A Place For The Vampire

By Monksanto

7.6K 120 31

Y/n Redgrave (Or Y/n Tepes), a 19-year-old vampire living on the streets until the overwatch operative Reaper... More

Moving in
First day
Frist combat
New weapons
Partner project
A stupid idea
Out of Blood
Secret revealed

Arcade contest

432 13 5
By Monksanto

Y/n P.O.V~

I yawned as I opened my eyes to see the sunlight beaming through my windows. I sat up at my desk/bed, and I stretched while cracking my back before I got off of the bed/desk and cracked my knuckles before I grabbed a set of clothing and got dressed. After finishing dressing, I opened the door to see Cassidy and Genji eating. I sat next to them as I yawned before groggily speaking.

Y/n:" Ey, pass the milk, man."

Cassidy passed the milk as I grabbed a bowl before I poured some cereal and quickly added it to the milk to make it edible. I began eating my breakfast as I sighed before Genji spoke.

Genji:" Got any plans?"

I sighed before I spoke.

Y/n:" Not really? You?"

Genji:" I'm going to check out the arcade; wanna come with."

I shrugged before I spoke.

Y/n:" Fuck it, why not."

Genji and I exited our dorm and began walking to the academy arcade. After two minutes of 

walking, Genji and I entered the arcade. I smiled to myself, seeing the collection of classic games before I heard Genji speak.

Genji:" Woah, they've got punch out! Nice!"

Genji quickly sped over to the machine and began playing the video game. I let out a slight chuckle before I looked around and saw one of my favorite video games; I cracked my knuckles as I walked over to the arcade machine and began to play.

Third-person P.O.V~

Loud gasps and other noises of shock echoed throughout the arcade as a person spoke out.

???1:" Oh my god, that's her! That's her!"

???2:" Yeah! That's the legendary D.va!"

Y/n, watching Genji play Tekken, turned over and saw a girl with brown hair and brown eyes walking through the arcade with a smug look.

Genji gasped as he grabbed Y/n's sleeve Y/n looked at the green-haired male before he spoke.

Genji:" Oh my god, do you know who that is!?"

Y/n turned and looked at his friend before he spoke.

Y/n:" No, should I?"

Genji's eyes widened as he gasped and spoke.

Genji:" Dude, that's D.va! A.K.A Hana song! She's one of the most famous twitch streamers ever!"

Y/n shrugged as he spoke casually to his friend.

Y/n:" What's twitch?"

Genji sighed and slapped his forehead as he spoke.

Genji:" Y/n, have you been living under a rock for the past five years?"

Y/n squinted while rubbing the back of his head while speaking.

Y/n:" I mean, are we talking literally or-?"

Genji groaned and once again slapped his forehead before he spoke.

Genji:" Never mind!"

As the two talked, the brown-haired girl grinned as she walked through the arcade, looking at all the game machines and seeing that Hana had all the high scores. Except she looked at one of the machines; her eyes widened as she looked at the leaderboard seeing that DVA was second as she quietly read who held the new high score.

Hana:" A-s-s. Ass."

Hana exhaled through her nose as she spoke loudly.

Hana:" Okay, which one of you is ass!?"

Everyone in the arcade except for the brown-haired girl begins to chuckle at the name as Y/n raises his hand while laughing.

Y/n:" Oh, yeah, that's me."

The brown-haired girl glared at the H/c haired man as she walked over to him, her arms crossed as she spoke and pointed at the video game while speaking.

Hana:" You and me, F-mega now!"

Y/n cocked his eyebrow before he smiled and shrugged while speaking.

Y/n:" Okay, sure, why not?"

Hana:" Alright, let's go."

Hana and Y/n walked over to the arcade machine. Hana sat on a stool while Y/n remained standing. Hana turned over to Y/n as she spoke.

Hana:" Player one or player two?"

Y/n shrugged as she casually spoke.

Y/n:" You decide."

Hana chose player one leaving him with player two as the machine started.

Gamemachine:" Select your car!"

Hana quickly chose the pink formula one car as Y/n scrolled through the list of vehicles thinking to himself before he smiled and chose a taxi as he spoke.

Y/n:" Oh, yeah, it's all coming together."

The track was randomly selected, and the city track was chosen, making the girl grin as this was her favorite track.

Hana P.O.V~

As the race started, I smiled to myself and slammed my finger down on the acceleration button, making my car rocket forward. I looked at the guy I was playing against, and he was smiling. I thought this was slightly odd before I quickly looked back at my screen to see a taxi whizz past my car. I quickly growled under my breath before I spoke to myself.

Hana:" Damn, he must be focused."

Y/n P.O.V~

Y/n:" You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel."

Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n smiled to himself as he continued to race casually while Hana took a deep breath before she sped up. Hana's eyes narrowed as her pink formula one car caught up to Y/n's taxi, making Y/n's right eye turn to look at the girl; Y/n smirked as he tapped his joystick, making his taxi speed off as Hana screamed out.

Hana:" WHAT!"

Hana exhaled through her nose as she slammed her joystick forward, making her car speed off as she began to mash the boost button; as the finish line for the race began to approach rapidly, Hana began to smash the button even faster as Y/n looked at the girl and he knew he could win. Still, he smiled as he slowed down, and the brown-haired girl crossed the line first. Hana yelled in joy and began jumping up and down while rejoicing.

Hana:" Yeah, I won! New high score!!! Hell yeah!"

Y/n smiled as he spoke.

Y/n:" Congrats, Hana."

Y/n began to walk away smiling, having had fun before he heard Hana speak out.

Hana:" Hey!! What's your name?"

Y/n turned over and spoke.

Y/n:" Y/n."

Hana smiled as she spoke while pointing at the H/c-haired male.

Hana:" Let's play again sometime."

Y/n grinned as he spoke out.

Y/n:" Sounds good."

Y/n began to walk away with his hands in his pockets, with Genji begging to follow him quickly

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