Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Car...

By SonicJohnz924

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This Content is Rated G with instances of Some Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, and Crude Humor. Go "Fetch"... More

Lights! Camera! FETCH!
FETCHers Reunion
Ruff's Valentine's Day
Drivers, Start your FETCHers!
The Knights of FETCH-a-Lot!
Ice To Meet You
Memory Loss Madness
Holy Gravity, Ruff Ruffman!
Football or Socccer? They're Both Balls, Right?
Half-Season Report with the Ruffmans
Ruff's Splashing Slam Dunk
"Cook Outs and Dance Floors"
"Soda Science"
"Fossilized Frenzy"
"Castaways in Paradise"
Glen's Special Challenge
Ruffman's Family Party
Elementary, my Dear Ruffman
The Game (Night)'s Afoot!
Pre-Finale Interviews/Contestant Q&A
FETCH Finale VI: The Ruff Awakens

Contestant's Challenges: Emmie/"Where Are They Now?"

52 2 1
By SonicJohnz924

Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Show.

Ruff: Blossom, I'm starting to think of New Ideas for the Show. Like asking a Former Contestant "Where are they Now?" Do you think that'd be good for our show?

Blossom Nods in the Affirmative.

Ruff: Great! I wonder where Everyone is At after like 13 Years, Ya know! It's just like a reunion, but we're taking a Road Trip!

(Phone Ringing)

Glen: Uncle Ruff! You've got a Video Call!

Ruff: Huh. I don't remember this Number. Hello? Ruff Ruffman here.

Emmie: Ruff! It's so good to see you again!

Ruff: Hey! Emmie! Long time no see! 13 years can do a lot of things to you, like forgetting people you once knew at one time.

Emmie: I know, Right? Listen up. I know you want to find out where we have been these last couple of years, right?

Ruff: Right...

Emmie: Well, be sure to send someone to learn how cheese is made as well! That was my favorite challenge, so I thought you could have one of them bring me some Cheese.

Ruff: Of course, I can! You can bet your bottom dollar that I can do this for you!

Emmie: Thanks, Ruff! By the way, Speaking of Cheese, how's Chet?

Ruff: Oh, He's just fine. Thanks for the talk, Emmie! I hope to see you again soon!

Emmie: You too Ruff.

(Call ends)

Ruff: Wow! This is exciting, Blossom! I can't believe a former kid of mine called me! (he hugs her) I hope you're Ready for the Road Trip of your life!

Blossom blushes as we fade to black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: Someone call Marshall... get the fire Extinguisher.

Backup Singers: 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

FETCH! Cartoon All-Stars

(Alert Blares, it's time for Contestant Roll Call)

The Camera shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And here come the contestants NOW!

First to come in is Dot Warner

When you talk to her about fashion, you surely are gonna motivate her to do something Special! She's in 6th place with 660 points, Dot Warner!

Chase is next to come in.

This police pup has sworn to uphold all the laws anywhere, and he promises me tomorrow's episode of PAW Patrol will be his biggest Rescue Yet! In 5th place with 685 points, Chase!

Bugs Bunny is next to Come in

This Bunny is no stranger to having fun with a few wisecracks and pranks against any foe of his! In 4th place with 710 points, is Bugs Bunny!

Bluey comes in next

This blue heeler puppy loves a good game, especially those that she creates by herself! Such a vivid imagination! She's in a Three-Way tie for the Lead with 785 points, Bluey!

Elinor comes in Next

This Rabbit has been on a hot streak as of the Half-Season coming into almost full swing! She's the second part of our Three-Way-Tie for the Lead, Elinor!

Last to come in is Tails, as the three co-leaders

This fox is more than just a sly genius with an IQ of 300, he has a savvy for technology as well! Maybe he can help me with the Fetch 3000. Anyways, he's the third of the Three-way tie for the Lead, Tails!

Ruff appears on the TV.

Ruff: Welcome back to Fetch! The only game show where a Dog is your host that plans the challenges! And we've got a really good one for you all today!

