So I'm The first ever True Dr...

By AikoGray9

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Celeste Nova is everyone's normal high school girl. She is a socially awkward person to be around. She is ver... More

Part 1: The Creation of the Second True Dragon and My First Subordinate!
Part 2: The newly awakened Time God!
Part 3: Star King vs World Destroying Dragon
Part 4: Date and The Twins
Part 5: The Eclipse Twins and The Creation of the Cardinal World
Part 6: The Third True Dragon
Part 8: Meeting You Once Again

Part 7: The Space Queen Dragon!

1.1K 24 4
By AikoGray9

Hello guys! Before you guys continue on the story please read Part 6 if you haven't. I know some of you had tried to read but it won't open, that's because I accidentally published it without finishing it (again) and I just unpublished it again so that I can finish writing it. Now it is finished and is now good to read!

Sorry for the inconvenience! I'm quite clumsy at times especially if I was nervous ☺

Anyways let's go to the Part 7 of this story! Hope you enjoy it!

<> = Manas when communicating with their master/partner in mind
{ } = Master/partners when communicating with their Manas mind
[ ] = Skill
^^ = Magic
》= Thought Communication/Telepathy and VotW
() = Thinking

3rd Person POV:

In the middle of space, battles three True Dragons. The first and second True Dragon against the newly third True Dragon.

Right now, they are clashing against each other without any hints of stopping. Noblesse was able to go up against them all on her own.

Veldanava launched a beam fused with >Turn Null< as it travels at a speed of light. Noblesse dodge the beam by steeping to the left before flying high up as the beam suddenly explodes making a lot of shockwaves.

Noblesse quickly turned around and she clashed weapons with Celeste and her sword. She spun around when multiple energy blades were sent to her making shockwaves occur around her and pushing Celeste back a bit.

(She has very good reaction speed and it's really annoying) Veldanava thought annoyed.

Celeste uses her wings and she dashed at Noblesse while her sword glowed, blue.

Noblesse grips her spear tightly as she also dashed at Celeste. The two clashed at the middle making explosions and shockwaves occur and destroying multiple universes.

"I'm very surprised that you are still able to keep up with the two of us" Celeste said while clashing swords with Noblesse.

Noblesse didn't say anything and just started to attack Celeste with her spear. Celeste countered and the two began to attack each other all while moving at the speed of light.

As they moved around the whole multiverse with insane speeds, those who are below Deity rank can only see a white and blue blur just clashing with each.

Every time the two clashed, powerful shockwaves and explosions are made, shaking the multiverse.

The two continued to clash at each other while Veldanava is gathering and fusing >Turn Null< and >Space Energy< together to make a dragon breath.

Once the attack is charge he unleashed it towards the two making Celeste jump back to avoid the dragon breath. The dragon breath turned into a purple dragon that charges at Noblesse in insane speeds.

Noblesse spins her spear before pointing towards the dragon and she release a powerful blue beam that was fused into >Space Energy<. The beam and dragon breath collided making a lot of smoke.

Celeste observed the smoke while she is in thought.

(She is able to use >Space Energy<? How's that even possible? I'm getting more and more excited the longer I fight with her however..) Celeste thought as she glanced at Noblesse who was starting to get tried as she was panting slightly.

(I want to end this soon she has suffered a lot so ending the fight and bringing her to her sense will be the best choice.) Celeste thought as she glance at Veldanava and he instantly knew what she wanted.

Before any of them can make a move, they heard a very mischievous and creepy laugh.

All three of them turns to where the laugh came from and they see a sliver-haired man with a mask covering his face. He has a black glove on his right hand and a white one on the left. He also has a symbol on his shirt.

(A/n: Please ignore the monster behind him 😅)

"Haha, how interesting that a third True Dragon was born when neither of the two True Dragons created her" He said.

Celeste looked calmly at him while Veldanava and Noblesse looked cautious. He did isn't notice him earlier while they were fighting.

(He was able to hide his presence very well for me to not notice him but I'm pretty Sure Celeste-née had already sense him from the beginning.) Veldanava thought.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Celeste ask calmly.

The boy ignore her as he turned to Noblesse.

"I didn't think that the Third True Dragon has the power of Space itself" He said.

(Did he literally just ignored me?) Celeste asked herself, dumbfounded. She had never encountered someone that had ignored her, they would usually answer her because they can feel that she was strong even without showing her aura.

(Wow...A random dude has the guts to ignore Celeste-née, even I can't do that...) Veldanava thought.

"Must be amazing to have that power right? Controlling and manipulating space itself. Too bad you were unable to save your brother and pet" He said.

Noblesse flinched and looked at the man with anger in her eyes as she grips her spear tightly.

"They had protected you until their last breath..How weak of you to not save them in time" He mocked Noblesse making her grit her teeth every time the man spoke up.

"Shut your damn mouth.." Her voice was deep and scary but the man did not flinch one bit.

"And why should I? It's the truth you know?" After hearing those words, Noblesse can't stop herself anymore as she release her entire aura that destroyed multiple multiverses around them into nothingness. It also made the Omniverse shake a bit.

A lot of smoke and shockwaves appeared after Nobesse releashed her aura as the man covered his face with his arms. Celeste and Veldanava flew back to avoid the shockwaves. Noblesse looks at the man with killing intent and murderous eyes as her eyes glowed.

She stares at the man with anger in her eyes as she dashed at him.

"I will kill you!!" She said before she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her neck. Veldanava had neck chop her before she can go near the man.

"Akh!.." Noblesse slowly lose consciousness as Veldanava caught her and carried her in his arms, bridal style.

The man 'tch' and he glared at Veldanava and the Star dragon did the same before going back to his sister's side.

"And here I thought I will be able to do my mission without any problems, guess I was wrong.." The man said, annoyed.

"What do you want with her?" Celeste said.

"Hmm? And who are you?" The man asked while looking at Celeste with dotted eyes, looking clueless.

Veldanava and Alina stiffed a laugh as they tried not to giggle, smile or laugh.

( Do not laugh, do not laugh, do not laugh!) They said in their minds as a vein popped out of Celeste's head starting to get annoyed at the man.

"Oh! I remember your the very old Creator am I right?" The man ask as he was sent back flying when Celeste punched in the face him really hard.

More veins popped out of Celeste's head as her eyes twitch in annoyance.

(This damn insect dare say I'm old!!) She thought frustrated.

"Owww! What the hell was that for?! I mean I'm stating facts here! Your literally billions of years old!" The man shouted while the left side his face was destroyed but it started to regenerate but unfortunately he was slice in half by Celeste.

"You dare say I'm old!!" Celeste said as she swings her weapon again this time aiming for his head.

The man quickly but narrowly avoid the attack as the multiverses behind him was destroyed into nothingness.

Alina couldn't handle it anymore as she burst out laughing in Celeste's head making her irritated.

{Alina! Don't laugh at me!} Celeste said.

Alina wasn't able to respond properly because she was laughing too hard.

The man looked behind him with a sweatdrop.

"Damn, for an old lady you sure are strong..." He said and Celeste had enough. She swiftly grabbed him by his neck as he lifts him up.

The man was struggling in her grip as he was confused. He felt like he needed to breath but that's not possible since he is immortal.

"Look...just tell what you want with Noblesse and I will consider letting you go.." Her voice was laced with anger and annoyance.

"W-well I was ordered by my master to collect the soul of her brother.." The man said quietly.

Celeste knew now why he came after Noblesse. He wanted her to get close to him so he can steal her Kai's half soul that is inside her.

"And why does your master want her brother?" She asked.

"I don't know! And I'm telling the truth!" He yelled and Celeste knows he was telling the truth.

"Before I let you go...tell me your name and what is your master?" She asked.

"My master's name is none of your concern but I will tell you mine.." He said before escaping out of Celeste's grip as he flew far away from her as a blue-green portal opened behind.

"My name is Lethon and one of the members of Primordial Noxus" The man now identified as 'Lethon' said.

Both Veldanava and Celeste narrow their eyes at the man.

(Primordial Noxus?) They both thought before they were snap out of their thoughts when Lethon spoke.

"I wanted to complete my mission however, I am no match for the old Creator let alone both of you so, until next time~" Lethon said as he walked through the portal before closing.

Celeste sighed, annoyed that Lethon had call her 'Old' again. A portal opened near them catching their attention as a blond hair man with beautiful white pair of wings on his back came out wearing a light blue suit.

He kneels infront of the two True Dragons while putting his right hand on his left chest with his eyes closed.

"Master, Veldanava-sama forgive for not being able to come in time. I have sense a very powerful aura here. I wanted to go here as fast as I can but something was disrupting the space around this area that stopped me from teleporting here right away and forcing me to fly here as fast as I can until the disruption was gone" The man or more like 'angel' had said.

Celeste looked at him, "Oh, Michael it's okay and for the disruption in space, that was Noblesse"

Michael looked at Celeste showing his beautiful and dazzling titanium-colored eyes. Michael looked confused.

"Who's Noblesse? If I may ask" Michael said, respectfully.

Celeste points to Noblesse who was still unconscious in Veldanava's arms. Michael looked surpised that he wasn't able to sense her but quickly notice that she has a True Dragon factor.

"Wait is that a dragon factor inside her?" He asked surprised as the two dragons nodded.

"Yeah...she evolved into a True Dragon after a horrible things happened to her" Veldanava said.

"What?! Then does that mean she isn't created by you and Master?!" Michael said unable to contain his shock. He has never seen or heard a individual being able to evolve into a True Dragon, heck even high-ranking Deities can't even become True Dragons unless Celeste or Veldanava makes them.

"Yes...I know it's quite a shock but it is the truth...for some reason she has very good control in space and was even able to use >Space Energy<. I can also sense some >Celestial Energy< and >Turn Null< inside her but wasn't able to use them. Guess she wasn't strong enough" Celeste said.

"I see" Michael said still not believing that Noblesse was able to evolve into a True Dragon.

"It is extremely a rare thing to happen and while she may not be mine or Celeste-née creations she still is a True Dragon automatically making her our little sister" Veldanava said.

"Yeah, plus she also has great control on space even just evolving into a True Dragon a few moments ago, if we trained her enough she might even be able to master space itself." Celeste said.

"I you two are going to take her in Master?" Michael ask.

"Yes she's one of us and we can't just leave her alone, she already has a tragic past and has suffered enough" Veldanava said.

"Plus, I can tell that the 'Primordial Noxus' will cause us many great problems and troubles in the future" Celeste said.

"Primordial Noxus? Now I'm really regretting that I haven't arrived sooner" Michael said.

Celeste explained their encounter with Lethon and how he is a part of a group called, Primordial Noxus.

"They really sound like a group to cause a lot of troubles but may I ask something master?" He asked.

"Yes, go ahead" Celeste replied.

"Why didn't you go after Lethon to find out more about Primordial Noxus and what their goals is?" He asked and Celeste looked away from Michael.

"*cough* *cough* Excuse me" Veldanava said trying to contain his laughter again.

"May I ask what had happened?" Michael asked as Alina appeared beside Veldanava with a smug look.

"Lethon called her a very old Creator making her pissed and mad" She said with a smirk.


Celeste let out a puff of smoke before saying, "And besides, we have to take care of Noblesse first" She pointed out making everyone look at Noblesse who was squirming a little in her sleep while sweating a bit.

"Guess she's having a nightmare" Michael said as he approaches Noblesse before touching her forehead as it glows before he pulls back his hand as Noblesse stop squirming and is now sleeping peacefully.

"Yeah..Veldanava would you mind taking her to Creatia?" Celeste ask as Veldanava nodded.

"Of course"

And with that Veldanava teleported away with Noblesse in his arms. Celeste turned to Michael.

"Michael would you mind calling everyone for a meeting except for Aaron, Sol and Luna. Tell them to meet in Creatia" She said as Michael bowed.

"Of course Master, now if you excuse me I'll tell everyone that we will have a meeting" He said before opening a portal behind him as he went through.

Celeste sighed as she transforms back to her human form and Alina approaches her.

"I wonder what everyone's reaction will be once we told them of Noblesse" She said as Alina smiles at her.

"They'll be surprised and shocked that's for sure. Anyways when are you going to reveal your true name to your Celestial Crux and when are you going to train them?" She ask.

Celeste looks up for a moment before looking at Alina with a smile.

"Just a few more years then I will reveal myself to them" She said.

Alina nods, "Alright we should probably be going now"

"Your right, but before that we should probably fix the damage our fight had done" Celeste said as she looks back at all the damage they had done.

Alina wave her hand in the air and in an instant all the multiverses were back and the damage had been repaired.

"Thanks for that" Celeste said.

"No problem" Celeste looks at her before she raised and offers her right hand to Alina which she gladly accepts and they teleported to Creatia were the meting will be held.


Meanwhile, Veldanava arrived at Creatia with Noblesse still in his arms as he starts to walk towards the door of the castle. The giant doors of the castle automatically opened after sensing Veldanava's presence near. The maids and butlers that were inside the palace quickly went infront of Veldanava as the butlers bow and the maids curtsy.

There are maid and a butler who stood out of them all. They were the head maid and butler.

"Welcome back, Veldanava-sama and I guess that she is Noblesse?" The head maid asked.

"Ah! Yes, Aathyana thank you for your welcome and I'm hoping that Michael had told you guys before hand?" Veldanava asked.

"Yes, Veldanava-sama" The head butler said.

"We gave already prepared a room for her" The head maid, Aathyana said.

"Thank you now let me put her to bed" Veldanava said.

"Veldanava-sama please allow me to carry her to her room." The head butler said.

"It's okay Caelum I will do it myself" Veldanava said to the head butler, Caelum.

Aathyana and Caelum then led Veldanava to Noblesse's room. Once they arrived Caelum opened the door as Veldanava entered. He went towards a luxurious queen sized bed and gently placed Noblesse on the bed and tucked her in bed before backing a bit as he glowed a bit before returning back to his human form.

Veldanava sighed as he took a sit at the edge of the bed while looking over at Aathyana.

"Aathyana can please prepare some food for Noblesse when she wakes up? She looks somewhat pale and thin..." Veldanava said as Aathyana bowed.

"Of course Veldanava-sama I'll be right back with the foods" She said before she left to go prepare Noblesse's food.

Veldanava opened his right palm as a bright, white orb appeared infront his palm. The outside of the orb was colored white while the inside of the orb was black with little white particles floating inside. Caelum instantly knew that it was a soul, it's the soul of Lu.

He then look at Caelum, "Caelum would you mind resurrecting this little guy? He is someone really precious to Noblesse"

Caelum gently took Lu's soul and he bows at Veldanava, "No problem Veldanava-sama I'll be sure to be back before Noblesse-sama wakes up"

He then left the room as Veldanava looked at the peacefully, sleeping Noblesse. He smiled gently before stroking her hair.

"I can see a bright future ahead of you little sister, but there will be obstacles and problems along the way but don't worry because you now have our side." He said.

Meanwhile, we go to a world where the sky is nothing but black, the land was all red and there was is some lava-like substance that can be seen in the ground.

In a castle that looked like it belongs to a demon king. Inside we see Lethon, a slender man with long, silver hair and he were a suit that some some blue-green accents and the last was just a shadow-like persons that you can see through his body.

Lethon was kneeling towards the Shadow person while holding a orb that is glowing slightly.

"What happened Lethon? Why did you only bring half of the soul?!" The shadow man said with anger in his voice.

Lethon flinched a bit but remains kneeling as he began to explain what had happened. The shadow and the silver haired man listen intently as Lethon explained everything.

"Tch, that damn witch..should've known but thankfully thought you haven't told her my true identity" The shadow man said, annoyed.

"So shall we still proceed to the plan master?" The silver haired man asked.

"Yes, I don't want to hinder our plans just because we only managed to get half of his soul" He said making the silver man nods.

He turned to Lethon as he held out his hands motioning him to give him the soul. He complied as he tossed the soul to him which the silver haired dean caught.

He the leaves the room, leaving the two alone. The shadow haired man looked at Lethon before speaking up, "Lethon you have does well but I have another mission for you"

Lethon bowed his head, "Yes anything you ask"

"Good now I hope you bring me better results than this" The shadow man said.

We now go back to Creatia, inside Noblesse's room. Veldanava was now sitting Noblesse's right in a fancy chair when he sees that Noblesse began to stir meaning that she is now waking up.

Veldanava watch as she starts to open her eyes and he is careful to not make any noise as to not scare her.

Noblesse's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and a flash of light hits my eyes as I closed them for a second before opening them again and trying to adjust to the light. I slowly rub my eyes while getting up.

I noticed that I was in a very comfortable, soft and luxurious looking bed.

Not that I mention it...what had happened? I remember that a silver haired was mocking me and I got really angry and that's all I remember.

I took a glance at the room I was in and I was amazed at the designs and interior of the room. The walls were light-blue mixed with sky-blue. It has many paintings, the carpet was a beautiful ocean blue and it looked quitter soft to be honest.

The were other furnitures in the room like two small desks on the other side of the bed, a sofa, a desk and a floor mirror that is inside the wall. I just realized that the room was so big that it look like it an fit hundreds of people!

I looked at my right and I froze. I saw the man who had come to stop me along with a woman with white hair. He was smiling gently and warmly at me that it almost made me drop my guard down. He had his hands on his elbow on his lap while resting his chin on both palms.

"Ah! I see your done looking around, do you liked the room?" He asked me softly and gently to nit scare me. I just nodded as I back up a bit from him, even though I thank him for helping me, I am still terrified of men after what Garmin did to me.

Also I'm still not sure if I should trust him but I feel a very strong bond between the two of us but I just don't know why.

Seems like he noticed my uneasiness as he backs away a bit with the chair.

"Seems like you still don't trust me. It's okay, I saw what happened to you and I'm sorry for your life." He said, sadly. That's when I remembered Lu and Kai, they died while protecting me...

I started to get teary and and he noticed it, he quickly comes and gently sits beside me before bringing me close to him, wrapping his arms around me as he puts my head on his chest.

I sob in his chest as I feel how warm and gentle his arms were, I don't know how long anyone did this to me except for my brother and Lu. I started to cry uncontrollably as the tears that I had been holding on for so long had finally broke and I now going down my face like a waterfall.

"Shh, shh, there there your safe now, we promised that we will give you a much better life than this. We are your new family now" He said, softly as he caress my back with his warm and soft hands.

I let out all the emotions that I had been holding up from the very beginning. I hugged him back tightly, cried and let out all the emotions I have been keeping lock.

After a few hours I finally calmed down but I was still sobbing and shaking a a bit from my outburst. I took a few deep breaths before pulling away as I wipe my tears with the sleeves of my clothes.

"T-thank y-you very m-much for that." I said as he smiled at me before patting my head gently.

"Your welcome little sister." He said and I froze for a moment as I looked confused. Sister? He called me his sister? We haven't even known each other that much but he called me his sister? I don't even know his name!

Seeing my confused face he chuckles before pulling his hand away.

"I can see that your confused but I would like to explain everything to you once Celeste-née gets back" He said and just was yet again confused.

I think he sense my confusion as he began to explain who is Celeste.

"Celeste-née is our oldest sister, she's the very first being to ever exist, the one who created everything even me and is the very first True Dragon the strongest race alive." He explained and I was shocked but also confused because apparently she is also my sister?

"Like I said we will explain everything to you in a sec but for now I'm pretty sure that someone wants to see you" He said as I tilt my she added to the side.


"You'll see" He said and I was a bit surprised at myself for being able to talk to him without problems since I am traumatized at men maybe it has to do with the calm and warm aura he has around him that can make anyone smile in his presence.

"Oh! I almost forgot to introduced myself, silly me..." He suddenly said and it's true. He still didn't introduced himself to me.

"My name is Veldanava Nova, The Star King Dragon, the Second True Dragon after Celeste-née and I'm your new older brother" He said as he introduced himself. After that there was a knock on the door.

"Ah! That must be him, you may come in" Veldanava said as the door opened and a tall, Grey haired man with blue eyes entered the room. He looks like a butler.

But something caught my eye, he was holding something more specifically, someone. And that someone was Lu.

I couldn't help but be shocked, surprised and happy. Lu ran out of the butler's hands as he dash towards me and jumps in my arms as I hugged him very tightly while shedding some tears.

"Lu...I can't believe it...your alive but how?" I asked as I looked at the butler and Veldanava.

Veldanava smiled at me, "Something like this are very easy for Caelum" He points to the butler beside who I know now is, Caelum.

I look at him before bowing my head, slightly. I was still afraid of men so I speak while stuttering.

"T-thank y-you." I said, stuttering a bit. I still don't want to talk to men but I jut wanted to express my gratitude.

He just smiled and nods at me, "No problem, Noblesse-sama it is my duties to do anything the True Dragons want me to do"

"I see.." I said as Lu jump on my shoulder. We then heard another knock on the door.

"That must be Aathyana. You may come in." Veldanava said as the door opened and we were hit we a delicious scent. A girl with blond hair wearing a maid outfit walked in the room while pushing a cart full of delicious foods.

"Sorry if I took a long time." The girl said.

"It's okay Aathyana Noblesse had just woken up so you weren't that long" Veldanava said as he turned to look at me.

"You must be really hungry am I right? Go ahead eat up." He said but I was hesitant, I still don't know if I should trust them.

I mean, I don't even know if the food is safe to eat or is it poison. I think they had sense my hesitance as Aathyana and Caelum excused themselves as they leave the room.

Veldanava then got up and picks up a plate full of food as he walks towards me. He sits beside me in the bed and hands me the food with a smile.

"Don't worry all this food aren't poison or toxic." He said but I didn't move. He sighed but we suddenly heard a gentle knock on the door, before someone came in and I was shocked and I froze.

"Oh! It seems like you won't eat, I guess you still haven't trust us but that's understandable." A gorgeous, beautiful young light blue haired girl said with a warm and gentle smile.

I was shocked and amazed at how beautiful she was, no...beautiful isn't the right word for her beauty. She has a soft and gentle voice that can make anyone feel as if they're in a cloud. She also has a warm and gentle aura around her same like Veldanava.

Me and Lu was so mesmerized by her beauty that I didn't noticed that we was staring at her. She noticed me staring at her and she let out a giggle followed by Veldanava snapping me put of my thought as I blush from embarrassment and Lu just hid behind me.

"Sorry, sorry." She said as she walked towards us and she sit opposite to Veldanava and looked at me.

"I still haven't introduce myself haven't I?" She ask as I just nodded while Lu looks curious.

"Well then let me introduce myself, my name is Celeste Nova the Original Creator and The First True Dragon." She said and just was shocked. The Original Creator? Then than means she's the most powerful being alive!

"I see that your quite shocked and yes, I'm the strongest but let's not talk about that. Why don't you eat already? I'm sure you hungry right?" She asked and my stomach growls and my face immediately went from white to bright, red.

She giggled before grabbing the plate of food from Veldanava and she took a spoon full of it before bringing up to my face.

"Come on now, say ahh~"She said as she puts the food right infront of my mouth.

The delicious scent that the food hits my nose and I couldn't stop myself as I eat the food infront of me. I was awestruck at how delicious and tasty the food was and I felt something wet going down my face. I'm crying?

Veldanava chuckled at me while Celeste simply smiled. I can tell that they weren't trying to hurt me or anything.

After awhile I had finished my food with Celeste feeding me. Veldanava also gives Lu some food for himself and he is happily eating his food. I'm also full now I really liked the food, I haven't eaten anything like this in a long time. All we have eaten in that hell was just a pice of bread and a little amount of water. It was really sad.

Now we are now in a comfortable silence before Celeste spoke up.

"Now that you have eaten, I'm sure that you have a lot of questions right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Alright the first off, I will explain what is a True Dragon" She said before explaining to me what is a True Dragon. She said that it is the strongest race to ever live and is a race that is very rare. There are only three True Dragons at the moment, her, Veldanava and me.

She said that it was extremely rare for someone to evolve into a True Dragon as no one can become a True Dragon if her and Veldanava had created them. Only them can make more True Dragons but I was a exceptional.

"True Dragons may not be by blood related but we are still siblings." Veldanava said. I was shocked at all the information. But that wasn't everything.

She and Veldanava continued to explain how the Omniverse works, how energies are and what my specialty is. It seems like I was really good at using >Space Energy<.

I was also shocked and saddened that my brother was kidnapped. Celeste explained how the man, Lethon wanted my brother for something but unfortunately he only got half of his soul while the other half is inside me. Now the Primordial Noxus are after me because of brother's half soul in me.

So that's the reason why he wanted me to become angry, so that I couldn't control myself better and it will be easy for him to take brother inside of me.

I looked down while Lu nudges my hand. I looked at him while smiling sadly. Both of them noticed my sadness and Celeste spoke up.

"There is a way to bring him back" She said and I immediately looked at her, a bit of hope.

"The only way to bring your biological brother back, is to take the half of his soul back from the Primordial Noxus and merge it back into one but it won't be easy since I can sense that Lethon was extremely strong he maybe as strong as a Supreme Deity." Veldanava said which made me go look down again.

"I've decided" I suddenly said surprising Lu. I look at them both with determination in my eyes.

