Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Car...

By SonicJohnz924

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This Content is Rated G with instances of Some Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, and Crude Humor. Go "Fetch"... More

Lights! Camera! FETCH!
FETCHers Reunion
Ruff's Valentine's Day
Drivers, Start your FETCHers!
The Knights of FETCH-a-Lot!
Ice To Meet You
Memory Loss Madness
Holy Gravity, Ruff Ruffman!
Football or Socccer? They're Both Balls, Right?
Contestant's Challenges: Emmie/"Where Are They Now?"
Half-Season Report with the Ruffmans
Ruff's Splashing Slam Dunk
"Cook Outs and Dance Floors"
"Soda Science"
"Fossilized Frenzy"
"Castaways in Paradise"
Glen's Special Challenge
Ruffman's Family Party
Elementary, my Dear Ruffman
Pre-Finale Interviews/Contestant Q&A
FCAS Finale I: The Ruff Awakens

The Game (Night)'s Afoot!

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By SonicJohnz924

Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Contestants Arrive. The Clocks Read 6:00 PM, Local (Boston) Time, 5:00 PM Central (Texas) Time, and 3:00 PM Los Angeles Time. Gerry Geranium flies in.

Gerry: It's here! The game night is here!

Ruff: I know, Gerry! I Wasn't Born Yesterday! We watched that Tape again today, 6 hours Before the Show!

Glen: Uncle Ruff, our Team Fetch T-Shirts arrived from your new Boss, Mr. A.

Ruff: That's Great! Customized for all Fetchers to fit them All!

Wink: So, Ruff, my boy... are you ready to kick some Tail?

Ruff: Yes. Yes, we are ready to "kick some tail". Kick some cat tail, that is!

Wink: Hahaha! That's my boy!

Dinah: We're so proud of you, Son.

Grandma: We all are, Ruffie.

Ruff: Aww, thanks, Guys! What Blossom? You're saying there's a Cat Organization, but it's for the betterment of the world by going After PURRS?

Blossom Nods.

Lou: It's true. When we battled Kitty Galore, believe it or not, we teamed up with a cat organization called MEOWS.

Ruff: What's that for?

Wink: According to records, MEOWS Stands for Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety.

Ruff: Catchy.

Catherine: So, I heard that you needed my Assistance again with saving the world from an Evil Cat.

Diggs: Good to see you again, Catherine.

Ruff: Why is she part of the Pack?

Catherine: I'm a Double Agent, Mr. Ruffman. I became such when we defeated Kitty Galore.

Diggs: And she's good. Really good at Combat.

Blossom Nods, showing Catherine's Record.

Ruff: Alright guys, Time's running Short! Cue Intro, Blossom! Dad, Mom, Glen! Positions! Lou, Call the Contestants. It's time for the Penultimate Round of FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman.

Lou: You got it, Ruff! Opening Communications Link, and 3, 2, 1... Action!

Fade to Black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff, his Parents, Glen, and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: (As they sang) Well, at least we changed the Intro, but please take the plane out!

Backup Singers: 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars

(Alert Blares, it's time for Contestant Roll Call)

The Camera shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And here come the contestants NOW! Ruffman Family, we're up!

Dot Warner comes in First.

Glen: This cutie loves to make a fashion statement with her Flower ribbon on her ears! In 6th place with 1,335 points, Dot!

Chase comes in Next

Wink: This police pup will make sure people like you are protected from bad guys who want to take over your city streets! In 5th Place with 1,375 points, Chase!

Bugs Bunny comes in Next

Dinah: This Rabbit loves to play pranks on his friends and foes alike to get the age! In 4th place with 1,410 points, Bugs Bunny!

Tails the Fox comes in Next

Glen: This Fox has an IQ of 300, and he's as good as me in the electronics business! In 3rd place with 1,535 points, Tails!

Bluey comes in Next

Wink: This Blue Heeler puppy loves to make her own games, and loves to play because she's full of energy! In second place with 1,580 points, Bluey!

Elinor comes in as The Points Leader.

Ruff: This little bunny loves to play with her friends while solving the mysteries of Life and nature! She's the Points leader with 1,585 points, Elinor!

Ruff and His Family appear on the TV in Studio G.