Bluey: What is it, Ruff?

Ruff: You know, I was hoping you'd ask! You see, my old friend Emmie called me up and she is all on board for this as we get into the pomp of half-Season! It's so exciting! Anyways, before we begin our Road trip, she wanted one of you to see firsthand how Cheese is made. 

Elinor: Oh Really?

Ruff: Really! Honest and truly! And the Fetch 3000 is gonna determine that now. It's gonna be... You, Elinor! The first part of your instructions is in the Mailbox. And they were, of course, written out by Emmie... so Go... Fetch! 

Elinor: Alright! I'll get to that place. 

Fetchers: See you later, Elinor! 

Elinor departs.

Ruff: For the Rest of You fetchers, you will be randomized into Teams. Orange Team, and Blue Team. The Orange Team will attempt to locate the Former Male Contestants. The Blue Team will ask the former Girl Contestants like Emmie. Elinor is gonna be on the Blue Team. Chase, you are on the... Blue Team! 

Chase: Alright! I'm with Elinor! 

Ruff: Tails, you are on the Orange team! 

Tails: Okay! I'm the Captain then! 

Ruff: Bugs Bunny, You are on... The Orange Team! 

Bugs: Ok! Let's do this, Tails! 

Ruff: Bluey, you are on the Blue Team with Chase and Elinor! 

Bluey: Works for me! I love working with my two friends! 

Ruff: Which means... Dot, you're on the Orange Team with Bugs Bunny and Tails. 

Dot: Alright. 

Ruff: Let's find some former Fetchers!

Chase: See you out there Ruff! 

Ruff: Remember, for all of our faithful Fetchers out on this, up to 100 points are at stake in the Triumph Tally! Let's Follow the Cam Drones with Elinor! 

(We shift to Elinor) 

Louella The Cheese Maker: Hey! Emmie and Ruff Sent you, Right?

Elinor: That's Right. My name's Elinor.

Louella: My name's Louella, I am a big fan of Emmie, and although she was runner-up, I'm here to help you out with her Cheese request. 

Elinor: Thanks! 

(They head in)

Louella: The Creamery. We make all the cheese here in this very room. We buy our milk. It comes in here to us directly from the cows. 

Elinor: Yes. Everyone knows that. 

Louella: Well, did you know that Milk needs to be heated to make Cheese?

Elinor: No? 

Louella: After the Temps are just right, we add a little something called cultures. 

Elinor: As in Bacteria?

Louella: Yes.

Elinor: Of course! I remember now! They're part of The "Mike Robe Gang"!

Ruff: That's Right. Bacteria are too small for us to see with our eyes alone, but they sure make big changes! 

Glen: Like when the Bacteria eats into the sugar of the milk... it breaks it apart! 

Ruff: Correct Glen. I think I remember that Milk sugar is known as Lactose, and they produce lactic acid.

Louella: That's what makes it start to get Tangy, like yogurt.

Ruff: Thanks! 

Louella: Next we add the Rennet. This is an enzyme we put in the milk to thicken it and start the process of it becoming Cheese. Pour it right in. 

Elinor: Here goes! (she pours it in)

Louella: Great Job! 

Elinor: It feels like Jell-O! It's becoming solid! 

Louella: Now it's time we cut the cheese, and it separates into curds and whey. Whey is made to make Ricotta cheese. 

Ruff: It's like I always say. When there's a will, there's a "whey!" Hahahah! I can't stop with the puns, can I? Anyways, are you guys ready back there?

Tails: I am. 

Bugs Bunny: And so am I.

Dot: So who's giving the Blue team a ride? 

Ruff: They're riding with Mom and Blossom. 

Dinah: We're all set, Ruff dear! 

Bluey: All present and correct, then! 

Chase: Roger that. Stand by for the pickup of our teammate. 

Blossom nods.

Chase: Umm... Is it a bad time to mention I'm allergic to cats? 

