
By WolfPupAsh

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A boy named Ash, who made his own company at 24, Struggles to find much meaning in life. He works a good amou... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]

[Chapter 4]

9 0 0
By WolfPupAsh

I put my head in my hands and check the time. I'm already late! I get up and go to get ready for the day before I run downstairs and head over to my car back to work. By the time I get there The employees are all staring at me as I'm usually never late and I unlock the place while everybody starts to head inside and get everything ready and I just walk straight to my office shutting the door. I sit down at my desk and lean on my hands again before I feel my eyes start to well up with tears again. The flash backs from yesterday start to come up. 'You're Gay right?' I hear a knock on the door and flinch before I calm myself. 'Uhm, The door is open.' I wipe the tears from my eyes and I watch Zaiden walk in. 'You alright? Take the day off.' 'No way, If anything this is the place I'm the calmest.' 'Are you sure?' I node and Zaiden sighs walking off. I turn on my computer and turn on the camera system before I notice Zaiden standing with that girl again. Why do I slightly want to throw her with a shoe..? I'm probably just filled with pent up anger from yesterday. I turn the cameras off before I remember Zaiden being a player. Now I kinda feel sorry for her... Yeah never mind the feeling is gone now. I sigh and start writing some papers before my radio goes off. 'Hey uh.. Ash?' I press a button that let's me talk to Zaiden's radio. 'Call me boss when you're on shift.' 'Okay, Boss, I need help. There's a kid looking for you.' 'I look at the time remembering I have my regulars in the morning. How did I forget!? Poor Hannah. I jump up and head outside and over to them. 'I totally forgot I'm so sorry Hannah.' 'Mister Ash!' Hannah jumps up hugging me and I hug her back. 'What seems to be the problem today?' 'Snuffles ran out of her favorite snacks again!' 'I hope you didn't fee her too much again.' 'Of course not! One treat max a day, Unless training.' 'Very good, Let's go get you some more treats then yes?' 'Yeah!' I put Hannah down taking her hand before I brush past the mother purposefully making her drop her phone and pretending nothing happened before I go grab some snacks for Hannah, handing them to her. 'You bitch!' I look up to see Hannah's mother staring at me. 'Ma'am there are children around please watch your language.' 'You broke my phone!! I will sue you! And I will never come back here ever again!' 'Ma'am if you haven't noticed, Your daughter is the one taking care of her pet and her pet's things as she's the one paying. I haven't seen you pay a single dollar to this child. So you can stop yelling right now, Or I can call CPS to come and get your daughter, before I adopt her personally.' 'You wouldn't dare-!' 'And as far as I know ma'am, You abuse your daughter quite heavily so I actually think I will call them right away.' 'Come on now, We do not have to take it that far.' I don't know why but  was still really angry, and I went to call CPS. I stopped myself realizing that I didn't want Hannah to be in that type of situation so I leaned down towards her. 'If anything ever happens, That you cannot live with your mom anymore come tell me.' Hannah nods and goes over to her mom and we head to the front where the mom is paying for the first time and I watch them Leave with Hannah looking happier than usual. I continue sorting out my usual customers and finally head to my office again but get stopped by Zaiden. 'So, What kind of work do you actually do here?' 'A bit of everything from 8 to 2pm, then I mostly do paperwork.' 'I was expecting you to ask why-' 'Why would I ask that? It's a simple question and I simply answered.' Zaiden sighs before he starts to follow me and I turn to him. 'Why did you want me to say why??' 'So I could make a joke but you ruined it now.' 'I ruined your joke in a workplace?' 'Fair point but nothing is going on.' 'Didn't you say you had a dog.?' 'Yeah she's laying sleeping by the front desk. She's kind of like a Mascot.' Zaiden laughs and I feel goosebumps on my skin before I clear my throat. 'I suppose.. she is.' Zaiden reaches out to take my arm again and I flinch but don't pull it back as he pulls my sleeve up slightly. 'Geez your wrists.. they..' 'They're fine..' I move my head away. 'You tugged on those chains really hard... Were you.. that afraid of your dad..?' 'He fucked me up.. I'm more afraid of him than anything at this point...' Zaiden grabs a wrist guard from his pocket putting it around my more bruised wrist. 'You fucking broke it, You're going to a doctor after this.' 'No, I'm fine-' 'You. Are. Going.' 'Why do you even have a weist guard??' 'Because I break my wrist a lot.. so It helps.' I sigh and he lets go of my wrists before I walk off. When I get back to my office I sit down and stare at my arm. The wrist guard covers just a little over a quarter of the scars that are there and I can't help but stare not being able to get any work done. Do I really like him..? My curiosity gets the better of me and I start to look Zaiden up in his field of modeling and.. gosh damn.. staring at so.e of the pictures made the sitting positions he sat in make sense. I must've been browsing for quite a while because after a little bit Andrea bursts through the door and I jump back.  