Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Car...

By SonicJohnz924

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This Content is Rated G with instances of Some Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, and Crude Humor. Go "Fetch"... More

Lights! Camera! FETCH!
FETCHers Reunion
Ruff's Valentine's Day
Drivers, Start your FETCHers!
The Knights of FETCH-a-Lot!
Ice To Meet You
Memory Loss Madness
Holy Gravity, Ruff Ruffman!
Football or Socccer? They're Both Balls, Right?
Contestant's Challenges: Emmie/"Where Are They Now?"
Half-Season Report with the Ruffmans
Ruff's Splashing Slam Dunk
"Cook Outs and Dance Floors"
"Soda Science"
"Castaways in Paradise"
Glen's Special Challenge
Ruffman's Family Party
Elementary, my Dear Ruffman
The Game (Night)'s Afoot!
Pre-Finale Interviews/Contestant Q&A
FCAS Finale I: The Ruff Awakens

"Fossilized Frenzy"

38 0 3
By SonicJohnz924

Outside Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Contestants Arrive.

Ruff: Let's see here... We've got everything we need. Fetchers, Tools, and something we need to find.

Glen: Uncle Ruff, we also need an expert who can help us find this. There are reports of Several colored gems falling from Parts Unknown, and there's recently been a find at a Dig Site! A team of researchers has gone there, but their leader has gone missing!

Ruff: Well, as the old saying goes; Where there's a Will: there's Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman! The only game show that wants to take chances on certain things in life and make fun challenges!

Glen: That's Ms. Frizzle's Line.

Ruff: Yes I know that. I changed around some words though.

Glen: Clever.

Fade to Black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: (As they sang) Can someone please tell the Script Writer we gotta start including Glen in the Intro Sequence?

Backup Singers: 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars

(Alert Blares, it's time for Contestant Roll Call)

The Camera shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And here come the contestants NOW!

Chase comes in first

This polite pup may look tough, but he's fair and he will rescue you whenever you're in trouble! Just yelp for help, in other words! In 6th place with 925 points, Chase!

Dot Warner Comes in Next

She once had the power to make everything a little cuter and "kawaii", but she absolutely lost her mind over that event! I would too! In Fifth Place with 935 points, Dot!

Bugs Bunny comes in next

This rabbit once came face to face with a live "Dust Bunny"! For real life! It was pure chaos! He's In 4th place with 1065 points, Bugs Bunny!

Tails the Fox comes in next

This fox has parents who have a seat in the government of his home world! But only in the comics before that one Event. In 3rd Place with 1110 points, Tails!

Bluey comes in next, wearing a paper crown and the rainbow crown she was seen wearing in the episode "Queens"

This lovable Heeler puppy finds herself on top of the world, and she also played a queen for a day! Why on top of the world? She's on the top of the US Streaming Charts! She's in 2nd with 1170 points, Bluey!

Elinor comes in as the points leader

This little rabbit finds herself at the top of the Points Chart! I wonder if she likes Casey Kasem as much as I do. She's our points leader with 1175 points, Elinor!

Ruff appears on the TV.

Ruff: Welcome back to Fetch! And first things first, I give my congratulations to Bluey on becoming the Best Australian import since Steve Irwin! (sniffles)

Bluey: What's wrong, Ruff?

Ruff: I just miss him so much after I heard of his Death after I ended my first season... (sniff) May he rest in peace...

Bluey: Yes indeed...

Ruff: Moving on from that, we've received reports from my friends at the archeological society about gems at their Dinosaur dig site in South Dakota! And they need our help determining what they are.

Fetchers: Okay!

Ruff: As always, your plane tickets are in the mailbox, and our tools are in those bags over there in the Car! Let's Fetch it together, guys! Who's with me?

Bugs: You have my digging.

Bluey: You have my paws.

Tails: You have my brains.

Chase: You have my natural digging ability. 

Elinor: You have my Mom's shovel.

Dot: And you have my cuteness.

Ruff: Thank you, Fetchers! I knew I could count on you! Let's go!

The Fetchers and the Ruffman family leave the studio

Ruff: Just like all the previous time I'm using the FETCH 3000 app to help me link with my technology, even when I'm out traveling with my contestants! And as always, for all of our six contestants, up to 100 points are at stake in the Triumph Tally!

