Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Car...

By SonicJohnz924

1.5K 32 61

This Content is Rated G with instances of Some Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, and Crude Humor. Go "Fetch"... More

Lights! Camera! FETCH!
FETCHers Reunion
Ruff's Valentine's Day
Drivers, Start your FETCHers!
The Knights of FETCH-a-Lot!
Ice To Meet You
Memory Loss Madness
Holy Gravity, Ruff Ruffman!
Football or Socccer? They're Both Balls, Right?
Contestant's Challenges: Emmie/"Where Are They Now?"
Half-Season Report with the Ruffmans
"Cook Outs and Dance Floors"
"Soda Science"
"Fossilized Frenzy"
"Castaways in Paradise"
Glen's Special Challenge
Ruffman's Family Party
Elementary, my Dear Ruffman
The Game (Night)'s Afoot!
Pre-Finale Interviews/Contestant Q&A
FETCH Finale VI: The Ruff Awakens

Ruff's Splashing Slam Dunk

33 1 3
By SonicJohnz924

Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Contestants Come in. Glen is seen playing NBA 2K and he gives a wave.

Ruff: Basketball. This sport is growing in popularity all of a sudden. It's time we thought up a challenge, Blossom. So... could you draw one up?

Blossom nods. She types something into her Computer and comes up with a Basketball Concept with Real rules, and On-the-fly Changes.

Ruff: Cool! So, Glen, What are you doing in that Game of Yours?

Glen: I'm playing Blacktop Mode, it's kinda like Playground Basketball where you pick players to play for you. You can go One on one, Two on two, three-on-three, four-on-four, and the full-court five-on-five.

Ruff: I see. Anyways, get the fetchers here, and get the Randomizer Ready. Some of my friends from the Football Challenge are coming as well.

Blossom gives a thumbs-up as the Hotline rings.

Ruff: Oh. There's the Andrews Hotline. Mr. Andrews! Hi! How are ya? It's midseason already! What's that you say? Another Season with New Contestants? I love it! Oh, but it's gonna be on a different Wattpad than yours. Makes sense. I may see what I can do to get you again for Season 3, the Winter Games Themed one we talked about after the midseason show. What's that, You have it Planned already? That's Great! And you're saying all it took was postponed Challenges? Excellent! I'll see you then! (hangs up) Okay, Ruff. Settle down. This is gonna take some getting used to.

Blossom begins packing as we fade to black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: Get Chase to Call Marshall! This fire isn't good for the Studio!

Backup Singers (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars Edition

(The Alert Blares, it's time for contestant Roll Call)

The camera Shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And Here come the Contestants NOW!

Dot Warner comes in First

Ruff: This Cutie loves a good Prank to pull, and is no stranger to tricking her foes into letting her run off due to her cuteness! In 6th place with 740 points, Dot Warner!

Chase comes in Next

Ruff: This police pup recently saved his town from its biggest threat yet: a High Tech villain named Codi! In 5th place with 765 points, Chase!

Bugs Bunny comes in next

This Rabbit followed someone to their house twice! Once for the sake of an inheritance, and another by accident! He's breaking into 4th place with 790 points, Bugs Bunny!

Tails the Fox comes in next

This twin-tailed fox loves to tinker in his spare time, you know, make useful inventions that will one day, help his home world be free! He's tied for Second Place with 865 points, Tails!

Bluey comes in next

This little puppy is loved by all, and has a whole nation in Australia behind her! She is sharing Second place with Tails with 865 points, Bluey Heeler!

Elinor comes in as the Points leader

This Rabbit loves a good problem to solve, and likes finding out the little things that connect in life! She's in the Lead with 875 points, Elinor!

Ruff Appears on the TV

Ruff: Welcome back to Fetch, Guys! Now that the Basketball Playoffs are in Season, I thought it would Be a great time for a game!

Bugs: Game of Basketball? Now you're talking my language!

