Decendents/ Maleficent

By kevintoddb17

478 12 0

Taking after Mistress of Evil. Belle and the Beast have married and became king and queen. They united the k... More

Royal Proclomation
You will go
Tour of Auradon
Evil like me
Time for Mal to get a lover
Seducing the princess

Remedial Goodness 101

32 1 0
By kevintoddb17

Remedial Goodness 101 classroom

Fairy godmother: If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart? Evie?

Evie broke out into a smile and quickly raised her hand, wanting to impress the older woman.

Evie: What was the second one?

Evie smirked kindly. Red shot her a questioning glance at the girl next to her before sighing.

Fairy godmother looked around the room

Fairy Godmother: Oh, okay. Anyone else? Red?

Her eyes landed on the princess in the back.

Red: C. Give it a bottle

Red responded without looking

Fairy Godmother: Correct. Again.

She smiled proudly at the princess

Carlos: You are on fire, girl!

Carlos grinned looking at his leader

Red: Just pick the one opposite are parents would. Be rebellious.

Red responded, her pencil moving quickly across her paper as she sketched the item that had plagued her mind all night.

Carlos: Oh

Evie: That makes so much sense

Evie smiled as Jay also agreed

Red sees someone come into the room. The girl is a small brown-haired  Fae who moused her way into the room, her arms wrapped tightly around her clipboard she held tightly close to her chest. She came in going up to Fairy Godmother.

Fairy Godmother: Oh. Hello, dear one. Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation. Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?

Fairy godmother asked with a smile as she sighed the papers that were handed to her. This, however, was not the right thing to say according to the younger girl. Jane's eyes widened as she turned back to her mother.

Jane: Mom, no!

Fairy Godmother: It's okay Jane. This is everyone.

Fairy godmother smiled handing the clipboard back.

Jane: Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were.

Red just continues watching Jane until she completely leaves the room. Fairy godmother cleared her throat once Jane left the room.

Fairy Godmother: Ahem. Let's continue. You find a vile of poison. Do you, A. Put it in the kings wine? B. Paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?

Evie, Carlos, and Jay all rushed to answer. Jay even went so far as to grab Carlos's hand and hold it down, the younger boy powerless to stop him.

Carlos: Oh! Ooh... get off

Fairy Godmother: Jay

Jay: C. You turn it over to the proper authorities

Jay answered as he puffed out his chest, tilting his head to the side as he smirked up at the headmistress.

Carlos: I was going to say that

Carlos whined, hitting Jay's arm before pouting

Jay: But I said it first. Come here!

Jay teased, locking Carlos in a headlock and started giving him a noogie. Red looked annoyed and disbelief as the Fairy Godmother tried to get them to calm down.

Carlos: Ow!

Jay: Cone on, who said it first?

Carlos: Ow! Stop! Ah!

Fairy Godmother: Boys. Boys! I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field

That stopped the two boys in there actions as they started up at the headmistress.

Carlos: Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass

Carlos started as Jay got off him. And just like that, the bell rang signifying the end of class, and the beginning of the rest of their day in hell.

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