𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀' 𝗣𝘂𝘇𝘇...

By eufxr1a

50 9 11

Three friends and the story of their friendship, the challenges, feelings and loss that all come along with l... More

Past (Twelve years ago)
Past (ten years ago)
Past (ten years ago)
Past (eight years ago)
Past (six years ago)
Past (six years ago)


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By eufxr1a

"What?" I look at him confused, after all that he decides to tell me he finally got what we've been waiting for?
He steps back from me, runs his hands through his hair giving an apologetic look, I stand there mouth gapped in disgust
"Listen, I just acted in the moment" I let out a loud scoff, "Wow Helio, whatever.. Good to know what type of man you've become" I walk away immediately adjusting my dress and fixing it up for when I get back to the party, I can hear his footsteps close behind me but he doesn't say anything in his defense,
"Giulia, just wait.." for a moment I hesitate because walking around this maze feels never ending but thankfully I hear someone call for me not far so I follow the sound out.
"Oh shit Jules you look.. oh" Crystal watches him leave before looking back at me with a confused smirk I groan and let her take me to the bathroom where I explain the whole thing as she fixes my hair and makeup,
"He made you come though" she giggles brushing powder on my face,
"He took advantage of the situation" I snap she nods agreeing with me but sighs,
"I mean anyone who knew you and Alexei knew you both were like meant to be, soulmates type bond maybe he was scared?" she sends me off to the mirror to see if its okay, I think about it a bit though the fact never changes if he told me about Alex first it wouldn't have happened and he knew that, he also knew I was starting to lose hope and that I liked him once upon a time so it's not excusable.
"ugh whatever let's go drink" I tell her pulling her out with me.

Next morning, I wake up with the most head pounding hangover laying down in my underwear on a king sized bed in one of the many rooms, I roll off the bed where Crystal and her man, who joined us later in the night, are sleeping and get my stuff before strolling down back to the ball room where my brother is already getting a few things together,
"It's crazy you're up this early, you were off the hook last night after that guy left" he laughs gathering all the gifts Skye got in a box,
"I have a thing tonight for work" I groan rubbing my forehead dragging my feet over to a chair close to him,
"Need me to call you an Uber?" He asks pulling out his phone, I hum as I dose off, I'm woken up by the clicking off a seatbelt as Sam buckles me in with a pat on the head and next thing I know I'm back in the comfort of my small city apartment.

After a nap I'm able to shower and continue working on my project, my phone is filled with texts from Helio half apologizing and other half giving me details on Alex that he found, I still don't know if I want to forgive him even though I recognize now that I wanted what happened as much as he did, it just doesn't sit right with me. Alexei apparently works on the outskirts of the city on photography projects as well as film works and he's newly disengaged with the girl we found, the thought that maybe I still could make this right never escaped my mind as I scrolled through his work. I needed to see him as soon as possible but it had to wait till after tonight, I'm attending a fundraising event for art careers in the state, as an architect myself I feel participating in the expansion and promotion of artistic of creative jobs immensely important so I can't afford to miss such an event.

It's nearly 8pm when I get a call from Helio, I'm about to leave in my car when I pick up the phone. 
"Make it quick I don't have time for you tonight" I sigh connecting the sound to my car before pulling out the parking,
"I don't want us to be on bad terms when we get Alexei back, I just act irrationally when it comes to you" he explains over the line as I stop at a red light, the image of him down on me from last night plays in my head as I think of something to say,
"You just brought it up so harshly like you felt guilty it made me feel betrayed" I admit to him and mutually to myself, I hear him sigh and mumble a few words before speaking to me again,
"I'm sorry Giulia, you know I would never knowingly hurt you though... I could never" I slowly drive looking for a parking spot close to the destination nodding my head attentively,
"I have to go Lio... We'll talk later sorry" I end the call immediately and let myself sink into my chair after parking close enough, I fix my hair and adjust my cleavage in the red velvet dress I have on before stepping out.

My close friend, Michael who I occasionally work with is the one who got me out here and I promised to attend so here I am in a room filled with bits of familiar faces walking around, smiling at smiles and stuffing my face with hors-d'oeuvres passed around by waiters,
"There you are" Michael pulls me away just as I'm about to grab another, "Let me introduce you to this great new modern artist, he's so innovative with his work" he puts his hand around my waist carefully as he leads the way.
"Micheal I've been looking all over for you!" A sharp voice calls out right on our left revealing a face that I could never forget, taller than I ever knew him his shaggy blond hair layered shaping his face perfectly, his arms and chest seemed thicker and his eyes flickered as they landed on mine, I had prepared for this moment so many times in my head but now that he was right here in front of me all I wanted to do was hug him. I could sense his coolness shift the moment he realized who I was, no one else would but I did. I listened to him talk to Mike about his future projects and plans, things that came up in his mind, I let out the occasional hum to show that I was still there but I couldn't say anything till it was just us. I had so much to say...

"I'm gonna go ahead and chat with some other folks love, you coming Giulia?" Michael says walking off with his drink, I shake my head at him and he smirks knowingly because let's face it this man was beautiful,

"I can't believe it's you" I feel my eyes tearing up as I take deep breaths, he places a hand on my shoulder but retrieves it just as quickly,
"I didn't know you attended this kind of stuff" He chuckles seemingly to himself running a hand down his face hiding a huge smile growing across his face making my lip twitch up, I feel like my eyes are sparkling when I look at him, I still have a hard time believing it,
"How would you know?" I smile confused and he nods looking me down,
"Do you maybe wanna get out of here? it's kinda stuffy" I ask without waiting for an answer walking out the door because I know he's following,
"Giulia listen I know what you're trying to achieve here... and it's too late for all that, if i'm even talking to you right now it's out of sympathy" He snaps me back to reality the moment we walk out the door, I step toward him to hold his hand and he stares at me with his eyebrows furrowed as he pushes my hand away,
"Come on Alex, let me fix this" I force the sound through my tight throat, he scoffs placing a hand on his forehead,
"There's nothing to fix, we've moved on, we're different people that's just the way things go" I look at him in disbelief my mouth parted open before looking away as the tears start trickling down,
"We could have been more though... and we still can be" I smile through the tears trying my best to stop them he looks at me and shakes his head smiling widely,
"Wow Jules have you always been this selfish? I mean I know you were but this? this is impressive" — he steps closer to me with disgust written all over his face — "Do you KNOW how long I waited? And you knew... I gave you time and space hoping you'd act, but nothing. So you'll excuse me if I don't want anything to do with you Giulia." I stand there when he walks back inside I can't hold the tears anymore so I just leave, I couldn't stand seeing his face after that.

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