The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

40.3K 1.3K 526

Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power

1.4K 42 27
By zer0420

No one's POV

As the final battle against Durandal's fortress, Messiah, was underway, the two moderately damaged flagships of Orb, the Eternal and Archangel, were charging directly for the large space fortress, hoping to finally end the conflict. They were also being closely pursued by the Minerva as well as reinforcements which were launching from Messiah. Elsewhere, the Vengeance, Infinite Justice, Strike Freedom, Destiny and Legend were all engaged in a three-on-two battle.

Athrun: This isn't good!

Athrun exclaims as he blocks a few shots from the Legend's DRAGOONs.

Athrun: We walked right into their trap...! At this rate, Orb will...!

He's unable to finish his sentence as he quickly flies away from a charging Legend.

Nhazul: No shit! We need to take that thing out, and now!

Nhazul said, as he deploys his DRAGOONs and activates his Wings of Sky, The DRAGOONs then open fire on the Destiny.

Shinn, in response, unleashes his Wings Of Light to evade the oncoming fire before blocking Nhazul who fires his dual beam rifles and rail guns at him.

Kira: Archangel, please go on! Nhazul and Athrun, as well!

Kira declares, confusing those he addressed.

Kira: The Justice and Vengeances can get through Requiem's shield! We'll deal with the station!

Murrue: But then...! The Eternal will...!

Lacus: Without Orb, there will be no one left to oppose the Destiny Plan! We must protect it at all costs. Please accompany them and deal with Requiem!

???: You can leave it to us!

A voice calls over the communicator as it was Yzak.

Yzak: I'll have our ships guard the Eternal!

Andrew and Dearka: Eh?

Yzak: That ship still belongs to ZAFT! I won't just let it sink!

Dearka: Despite the fact that we're shooting at ZAFT...

Athrun: Right.

Nhazul: Let's go, Luna!

Lunamaria: Right!

As the three and the Archangel leave to take out the Requiem, Rey sees this and narrowed his eyes.

Rey: I won't let you escape! Where's the Minerva?!

Rey ignites the thrusters on his Mobile Suit to give chase to separating force. Unfortunately, the Freedom then sends a Full Burst towards him. Rey sees the attack coming and is able to dodge the volley.

Shinn: Rey! Damn you, Freedom!

Shinn fires a few shots from his beam rifle at Kira, who proceeds to pull up his shield and back off. The Destiny charges at Strike Freedom, preparing to fire its Beam Cannon. Kira then proceeded to enter his SEED mode, as the Destiny fires the weapon, Kira then fires his chest beam cannon and the two red beams clash against each other.

Rey then quickly fires a volley of beams from its mounted DRAGOONs before Kira quickly dodges, both Mobile Suits staring the other down.

Rey: Shinn! Join forces with the Minerva! Go after Nhazul, Athrun and the Archangel!

Shinn: You sure?

Rey: I WILL shoot down the Freedom! So you must destroy those damn traitors! Make sure you destroy them and everything will end!

Shinn with a burning determination, looked up with rage in his eyes.

Shinn: Alright, I got it I'll defeat both those bastards!

Shinn igniting his thrusters and chasing after the Vengeances and Infinite Justice. Kira momentarily regards the exiting Mobile Suit before being alerted to the attacking DRAGOONs, dodging the majority of the shots before blocking the final few.

However, suddenly, Kira is hit with a wave of Déjà vu, this pilots overall fighting and pattern painfully reminding him of another from a previous conflict.

Kira: How's this possible?! You're...!

Rey: If I defeat you here...

Rey mutters before equipping one of his beam sabers, charging at the Strike Freedom.

Rey: Then everything shall finally end!

The Legend charges at the Strike Freedom who ignites its beam shield to block the slash as both Gundams clash. Elsewhere, the team comprised of the Akatsuki, Vengeances, Sabre and Infinite Justice, continue their journey across the Lunar Surface to reach Requiem.

In their way, a squad comprised of GOUF Ignited and ZAKUs (Both Warrior and Phantom) attempt to halt them. Athrun then opens fire with his beam rifle, as well as the two cannons mounted on his Sub-Flight Lifter, while Nhazul opens fire with his dual beam rifles. Lunamaria and Mu also fires their two beam cannons and rifles to pacify a few other enemies.

Mu: Numbers alone won't do you much good!

Murrue: Gottfried, fire!

Murrue commands as the remaining beam cannon opens fire on a damaged Nazca-Class which proceeds to explode from the severe damage. Suddenly, the Minerva descends upon them as the two ships engage in battle once again. However, suddenly, Nhazul noticed something rocketing towards them, quickly blocking with his beam shield, as he saw it was Shinn and the Destiny.

Nhazul: Shinn!

Shinn: You motherfucker!

