After All These YEARS

Bởi lisadapthyun

16.7K 980 459

It started with Lisa visiting an antique shop and her spotting an old dusty photo. A photo of a young beauty... Xem Thêm

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five


357 26 10
Bởi lisadapthyun


No One's POV

Irene, her father and Lisa entered the ball. From what Lisa had read, there was a certain formality to how things were done. Such as, one could not ask a woman to dance without a proper introduction.

Mr. Bae promptly went off and returned in a few moments with a small card and handed it to Lisa. He also gave her a pencil.

"Here is your dance card. Irene is engaged, so she is not likely to be asked to dance as it would seem in good taste. But in case you are not familiar, it is a list of all the songs and dances they will play and a line to put down who you plan to dance with."

"Thank you." Lisa said. She had heard the term dance card but never actually had seen one. But that was how things were done so Lisa decided to play along.

Lisa's little play was not due for another hour so she, Irene and Mr. Bae walked around and mingled. Lisa was introduced to several well to do people; Young men, old men, proper ladies etc. They all engaged in polite conversation with many asking about Thailand and what it was like.

Though Lisa had no interest in men, she quickly noticed several of them seemed to be interested in her. Several of the young men were struck by her beauty and just the fact that she was so different. After a short while Lisa had been asked to dance by at least 6 men. Not wanting to be rude, she graciously accepted and penciled them in on her dance card.

Irene wanting to see the food, pulled Lisa aside and took her into the adjoining room where a buffet of light finger foods was presented in a most elaborate manor. The table had Tea, coffee, an assortment of Ices, biscuits, Cakes, Cracker bonbon's and small sandwiches. All of them were on sterling silver trays and each piece of food looked delicious.

Lisa chuckled to herself at the sheer fanciness of it all. She couldn't help but think of some of the parties she attended back in high school. A half barrel in one room, a DJ in another room and sometimes a few bags of potato chips to munch on. This was light years ahead of that.

After nibbling on a few sandwiches, it was time for Lisa to dance with one of the men who had requested. She had explained that she didn't really know the steps but the guy didn't seem to care.

Lisa of course pretended to enjoy the rather formal dance. She did so for two reasons, first not to be rude and secondly maybe it would make Irene just a bit jealous.

Irene spent a lot of her time with her father or talking to some of the older ladies in attendance. All the while, she kept one eye on the mysterious Thai beauty, as Lisa danced with the young men. Irene found herself not liking it one single bit much to her surprise.

Finally it was time to prepare for the small play. Lisa and her costar quickly changed into their costumes as Sir Changmin announced that for his guests he was going to have a couple short scenes from Shakespeare presented to them.

The little play was presented on a small stage that had been constructed in one corner of the ball room.

As they were about to go on, Lisa found herself a bit nervous. Though she was loathe to admit it, she did suffer from stage fright on occasion.

Seeing her nervousness as they were about to take the stage, Charles looked sympathetically at her. "Stage fright?"

Lisa nodded. "I shouldn't. I know, but it happens sometimes. I want to put on a good show for my friend and I'm nervous. I'll bet that something you don't have to contend with."

Charles laughed then leaned in close. "I'll tell you a little secret. Stage fright, I suffer from terrible stage fright. Always have."

Lisa did a double take. From what she knew of Charles Green and his career he was cool as a cucumber before he went on stage. "What? I never suspected. How do you deal with it."

Charles paused for a moment, as he listened to their host introduce them. He then looked back to Lisa with a wry smile. "I just act as if it doesn't bother me at all. I do believe it's time. After you my lady."

The pair hit the stage and Lisa simply acted as if the stage fright didn't bother her. Soon they were in the scene and all was going well.

Irene quickly moved to the front and was quickly impressed by Lisa's acting skill. It was amazing how the Lisa she knew quickly vanished and was replaced by sinister Lady Macbeth. Irene was more than impressed.

As the performance went on, Irene found herself wondering about that tattooed heart on her. Heart's signified love and from what Irene knew about tattoos is that they were of great significance to the person with it.

"A broken heart. Someone broke her heart. It has to mean that. Who gave her that broken heart? Someone had to have." Irene whispered to herself, as she further mulled it over.

