
By Prickly_Thorns

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A pair of fraternal twins are taken into a prestigious noble family to maintain good face in the snobbish ari... More



2.7K 215 8
By Prickly_Thorns

By the time the clock struck ten that night, my patience had completely run out. I had not been served contrary to the head chef's words.

I was still starving and my stomach groaned in agony at its emptiness. I would not let this stand anymore.

I stormed out the room and back to the kitchens. The whole manor was dead quiet and dark as everyone had settled for the night. My footsteps echoed loudly against the walls and I trudded along.

I was beyond frustrated when I reached my destination to find the doors locked. Angrily slaming my fists against them, I cursed under my breath.

The Duke was definitely behind this. I was sure of it.

He planned to indirectly starve me to chase me from the Manor. He hated me and this marriage as much as I did.

Why else would he have me locked in my room and have head chef deny me any meals?

My nostrils flared.

He and I needed to have a little word. I would not tolerate this mistreatment.

The manor was rather large but I had an idea of where I might find him and even if he was not there, I would not leave a brick unturned before I did.

It was not long before I encountered my first obstacle in my hunt for the Duke.

"No unauthorised entry beyond this point." A guard on duty narrowed his as blocked the way.

I stepped back slightly wide eyed before recomposing myself. I would not stand for this anymore so I used my rank, something I had never intended to do, "I am the Duchess."

My frustration was apparent in my tone. I could not believe the Duke's people.

Did they really not care that I was now their Duchess?

"I am well aware of that, Your Grace." The guard made no attempt to step aside as he met my gaze head on.

"If you are then step aside."

Still the guard did not.

Was my rank a joke to him?


It was more than likely the Duke's doing.

I cursed in numerous profanities under my breath before walking away.

"Tell your Duke that if he thinks that this will chase me away, he is in for a surprise." I shot over my shoulder just as I rounded the corner.

I was restless for the rest of the night but I fortunately was able to get a few hours of shut eye.

I felt light headed in the morning but shrugged it off. I had things to do today.

If the Duke refused to allow me to eat, I would just have to eat elsewhere. Unfortunately for that to happen, I needed money.

I knew that I would not have a spending allowance so there was no need for me to even bother trying. I was tempted just to ransack the room and take whatever I could to sell at the market but a part of me knew that it would be used against me.

That's when my eyes caught sight of it. That ridiculously accessorised wedding dress and all the gimcks that came with it. I could strip it and sell some of the accessories.

A smile crept onto my lips. Suddenly I did not hate the dress as much as I first did. It was still hideous but it now proved useful.

Thank you Lady Faintree, your terrible sense of fashion has paid off.

I began removing all the fancier accessories and placed them in my pockets. I did not want to take to much as I wanted to get the valued before I did anything to hasty.

When I was done with my destruction, I made my way out the room with the intent of leaving the Manor. To no surprise I was completely ignored by the passing servants bustling about.

Not even guards on door duty battered an eyelid nor lifted a finger to help me when I pushed through the front door. I rolled my eyes but told myself it was not worth trying speak to them.

I just hoped that I would be allowed back in the Manor at this rate but I spoke to soon as when I reached the gates, I was not even allowed out.

"You are not permitted to leave." The two guards on duty stopped me.

"On whose orders?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Servants are required to present the pass should they wish to leave the Waisend residence." The one gaurd recited in a monotone voice.

"I am no servant." I met his gaze head on.

The man looked at me confused before his eyes widened in surprise, "The new Duchess?" he questioned.

"Yes. Now allow me to leave." I gave him an unimpressed look.

"Oh um-" He began before the other guard cut him off.

"Right this way, Your Grace."

He signalled for his buddy to move aside as he did allowing me to pass.

"I expect to be allowed back in when I return." I glanced back as I stepped foot out of the estate and into the street.

"Of course, Duchess." The one guard that let me pass smiled before slamming the gate shut and turning his back on me.

I just sighed and made my way off.

They had not asked me where I was headed nor offered me an escort. I scoffed at the thought.

The market was bustling with energy. My stomach grumbled at the sight of all the fresh food stalls.

I wasted no time in making my way to the general trader excited about the coins I could get to buy food.

"Surely they are worth more than that?" I was perplexed at the offer that the old man sitting behind the counter gave me.

He put down his magnifying glass and placed the object down, "My dear," his words were gentle, "This is a fake. However it is very well made and not easy to see unless one has a well trained eye."

I frowned. I take my thoughts back on thanking Lady Faintree.

I felt stupid for thinking that that ghastly woman would actually spend that much money on me to wear that awful dress.

"Don't be discouraged. I mentioned that it is well made. I will make you an offer to take all the items off your hands for a decent sum."  The man smiled.

I gave a nod.

When I left the trader, I was disappointed. My pockets felt empty. I only had a few coins. I hoped that it would be enough to buy myself a meal.

I tried to find the cheapest stand but it was to no avail. I did not have enough.

Suddenly I caught wiff of a freshly baked bread nearby. I could not help but allow my feet to carry me in the direction.

I found myself in front of a stand. I asked the man running it for all the prices hoping for there to be something cheap enough for me to afford.

There was not.

The cheapest thing was a worth a few more coins than I had.

Dissapointment consumed me once again as I gave the man a sad smile and turned to leave.

"Pardon me, my Lady. Please accept this." A voice called.

I turned to see a handsome man dressed in armour but not the typical armour of a common solider rather that of a high ranked royal knight.

My eyes widened as the knight stretched out a hand holding a large packaged loaf of the fresh bread before me.

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