Glen: You never told me you have a new phone, Uncle Ruff.

Ruff: This is the 2020s, Glen. Everyone has a smartphone now. Even the Fetchers have one issued to them before the show even begins!

Glen: Oh. Right. I remember that now.

Ruff: We gotta speed this up now, guys. We can't afford to have our writers go into overkill!

One little addition of "Plot Convenience" Later...

Ruff and the Fetchers Arrive at the Dig Site, which is somewhere in South Dakota.

Ruff: So, Welcome to South Dakota, Fetchers! The home of great Places... and Granite Faces! Not to mention the "Badlands", which aren't that bad.

Bluey: Granite Faces? What does that mean?

Chase: Granite Faces references Mount Rushmore, where the faces of four famous US Presidents are carved and sculpted from rock. The Presidents that are immortalized there are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt.

Bluey: Oh! So that's what's famous about this place!

Glen: Yes. It is famous. Thousands of Tourists visit here every year, Usually during the Late Spring, or Early Summer. Cross another thing off my old Bucket List!

Ruff: I didn't know you had Mt. Rushmore on your Bucket List! Well, to be fair, I have it there too!

Dr. Rex: Ruff! So good that you've finally made it out to South Dakota!

Ruff: Same with you! Fetchers, this is my paleontologist cousin, Dr. Rex Ruffman. But here, he's just called Dr. Ruffman, or Rex. He teaches archaeology at the University of South Dakota.

Dr. Rex: How do you do?

Tails: Quite Well. I'm Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails.

Dr. Rex: You have two of them?

Tails: Yes, I do.

Bugs: I'm Bugs Bunny. Usually, I don't need an introduction because everyone knows me.

Dr. Rex: Hey, I used to watch your Cartoons with Ruff when we were really young.

Bugs: Cool! Very Nice Indeed.

Dot: Dot Warner. I have two siblings that are like me, except that I'm the cute one.

Dr. Rex: I'm charmed to meet you, then. Heh.

Chase: I'm Chase. I'm the Police pup of Adventure Bay.

Dr. Rex: I've heard a lot about you. Oh, and happy early 10th Anniversary!

Chase: Thanks!

Elinor: I'm Elinor Rabbit. A Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Ruffman.

Dr. Rex: Please, call me Dr. Rex. But it's good to meet you as well. I am quite humbled.

Bluey: Bluey Heeler. I'm from Australia.

Dr. Rex: I didn't know there were other dogs that could stand on two legs. Nice to meet you, Bluey.

Bluey: You too, mate.

Dr. Rex: So... What brings you all to South Dakota.

Ruff: Well, Today, I heard news reports about strange findings in the Black Hills, the Badlands, and several dig sites around the state. So... the fetchers and I thought it'd be a good idea if we came here to check out your dig sites with your help of course.

Dr. Rex: Well, Ruff, you've obviously come to the right dog for this sort of job! To the Rexmobile! We've got work to do!

(1960s Batman TVS-esque Transition, but instead with Ruff and Rex's Faces)

At the Dig Site, Dr. Rex gives them a tour of all their excavation sites, and their findings so far.

Dr. Rex: Here we found the remains of one of the Biggest Dinosaurs around; the Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex. His name means "king of the tyrant lizards."

Bluey: I wonder why they have those names. But Dinosaurs sure are interesting.

Dr. Rex: Romans. They gave them Latin-based names because it was the accepted language at the time. The Roman Empire was around many centuries ago when Humans were still developing from City-states.

Bluey: Oh.

Dr. Rex: Anyways, some of our dig sites found some strange gems that came from parts unknown, and appeared at our Triceratops Dig Site.

Elinor: Let's take a look at it.

Bugs: Yes indeed, this is the most intriguing case of mysterious jewels.

Ruff: Yes, so mysterious indeed. I mean, random-colored jewels don't just appear from out of nowhere.

Blossom nods in the affirmative. She agrees with Ruff on this.

Tails: Looks like some gemstones here. Rubies, Diamonds too, a few bits of garnet, and other gemstones.

Dr. Rex: There's something else. When I touched this, It let out a little bit of Energy.

Tails: *scans* This is no ordinary gem... this is... one of the Chaos Emeralds! There are 7 in all! There are two right here! One here, and another in a separate Dig site that's near this very site!

