Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Car...

By SonicJohnz924

1.5K 32 61

This Content is Rated G with instances of Some Comic Mischief, Fantasy Violence, and Crude Humor. Go "Fetch"... More

Lights! Camera! FETCH!
FETCHers Reunion
Ruff's Valentine's Day
Drivers, Start your FETCHers!
The Knights of FETCH-a-Lot!
Ice To Meet You
Holy Gravity, Ruff Ruffman!
Football or Socccer? They're Both Balls, Right?
Contestant's Challenges: Emmie/"Where Are They Now?"
Half-Season Report with the Ruffmans
Ruff's Splashing Slam Dunk
"Cook Outs and Dance Floors"
"Soda Science"
"Fossilized Frenzy"
"Castaways in Paradise"
Glen's Special Challenge
Ruffman's Family Party
Elementary, my Dear Ruffman
The Game (Night)'s Afoot!
Pre-Finale Interviews/Contestant Q&A
FETCH Finale VI: The Ruff Awakens

Memory Loss Madness

58 2 9
By SonicJohnz924

Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Contestants Come in.

Ruff: In the Spirit of Spring, I thought I'd do a little Spring Cleaning of my Dog House and some Old Files on the Fetch 3000 that are well past Season 5. These include Episode Clips, Full Episode Replays, Prize History, and Unopened Prizes, you know. This and that.

Blossom signs to him as he is about to put them into his Computer's Trash.

Ruff: What's that, Blossom? Instead of deleting old Files, I can store them on a flash drive?! Great! Well, I have always kept one on my Desk for... Wait a minute! It's gone! AHH! How am I gonna save my Data now?

Chet shrugs as he snuck away with the Flash drive which he was using and it had his own files on it.

Ruff: This day is already Frustrating... Just call the Fetchers Already, What to do? What to do?

Blossom pulls up her phone as we fade to black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: I know we have this saved, but we still need an extra flash drive here!

Backup Singers (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars Edition

(The Alert Blares, it's time for contestant Roll Call)

The camera Shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And Here come the Contestants NOW!

Dot Comes in First

She's all cuteness, but she has a large memory for jokes and other fun things that are funny! In 6th Place with 395 Points, Dot Warner!

Next to Come In is Bugs

If you Look up the Word "Cartoon" in the Dictionary, you'll be sure to find his Picture because he's one of the Greatest of All-time! In 5th Place with 450 points, is Bugs Bunny!

The Next Contestant to Come in is Chase

This Police pup is tough but fair in how he handles situations, so you better be on your best behavior, or you might see the Bad Cop Side! He's Tied for 3rd Place with 455 points, Chase!

Elinor comes in Next

This Little Rabbit has been on a Roll as of Late, and she says she skated her way to this position! Fair enough, since that was our previous challenge! She's Tied for Third Place with 455 points, Elinor!

Bluey comes in Next

This Blue Heeler puppy loves to make up a game, and she says she remembers the name of each she's made famous! The top of that she says is called "Keepy Uppy!" In Second Place with 460 Points, Bluey!

Tails the Fox comes in as the Leader

The Fox with 300 IQ doesn't forget a single one of his inventions, or what he needs to tinker with around his personal workshop! He's our Leader with 485 points, Tails!

We See Ruff On the TV

Ruff: Hey! Welcome Back to Fetch! The only Game Show that you might lose your mind over some of our crazy challenges, and maybe your whole entire Memory because you Don't have a Flashdrive. Which... I am underprepared to do.

Bugs: Whatever do you mean, Ruff?

Ruff: Well, believe it or not, I was preparing to move some old files off the Fetch 3000 in the Spirit of Spring Cleaning. You know, The time of year when you're usually clearing out useless things! So I have a perfect excuse for Challenge Number 1!

Contestants: Alright!