Ruff: Welcome Back to Fetch! And before we continue, I want you guys to look over at the Wall, on that Picture frame!

Bluey: Oh, okay!

The Fetchers look at the Picture.

Bluey: Ooh!

Elinor: Cool!

Chase: What is it?

Ruff: I'm Glad you asked! Because in about a week's Time, One of you Six Lucky Fetchers is going to be on the Wall of Fame as our Fetch Cartoon All-Stars Season 1 Champion!

Bluey: Wow!

Bugs: Cool!

Elinor: I can't wait to compete for the Championship!

Ruff: I know that, but First, It's time to Settle the Score with those cats, Once and for all!

Bluey: So tonight is the Game night that Cat challenged us to?

Ruff: Yeah. There's No way around it. The time is 6:30 PM so you guys are on time to have dinner with us on the SS Ruffman on our Way to Game Show Island!

Bugs: We're going on the Boat Again?

Ruff: Well Yes! Now that it's back from the repairs to the bottom of the hull, which is the Body of the Ship.

Bluey: Ik.

Ruff: Remember Guys and gals, This is the Penultimate Episode! It's time to give it all you've got, and win together one last time by working with each other as a well-oiled Machine!

Fetchers: Yeah!

Ruff: When we first came together as my Contestants, I said to myself: "Ruff, this is a Special Batch of Contestants that you have here. Challenge them to grow, Learn about the basics of science, teach them life lessons and friendship, and give them an Experience They won't Forget!"

Bugs: And that's what you're doing right now. We will never forget this Game Show, even when it's Over.

Ruff: Aww Thanks, Bugs! Anyways, let's go to the Port and board the SS Ruffman on the Way to Game Show Island... but this time we will get there for real!

Bluey: Yeah!

Dot: Lou, what's the Weather Report for Our Journey to Game Show Island?

Lou: Clear Skies, Winds from the East-Northeast at 3 knots. No Chance of Rain, it's going to be a Crystal clear, Moonlit night here in Boston.

Chase: Cool. We have no time to lose, then. To the Port of Boston!

Ruff: Alright Fetchers! Put on your Team Fetch Shirts that are in the Car over there, and we will meet you there!

Fetcher: You too!

They leave the Studio for the Night

Ruff: As always, I'll be taking my phone with me in order to Connect with the Fetch 3000. As always, For all of our Six Contestants, up to 100 points are at stake in our last Triumph Tally of the Season!

Wink: Yep! We are in the Closing part of the homestretch, where garnering points become a thing of the Past, and winning takes first priority in the minds of contestants, young and Old!

Dinah: You've got that right, my dear.

The Fetchers and the Ruffman family Go to the port and Find the SS Ruffman, where they had docked it.

Elinor: Good to see you again, Good Ship.

Bluey: Never thought I'd see you again, SS Ruffman.

Chase: Me neither. The last time we were on this Vessel, we ran aground thanks to that Storm. Thankfully, Lou did say it was clear tonight, so that's a good sign as always.

Bugs: Okay. I've untied us and weighed anchor. We are ready to depart.

Ruff: Alright. Everything is checked out on the Old Pre-Sailing Checklist, and we are ready as ever to take on this Game night!

Wink: Alright. Let's Get underway so we Can eat.

Ruff: Okay, Game Show Island, here we come. For Real this time. Start the engines.

Glen: Aye-Aye, Skipper!

They Set off on the Sea.

Soon, the Fetchers have their Dinner as they Leave Boston's Port at Around 7:00.

Bluey: A good Dinner as Always, Mrs. Ruffman!

Dinah: Thank you, Bluey. It's good practice for me and Grandma Ruffman to cook together, as we liked to Bake Cookies for Ruff when he was a little puppy.

Chase: I see. Anyways, I can't wait to kick some Cat Tail.


Mr. Tinkles: Excellent. They Accepted our Challenge. Send six of our Players. It's time to Enact Phase Two of our plan.

Calico: You mean your Idea to get Charlene, Boss?

Mr. Tinkles: Exactly. Spot Spotnik, I'm giving you my Best Troops. As Ruff's Fiancee, Charlene will mean a lot to him, and I bet he'd do anything to save her now that he's engaged!