Ruff: Don't worry, Chase! Blossom is hypoallergenic! 

Chase: Oh okay.

Ruff: We're ready! Let's go!

Bluey: Yeah! Road trip! 

They all drive off in search of the former contestants. 


Louella: Now we strech the curds for mozzeralla. After we cut it into bits, we melt it with hot water. 

Elinor: Makes it all gooey and stringy like a sauce

Louella: Yes. Now we compact the little bits into balls. Think you can do it?

Elinor: Yeah!

Ruff: Okay, Elinor! Time to make that cheese!

Elinor: Whoo! This water's hot! 

Ruff: Careful there. 

Elinor: It's becoming a smoother ball. Which is good. Almost there. 

Ruff: Can't wait to give it to Emmie! Expect a call when we arrive! Don't worry, we have a cooler! 

(they try it)

Ruff: Tasty?

Elinor: It is! I can't believe I just did that. 

Louella: Here's the cheese you made. Now, all you need to do is have it given to Emmie today. Do it for me and Ruff! 

Elinor: Will do!

(she then hears the Ringtone as she walks out)

Elinor: Oh. There's the phone. (answers) Hello?

Dinah: Hey Elinor, It's Dinah Ruffman, Ruff's Mom. 

Elinor: Oh hey, Mrs. Ruffman!

Dinah: I'm here to pick you up with your team in tow! We're going to have lots of fun!

Elinor: I'll be right out! 

(She gets out with the bag of cheese in her hand, and gets in the car.)

Chase: Well, come on in, good friend. We'll pack that cheese in the cooler until we get to Emmie. 

Elinor: Sounds good.

Bluey: We're actually going on a road trip to find old Fetchers. 

Elinor: Well, let's get searching! 

With the Orange Team... 

Chase: There's one! 

Jay (S3): Hey guys! I'm Jay, the Season 3 Champion of Fetch. 

Chase: We're the current Fetchers. 

Marco: You remember me. I'm Marco. That's Marc, one of my competitors. 

Jay (S5): I'm Jay from Season 5, 6th place finisher. 

Dot: Well, Marco was a great one and couldn't be denied. I won't be either! 

Mike: I'm Michael, everyone else calls me Mike. I was the Second Champion, and I did hold on to Lead. 

Sterling: My name is Sterling, my friend Isaac and I are two of the only three Fetchers to have their point tally end in a decimal.

Jay (S3): I am so far, the only Fetcher to have won the championship from Second Place.

Marco: I'm the only one to have won the Championship from 6th Place. 

Ruff: Oh yes. Now a while back, Mr. Andrews did a bit of research into my show before Releasing this very story. Numbers do not Lie, the Lead is one of the safest spots to be in heading into the finale, as it gives you about a 37.5% chance of winning it all. Second place is good too, 25% chance. 6th, Listen to this Dot... gives you about a 12.5% chance of winning. 

Dot: Marco, How did you manage that Fairytale run? 

Marco: I must have been motivated by Ruff's quote "Don't call 6th place last, call it the launching pad to victory", and for me, that was the case. I managed to survive and advance past elimination Because I love to step up when the pressure's on. I got teamed with Emmie, the eventual Runner-up, we saved the world, and I came from behind, all thanks to 5 candies. 

Dot: Wow.

Noah: Basically, what we do now is we are training future Male contestants for the series, hopefully, we can add a Fourth this season. 

Ruff: So, Jay, Marco, and Mike... Who are you rooting for as former champions yourselves this year? 

Jay (S3): I'm looking towards Elinor right now. Like me, she was in Second Place entering the Season finale, she has momentum, which can really dictate what you really do in a season. 

Mike: For me, it's Tails. I think he's smart enough to get these challenges done, he's got some wins in the bank, and 4th place isn't bad to reach the finals with, as I made it with Willie who came from 4th herself, but Tails is tied for the lead, we'll see what he does, Really.

Tails: Thanks, Mike. Appreciate it. 