Pushing Nhazul back, Shinn proceeds to throw his physical shield, before also throwing a beam boomerang at Nhazul, only for him to block it. Shinn then fires his beam cannon, as Nhazul does the same, with his chest beam cannon, the the two clashing and creating an explosion.

Athrun and Lunamaria: Nhazul!

Nhazul: Go! I'll hold off Shinn!

Athrun and the others quickly left Nhazul to it,however Lunamaria was hesitant, in leaving him, but soon followed Athrun. As the two former friends stood off, Shinn holsters his beam rifle and grabbed his beam sword. Using his DRAGOONS, Nhazul fired at Shinn, however he activates his Wings of Light, dodging the beam fire and charges at Nhazul.

Shinn: You're the worst!!! I trusted you! You were one of my best friends and you turn around and do this?!

Holstering his own beam rifles, Nhazul drew both of his beam sabers, as well as activating his Wings of Sky, and charges the Destiny itself,

as both Gundams clash with one another.

Shinn: I'm gonna make you pay! For betraying us! For standing in the Chairman's way!

Nhazul: Damn it, Shinn! I don't want to fight you!

Shinn: Then stand still and die, you damn traitor!

Nhazul proceeded to use the railguns on the Vengeances to break the clash, knocking the Destiny back.

Nhazul then unleashes his DRAGOONs once more at the Destiny and opens fire primarily on the Destiny. One DRAGOON attempts to flank Shinn, but he quickly spins around and dispatches it, as he charged forward towards Nhazul once again.

Shinn: I will beat you here and now, Nhazul!!!

Nhazul: Shinn! Do you even realize what you are fighting for?! Stop fighting with your mind stuck in the past!

Shinn: Huh?!

Nhazul: I understand what you're thinking! I was the same way! I had the same line of thinking you did! But no matter what we do, no matter how hard we wish it, nothing will come back!

Hearing this, Shinn proceeded to clinch his controls, becoming even more enraged.

Shinn: How dare you...!

Nhazul: Huh?

Shinn: Wasn't the whole reason Athrun betrayed us... Because HE couldn't look beyond the past?! Because we had to deal with friends from his past life and he couldn't just let them go for the greater good?! And now you chose him over me?! Someone who's doing the same thing you're accusing me of?!

Nhazul: Shinn...

Shinn: I am fighting for a future! A future where everyone can live happily without being threatened and I will not allow you, or anyone else tell me otherwise!

Nhazul: ...

Shinn: You're nothing but a hypocrite and a traitor!, like Athrun! Like Lunamaria! That's why... That's why...!!!

As Shinn rocketed towards Nhazul, he enters his SEED mode.

Shinn: I'll KILL YOU!!!

The Destiny fires a powerful blast from its beam cannon before activating its

Wings Of Light and charging the Vengeances behind the beam of energy with it's beam sword. Nhazul instinctively blocks the shot with his shield, before quickly turning to clash with Shinn, knocking each other back. Regaining it's balance, the Destiny charges immediately at the Vengeances, who proceeds to respond and charge at the Destiny, deploying his DRAGOONs and Wings of Sky.

As the two fought, suddenly, they saw a red beam erupts from the Messiah and veers through space, decimating everything in its path, both enemy and ally, as several of Orb ships as well as ZAFT's are swiftly destroyed. Luckily, a few of their ships manage to survive as well as their Izumo-Class ships.

The crew of the Minerva can only watch in horror at the devastation as the man they put so much faith in just obliterated a large amount of their comrades.

Arthur: The Malves and Breton...

Talia's thoughts: Gilbert... How could you!

Seeing this Nhazul and Shinn look on completely and utterly shocked. Nhazul then looked back towards Shinn.

Nhazul:Are you still keen on protecting him now?! After this?! He just murdered his own people!!!

Seeing this, Shinn just looked on, but soon turned his attention back to Nhazul.

Shinn: I do...!

Nhazul: Shinn!

Shinn: I still believe in Chairman Durandal's world and I will not let it be cast aside! That's why I'll defeat you and I'll defeat Lacus Clyne... Everything will be over then! For better or worse!

Hearing this, Nhazul just looked at Shinn shocked. Seeing how he was too far gone to be reasoned with, believing in the words and deception of Rey and the Chairman, Nhazul closed his eyes, briefly,

before opening them, having entered SEED mode as well. No more words would be spoken, as Nhazul rockets towards him as well, the two former friends clashing with one another.

As the two clash with one another, trading blows at break neck speeds,

flying through the entire battlefield, the effects of their Wings Of Light and Sky clearly visible to everyone to see. Nhazul 's DRAGOONs are continuously firing at the Destiny. The Destiny continuously fires at the DRAGOONs with its beam rifle,

all the while using his high mobility from the Wings of Light to evade the attacks, as Shinn. gets a lucky shot on a DRAGOON and destroys it. Timing his shots, Shinn continued blasting apart another DRAGOON.