Spot: I'll make sure she doesn't survive when she sees me!

Mr. Tinkles: No Spot! Stick to the Plan! We need her alive so we can Lure Ruff to us after our Cats snatch the Chaos Emeralds from them!

Spot: Fair enough, but I expect to be paid for this.

Mr. Tinkles: And you will, I promise you. You will be given... somewhere along the lines of... let's see... 16 years' worth of Milk Bones and a Private House in Cuba! As well as $5M, which I stole from the Banks after I escaped to fund my efforts, I have stolen up to $2.25B.

Spot: Alright. You've got a deal.

Back with the Fetchers... they had arrived on Game Show Island.

Ruff: Fetchers, I never thought I would say this again... but Welcome to Game Show Island! At last!

Bluey: Whoa!

Elinor: It has different Game locations.

Chase: And Look, There's the Game Show set up for the Game Night! Complete with lights and Everything!

Bluey: Well, yeah, because it is a "Game Night". It makes sense for a show to be held indoors or Under the Lights.

Suddenly, Kirk Fogg rides in on a Zipline.

Kirk: Whoo-hoo!

Bluey: Whoa! Who is that?

Chase: That's Kirk Fogg! He was the original host of "Legends of the Hidden Temple!"

Kirk: (lands and unstraps himself from the Zipline) Why thank you Very much, Chase! Nice to see all of you! It's nice to see a fellow Game Show host in you, Mr. Ruffman.

Glen and Ruff: Which one?

Kirk: Well, both of you, to be frank. You two are quite Famous. Mostly Wink, But as the old saying goes: "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree", and Ruff here definitely is the Case.

Ruff: Oh. Thanks, Kirk.

Kirk: Take your Positions over there, Team Fetch. We have an hour until we Begin this. Hey Blossom! Dinah! Glen! Could you guys do camera work?

Glen: Sure we can! Happy to help a Famous Game Show host!

Blossom nods.

Kirk: What's with the Cat with Glasses, Ruff?

Ruff: Oh, you mean Blossom? She was written to be a mute character. So, she usually uses her eyes and head motions to show her feelings.

Kirk: I see. I've seen Mutes in Cartoons Before. Being from Nickelodeon and All.

Ruff: Right. Anyways, The Cats are here now.

Bluey: Right then! Let's get this Started!

Glen: Alright! We are going Live in 3... 2... 1!

Kirk: Welcome to The Game Show Island Game Night! I'm your host, Kirk Fogg. And today, Two teams are Competing for the Ultimate Glory, the Golden Microphone Trophy, which is a replica of the Famous Relic itself.

The Cameras turn to face it.

Kirk: Anything can happen tonight, so let's meet our Two Teams! On the Left Side, we've got Team Fetch! Coached by none Other than Ruff Ruffman!

Team Fetch claps

Kirk: And on the Right, we have Team PURRS! Now Contestants, coached by Calico. Contestants Introduce yourselves by your name, and where you come from.

Bugs: Bugs Bunny, Burbank, CA.

Elinor: Elinor Rabbit, Animal Town.

Dot: Dot Warner, Burbank, CA.

Tails: Miles "Tails" Prower, Green Hills, MT.

Chase: Chase, Adventure Bay. Represent! PAW Patrol, On a roll!

Bluey: Bluey Heeler, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

The Cat team introduces themselves in the Same Fashion.

Kirk Fogg: Alright, Let's Get this Game Night Started! The first two Rounds are based on the Famous Nickelodeon Game Show "Double Dare". Two Contestants up here for the Face-Off!

Bluey and Elinor Represent Team Fetch

Kirk: Alright, Here are the Rules. Your partner is going to throw these Ping Pong Balls, and you're going to catch them with Fly Paper, Blindfolded. The Winner Gets 20 points and Control of the Game. Do you understand what you have to do?

Bluey and Elinor: Yep!

Ruff: This is going to be Fun!

Kirk: Alright, Players Ready, and on your mark, Get set... GO!

While the Fetchers Play their Game night, they are unaware of the Cats' forces traveling to Bluey's home in Australia under the Cover of a Foggy Night.

Spot: We're in position, Boss.