Ruff: Your Brain stirred a lot of memory, and protecting it from disease with diet and exercise such as learning about from my friends in Neuroscience, and they are waiting on... Bugs Bunny! Your instructions are in the Mailbox... so go... Fetch!

Bugs: Alright! I'm on this Head case!

Other Contestants: Have Fun!

He leaves

Ruff: Now, Challenge #2 is all about Computers and Memory, and my friends at MIT are both willing to lend a hand to... Elinor and Bluey! Your instructions are in the Mailbox, as always. So go... Fetch!

Bluey: We're on this one!

Elinor: Alright! Let's go!

Tails, Chase, and Dot: Have fun you two!

Elinor: We will!

They depart the studio

Ruff: As Determined by the FETCH 3000, Tails, Chase, and Dot have Stayed Behind in the Studio today, But they'll be eligible to earn points during the Halftime Quiz Show!

Contestants: Alright! Let's go!

Ruff: And as always, the Fetch Fairness Guarantee is in Effect, meaning that all contestants will have competed for the same amount of points by the Grand Finale!

Tails: I always love hearing that guarantee!

Ruff: I bet you Do! And for the 3 contestants out on the challenges, up to 100 points are at stake in the Triumph Tally! So let's give my Friend a call, and he's a professor who teaches about computer assembly and setup!

(Ruff gives him a Call and the ringtone sounds)

Professor: Hello?

Ruff: Hey there! It's Ruff Ruffman!

Professor: Oh, Hey Ruff! How can I be of service?

Ruff: It's easy. Right now, I'm sending two of my fetchers to come and meet you who want to learn what goes into setting up brand new computers and what goes into data transfers, and if possible, I really could use an open flash drive if you could get me one of those.

Professor: I'll look for one of those in the bookstore for sure after I show them how a Windows computer is set up and how to transfer Old Files onto a new one with a Flash drive.

Ruff: Thanks! I knew I could count on you! Now let's check out Bugs Bunny as he goes to learn about the Brain!

With Bugs Bunny...

Bugs: I'm on my way right now, and here I am.

Neurologist: Are you Bugs Bunny, the Fetcher?

Bugs: Why yes I am.

Neurological: Well, let me show you the office and a diagram of the brain that I keep. Let me show you.

Bugs: Alright. Let's do this then.

He leads him to the office.

Ruff: While this is panning out, Let's check on Bluey and Elinor's Quest for a Flash drive and computers!


Bluey: Hey Ruff! We just got here on the Campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology!

Ruff: That's great, Bluey! You should meet the professor at any minute.

Professor: You're the Fetchers, Right?

Elinor: Yes we are! Most Certainly!

Professor: Let me show you our lab where we assemble our machines. We have Monitors, Laptops, Flash Drives...

Bluey: What are those things underneath the monitors?

Professor: That holds the Motherboard and CPU. The latter Stands for Central Processing Unit. It's connected to Monitor displays to help the display turn on when a Laptop is not connected to it. It can be horizontal, like this one, or vertical, like that one.

Bluey: Ooh.

Professor: These parts all go into the computer's core. Processing chips, RAM, which is Random Access Memory, the C Drive, the Disk Drive, and on some models, disc trays that you can put things into, such as CDs, DVDs, And Games that have their coding in the CD.

Elinor: CD stands for compact disc.

Professor: Yes. It's all in coding if you want to take that class. Now, Flash drives store the Data that you want to take from an old system before you turn it off forever and factory reset it for another user.

Ruff: That's because your privacy is important. You don't want any hacker to get in, now would you?

Digit: Don't you mention that name to me, Ruff! You could cause him to act!

Ruff: Oops, Sorry. 

Bluey: Whoa! Who is that?!

Ruff: Don't worry, Bluey, that's just my friend, Digit. He's always trying to chase down this character named Hacker.

Digit: Hey there.

Bluey: Oh hi, Digit.

Ruff: Why'd you even come over?

Digit: I've been spying on that Rival of yours.

Ruff: You mean... Spot Spotnik?

