Spin Bout U | KV

De storiesbysarah_

569K 22.1K 10.3K

Dayvon would kill for Normani without hesitation; but what'll happen when his dangerous lifestyle gets in bet... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: The Final Chapter
Spin Bout U 2: BOOK 2 UPDATE

Chapter 31

7.8K 327 100
De storiesbysarah_

I'm at work rn... decided to drop another chapter for you LOVELY readers❤️

Normani's eyes fluttered open as she groaned a bit. She could feel a severe headache coming on as she stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling in front of her.

She just frowned. She kept trying to remember what exactly happened between last night until now. She remembered being upset and stepping outside the club for some fresh air.

She also remembered bumping into Antonio....

She let out another groan as she sat up in the unfamiliar bed she was in. She could feel a rope which was tied around her wrist. She noticed that the rope was connected to the bed, preventing her from getting up at all.

"I see that you're finally up."

Antonio's voice could be heard. She looked up, her eyes landing on him. He just sat in a chair right next to the bed she was laying in.

How long was he even sitting there like that?

She thought quietly to herself. She could feel her heart drop as he just waved the gun in his hand while smirking.

"How you feelin Normani?"

He questioned while eyeing her. She just stared at him, not even sure on what to say. She had no recollection of ever leaving the club with him at all.

"How did I get here?"

She spoke softly as her heart began to race. It was really taking everything in her to remain calm as she kept eyeing the gun in his hands.

He just laughed lightly, placing the gun down on the floor next to his foot.

"I figured you'd have trouble remembering from the drugs."

He spoke in a nonchalant tone.


She repeated. He just nodded.

"Yeah. After I surprised yo ass last night at the club, I knocked you out with my gun before injecting you with some Midazolam."

"You what?"

She squeaked out. He just chuckled.

"Yeahhh... and there's plenty more where that came from. I don't want to keep sticking you with needles as long as you keep on cooperating with me."

He just eye'd her as she tried to process everything he was saying. Did I just get kidnapped? Like is this really actually fucking happening to me right now?

She kept thinking to herself.

"How come I am here?"

She questioned. He just smirked.

"You really don't know huh?"

He said while shaking his head. She could feel the tears building up in her eyes as he stood up. He picked up the gun from the floor.

"N-No I don't. Is there something that I did to you?"

She said as her voice cracked with fear. He just sighed dramatically.

"No... not so much you. But your little boyfriend on the other hand.."

He said while rolling his eyes. She just frowned.

"King Von ring a bell?"

He questioned while moving closer to her.

"He shot and killed my cousin Chris a couple months ago. You might know him as Breezy right?"

Antonio said while glaring at her. Normani could feel her stomach doing flips.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about.."

She mumbled while looking away from him. He just nodded his head slowly.

"Yeahh. I get it. You don't wanna snitch on Von. It's cool."

He muttered. She could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks as he just breathed in deeply. Antonio raised his hand up before smacking her right across the face. Normani just gasped as he glared down at her. She could feel the pain pulsating on the side of her cheek as he chuckled.

More tears continued to stream down her face as she tried her best to process what just happened.

"That's for getting my cousin killed."

He spat.

"And I hope Von finds yo ass quick, cus I plan on sending you both to the grave."

He snickered before walking away. Normani really tried her best to hold in her cries as he just exited the room before locking the door.

She let out a soft cry as she looked down at her wrist again which were tied up.

She looked around the room, hoping to find something that might help her escape these ropes. The room was small and dirty. She had no idea where she even was.

This can't be happening to me right now....


Von stood with his arms crossed against his chest as he stared off into the distance. It had been a few hours since he came back from Ari's apartment.

He was extremely confused on Normani's whereabouts and it was worrying him. Ari wanted to go to the police and file a missing persons report, but Von insisted that she didn't, and that he would handle the situation.

But how? How the fuck am I suppose to find her ass??

He thought to himself while shaking his head. He was currently posted up at one of his trap houses, along side Herb, Durk, Muwop, Booka, and a bunch of other members of his crew.

He called for an emergency meeting. He especially wanted Durk there since he was the last person to see Mani.

He just wanted to make sense of it all. Figure out what she was doing last before she went missing. He mentally was hoping that she wasn't in danger, but something kept telling him deep down that she was not safe at all.