Mr. Tinkles: Excellent. The Fetchers are Pre-Occupied at the moment. Wait for my Signal. My Signal will come once they Reach the Final Team Challenge at the End of the Game Night.

Spot: You Got it, Boss!

All night Long, The Fetchers and the Cat Team Compete in numerous trivia challenges, Physical Challenges, and games for the Mind, like Simon, and Soon, it was time for the Final Challenge

Kirk: Alright! Let's See the points one more time Before we head to the Finals! Ruff, what's it look like?

Ruff: As I have Calculated from the Fetch 3000, It is Very close, Kirk! We have Team Fetch in First Place with 2,500 points, and Team PURRS right Behind with 2,350 points, so the Final Round decides it all, as always! Ooh! The Suspense is killing me!

Kirk: I know! And we'll see who has the Guts to Conquer Our Extreme Obstacle Course the in the fastest time... right after this!

Wink: The Game Show Island Game Night will be back after these Messages!

Ruff: Alright Fetchers! Huddle Up! The Final Round of this Game Night is a Relay Race through the Ultimate Obstacle Course! It's based on all the Game Shows we have done challenges for!

Chase: I'm guessing that there will be slime.

Ruff: Yes.

Bluey: And Several Switch offs.

Ruff: Yes. There are Fout Legs on the Course. Two Contestants will Run the Double Dare Course. That's gonna be Chase and Bugs Bunny!

Chase: I'm ready.

Bugs: Same here.

Ruff: Remember, you'll switch off after Every obstacle is completed. Your job is to Set a Time, but not too much time, Because the Cats are racing at the same time as you are!

Bugs: You got it, Ruff!

Ruff: The Second Leg is Based on the Video Zone from the Game Show "Nick Arcade." Dot and Tails will Collect the Three coins that are needed to complete both Levels and Defeat the Game Wizard, Merlock!

Tails: I'll do my best!

Dot: Alright!

Ruff: The Third Leg is based on the "Legends of the Hidden Temple" Moat Level and Temple Run. Bluey, You'll Cross the Moat, and Elinor, once she rings the Gong, Run into the Temple with your Pendant of Life!

Bluey: Good choice. I'm a strong swimmer!

Ruff: Elinor, inside the Temple, while you're opening the Path to get the Treasure and escape and Tag Bluey back in, and then you'll both along with Tails and Bugs Bunny will race to The Aggro Crag from "Nickelodeon Guts!" The Last Leg!

Bluey: Ooh!

Elinor: Nice.

Ruff: Chase will Run the Mesas. Bugs Bunny, you're on the Switchbacks! Elinor, you're running the Crag Caverns! Bluey, you have the most important job: Climbing the Vertical Freeze and hitting the Final Actuator at the Peak of the Mountain! Each runner has an Actuator to hit!

Bluey: And once we are Set off by the actuators, we're off, Right?

Ruff: Yep! Remember, You must hit your Actuator when you complete your section of the Crag! You and your Teammates may also Activate several Traps to Impede the Other Team! 

Elinor: Got it.

Ruff: Alright! We're back on in one Minute! "Team Fetch" on Three! (Hands/Paws In the Middle) One, two, three...

Ruff and the Fetchers: Team Fetch! 

Glen: Okay, We're live in Three... two... One! 


Kirk: Welcome back to the Game Show Island Ultimate Game Night! It's time for our Final Challenge, and here to help Walk us through this Ultimate Obstacle Course we assembled for our 12 Contestants on Both Teams, I introduce you to my Friends, Mike O'Malley, and Moira "Mo" Quirk. Mo, Introduce us to the First two Legs.

Mo: Thank you, Kirk. When our Players take off from the Starting Line at the Sound of my whistle, They will first tackle the 8 challenges that are on the "Double Dare"-styled Course, where the Contestants will get a little messy! Once they complete All 8 Obstacles by pulling the chains to raise the flags, They'll Pass the Baton to their Next Teammate, who will then Enter the Video Zone with his or her partner, from "Nick Arcade". There, they must collect three items in order to progress, and defeat the Game Wizard, Merlock.  Kirk, tell us about the Third Leg! 