Dr. Rex: Well, This would be the best time to start a fossil dig challenge, also for treasures, so we can get these fossils and treasures to my museum, and those Chaos Emeralds back to Tails.

Tails: Thanks for your help, Dr. Ruffman. We'd be glad to join you on this dig, and even give our abilities a good run. We'll always help whenever there are points at stake!

Dr. Rex: Points? Ruff, how's the Game Show going?

Ruff: It's going great! I just got Renewed and approved for a Second Season Because this series is getting eyes because of the big things Mr. Andrews is doing for us, having us build up to an Epic Finale, Just like Season 5!

Dr. Rex: I see. Well, I wish you the best.

Ruff: Thanks, Rex. Now, Let's get our tools, and let's get to digging for those things! 

*we transition with the Fetch Logo we see the Fetchers are Dressed like paleontologists*

Bluey: Now this is what I call a full-experience paleontologist dig! Hahah! 

Tails: Oh great, now she's getting into the puns. Please Bluey. Focus on this.

Bluey: Oh, Right. Sorry!

they set to the dig with Excavators, chisels, shovels, picks, et cetera. Rex, Ruff, Chase, and Glen lead the operation.

Rex: All it takes for digging with a shovel is a strong back. Because it's all about arm and Lower Body strength, as well as strength in the back.

Rex: Oh, I see.

Bluey: I wonder how Dogs can do it with just their paws. Maybe because we were born to dig.

Chase: Well, that's exactly the point. We like to bury bones sometimes for safekeeping. Now don't ask why, but it's just something we do to enjoy our treats later in the day.

Bluey: I see. Anyways, why is that excavator digging deeper?

Ruff: Excavators are built to dig deep because of their long arms and big Buckets. The arm you see is called a backhoe.

Bluey: Cool! Whoa, Look at that bucket! It's lifting that dirt as if it was easy!

Ruff: It's easy when you have powerful construction excavators that can lift massive quantities of Dirt, compared to shovels.

Bluey: Oh, That makes a lot of sense. *clank* Ah! I hit something hard!

Dr. Rex: Probably Dino Bones!

Elinor: I found more over here!

Chase: Same here! I found some of those Gemstones! Tails! Your Emerald is here too!

Tails: Excellent! That's Two of Seven.

Dr. Rex: I'm glad I could help you, Tails. Now, we'll replace the large buckets with chisels to uncover the Dinosaur and figure out what it is. Bluey, Elinor, would you like to help uncover it?

Bluey: Of course we would!

Elinor: We did find it together, after all. We work as a team.

Ruff: Yep. They are part of a Three-Way Alliance with themselves and Tails.

*Bluey, Elinor, Tails, and Chase help chisel away at the dirt around the fossil*

Chase: We are getting there. It's becoming more and more clear as we keep doing this.

Tails: It sure is.

Bluey: Look at this! I see... One... two... three Horns on its head!

Elinor: Whoa. I see it too. Look at the shield-like front.

Dr. Rex: This only means that this is a Triceratops. It used its three horns for defending itself. It always kept its enemies in front of it, because behind its big shield-like back of the head, there is no protection for the neck. They were typically herding animals like rhinos and cattle today. 

Ruff: So not only did this Dinosaur have a deadly weapon to fend off predators and competition, its skull has a bit of protection for head-on collisions with said competitors! We also found gems, treasures, and Tails' Chaos Emeralds! I call that a win-win! 

Elinor: I think it's best we head back to Studio G, don't you think?

Bluey: Yes, there's no telling what else could go on around here. 

Ruff: You're both right. Well, Rex... It was nice to see you again! 

Dr. Rex: You too, Ruff! Keep up the good work with your gameshow! I've been keeping up with it all year long when I'm not on assignment!

Ruff: Thanks! And you do the same with your work, Rex! But it's time to resume my first calling, and that's to be a game show host! I'll see you again soon! 

Fetchers: Bye, Dr. Rex! 

Dr. Rex: Good Luck, Fetchers! I'm rooting especially for you, Chase! 

Chase: Thanks, Dr. Ruffman! 

Dr. Rex: I also wish the best of luck to you, Bluey! 