'Ash you will not believe-!! Ehat the fuck?? What were you looking at??' 'None of your business-!' Andrea goes to swing the screen and stares at it with an open mouth. 'Oh my gods stalker much!?' 'Andrea! Go fuck with your girlfriends or something!' 'Okayyyy, ' I watch her wink and walk off before I sigh and realize my face has turned probably a bloody red. I turn the Screen back and close the sight before checking the time. "5:43" damn, Past closing time already. I get up and go to lock everything up and go to leave before I bump into Zaiden nearly falling but he catches me. 'Woah, Careful. Did you get that doctor's appointment yet?' 'N.. No..' 'Okay, cause I booked you one with my doctor Jake. He's pretty great, You'll like him.' 'I- Zaiden-' 'No buts! C'mon, we're gonna be late.' 'Wait right now!?' 'Of course, right now, I'm not letting you drive home like this.' 'I'm-' 'Don't say it, you are not fine.' Zaiden drags me over to his car tossing me in. 'Oi!' 'What? I'm helping.' Zaiden gets in on the other side and starts driving us somewhere. I just watch some trees flying past and the lights flickering. 'Do you need somebody to talk to..? I know you probably don't want to worry your sister, much less tell a stranger.. I'm here if you need it. I won't judge you I promise.' I sigh before I pull my knees up again. 'Yesterday.. It.. wasn't the first time he tried that... The first time he found out about it.. when I had my boyfriend over.. I don't know how he knew.. we weren't talking about it or doing anything.. but he grabbed me and.. and he...' 'H- Hey it's okay, don't worry.. Don't force it...' I Sigh before I notice I'm crying. 'I just.. My boyfriend at the time he just.. He watched... He didn't do anything...' 'Sounds like a fucking prick to me..' 'He was usually pretty distant.. When I later found out, He told my dad I was gay... Then the whole school found out-' 'Wait.. You were still in school..?' 'I was 11..' I notice goosebumps growing on Zaiden's arms and for some reason, I hug his arm tightly. I am a fucking. Child. 'I didn't think he would do something so... cruel.. I feared he'd do it to Andrea too but he didn't ever do anything to her.. She.. was the golden child. I was happy about it but.. It felt so unfair..' I kept quiet the rest of the ride and Zaiden just sat letting me hold him until we reach the hospital and Zaiden grabs me picking me up and carrying me inside. 'I can walk!' 'Not today.' 'Zaiden-!' 'Sorry boss, But I'm just protecting ya.' I sigh and lean against his shoulder. 'I' here to see doctor Jake.' I hear Zaiden say before the receptionist sends us off and we eventually reach an office and Zaiden puts me down on the bed there. 'My wrist is broken, Not my ankle!' 'Aw poor you.' 'Damn you..'I feel goosebumps on my skin now and my face starts to flush before someone walks in the room. 'Alright, What did you do this time Zaiden-?' 'Actually, Not me this time.' Zaiden points to me and the doctor stares down at my wrists and back up to Zaiden. 'What did you do to the poor boy??' I feel my face get red hot and I stare at him. 'He didn't do anything!' 'Chill, He's like this,' 'Well I'm going to kick his ass With my broken wrist if he brings it up again!' 'Calm doen, I won't.' I hear him laugh and he comes over taking my hand and I flinch pulling back again. 'Hey- It's okay, I'll be gentle.' I feel my hands start to quiver and he takes my hand again removing the wrist guard, and I flinch at the pain before he inspects my hand. 'Yep, That's.. pretty broken, Let me just do a wuick X-Ray so I can see the damage.' He pulls over a small machine placing my hand under it and covering the rest of my arm. Once het gets the X-Rays back he puts it up into a board. 'How the hell did you get 7 breaks..?' 'It was.. and accident..' 'Just be a bit more careful.. I think you may need surgery to put the bones back into place.. they're severely moved.' 'I must not have realised how hard I was tugging...' 'Zaiden-' The doctor turns to him and they share a look before the doctor turns to me again. 'We can TRY and heal ir with a wrist guard but it's really severely damaged, I'd suggest,' 'Sure, Just do the surgery and get it over with.' 'Are you sure-?' 'As long as it gets my wrist to heal yes,' The doctor sighs before taking my other hand to take X-Rays of it aswell and he only found about 5 fractures so he gave me a wrist guard and handed Zaiden his back before taking a better look at my other hand again. 'Just come back in tomorrow at around 11. I'll have everything ready by then.' I nod and we get sent off with me in wrist guards and on a lot of pain meds. When we get home I Immediately go to pass out upsatairs in my bedroom but I lay there unable to sleep again. Even with all the pain meds. I stare back up at my stars on my ceiling again before yesterdays memories start to flash through my head again and I sit up grabbing my head in my hands. This is one of those bad nights I mentioned... The type of bad night where I waited till 2am when I knew Andrea would be asleep and Zaiden  went home before I walk to the kitchen to grab a knife and slide down against one of the cupboards. I go to take one of the wrist guards off shaking before I hear someone and see a light turn on. Oh gods.. 'Ash? Is that you..?'

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