Digit: Yeah! He's got contacts that wanna break him out of Prison!

Ruff: I think it's PURRS again! I knew I couldn't trust those guys to Stay Under Ground, not even 13 years later! Keep up the Spying, Digit!

Digit: Will do!

Ruff: And Fetchers, please, Keep an Eye out for That Hacker Character.

Bluey: Will do.

Shift to Bugs

Neuroscientist: Now here is a sculpture of the Brain and it's Parts. The sections of the brain, or cortexes, are for specific functions of the body, like the Auditory Cortex is in charge of receiving sounds you hear from your ears.

Bugs: Right.

Neurologist: And the Motor Cortexes control the motor skills, or body's movement. It's all voluntary.

Ruff: The motor cortex is for controlling what you grab or touch or whichever muscle or part you move.

Neuroscientist: The Prefrontal Cortex here, controls more high level of cognitive functions, and here on the right hemisphere is what we call "Broca's Area", which allows you to speak any language you know of.

Ruff: So that's what allows us to speak our minds!

Neuroscientist: Here is the Cortex that receives things you see, and here is the one where you receive sounds from you ear: the Auditory Cortex.

Bugs: We learned that when I learned about the structure and functions of the ear and listening!

Ruff: Exactly! It's just like a relay race for your five senses. The tongue in your mouth has taste buds that send what they taste in the food to the Brain! The Ear drum sends Vibrations to the tiny bones in the ear which send it to the cochlea, which sends it to brain. The nose has receptor cells in the nasal cavity, and those receptors also send the message to what it smells like. Same with Touch, and Sight. What you feel and see is registered by your brain! So cool!

Neuroscientist: Now the Brain has a stem that connects with the spinal cord, which is why it's always near the back of your skull. Just like our whole body, we need to take care of our brain. We do that with Education, Food. Brain Tumors can sometimes be malignant, which means it would become worse with time, or cancerous. PTSD is also a big problem, and so are strokes, which is a decrease in Blood supply to the brain.

Ruff: Oh my!

Neurologist: Mostly they are caused by high blood pressure, smoking tobacco, high cholesterol in the blood, and other things.

Tails: Cool.

Neurologist: Now let's show you how we store Long, and Short Term Memory in our brains for remembering things, and keep things that last our entire life.

Ruff: That's totally right, my Friend. Just like my Contestants back at studio G are making memories that will last their entire lives!

Dot: Yeah!

Tails: Alright.

Ruff: And that Means it is time for Ruff's very famous...

Fetchers: Half-time Quiz Show!

Ruff: That's right my friends! Let's give your old brains a refresher on how this works. 50 points available, You have 60 seconds to answer as many questions as you can, 5 points for each question you get right, and 10 Questions are available!

Tails: Alright! Let's go!

Ruff: With that... Let the Halftime Quiz show questions... BEGIN! What university do Bluey and Elinor go to for the Computer setup challenge? A: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, B: Boston College, or C: Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

Tails: C!

Chase: C!

Ruff: That is Correct! (Ding!) What does the acronym CPU stand for?

Dot: Central Processing Unit.

Ruff: Yes! Exactly! RAM, the CPU, the Hard-drive, The mother board and other things are all part of a Computer's what?

Tails: It's core!

Ruff: Correct! What do flash drives have to do with saving your data from a Computer you want to give away or move off of?

Chase: Transfers your Data!

Ruff: Yes! What is the scientific name for the sections of the brain that control movements and the senses?

Tails: Cortexes!

Ruff: Correct! You're halfway there! True or False: Voluntary movements are controlled by the brains motor cortexes.

Tails: It's True!

Ruff: Yes! That's right! The Part of the Brain that helps out with speech and language function is called what?

Tails and Chase: Broca's Area.

Ruff: Correct! All five of your senses are connected to your brain. What is this system called?

Tails: Nervous System!