Bluey: Thanks, Dr. Rex! It was so good to meet you! 

Dr. Rex: Same with you all! Take care of yourselves, now! 

Ruff: Bye Rex! We will! Alright! It's time to bid farewell to South Dakota and head on back to Studio G!

 Soon, Ruff and the Fetchers Returned to Studio G. 

Ruff: Alright Fetchers, we are back in business here at the Studio, continuing our whirlwind trip around the United States, From Florida to Waco to South Dakota in a matter of only Episodes! Man! I gotta get this show out into the world more often! 

Glen: Same here, Uncle Ruff. I share your idea of going global soon. 

Ruff: Alright, we've had Enough Stalling as it is! It's time to give you all some well-deserved points in the Patented Ruff Ruffman Triumph Tally! 

Fetchers: Alright Then! 

Ruff: We'll Start with 50 points for everyone for their help in this great discovery of a Find! Chase, For helping us find the various treasures and Tails' Emeralds, you get an extra... 40 points to give you 90 points in all! 

Chase: Alright! 

Ruff: Tails, for helping us find that triceratops and the fossils as well as identifying your Chaos Emeralds, you will receive... 35 points to get you 85 points in all!

Tails: Alright! 

Ruff: Bluey, Elinor, for striking and uncovering our Triceratops and your help to uncover the things we were looking for in this dig, you will both get... 45 points for a grand total of 95 points! 

Bluey: Alright! 

Elinor: Hooray! 

Ruff: But... I must ask you... Is that all the points a dog can give? 

Fetchers: No! 

Ruff: What time is it? 

Fetcher: BONE-us points! 

Ruff: I never get tired of that! Anyways, Today's 10 bonus points go to the Fetcher who helped uncover our dinosaur... with his bare paws! Chase!

Chase: Yes! 

Ruff: That means with a full 100 points, you are today's Daily winner! 

Chase: Let's go! I got another one! I'm moving up the Leaderboard! 

Ruff: You sure Are, but first it's time you choose a prize! Here, I have two Fossil-style bones here. Behind one is a fantastic and maybe prehistoric prize! Behind the other one is another prize that's as big as a T. Rex. So which fossil will it be? Fossil Bone A... or Fossil Bone B? 

Chase: I'm going to go with the A option this time. 

Ruff: Alright Chase. Normally, I'd say your prize is in the mailbox, but today, it's in the car! Go ahead and check it out! 

Chase: Oh okay.

Chase looks into Ruff's Car (As it was originally his garage, Not sure what type of Car it is but anyways...), and grabs his prize. 

Chase: Whoa! A Fetch Video Game!

Ruff: Yes! My new boss is into them, so I thought, Why not make A Video Game? So now, you can enjoy the Fun and Challenges of this very show from the comfort of your own game room chair, couch, or whatever you like to sit in when you're playing! 

Elinor: Great Prize, Chase! 

Chase: Thanks! 

Ruff: And so ends another episode of Fetch that was filled with all sorts of Surprises! See you next time, Guys! 

Fetchers: See you soon, Ruff! 

Fade to Black.


Calico: Boss, I've got the second half of the key from that Dig Site over in South Dakota! 

???: Excellent.

Dr. Eggman: But we let 2 Chaos emeralds slip to that fox, which is considered a failure, which is unacceptable! 

???: I want those Fetchers Eliminated! They're threatening my Plan! Especially Dot Warner...

Spot: (On phone) But we did manage to Bring back Game Show Island... Just as we planned... so I see the glass as half full.

Calico: That's how I like to see things too...

???: Whatever. This trap does not need to Fail if we are to get the rest of that key.

Calico: I'll make sure of it, Boss...

Back at Ruff's Doghouse...

Glen: Uncle Ruff, I'm detecting a strange anomaly just off the coast of Cape Cod. 

Ruff: Anomaly? What could that be? Maybe some sort of Storm. Don't worry about it. It's not yet Hurricane Season. 

Glen: No... I think it's something else...

Then, from out of nowhere, Gerry Geranium, Grandma Ruffman's talking Parrot, flies in with urgent news. 

Gerry: GSI! GSI! GSI! GSI is back! 

Ruff: Whoa, that's pretty interesting, to say the least... Wait, WHAAAAT?!

To be Continued...

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