Kirk: The third Leg is inspired by Legends of The Hidden Temple. First, One Teammate must Swim or Raft Across the Moat, Whichever they choose, and once they reach the other side of the Moat, They need to Ring their gong so their partner can Start the Famous Temple Run, so they can Grab the Clapperboard! Once they Do, They must take their Positions for the Final Leg, Where Mike is waiting. Mike? 

Mike: On "Nickelodeon Guts" We call this out "Radical Rock" for a Reason! The Aggro Crag Stands at 28 Feet off the Ground, and provides a Four Way Relay Challenge like the Spin-off: "My Family's Got GUTS." The First Runner Runs through the Mad Mesas and Boulder Canyon, then, once they set off their Target, the next player climbs up the Switchbacks, and Goes through the Slide, and the next runner goes through the Crag Caverns, which can make or Break a Team's Run.  After they hit their Target, The Last Runner then Climbs up the 16-ft Tall "Vertical Freeze", and as they climb up to hit that final actuator, they will face the sound and fury of a live mountain with a Volcano in its heart. Kirk!  

Kirk: We're almost Ready. This is for All the Marbles! The Points have Skyrocketed! 725 points for the Win! Mo, Go ahead and Start us off! 

Mo: Team Fetch, you lead by 300 Points, so you get a 5.5-second head start, so you start on My Whistle, Team PURRS, you wait for the Official's Signal! Players, On your mark, get set...

TWEET! Mo Blows her Whistle and Chase and Bugs start taking on the Obstacles

Kirk: And they're off! Chase down the Sundae Slide, Pulling the Flag, as Team PURRS is now Off! Team Fetch really making the Most of their head start, as they are setting the Pace, Flying through that Desert Trike, and Chase jumps into the Tank of Bouncy balls! 

Mike: Searching for that Flag, he's got it! Bugs Bunny has got the Task of Crawling through that Water Bed, and he's got the Flag out on the Other Side, Back to Chase as he takes on "The Blue Plate Special!" Wow! That was quick! These contestants are Flying!  

Kirk: Just 3 more Obstacles for Team Fetch as we See Team PURRS Really Struggling in the Tank, As Team Fetch goes to #7, the Monkey Bar Section, and through it with ease! Now, Bugs Bunny is Running that Human Hamster Wheel, as Team PURRS makes up some time, Completing the Blue Plate Special Quickly! 

Mike: Chase has got the Final Flag, Bugs Has the Baton, and here's the handoff... Bang! Dot Has it first, and she's in the Video Zone and Presses Start, to Start collecting those gems while Avoiding the Mummies and other Monsters. 

Ruff: Go, Fetchers, Go! 

Dot completes her Level.

Kirk: Dot Completes her Level As the Team PURRS has Finally come off the Human Hamster Wheel, Tails is now on the Market Level on the Flying Carpet, he's got One... Whoa! Good Jump to avoid an attack!

Ruff: Ahh! Look out, Tails! Go! Go! Go!

Kirk: He's got the Third, And now, they're taking on Merlock, As Team PURRS is still trying to Pass the First Level, and they do, Now onto the Flying Carpet! Oh! The Fetchers stopped Time! They got All three Orbs! They're Heading for the Moat as Team PURRS takes on Merlock! 

Meanwhile in Australia at the Heeler House...

Mike: (On the TV) Here's the give to Bluey! Got it! And Now, she's swimming across the Treacherous, Foggy Moat. Look at the Determination she's got! She's paddling seriously! She wants to Win this one! She comes all the way from Australia, and must be doing her family proud! 

Bandit: Come on, Bluey! 

Charlene: Up the Fetchers! 

Bingo: You've got this, Big Sister! 

Chili: Go, Bluey, Go! 

Mr. Tinkles: 3... 2...1... Go!

Spot: (Throws Smoke Grenade Filled with Knockout Gas)

Bandit: Whoa! What was that? (Coughs) 

Bingo: It's... Smoke... (coughing as she Faints

Charlene: Up... the... Fetchers... (Knocked out)

Chili: So sleepy... (knocked out as the Smoke clears away)

A cat wearing a Gas Mask enters the Home. He finds the Heeler Family and Charlene Knocked out on the Floor with the Broadcast showing that they just missed Bluey ringing the Gong to Start Elinor, and the PURRS team defeated Merlock.