Nhazul: Damn it...!

The Vengeances and the Destiny fly around each other, exchanging fire before the Vengeances lands a lucky hit and blows off the Destiny's left leg, causing Shinn to grunt in frustration.

Shinn: Fucker...!

Shinn quickly retaliates by spinning around and blasting the DRAGOON that stole his leg.  Nhazul then fires his remaining DRAGOONs to the rear of Destiny, causing Shinn to turn and block them with his beam Shield. Unfortunately, this leaves him exposed as Nhazul fires his chest beam cannon which makes contact with the Destiny's arm, causing it to explode, taking the beam rifle with it and causing Shinn to stagger. He then fires his remaining DRAGOONs at the stunned Destiny's wings, outright destroying them and its Wings Of Light.

Shinn: I'm not losing to you!!!!

Quickly spinning his damaged Gundam around, Shinn grabbed his beam rifle from Destiny's destroyed arm, destroying most the DRAGOONs. Nhazul uses the last DRAGOON and fires at the Destiny who narrowly avoids it, but manages to clip the beam rifle, destroying it. Shinn proceeded to grab his beam sword and throws it out towards the Vengeances. The DRAGOON, instinctively, goes to shoot down the object, easily shredding the broken sword apart. Ultimately, though, it left it exposed as a beam boomerang came hurtling towards it, slicing it apart.

Shinn: That's it for your tricks!

Nhazul narrowed his eyes, as he combines both of his beam rifles and fires at the beam boomerang, annihilating it. Shinn uses this moment to his advantage as he arms the Beam Cannon and fires at the Vengeances while it was firing at the beam boomerang.

Nhazul: Shit...!

Nhazul is unable to evade as the large red beam overwhelms his Gundam's weapon and arm, destroying both of the beam rifles, as well incinerating the right wing segment immediately behind it. In response, Nhazul grabs one of his beam sabers  and then charges at the Destiny and is easily able to close the gap due to it still having the majority of mobility. This doesn't stop Shinn from resisting, as he arms his beam cannon and prepares to fire it. Unfortunately, Nhazul reaches him before he can fire and slices the cannon's barrel in half.

Shinn quickly retaliates by detaching the exploding cannon, activating his beam shield Shield and ramming into the Vengeances with it, knocking the Gundam back. Since he rammed the arm area, Nhazul accidentally dropped his saber. Shinn wastes no time, grabbing the saber and successfully sliced both legs off of the Vengeances.

Still having one of his Wings of Sky active, Nhazul quickly dashes away, hoping to retreat, firing, but Shinn quickly retaliates by taking his beam saber and throwing it at the Vengeance. The weapon collides with the joint area between the  shoulder and its chest. Since this is a particularly weak segment, the saber easily burns through and manages to impale the Vengeances's left wings, causing them to explode and damaging the central booster as well.

Shinn: This is the end...!

Nhazul then saw the Destiny charging at him, blue energy visibly building up in its palm. The Destiny now has the advantage in mobility as it closes the gap between the two Mobile Suits, palm cannon ready.

Shinn: THIS IS THE END!!!!!

In a last ditch effort, Nhazul drew the last beam saber of the Vengeance, as the Destiny gets closer and closer to him.

Eventually, the Destiny's in melee range and thrusts his Palm Cannon out, aiming for the Vengeances's cockpit. However, due to his greater reaction speed, Nhazul proceeded to quickly cut off Destiny's renaming arm, as it exploded, leaving  Shinn completely defenseless. Through the explosion of the Destiny's arm, Shinn could see a pair of glowing eyes, making his own eyes widened, as through the explosion, Nhazul thrusted his beam saber, piercing straight through Destiny's cockpit, hitting Shinn and making him cough up blood. Gripping his controls, Shinn made a last ditch effort to retaliate any way he could, however he soon heard Nhazul's voice.

Nhazul: Shinn...  Close your eyes...

Shinn: Huh....?

Nhazul: They're all waiting.... Your family... Stella... They're all waiting for you...

Hearing this, Shinn's eyes widened, as he soon heard a voice.

???: Shinn...

Looking over, Shinn could see Stella, making his eyes widened.

Shinn: Stella...?

Shinn asks out loud, now floating in unfamiliar landscape as the familiar form of the deceased girl appears in front of him.

Stella: Stella came here to see Shinn... To come get you...

Shinn: Get me...?

Stella: Nhazul... Stella's friend... He sent you to Stella.

Shinn: ...

Stella: Despite what Shinn says, Shinn wants a world where everyone can be free and happy...Shinn wouldn't have fought so hard for Stella's freedom if Shinn didn't.

Shinn: I just wanted a world where everyone can live happily...

Stella: The Shinn Stella loved wouldn't want a world without freedom... Does Shinn no longer believe that happiness is just being free?

Hearing this, Shinn just looked down.