"Aye Von you good?"

Durk questioned while looking over at him. Durk felt terrible too that Normani was missing. He kept thinking to himself how he wished he just would've stayed with her instead of leaving her at the club the way that he did.

He also knew that Von was going through it deep down. The whole situation was just terrible.

Von rolled his eyes inwardly while sighing.

"What exactly did you and Mani talk about last night?"

Von began. He was trying his best to control his anger as he glared over at Durk.

"And be fuckin honest wit me."

He pointed. Durk just sighed deeply as the whole room got quiet.

"Look I saw her ass at the bar. She was taking shots so I decided to go ova there and check on her."

Durk began.

"We started talking and shit. She was asking if I knew where you were. She ain't really want me talkin to her out of respect for you n shit."

He continued on. Von just nodded his head.

"I accidentally ended up telling her about the bet we made.. which seemed to make her upset-"

"You what?"

Von said while clenching his fists.

"Look Von, I'm just telling you what happened."

Durk began while raising his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry but it slipped out cus I thought that's why she was upset wit you. I ended up feeling bad and apologizing to her before leaving. That's the last time I saw her for real."

Durk said. Von just sucked his teeth while shaking his head. That couldn't just be it. Somebody had to have seen something. Like where the hell could she have gone?!!

"Did she have any stalkers maybe?"

Booka questioned, trying to help out.

"Ion know... Ion think so."

Von muttered.

Herbs phone began to ring as he quickly picked it up before walking off.

"Did y'all have a fight or sum? Maybe she just went back home to houston?"

Muwop suggested. Von just shook his head.

"Naw. She don't really got family like that."

He muttered. He just sighed deeply. He felt the urge to smoke again as he grabbed a freshly rolled spliff that was tucked behind his ear.

He just made his way outside, letting the cool Chicago air hit his face. He lit up his weed, inhaling it deeply. He hoped that at least this weed would help calm the nerves and anxiety that he was currently feeling.

"Shit Mani... where the fuck you at."

He mumbled to himself. He kept thinking hard about where she could possibly be... or if anybody had been acting weird towards her.

Maybe she might've had a few stalkers at the club he didn't know about?Because when I find her ass Ima make her quit that job at the strip club fasho.

He thought to himself.

"Aye Von!"

Herb's voice sounded. Herb walked outside, heading towards Von with his phone pressed against his ear.

"I'm on the phone with Ari right now. She was tellin me that yesterday while her and Mani was at school, some nigga named Antonio was tryna talk to them."

Von just frowned.

Antonio? Why the fuck does that name ring a bell-


Von muttered as he flicked his weed to the ground once the realization kicked in.

"Aye Ari, Ima call you back."

Herb quickly said once he noticed the mood change in Von's demeanor. He hung up the phone before looking over at Von.

"Von you good?"

Herb questioned. He could see the darkness take over in Von's eyes as his jaw clenched up a bit.

"Get Polo's ass on the phone. Tell his ass to meet me at the alley way."

Von instructed before heading back inside the house to grab his car keys. Herb just nodded before following right behind him.

It started to become real clear to Von that Antonio definitely had something to do with this. Ever since he laid eyes on Antonio at the club he knew that something was up.

He felt a rage inside of him brewing just at the thought of Antonio putting his hands on Mani. She didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve any of this. Von sort of felt like this was all his fault. She wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if it wasn't for him.

All Von needed was Antonio's location. That was it. And he planned on getting it one way or another.

*later that night*

Von sat in his car along with Durk, Herb and Muwop.

They all were strapped up with guns as they patiently waited in the abandoned alleyway for Polo to show up.

Nobody really said a word as they all just sat quietly. Von had given them all the run down on Antonio, and how he might be seeking revenge for the death of his cousin Breezy.

It made Von sick to his stomach that Antonio might have Normani kidnapped somewhere. She had nothing to do with the lifestyle that he lived. There was simply no reason for her to be in the middle of all this mess.

It frustrated him as he could only imagine what she was going through right now. He just kept mentally praying to God that she was alive and not hurt.

Durk glanced over at Von who seemed to be spaced out. He knew Von was probably not in his right state of mind. He wanted to say something to try and make Von feel better.. but what could he really say?