Marco: Speaking of Fairytale runs, I'm gonna make my Wild pick and Go with Chase. He's smart, he's always up for a challenge the way I've seen him play, and I look forward to seeing him do well after half-season. 

Ruff: Alright! The Champs picks are in for the males! Let's Check in on the Blue Team!

Bluey: Looks like we made it in time. 

Elinor: We sure did.

Chase: Cool. This is the Place.

Anna: Hey! It's the Fetchers! 

Ruff: Don't Forget me!

Anna: Ruff! Long time no see! It's nearly been 20 years! 

Ruff: This is Anna. Our first and forever Champion. 

Liza: And I'm Liza, the only contestant to have won the championship from 4th place. I am the holder of the Legendary "Helmet of Victory." 

Ruff: I remember that thing!

Elinor: Here you go Emmie. Your cheese is here.

Emmie: Wow Ruff! This is great! Just like my Challenge years ago!

Ruff: Glad I could help! 

Willie: I'm Willie, Season 2's Runner-up, Harsha is Season 3's Runner-up. I made the finale from 4th place in points but fell short of Mike in the Buoyancy Challenge. 

Bluey: Oh I see. 

Ruff: So, do you girls have any picks to make for who you like in this show?

Emmie: Elinor is the one I'm watching. She's funny, she reminds me a lot of Rubye over there. 

Rubye: Emmie is my best friend. 

Ruff: Yes, that was a great coincidence to have in a season! 

Emmie: But what sets Elinor apart is her smarts in science and her can-do attitude. I look for her to come out firing on all cylinders once we finish Half-Season. 

Elinor: Thanks, Emmie!

Anna: I'm looking out for Bluey. Her imagination is very vivid, and it helps her think of outside-the-box solutions to problems that may come her way in the challenges. What sets her apart from the others... is energy. She gives her energetic smile, you can see it in her eyes that she can be the first International Champion. 

Liza: I'm gonna Go with Bugs Bunny. He's my favorite since I was little, and now, I see him performing to the level of this show, and what's expected of him is a title, I think he's well-rounded enough to bring it home.

Willie: For me, I'm gonna look for Tails. He's in a good position for me, he's out in the Top 3, we'll see if he can become the first from 3rd place to take home a Championship.  

Ruff: Thanks, Girls! 

They then Interview them for a while.

Willie: Like the males, we are preparing the next batch of female contestants as the coaches of them to prepare them for the physical, and scientific challenges. 

Bluey: Thanks for your time! 

Ruff: Alright! All fetchers, Report back to Studio G for the Triumph Tally! 

Fetchers: See you there! 

(they arrive back at the Studio)

Ruff: Alright, time for some points! Elinor, you made Emmie very happy with your Cheese challenge, and you got two votes to win, one from Jay, and the other from Emmie herself! 85 points, Amazing job! 

Elinor: Thanks, Ruff! 

Ruff: As for the Fetcher on the "Where are they Now" Tour, you will each receive 80 points!

Fetchers: Okay! 

Ruff: Tails, you also get some more points from getting 2 picks to win! 10 brings you up to 85! 

Tails: Let's Go! 

Ruff: Now, is that all the points a Dog can give? 

Fetchers: No! 

Ruff: What time is it?

Fetchers: BONE-us Points! 

Ruff: Today's 5 bonus points go to the fetcher who did two things today, and made Emmie really happy! Elinor, with 90 points, you are today's daily winner!

Elinor: Yeah! 

Ruff: Your prize is in the Mailbox. Wait till you see what I've got for you!

Elinor takes it. 

Elinor: Whoa! Half-Season Award?

Ruff: There's one for Bluey too! You two have been named our two MVF's! 

Bluey: Huh? 

Ruff: Most Valuable Fetchers through 10 Episodes! And that's all our time here! We'll see you after the Break for the Ruffman's Half Season Report, but as for my contestants, they are outta here! Bye Guys!

Fetchers: Until next time, Ruff! 

(Fade to black)

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