Cat Goon: Ha! Yes! (singsong) 🎵Cats Rule, Cats Rule! 🎵 (humming and chittering to self) 🎵Oh yeah! We kick Butt! 🎵 

Back at the Challenge...

Kirk: Here we see Elinor, Knocking down that Pendulum as she Runs into the Room of the Secret Markers, She aligns the Markers and she's up into the Room of the Ancient Warrior! 

Ruff: Go, Elinor! You got that one! Yes! Correct! 

Elinor: Hnn! (Smashes Clay Pots and Finds the Key as a Gong goes off)

Kirk: Team PURRS is in their Temple! It's all a matter of who finds the Clapper Board First and gets to the Crag! Right now, Elinor is putting together the Silver Monkey Statue as she's done it! On to the Room of the Secret Password! 

Ruff: Read Each one! 

Elinor: Open Sesame! 

Kirk: No, not Open Sesame! 

Elinor: "Klaatu Barada Nikto"!

The door to the Quicksand Bog Opens 

Kirk: She Got it! That was the Password! Sliding Down into the Quick Sand Bog, As Team PURRS is Climbing Up into the Ancient Warrior Room, Elinor's Got the Clapper Board! She's Running through, as all the Doors are unlocked! 

Bluey: Go, Elinor! Go! You've got this! You've got this! 

Kirk: She's out! And now, Once they get in position on The Crag, Elinor Needs to Clap the Clapper Board to Release Chase, who's waiting for them on the Mesas! 

Ruff: You're nearly there! Let's finish this! 

Elinor Claps the Fetcher's Clapper Board, as The Cat Team Grabs their Clapper Board.

Mike: And there's the Clap of Team Fetch's Clapper Board! Chase is Taking on those Mesas! He is facing some of those Traps from the Other Cats, but, They can't go until their Clapper Board has clapped! Chase hits his Target! Now, Bugs Bunny is hitting the switchbacks, Down and up he goes!  

Ruff: Go, Go, Go! They're here! 

The Cats Clap their Clapperboard, and they set off, trying to make up time. 

Mike: Now it's a Race as Team PURRS hits the Mesas, But Bugs Bunny opens the Door to the Chilling Spiral into the Caverns, where Elinor is waiting, Once he gets off the Slide and there's the Tag! 

Elinor: Whoa, It's Dark! (Makes her way Through) But I'm not afraid! Gotta Get through so I can help Bluey Secure the Win! I got her this far... It's time I shore up our alliance one last time!

Elinor finally finds her Way out as Team PURRS enters the Caverns. 

Mike: Elinor's Through! She's hit the Target! Up the Vertical Freeze goes Bluey! She's Putting everything into it, Finding Rocks wherever she goes. Team PURRS is almost Out of the Caverns! Bluey is Halfway up! Here comes Team PURRS up the Vertical Freeze!

Ruff: Come On, Bluey! You can do it! 

Bluey: I know I can! I know I can! 

Mike: Bluey is Almost up! She isn't Giving up! Her Determination is stunning! Representing Australia... She's on the last one... 

Kirk: Mike, She's gonna do it! 

Bluey: Hup! Yeah! *hits Switch with her paw*  

Voice: GUTS! Team FETCH Wins!

Mike: Bluey has Done it! Bluey has Done it for Team Fetch! She's won the Final Challenge! She Braved that Vertical Freeze, just like an old Pro!

Bluey: Hooray! I did it! 

Chase: Way to Go, Bluey! 

Dot: Whoo-Hoo! 

Elinor: Hats off to you, Bluey! Hip-Hip... 

Fetchers: HOORAY! 

Bluey grabs onto a Zipline from the Peak of the Mountain to ride it Down. 

Kirk: From the Very Start, Team Fetch Played like Champions, and now they get the Prize in the Golden Microphone Trophy, as Bluey will now take the "Zipline" To Victory, as she Barked right up the Mountain, and Won her team the Championship on the Game night, Go ahead and slide on down! 

Bluey: Whoo-Hoo! (Ziplines down as Ruff Catches her and gave her a big hug)

Kirk: Team Fetch, I believe the Golden Microphone Trophy, and the Glowing piece of the Radical Rock, "The Aggro Crag", Are both yours! 