Ruff: Yeah! Spoiler alert, I watched both Space Jam Movies before I thought of this challenge with help from my favorite nephew Glen, and my friends from the Flag Football challenge. Alright, it's time to hit the blacktop! There are some Shoes in the cubbies and your instructions, as always are in the mailbox. Let's Go... Fetch!

Chase: Let's go!

Bugs: Alright!

Ruff: Remember, for all of our Six Contestants, up to 100 points are at stake for the Triumph Tally! Once we get to the Basketball courts, I'll use my Fetch 3000 app to randomize the Team Captains who Will draft their teams. On our way... Now!

Glen: Uncle Ruff, we should definitely go out like this More often.

Ruff: That I can do for you, Glen.

(they arrive at the Court)

Bugs: We're here. Your friends are too.

Spike: Ruff! Guys! How are ya?

Chase: Didn't know you were in Basketball too.

Spike: I played both Sports with Ruff in High School.

Bluey: Is this True?

Ruff: Well, It is. I was mostly on the bench for basketball, I was a good runner and blocker as a Fullback. Our team was unstoppable with the triple option that we ran. However, I wanted to make my living by hosting this game show.

Spike: And I don't blame you either.

Ruff: Thanks, Spike. Everyone Lines up, Fetchers First. The Fetch 3000 is going to select Captains. Each Captain selects 4 more players to start with on the court and 5 substitutes. And the First Captain is... Tails!

Tails: Alright! Team Foxhound!

Ruff: Nice name. And the second Team Captain is going to be... Dot Warner!

Dot: Then I'll captain the "Tune Squad" With Honor!

Ruff: Alright. Team Foxhound vs the Tune Squad. Tails, You have the First pick!

Tails: I choose Spike.

Spike: Great Choice.

Ruff: Dot, your first Pick is?

Dot: Bugs Bunny, Of course!

Bugs: I knew I could team with you again, Dot.

Ruff: Tails, your Next Selection Please.

Tails: Rover.

Rover: You won't regret this pick!

Dot: I pick Elinor for the Tune Squad.

Elinor: Well, I get to team with Bugs Bunny. My fellow Rabbit competitor.

Ruff: Tails, you're up again.

Tails: Chase.

Chase: I'll do my best!

Dot: To Preserve their alliance, I'm picking Bluey to be on our Team as well.

Bluey: Thanks, Dot! Glad I could be with you again, Elinor.

Elinor: Same can be said for you, Bluey.

Ruff: Alright, all the Fetchers are now on Teams.

After the Draft Concludes, Everyone that Came to play takes the court.

Ruff: Alright, Everyone, the First to Score 50 wins. 3 points for anywhere outside those arcs you see. Anything inside that is 2. 

Bluey: Yep. 

Tails: Alright... So... who's our Referee? 

(Blossom Dresses as the Referee and gives a thumbs up) 

Bluey: Makes sense because she is a bit of an authority. Are you Blossom? 

She nods and shows her role in a bit of a short compilation. 

Bluey: I see. 

(Blossom blows her whistle) 

Ruff: Ruff Ruffman and his Favorite Nephew Glen will provide you with the full play-by-play commentary of this match. What do you look forward to, Glen?

Glen: A bunch of scoring by Bugs Bunny, and Tails. Tails is a point guard, and Bugs Bunny is a Strech Four. 

Ruff: Blossom throws the ball up, tipped, and we are underway! Let's go play some b-ball, Guys! Team Foxhound with the first possession. Tails the Fox is playing point guard, Chase is the Two Guard, On the Wing is my buddy Fido, along with Spike, And Rover is the big Center. For the Tune Squad, Dot and Bluey are the two Guards, Elinor is on the Wing, Bugs is the four, and the Center is my bud, Tank. 

Glen: Some nice ball movement to set the Pace. "Tails" is going to put it up for 2, off the rim, and grabbed by Tank.

Ruff: Let's see what the Tune Squad does with the ball. Dot has the ball, she has a Screen set by Spike, Driving inside. Passed to Bluey. 

