow, lying a few feet in front of her, but she couldn't reach it.

Ellie fired a wind-covered mana arrow at the beast, knocking it off Helen. Boo jumped onto the beast, digging its claws into its chest. Blood and intestines poured out from the beast as it lay there dying.

Ellie ran up to Helen as she slowly sat up. Ellen knelt beside her, teary-eyed, seeing Helen bleeding heavily and turning pale.

"Helen!" Ellie yelled with deep concern.

"Elli, please *cough* run," Helen said, coughing up blood.

Five more mana beasts landed around Helen and Ellie, snarling at them. Boo quickly moved next to Ellie and Helen as Ellie readied her bow.

"I'm not leaving you," Ellie said, determined.

Helen reached out for her bow, gritting her teeth from the pain. She would die fighting to protect Ellie, and she could tell she wasn't going to make it out of this fight.

The beasts closed in on them when suddenly Ellie and Helen went wide-eyed. The air around them began to vibrate, and the temperature rose considerably.

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TBATE-ONESHOTS Lancelot द्वारा


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