Lisa and Charles Green's performance though short, was very well received. They got a quick and vigorous round of applause from the assembled.

After they were done and changed back into their clothes, Sir Changmin came up to Lisa and Charles looking quite pleased. They also noticed he was carrying two glasses of wine.

"You've both performed beyond my fullest expectations. I'll be sure to pay you both a bit extra. But in the meantime, while you mingle with the impressed crowd, have a glass of my finest wine, Chateau Yquem 1796. "

Lisa smiled, took the wine and had a sip. Her mother was a huge wine snob and Lisa reveled in the fact that her mother would die of envy if she knew her daughter was drinking wine from 1796. The best part was the wine itself was pretty damn good.

For a time, Lisa basked in the adulation of the crowd. She was dying to know what Irene was thinking of it, but she hadn't spoken to her yet.

Finally Lisa felt a tap on the shoulder, to see a smiling Irene. "Lisa. Your performance was marvelous. I was quite impressed. You are a consummate actress."

Of all the praise that night, Hyun's was the most important. But the words consummate actress bothered her. It only reminded Lisa that she was still acting and had been the whole time. That feeling of guilt quickly returned and with a vengeance.

Lisa for a while longer mingled and danced with several other young men, but this time she had a harder time pretending to be enjoying herself.

"I'm a liar and a fraud." Lisa thought to herself as she danced with a young military officer. As she danced, the thoughts and doubts kept coming. "Camila's so pretty and good. What right do I have to seduce her? I just need to save her. Do we belong together."

Across the room, Irene kept watching Lisa. While she initially appeared to be enjoying her dancing, Irene quickly realized she wasn't and guessed she hadn't been at all. It only further confirmed her suspicions that Lisa preferred the company of women.

After Lisa danced with all she had said she would, she decided to have a walk in the gardens outside the mansion to think. This severe attack of guilt had come at a most inconvenient time and Lisa just needed some time alone.

She wandered out into the moonlight and rather immaculate gardens trying to think of what to do next. Finally she found a bench behind some tall shrubbery that was rather secluded.

For almost half an hour Lisa stared up at the half moon thinking about Irene. The more she thought the more her conscience bothered her.

"I love Hyun, but all I do is lie to her. Am I no better than Jun-myeon. What am I here for, to seduce Irene or to save her from a disastrous marriage?" Lisa mumbled to herself.

Meanwhile I single figure crept into the garden. It was Irene who not seeing Lisa in some time inside, decided to look for her. She soon found Lisa sitting on a bench, sitting alone.

Seeing Lisa alone, Irene once again found herself happy to have Lisa to herself. But there was a sad look on Lisa's face that Irene quickly found bothersome.

"Lisa?" Irene said softly.

Surprises, Lisa looked up to see Irene standing a few feet away. She couldn't help but think how beautiful Irene looked in the moonlight.

At this point, Lisa no longer could go through with any plans to win Irene's heart. It just didn't seem fair and it felt wrong. It wasn't the right way to build any kind of relationship on and Lisa knew it.

"Hello Hyun. What brings you out here?"

"You. I hadn't seen you in a while and wondered where you were. Why are you out here alone?" Irene asked.

"I just needed some air. That and I wanted to enjoy the night."

"May I join you?"

Lisa felt another twinge of guilt pass through her heart. "Yes of course."

Irene quietly sat down next to Lisa and thought how good it felt just to be sitting next to this fascinating woman. A woman she now knew she needed to know even better.

For several minutes the pair sat in silence as they both looked at the moon. Lisa though was preoccupied by her dual feelings of guilt and desire.

"Lisa, I just wanted to say how glad I am to have gotten to know you. I will be most sad when you leave us. You're quite an extraordinary individual."

"Thank you." Lisa said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Irene her heart beating like mad, made a decision. "Lisa, I know you have a secret."

Lisa's eyes momentarily bugged out as she looked back to Irene. "What? I don't know what you're talking about." Lisa immediately began to fear that her Hyun somehow figured out she wasn't from this time. It was an absurd thought, but Lisa couldn't help but think it as she quietly began to freak out.

Irene then inched herself a bit closer to Lisa. "Don't fear. I know what it's like. You can trust me."

