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By WrathfulDeity

112K 5.1K 1.7K

โ๐˜š๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฎ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ, ๐˜ข ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ... More

๐€ ๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐“๐‹๐„ ๐ƒ๐„๐€๐“๐‡
๐“๐‘๐€๐ˆ๐‹๐„๐‘ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐‚๐€๐’๐“
๐๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿธ|plot twist
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿน|the party
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿบ|downward spiral
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿป|nothing to lose
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฝ|making connections
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿพ|close quarters
๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฟ|supernatural storytime
๐Ÿท๐Ÿท|road trip
๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ|rumour has it
๐Ÿท๐Ÿบ|the edge
๐Ÿท๐Ÿฝ|not so bad
๐Ÿท๐Ÿพ|the treehouse
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿท|team up
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ|words left unsaid
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน|taking a chance
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿป|shakespeare in the dark
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿผ|protecting the enemy
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฝ|loose end
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿพ|truth hurts
๐๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ
๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฟ|target practice
๐Ÿน๐Ÿถ|birds of a feather
๐Ÿน๐Ÿธ|told you so
๐Ÿน๐Ÿน|killer curfew
๐Ÿน๐Ÿป|black out
๐Ÿน๐Ÿพ|sharing secrets
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿท|broken promises
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿน|mind games
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ|dead end
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฝ|visiting hours
๐๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฟ|the beginning
๐Ÿป๐Ÿถ|ride or die
๐Ÿป๐Ÿท|the problem
๐Ÿป๐Ÿป|welcome back
๐Ÿป๐Ÿผ|the final key


931 50 11
By WrathfulDeity



Void had led the girl out of her cell, taking her to the exit. Samara hesitated, looking back down the hall. Her gaze lingered, focusing on Doctor Fenris's office. She wanted nothing more than to go in there and hold him until his body was cold and lifeless.

"Time and place," Void said, drawing her attention. "You can go back if you want. But if you do, I leave you here. And I doubt you'll get another chance to leave." 

"You'd leave me here after all you did to convince me to come with you?" the girl countered, growing frustrated with him.

Void smirked, "There's a difference between needing you and wanting you around, Samara. If it comes down to it and you choose what you want over what I'm here for, I'll throw you to the wolves myself."

Samara clenched her jaw, "It's not my wants. That man made my life hell - it's one thing I need."

"And doing that will set off all of the alarms in this place and you'll be sedated not long after," he informed her with a firm look on his face. "You need to decide right now, but if you go back to kill him, I won't follow or wait for you. Don't mistake me for someone who will sacrifice themself for you."

Without saying anything else, