α΄Όα΅‡Λ‘β±α΅›β±α΅’βΏβŒ‡Bakugan BP AU

By glitzwashere

326 12 4

Deities of vestroia, Ancient beings said to have been lost in the mist of the final battle on their planet. O... More

Chapter 1: Golden Girl
Chapter 2: For what will come

Chapter 3: What's Buzzin' Cousin?

95 2 1
By glitzwashere

Ringgggg, Ringggg

Shun slowly opened his eyes and groaned, who was ringing him at this time of morning? He sort of slumped out of bed before heading to his computer and opening it to answer the call. It sort of surprised him, why do they need him at this time of morning?

"Good morning... Toshi? What's the problem?"

It wasn't like Toshi to ring him so early in the morning. Toshi just smiled at him. "Sorry for the early wake up Shun, but don't worry this has nothing to do with the company. You're getting a special visitor today." Shun just yawned and raised an eyebrow.

"Who is it?"

"You'll just have to wait and see. They wanted it to be a surprise!"


"Anyone seen Shun?"

Dan asked, kind of worried about his friend. "I didn't see him come out of his room this morning." The others shrugged their shoulders, they hadn't seen him either. "I hope nothing bad has happened to him already," Lia mumbled. They all searched around the corridor until Mr Bomburg emerged from the corner.

"You kids alright? You all looked pretty worried so early in the morning."

"We can't find Shun sir, have you by any chance seen him today?" Wynton asked, Bomburg couldn't help but slightly chuckle. "It's sweet you are all worried about your friend, but you don't need to worry, he's just out the front waiting."

They all looked at him, confused and sceptical. Why was he waiting out there, how early did he get up? "For what or who sir?" Ajit questioned, it's already been a weird first week, what now?

"Someone from his company rang up the school yesterday and told us that he'd have a visitor, they could possibly even be a new student. If you all want to go see him, you can. Just tell Mr Barnstaple I allowed you all out there."

And with that, they all thanked Mr Bomburg and rushed outside to go see who or what their friend was waiting for.

Shun was standing there, reading as he was waiting. For how long he'd be there for, who knows. Wynton slightly chuckled and grinned before sneaking up behind him. The others watched him, catching on to what he was doing.


Shun jumped, dropping his book and turning around quickly to see who was behind him, just to see Wynton laughing his ass off. He eventually sighed, picking his book back up. "Wynton don't do that, you scared the living daylights out of me" Wynton just chuckled, slapping his friend on the back.

"Sorry dude, anyways what are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Well I'm waiting for someone"

"Do you know who?" Dan asked. Shun just shook his head in response, the others looked disappointed. "Toshi told me that the person wanted to keep it a surprise, so I have no other information for you." So they waited, the others wanted to see this surprise guest too.

They stood there for quite some time before a car drove into the courtyard, it's windows seemed to have been almost blacked out. The driver exited the vehicle, giving a little wave to Shun before heading to open the door to the car.

"Alright we're here, so you can stop asking me every ten minutes when we'll get here"

"I still don't understand why you had to come"

"You would've got lost trying to find the car"


The sound of bickering emerged from the vehicle. Shun's face got sort of embarrassed as the others stood there in confusion. One of the voices sounded familiar, but the other was completely new. Masato emerged from the side of the car, along with a girl who seemed to be very eccentric, in looks and personality.

"Am I not allowed to accompany my little sister to her new school?"

"I asked you to watch a movie with me just last week and you said you were busy, HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT?"

The other's just got even more confused. Little Sister? Since when did Masato have a little sister? Since when did... They all looked at Shun, who just turned around, scratching his cheek at his friend's stabbing gaze. "Yeah uh, give them a minute."

It took a bit for them to settle down and become a little more civilised. The girl just huffed as she went to look around before her eyes locked onto her older cousin. Her face went from annoyed to a massive smile, her eyes sparkled like glitter.


She ran over and bear hugged him, almost knocking him over in the process. Shun barely let out a chuckle, almost losing his breath before tapping her on the shoulder. "I told you to stop hugging so tight, you're going to suffocate me one day" the girl let go and scratched the back of her neck, a massive grin adorned across her face.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited. I haven't seen you in FOREVER"

They stood there talking for a little bit. The other's just stood behind, watching awkwardly before Shun remembered they were even there. "Oh yeah, everyone. This is my younger cousin, Mizuko. Mizuko, the Awesome Brawlers." he introduces, she just smiled before skipping over.

"Hi, hiiii. Pleasure to meet you all! Shun talks about you all a lot, so it's nice to finally meet you in person!"

She side eyed her cousin with a smirk, causing Shun to turn red from embarrassment. The other's slightly chuckled. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Mizuko!" They seemed to have said in unison, causing Mizuko to start laughing.

"Ha! You all are funny! What brought you out here anyways? Shun didn't tell you about me did he?"

She tilted her, raising an eyebrow, hoping her surprise hadn't been ruined. By the looks on her face she was generally curious though. Ajit seemed to have caught onto this the quickest.

"Oh well, we were all just worried about Shun. One of the teachers told us that he was out here and we just wanted to see what's up."

Mizuko spun around randomly, sparkles in her eyes, before facing her cousin. "They really are just as awesome as you've told me" Shun just scratched the back of his neck while the others blushed. Masato just watched from the back of the car and chuckled to himself while he helped the driver get some bags out, he just hoped his little sister wasn't too much of a handful.

"Alright, Mizuko! I've got to get back to Japan!"

She seemed to have cranked her head to the back, before fully spinning around and running towards him. "Already??? We just got here Masatoooo" Mizuko pouted, giving her older brother quite the childish look. He just sighed. "Yes I have work to do, running a company isn't easy."


Masato just sighed, giving Mizuko a head pat. "You'll understand one day, probably when you're significantly older, just have fun at school. Don't annoy Shun, or his friends too much either" They gave each other a hug before Masato hopped back into the car. The driver waved goodbye before entering the door and driving off, leaving the group of kids, their dog and their new friend. Mizuko taps her foot before turning around.

"Soooo, could you show me around the school?"

Dan grabbed her hand eagerly, like he'd been waiting to do this. "YEAH, c'mon let's go!" he dragged her along the path, Mizuko barely being able to grab her bags just in time. The others helped out as Dan had already seemed to have dragged her halfway up the path.

"You'll love it here!!"

From the battlefields to the classrooms, they made sure not to leave any space out when showing Mizuko around. It was like they had already become good friends, with the way they treated her. The school was somewhat bigger than the one her and Shun used to go to. It was awesome.

A wolf bakugan, one which shined multiple colours, emerged from Mizuko's shoulder. It looked around, beady sharp eyes impressed with its surroundings.

"This place is so huge, what are the trainers like?"

All their eyes lead down to the high pitched voice, the Bakugan catching their vision. "Ah, yeah it's a lot bigger than our other school isn't it Okami?" it spun around excitedly, a smile seemingly spread across its face, like its partner. Shun couldn't help but chuckle, as Hydorous emerged from his pockets.


Hydorous jumped from Shun's shoulder to Mizuko's, knocking Okami over onto the floor and crash tackling it to the ground. They rolled around for a bit before coming to a stop, seemingly laughing. "Well you two missed each other didn't you?" Mizuko laughed, two very light squeaking noises filled their ears in response.

The cousins seemed close, even their bakugan seemed to have a very tight, family-like relationship. It makes them wonder why they haven't been able to meet Mizuko sooner. Maybe it had something to do with their family or the company, who knows?

They continued their tour, eventually stopping at their classroom. Mizuko was lost in a conversation with the others when her head suddenly caught the sight of an interesting face. Shira walked passed, seemingly lost in her own world. Mizuko watched, intrigued, she thought this mystery girl looked interesting.

"Who's that girl that just walked past?"

She looked over at the others as Shira disappeared. They all looked at her confused, as to say who. Mizuko sort of freaked out from embarrassment and started doing random hand motions to clarify who she was talking about.

"She just walked past, she had short black hair with like... I think it was white streaks and like bright green eyes. She was also tanned and-"

"Ohhh, Shira"

Lia finally caught onto who she was talking about. "Yeah you're talking about Shira, she joined the school just a couple of days ago" Mizuko looked intrigued.

"Well she looks very interesting! And cool!"

"Yeah she is... interesting"

Dan stared at the corner that Shira disappeared too. Mizuko tilted her head, and the others just chuckled. "Still stuck in that battle from the other day Dan?" Ajit asked, causing Dan to blush a little. He scratched his cheek.

"Yeah it was just, so weird. We've never seen or felt anything like that before."

"What happened?"

Mizuko had never been more interested before, her ears seemed to have perked up. They all stood there and thought about how to explain it for a bit before Drago emerged. "I could explain it to you. Dan and I had battled her and her Bakugan on the first day they came as a request. It was a pretty intense battle for our first time battling this opponent, we were winning and then..."

Drago struggled to put it into words, they all did.

"A light, a powerful, energy fuelled light filled the stadium, they changed appearance to something we could barely make out and we lost"

"Then they both passed out, it was weird" Dan added on. This seemed to have sent the girl from curiosity, to a state of confusion, Mizuko's face went blank. It was like an old computer processing a request.

"Mizuko, I'll explain more later"

Shun shook his cousin a bit, knocking her out of her state. Mizuko just nodded. Her reactions going from one thing to another so quickly slightly amused the others. Lia couldn't help but chuckle. "You're quite expressive aren't you?"

Mizuko just scratched the back of her head and laughed, her cheeks turning pink like the sticker adorned all over her face. "Yeah, I've been told that a lot."

They eventually travelled their way to her dorm, asking themselves why they didn't earlier as it would've been more efficient then dragging Mizuko's bags around everywhere. There was no stopping Dan though, so they just had to deal with it.

"So this is where I'm staying? Sweet! Who's my roommate"

Everyone sort of went blank for a second, they didn't know who was in this dorm if they were being honest. "Uhhh, it's a surprise?" Ajit replied, slowly opening the door. Half the room was covered in random inventions and pieces of technology. Wynton seemed to have scoped the room, possibly catching onto who resides here

"I think I know who this room belongs too"

A spot of red popped up from behind some weird box, a masked face appeared, holding a bunch of tools. They took their mask off, revealing the one and only Jenny Hackett. Her eye brow was raised for a bit before she suddenly rushed over to the group.

"Heyyyy, Wynton. What's up, need some tools?"

They all stood there, star struck at the girl who emerged from the dark room. "Jenny? I didn't know you had a dorm here?" She just looked at him, confused.

"Oh, I thought Professor Faustus would've told you. Well anyways yes I have a dorm, what do you want?"

"Uhhh, well we got you a roommate"

Mizuko peaked out from behind Wynton and gave an awkward smile and wave. Jenny raised an eyebrow at the boy in front of her, Faustus did tell her to be prepared for a roommate; she just didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Oh well, okay then. Bring your stuff in. Don't mind the mess and don't touch anything."

Mizuko awkwardly shuffled in with her stuff, claiming the bed on the side of the room that wasn't covered in wires and pieces of metal. She'd unpack later, she had better things to do at the moment. The objects in the room made her curious, they were all very random.

"Sooo, what's all this stuff for?"

Jenny looked over to the girl. "Just random projects, some help with studying Bakugan or battles. Others are just because I was bored"

"Ohhh cool"

Mizuko stood there awkwardly for a bit, she didn't really know how to continue this conversation, besides she still had to meet the teachers and she was very much hungry.

That was easy to catch onto though.

A slight grumble emerged from her and she slightly clutched her stomach. She looked over slightly embarrassed at the others, who just laughed. "That plane flight gave you quite the appetite didn't it?" Shun asked.


"I'm kinda hungry too" Dan remarked, scratching his head, the other's just stared at him. "Of course you are" Lia deadpanned, gaining a snicker from some of the others.

Before Jenny could even say 'see you later,' Dan dragged Mizuko out of the room and ran towards the cafeteria. They understood they were hungry but Dan didn't need to be in such a rush.

The cafeteria was pretty big to Mizuko's standard. When it came to school in Japan she mostly had to eat in homeroom until she was moved to homeschooling with Shun, who was pulled out earlier. She got quite excited and ended up running around the place at least 10 times before getting distracted by some drawings on the tables.

Everyone apart from Shun was quite confused with this action, but honestly didn't mind. They grabbed something to eat and chilled, well sort of. Shun and Mizuko started to bicker about something. To be fair they couldn't quite pick it up, it sounded like they weren't even speaking English.

From what they picked up though, Shun had a lot more energy than usual whenever Mizuko was around, it was honestly very amusing. "Anyways, how was your first day?" Ajit asked, butting into whatever Shun and Mizuko were arguing about.

"Pretty fucking awesome"

She replied, flopping onto a space on the bench. "This place is so cool, the arenas are massive, my roommate seems pretty interesting" she paused for a bit, shoving some chips into her mouth.

"The best part of the day though was definitely getting to meet you guys"

They all turned red and started laughing. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well!" Lia replied, others grinning and or smiling in response as well. Mizuko grinned back, it's only been a day but she already felt like she was truly a part of the Awesome Brawlers. 

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