Bluey: Open! (shoots for three) 

Ruff: She Puts it up for three! Swish! There it is! 3-0! The first bucket of the game! 

Bluey: Hooray! 

Ruff: Now Team Foxhound has a chance to score again. Tails the Fox brings it up. He passes it to Chase, and then he passes it to Spike, Tails is open! He's got it! Puts it up, It's in! 3-2! 

Tails: Good Pass!

Spike: Thanks. 

The Game keeps going on. 

Dot: Heads up, Elinor! 

Elinor: Got it! (shoots the ball)

Ruff: Puts one up! It goes! Another Three for the Tune Squad! 15-6! 

Elinor: Beautiful pass! 

Dot: Good Shot! 

Glen: Spike has it. Whoa! Poked loose by Bluey! 

Bluey: Gimme that! 

Spike: Wha! 

Bluey: Heads up! (Alley pass)

Ruff: Here's the Alley... and Bugs goes up for the oop... BOOM SHAKA LAKA! 20-10! 

Bugs: That's a great delivery, Bluey!

Bluey: Yeah!

Glen: How am I holding out, Uncle Ruff?

Ruff: Doing great so far. 

Glen: Okay, as long as I don't say that one line. You know. As "Tails" winds up the three, puts it up... and Boom goes the Dynamite. A Three falls for The Foxhounds and makes it 25-17.

Ruff: You're doing great, Glen. Just refrain from becoming a Meme. 

Glen: I try to Uncle Ruff, it's just that I usually let you do this! 

Ruff: That's why I wanted to teach you should I retire. 

Glen: I see. 

Ruff: But, I'm still here. And the Foxhounds are on a Rally led by Tails! Another Three Falls! 28-20! 8-point game! 

Tails: Let's go!

Ruff: Foxhounds have cut the Lead down to 7! There's a Shot by Tails, for 3! Banks it! 2 Point game! 35-32! 

Bluey: Over here!

Glen: Look at the Space Bluey has! She's putting it up for the Three... Got it! 38-32! 

Ruff: Getting Close to the End Here! The Target is 50.

Glen: A Shot by Chase for the Foxhounds for 2... Got it! 40-34. 

Ruff: Another go for the Tune Squad. They have gone 10-14 from 3PTs and 20-25 from the field. Very good Clip! Dot Passes to Bluey, she's drawing a double team! 

Elinor: Bluey! I'm open! 

Bluey: Heads up, then! 

Ruff: Beautiful pass to Elinor! She puts it up! Bang! 43-34! Another 3 for the Tune Squad! Elinor, Bluey, and Bugs each have 10 points, Dot has 6, but 15 assists! Very good playmaker! 

Glen: Foxhounds are led in Scoring by Tails with 20 points and 9 assists. Bringing the ball up, pass to Chase, he's on 10 points, Tank is the other Contributor. Chase. Gets him Down low, Hook shot... goes! 43-36. 7 point game. 

Ruff: They're not done yet! What a block by Tank! Chase has it! Tails the Fox has some space! Here he goes! Slam Dunk! 43-38! 

Glen: We gotta look at that Thunder Dunk again, that was awesome! 

Ruff: That's why we have Drone Cams and Backboard Cams for highlights like these.  That's what it's like to be above the Rim! 

Glen: Foxhounds have been on an 8-0 Run, and have Closed the deficit to 3. Tune Squad with the Ball, Dot brings it up. She passes to Bluey, she's on 9 assists. Looking for 10. She's driving in, Looking for Dot, she's got her! 

Dot: Cuteness 3! 

Glen: Nothing but Net to end the Run! 46-40! Dot now has 9 points, and Bluey has a double-double with Bugs Bunny, Bugs getting 10 Rebounds.

Ruff: Foxhounds. Tails the Fox, Brings it up. He's had the Team on his back. Chase has played well too. He has an open space! Puts it up! Bank! 46-43! This is gonna come down to the wire! 

Glen: Time is running Short too. If time Runs out, its highest score wins. 