Lisa was now really starting to freak out. "What is she doing?" Lisa thought quickly.

After a moment of Lisa not saying anything Irene said in soft tone. "What was her name?"

Lisa's heart began to beat faster and faster. "Who...Whose name?"

For a moment Irene gazed into Lisa's eyes invitingly, then quietly took Lisa's hand in hers.

"The woman that broke your heart." Irene had guessed that broken heart tattoo was put there, because a woman had indeed broken her heart.

Lisa audibly gasped as a whole sequence of thoughts plowed through her mind. "Ji-eun, how in the hell did she know some woman broke my heart? Oh my god, here I am debating if I should seduce her and now she's seducing me."

Irene seeing the rather shocked look on Lisa's face, knew her guess was correct. Irene then took Lisa's hand into her lap and with her other gently caressed Lisa's cheek. "You're so beautiful. And you're not alone. I too enjoy the touch of a soft female hand. I love the touch of yours it's so soft."

Irene knew she had the urges and couldn't, nor wanted to resist them. In the back of her mind she rationalized it away by telling herself in order to purge them, she had to give into them. But deeper still, she was falling for Lisa. Like Miss Young had her, Irene decided she would have Lisa.

Lisa opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out, as her brain suddenly went haywire.

Irene smiled, knowing full well she had Lisa right where she wanted her.

"Nothing to say?" Irene said playfully. "I'll guess I'll just have to kiss you. I can't leave those beautiful lips untouched for one second longer."

The next thing Lisa knew Irene had wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a soft, succulent and passionate kiss.

Lisa's mind exploded with joy and her nipples hardened instantly as Irene deepened the kiss. For Lisa, the kiss was beyond anything she had ever imagined and the fact that Irene was seducing her, negated those doubts instantly. Not able to hold herself back any longer Lisa slowly pressed her tongue into Irene's mouth and lovingly touched her tongue.

For nearly 10 solid minutes the two young woman kissed with wild abandon. Other than an odd moan of pleasure, nothing was said. They spoke with their lips, their hands and passion.

However just was Hyun was thinking of how to steal away Lisa, a familiar male voice broke the air.


It was the unmistakable voice of Suho only a short distance away, which broke the spell between them abruptly. Irene remembered that he had been invited but said he had business and couldn't attend. She guessed something had changed.

Lisa made a "Sh" motion on her lips. "We can hide." Lisa then whispered.

Irene however, found herself calling out as she stood up. "I'm here." It was that part of her, that wanted the normal husband and the life that went with it, that did.

A few seconds later Irene looked to her right to see a happy looking Suho come around the corner of the tall shrubbery. She quickly planned to tell Suho that Lisa and her were catching a quick breath of air.

"Ah...There you are. What are you doing out her all alone?"

It was then; Irene realized that Lisa who was sitting on the bench to her left only a few seconds ago, was gone.

"I was just having a breath of fresh air. Why are you here? I thought you couldn't make it."

Suho leaned in and stole a kiss. "I couldn't keep away from my lovely fiancée, besides whom am I to dance with. Let me escort you to the dance floor."

With very mixed feelings, Irene smiled and allowed Suho to lead her to the dance floor. She couldn't help but feel terribly for calling out when she could have remained hidden with Lisa. But she was with her soon to be husband and that moral part of her was quite pleased. Her heart however was not.

As they finished the dance, Irene's father walked up and warmly shook Suho's hand. "Good to have you here son. My daughter looks happier than ever. I can't tell you how forward I am to having you as a son in law."

"Thank you sir." Responded Jun-myeon.

"Father?" Irene asked, realizing she hadn't seen Lisa since their moment in the garden. "Have you seen Lisa?"

"Oh yes. She had Felix take her home just now. He will return shortly. She said she had to work early in the morning and needed some proper rest. Quite sensable on her part."

"Oh...I see." Irene said barely able to cover up her feeling of remorse. Not for kissing Lisa, but stupidly ending it in the way it had, it left her stomach tied in knots.

Suho who didn't even notice the brief look of distress on Irene's face, took Irene's hand and led her towards the dance floor. "Come on, I feel in the mood for another dance. The night is young. Let us celebrate."

Irene, though smiling, didn't feel like celebrating at all.

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