The Fetchers and Ruff Hoist their Trophies High, Including the Clapperboard. 

 Bluey: (hoists piece of the "Crag") We... DID IT!

Ruff: Great Job, Fetchers! It's time we head back to The Studio! 

Fetchers: Yeah! It's been a great night!

Kirk: Bye Fetchers! And To all of you out there, have a great night!

Fetchers and Ruff: Bye, Kirk!

Meanwhile, Charlene, Chili, Bingo, and Bandit Wake up Hogtied to Chairs aboard Dr. Robotnik's Death Egg. 

Chili: Now Bingo, Don't be scared... It's okay, you can be a little bit. 

Bingo: I'm not Scared Mum. I can't see anything! It's just Dark! 

Chili: I said don't be Scared! It's okay!

Bingo: Mum...

Chili: BINGO, Don't be Scared! I am your Rock! 

Bandit: Chili! Shush! Who do you think Kidnapped us?

Spot: Me, and my Minions, of course.

Charlene: Spot Spotnik! I recognized your odor from across the hallway. 

Spot: Do I really Smell? The only thing I smell is my success in Getting my Revenge, and the Boss' revenge against all of your Smelly Kind, and he'll make sure I have it Easy! 

Bandit: You'll never get away with this! 

Mr. Tinkles: Oh, I think We have! Lights! Camera! Action! MWAHAHAHAH! (Starts recording a Video) 

Soon the Fetchers Return to Studio G

Ruff: Welcome back to Studio G, guys! It's been a successful Game night, and we bested PURRS! I feel so Accomplished!

Chase: Bringing home the Gold, Baby! 

Elinor: Yeah!

Ruff: Now it's time we give you some hard-earned Points for real... in the Triumph Tally!  

Fetchers: Alright! 

Ruff: Chase, Bugs Bunny, for Completing the Double Dare Course, sharing your knowledge, and helping us conquer the Mesas and Switchbacks, you receive... 85 points! 

Chase: Alright! 

Bugs: Cool! 

Ruff: Dot, Tails, for Defeating the Game Wizard and helping us keep the lead and secure the win, you both get... 90 Points! 

Tails: Yeah! 

Dot: Alright! 

Ruff: Elinor, Bluey... My superstars... you Conquered the Moat, The Hidden Temple, and Most importantly, The Aggro Crag, That Alone gives you both... 90 points! 

Elinor: Okay!

Bluey: Alright! 

Ruff: But is that all the Points a Dog Can Give? 

Fetchers: No! 

Ruff: Last time... WHAT TIME IS IT?

Fetchers: BONE-US Points! 

Ruff: Today's 5 Bonus points go to my Superstars who Grabbed both the Clapperboard, The Golden Microphone Trophy, and the Glowing Piece of the Aggro Crag! Bluey and Elinor...

Bluey and Elinor: Yeah?!?

Ruff: With 95 points, you both are Today's Daily Winners! 

Bluey and Elinor: Hooray! (Hi-Five)

Ruff: And as your prizes, Elinor can Keep the Clapperboard Relic Replica, and Bluey can keep her piece of the "Radical Rock", the Aggro Crag! 

Bluey: I can't wait to show my Family and friends! 

Ruff: And So Ends Another Episode of Fetch! Until Next time, Fetchers! 

Fetchers: Bye...

Lou: WAIT!

Ruff: What do you mean; "Wait?"

Lou: We've just received a frightening Video Message from Mr. Tinkles! 

Mr. Tinkles: HAHAHA! Recognize these Dogs? (Turns camera to a Captive Charlene, Chili, Bandit, and Bingo

The Fetchers Gasp.

Chase: It's Charlene! And Bluey's Family! 

Mr. Tinkles: (continued) If you ever... want to See them Alive... you are to bring the Chaos Emeralds to the Death Egg Battle Station Next Week! And once you reach our outside... Surrender them. If you refuse... Well... they'll be put to sleep! 

Bluey whimpers like a wounded puppy. Her heart sank. She didn't want her friends to be Put to sleep.

Elinor: Don't Worry, Bluey... We'll work together to Save them! 

Ruff: And it Looks like our grand finale became a Rescue Mission! I'll See you guys next week! 

Fetchers: Right! 

To Be Concluded... 

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