"I want to save my brother! But I know I won't be able to do that right now because I'm still weak! But I no longer want to be weak! I want to fight and protect for myself! I want to be stronger! The Primordial Noxus are after me and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me! I want to protect others! So please train me!" I said, determined while they are both just staring at me. I started do get nervous but Veldanava let's out a chuckle before laughing.

"Haha! Of course! We'll help you, we will train you to become strong enough so that you can get your brother back but it won't be easy" He said.

"I know...but I'm willing to do anything to unite with my brother again" I said looking at him with determination in my eyes. He smiled before patting my head.

"Your so determined and strong, I'm sure you'll get your brother back" He said and I teared up a bit.

"Alright! Then I formally welcome you into our family, Noblesse the Third True Dragon and the Space Queen Dragon! And Lu the Guardian of Dragons!" Celeste said as I felt a surge of power going through me as me and Lu glowed blue before dying down.

I look at my hands and I felt I have become 10x stronger than before.

"Welcome to the family you two" Veldanava said as I give him a closed-eyed smile.

"Thank you so much Veldanava onii-sama!" I said and he suddenly put his hands above his chest while stumbling back before putting his hands on the bed pole for support.

(That smile will surely be the end of me..)

I quickly get up and ask if he was okay, "I-Im fine...don't worry and you can just call me Velda if you want" He said.

"Awww! Your so cute!!" Celeste nee-sama said as she engulfed me into a bear hug along with Lu.

I can't help but notice how warm and gentle her arms and hands were.

"I'm very happy to have new members in the family" She said excitedly, as I can feel Velda onii-sama smile at us.

(Ahh! What a wonderful sight) He thought.

And I'm very happy at my new family. I cried a bit at Celeste nee-sama's chest with happy tears.

I promised myself to not be useless and be useful for once, I don't want them to protect me, I no longer want to be weak, I want to be strong to be able to protect myself from anyone.

Noblesse's POV ends:

Celeste POV:

Well it's been a few days since Noblesse and Lu had officially entered the family. Noblesse is much more comfortable talking with me and Veldanava as she does not stutter but she is still wary of everYonex in Creatia especially men but she does talk to Aathyana and Caelum though she only gives them short responses.

Thankfully, everyone in Creatia understood her situation and they doesn't show her any negative or harmful behavior.

Me and Veldanava also gave her a tour around Creatia and her face was just priceless. She was so shock and awe at seeing the massive structures that resides in Creatia.

She also wanted to start training but I said that we should do some bonding as a family first to know each other better, she agreed and we took her in multiple worlds that was really fun and exciting.

We had a lot of fun and I can tell she enjoyed it as well.

I'm happy for her. We also told her the basics of magic, the energies and how skills work. I haven't told her about her Origin Skill. I sealed her Origin Skill because it was extremely dangerous and over full for someone who doesn't know the basics of how >Space Energy< and >Celestial Energy< works.

I also forbid her to use the Heavenly Spear. It is a weapon that is extremely dangerous, it can easily destroy an Omniverse without problems but the owner has to have a huge amounts of mana. Another thing that makes the Heavenly Spear very dangerous is that it constantly absorbs the owner's aura, mana and if they have >Celestial Energy< then it will also absorb it making it extremely powerful.

It also doesn't stop absorbing the owner's aura no matter how much you tried. So it sometimes can kill their owner and even destroys their souls if they not strong enough.

But I don't have to worry since I had sense that Noblesse has an endless amount of mana.

Well after 20 years and she was now comfortable talking to everyone in Creatia and even befriended some. We also started to train her a few years back. She had also asked me that she wants to be one of my Celestial Crux. At first, I declined since I don't want my own sister to serve me but she said she that she can be my subordinate and sister at the same time. I reluctantly let her be but I told her to not be too formal with me and just talk to me like how she would normally would.

Though, I wasn't able to make her stop calling me 'nee-sama'. I just decided to let her call me that. But aside from that my Celestial Crux is finally complete! I also had more subordinates but there are still not strong enough to face against an average God. But it's okay there still some room from improvements.

It was also nearly time for me to formally introduce myself to the other members of the Celestial Crux.

I can't wait!

Hello everyone! I hope you loved this new chapter!

Hope everyone has a good evening/morning/noon ^^

Bye see you in the next chapter! 👋

{Published: Feb. 11, 2023}

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