Ruff: Good Point Glen. Dot. Has 9. Passes to Elinor. Dot trying to create Separation. Bluey has it now! Dot is in the Middle, she gets it, puts it up! Good! 48-43! Now the Tune Squad is 2 points away from winning it all! 

Glen: Foxhounds. Chase gets the pass from Tails. Tank sets a Screen. Chase Driving. Tails, the Fox at point, has the Corner! He's got the Pass. Shoots! Banks! 48-46! 

Ruff: 30 seconds to go! The shot clock will be turned off if the Foxhounds get a Quick Steal. They turn up the Pressure.

Tails: Gimme that!  

Glen: What a steal by Tails! Passes it to Chase! Puts it up with 14! Good! 

Dot: Time! 

Ruff: And the Tune Squad calls Time! It's 49-48, and this is the Game point if the last shot goes! 

Glen: Inbound Taken by Dot. 9 seconds! Bluey has it now. 6 seconds! Crosses Chase over! 4 Seconds! She screens around and Passes to Bugs Bunny! 1.5! Good if it goes! 

(Blossom Blows an Air horn as the Shot goes down)

Ruff and Glen: OHHHHHHH! He did it! 

Glen: HE BEAT THE BUZZER! Bugs Bunny has done it again! 

Bluey: Great Shot! 

Bugs: And an Even Better Pass! 

Dot: Great Job Guys! 

Elinor: Hooray! We won! 

Ruff: The Tune Squad wins off a Remarkable Last Shot from Bugs Bunny! What a game! Alright, That'll do it! Thanks, my friends! 

Spike: Anytime, Ruff. 

Ruff: Anyway, Let's head on Back to Studio G! 

(They go back to Studio G)

Glen: Alright Guys. You know what it is. 

Bugs: Yes we do.

Ruff: Yep! It's time we give you all some well-deserved points in the Triumph Tally! 

Fetchers: Alright! 

Ruff: Dot, Bugs Bunny, Bluey, and Elinor, for your Efforts of Pushing the Tune Squad to a 51-49 victory, and since you all got double-doubles, I think you each deserve... 100 points! 

Dot: Alright! Big haul! 

Bluey: Nice! 

Elinor: Good Game, Dot! 

Bugs: Indeed. 

Ruff: Tails, you had 25 of your Team's Points! You receive... 95 points!

Tails: Good! 

Ruff: And Chase, you did okay yourself with 5 Steals! 85 points! 

Chase: Let's go! 

Ruff: But... Is that all the points a Dog can give? 

Fetchers: No! 

Glen: What time is it?

Fetchers: BONE-us points! 

Ruff: Today's 15 Bonus Points go to the Fetchers who contributed to an Instant Classic on the Court! Tails, Bluey, Dot, Elinor, and Bugs Bunny! But that means with 115 points Each, Bugs Bunny, Bluey, Dot, and Elinor, you four are today's Daily winners! 

Bugs Bunny: Alright! 

Elinor: Cool! 

Bluey: That's great! 

Dot: I won! Yay! 

Ruff: Your Prize is in the Mailbox, and it's for all four of you to have! 

(They open the mailbox and get their prize)

Bugs: Whoa! 

Bluey: NBA 2K23! 

Ruff: Yes. Now You can bring the Fun of Basketball to your own home, and in blacktop mode, you can draft your Favorite Players to a Team to play by yourself against the Computer, or against your friends! 

Bugs: Okay!

Ruff: And so ends another action-packed episode of FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman. See you soon, Guys!

Fetchers: See you Later, Ruff! 

(Fade to Black)

Meanwhile, On Poodle Island... 

Spot: When can you assure my Freedom? 

???: Soon my friend. I've recently escaped Alcatraz, so I need to keep a low profile, okay? Just be patient. You'll get your revenge and Freedom soon enough, Spot Spotnik. 

Spot: Oh. Alright. If you say so. Cats Rule. 

???: Hahahahah! (we see him give a Roman Salute with his paw as we Iris out) Cats Rule! 

Then Iris Out. 

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