Shinn: Stella... I'm sorry...

Stella just smiled, outstretching her hand to Shinn.

Stella: It's okay. Stella isn't mad. Stella is happy.

Shinn: Happy?

Stella: Happy Shinn and Stella can be together. Nhazul gave Shinn peace. Being together with me and them.

Looking behind Stella, Shinn's eyes widened, seeing his family all waiting for him, making him begin to cry, as Stella soon wrapped her arms around him.

Stella: Let's go, Shinn.

Looking at Stella, Shinn soon smiled, doing the same.

Shinn: Yeah, let's go.

Back within reality, Nhazul could see through the damaged cockpit of the Destiny, that Shinn had died.

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul's hollow nature of his eyes returning to their normal appearance, as Nhazul soon passed out. Both Gundam's colors fade to a dull grey, their Phase Shift becoming inactive, as the remains both Gundam crash onto the surface of the moon.

Elsewhere, Both Infinite Justice, Blast Sabre and Akatsuki race at the entrance to the weapon as the weapon continues to build up energy again. Lunamaria and Athrun use their shields, while Mu activates his Reflective Armour to breach the shield. All 3 Gundams  manage to break through the barricade and enter the insides of Requiem.

Athrun: Hurry!

Mu fires his beam rifle and his two beam cannons at the core,

Athrun detached his backpack and sending it careening towards the Core.

Lunamaria assists by unleashing a Full Burst, alongside firing her beam rifle at the core as well.

It seems fortunate at their combined firepower causes numerous explosions to erupt from the core. Taking it as a queue, the three ignite their boosters and quickly fly out of Requiem.

As they fly free and safe from it, a massive explosion erupts from within the weapon, a large cloud billowing out of the hole which can be seen from almost everyone involved in the battle. Upon flying out, Lunamaria attempted to contact Nhazul, checking on him, but received no response.

Lunamaria: Nhazul?! Nhazul! Answer me! Shinn! Rey! Someone!

Suddenly, Meyrin contacted Lunamaria from the Eternal.

Meyrin: Big sis!

Lunamaria: Meyrin!

Meyrin: We've lost the Vengeances's signal...! Nhazul was last seen fighting Destiny! These are the last known coordinates!

Athrun: Go! I'll handle the rest. Find Nhazul!

Lunamaria: Right!

Lunamaria proceeded to quickly rocket off towards Nhazul's last known location. As she did, Athrun saw the Strike Freedom enter the now collapsing Messiah. As Lunamaria neared the location of where Nhazul was last seen, And soon could hear groaning over the communicator.

She turns her attention to the ruined Vengeance and Destiny.

Lunamaria: Nhazul!

Quickly flying down, she quickly exited Sabre and opened up Vengeances's cockpit, seeing as its unconscious pilot. After pulling a wounded Nhazul out of his extremely damaged Vengeances. Rather hastily, she brought him back to her Sabre and had bandaged up his wounds as best as she can, as well as patching up his space suit. Soon, Nhazul began to stir awake, surprising Lunamaria.

Lunamaria: Nhazul? Nhazul!

Hearing her voice, Nhazul weakly opened his and saw he was in Sabre's cockpit, along with Lunamaria looking down at him.

Nhazul: Luna...?

Seeing Nhazul was alright, Lunamaria began to cry, holding him tightly.

Lunamaria: You're okay...! Thank God...!

Nhazul smiled at Lunamaria, before turning to look out the main camera of Sabre.

Nhazul: The Requiem... Did you?

Lunamaria: Yes... We destroyed it. Orb wasn't hit.

Nhazul: I see...

Nhazul soon turned his attention towards the Destiny's ruins, as he and Lunamaria exited the Sabre, walking towards it.

Lunamaria: Did you...?

Nhazul just looked down saddened.

Nhazul: I don't know what happened to Rey... But I did... It was the only way he'd could find peace....

Looking at wreckage of the Destiny, Nhazul saw something glinting. Walking over, Nhazul picked it up, seeing it was the pink cellphone of Shinn's little sister, Maya. The phone had somehow survived, and was functional. Turning it on, Nhazul and Lunamaria saw a picture of Shinn happy with his family.

Nhazul: He wouldn't have found it here...Only with them... With Stella...

Suddenly, the two felt rumbling, as they looked over towards the Messiah and saw multiple large explosions, as the Messiah finally accepts its fate, the space station crumbling into pieces and exploding, as the watch its destruction.

Nhazul and Lunamaria: ...

Soon, the two would see countless signal flares be shot out from every remaining ship, signaling a ceasefire. The flare,

making what appeared to be beautiful constellation in space. Seeing this, Nhazul couldn't help began to cry at the sight.

Lunamaria: Nhazul...

Lunamaria held Nhazul's hand, beginning to cry herself, as she rested her head on his back.

The battle was finally over...

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