Ruff: Yes! You got that one, but Oh! It looks like we're out of time For this one! Fetch 3000, how'd they do? 8 out of Ten Correct! Nice Job! You each get 40 points!

Dot: Good! That's a good points day.

Ruff: Now let's check out on the Rabbit on the brains, and that's Bugs Bunny!

Bugs: So what's this?

Neurologist: This is a VR Simulation of a Patient who has a Brain Tumor, put these on.

Bugs: Alright.

Neurosurgeon: Now let's work on this together.

Ruff: Remember, kids, these are professionals! Please do not try this at home, even if it is a simulation!

(They go through the delicate Process)

Neurologist: All done. Thanks for your help, Bugs.

Bugs: Any time, Man, And I'll see you back in studio G, Ruff!

Ruff: Alright! Come on back bugs! I can't bear this head case any longer!

Blossom rolls her eyes.

Ruff: Oh Blossom... you always have to be a killjoy...

Back with Elinor and Bluey

Professor: This Demonstration of this Data Transfer will be done in Folders. You create them here in the computer, just like that.

Elinor: Alright, Ruff, take notes!

Ruff: You know I am!

(They get the files off the old one and Set up the new one)

45 Minutes Later...

Elinor: All done!

Bluey: Whoo-Hoo!

Professor: Great work you two. Here's a Flash Drive for you to give Ruff, and give my regards to him too.

Elinor: Will do!

Bluey: We will see you back in Studio G, Ruff!

Ruff: Yes, Come on back girls! You really are Life savers!

Shift Back to Studio G.

Ruff: And here they come! Who's mind is expanded on the brain and its functions and how to keep it nourished? Bugs Bunny!

Tails: Alright! Good Work Bugs!

Bugs: Thanks.

Ruff: And now the two girls that have saved me from losing all my old files to the waste bin of history! Bluey and Elinor, the Two Friends do it again, nice work!

Bluey: I'm sending the flashdrive through the Mailbox. Here it comes!

Ruff gets it.

Ruff: Thanks, Bluey! And now let's get you some points by the way of what I call the Triumph Tally!

Fetchers: Alright!

Ruff: Bugs, for working on the head case that was known as the brain and how to keep it healthy, you receive... 75 points!

Bugs: Okay, Not bad!

Ruff: Bluey and Elinor, you two are absolute Lifesavers for getting that Flash Drive for me! 75 points for you as well!

Bluey: Great work, my friend!

Elinor: Same!

Ruff: But is that all the points a dog can give?

Fetchers: No!

Ruff: What time is it?

Fetchers: BONE-us Points!

Ruff: Today's 5 Bonus Points go to the Fetcher who did his homework on the Auditory System of the body. Bugs Bunny, with 80 points you're today's Daily winner!

Bugs: Alright!

Ruff: Here I have two File Folders. Inside folder "A", is a fantastic prize. Same with File Folder B. But just as always, it's up to you.

Bugs: I'll go with B for Bluey.

Ruff: Now normally I'd say your prize is in the mailbox, but today, it's in that briefcase! Open it!

Bugs does so and it's a new Laptop.

Bugs: Cool! A new laptop! I needed one of these!

Elinor: Cool!

Ruff: Not just you, Bugs, everyone can have one! And so ends another Episode of FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman. Bye you guys!

Contestants: Bye Ruff!

(Fade to black)

Elinor and Bluey Walk home.

Elinor: Hey Bluey. Wanna have a movie night sleepover? I ask because Ruff has put us together on the last two challenges, and I really think we should be friends.

Bluey: My thoughts exactly. Mum won't mind having you around. Good thing Ruff gave us all cell phones. (Calls) Hey mum. Elinor's coming over. Is this fine? Great! We'll be home shortly!

Elinor: This is Gonna be the best night ever!

Bluey: I agree! I can't wait to spend time with a Fellow Contestant!

(Iris out as they Skip their way to Home as we see the message...)

To be Continued...

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