It didn't take long for a car to pull up in front of them. Von wasted no time hopping out the car as everyone else followed him.

Polo got out of his car as well with a couple of other dudes who followed right behind him.

"What's up gang? I heard this was an emergency meeting-"

Polo couldn't even finish his sentence as Von swung right at him with the back of his glock, hitting him in the face.

"Oh shit..."

Durk mumbled just as he took out his gun. Herb and Muwop followed suite, pointing their guns at Polo's people, who were also pointing guns right back at them.

Polo just fell to the ground, groaning in pain before looking up at Von in shock.

"The fuck is wrong witchu?!"

He yelled with confusion. Von just glared down at him as he held his glock in his hands.

"Aye watch out!"

One of Polo's men yelled just as Von raised his gun, aiming it directly at Polo.

"Tell yo lil niggas to toss they guns up or we all die tonight."

Von instructed. Polo just glared up at him, rubbing on the temple of his forehead as it pulsated with pain.

"Aye yall fall back.."

Polo ordered. The two guys he was with just frowned before slowly putting their guns down. Durk, Herb and Muwop did the same thing.

Von just gave a sinister grin.

"Von, what the fuck is going on?"

Polo questioned as he attempted to stand up. Von just used his foot to push him back down to the ground again.

"Now Ima ask you this one question, and Ima need you ta be real wit me. Can you do that? Cus Ion like repeating myself."

Von spoke darkly while kneeling down to Polo's level. Polo was starting to lose vision in his left eye where Von had given him that blow.

"What the fuck do you want Von?"

He questioned some more.

"I wanna know where Antonio stay at. He goes by 600Breezy, you know that lil nigga you be running around my city wit."

Von spoke with a stern tone. Polo just frowned.

"Whatchu need him for-"

Without a second thought, Von aimed his gun up, shooting one of Polo's guys down to the ground, instantly killing them without remorse.


Durk muttered to himself. He knew Von was going crazy right now. He just wasn't himself.

"Answer the fuckin question Polo."

Von said while looking down at him again. Polo could see the crazy in Von's eyes. He almost looked like a demon.

"H-He stays off 63rd on the south side, in one of them small trap houses."

Polo began to talk.

"Anybody stayin wit him?"

Von continued to question.

"N-Nah... he stays by himself."

Polo responded. Von just nodded his head slowly. Polo just watched him as Von thought for a moment.

"Von, what is all this about-"

Polo began to ask but was cut off by the sound of more gunshots blaring. Durk just shook his head. Von shot Polo right in the face, killing him instantly. He then quickly stood up, shooting the other guy that Polo came with.

There were now 3 dead bodies just laying on the ground as Von stood to his feet. He eye'd the scene intently, making sure that nobody was breathing.

"I need this shit taken care of."

Von instructed while pointing at the mess.

"I got it. Ima call Booka to come pull up wit the truck."

Herb said before quickly whipping out his phone to make that call. Von just nodded his head before heading back towards his car.

"Y'all stay behind and deal with this shit. It's something I gotta go n handle."

He began while tucking his gun back into his pants. Durk just frowned as he followed right behind Von.

"Hell naw Von. I'm slidin wit you."

He said. Von just shook his head no as he hopped into his car. Durk opened up the passenger side door, hopping in too.

"Durk ion need you to be apart of this shit..."

Von said while rolling his eyes. Durk just waved him off.

"Naw. Look I know you and I been beefing for a while now, but you my brotha. And I'm not letting you handle this shit on yo own."

Durk insisted. Von just eye'd him for a second.

"You really wanna help my ass? After I beat yo ass up?"

Von questioned.

"Nigga we fight all the time. That shit was nothing for real."

Durk said while chuckling a bit. Von just rolled his eyes inwardly before starting up the engine.

"Well... I'm sorry for beatin yo ass."

He muttered.

"I'm sorry too Von. Fa tryna get in between you and Mani-"

"Aiight we can save the sappy shit fa later. We gotta go kill this nigga on folks nem."

Von said while cutting him off. He pressed his foot on the gas before zooming off into the street.


I already wrote up the next few chapters soooo lmk if ya want it 😴

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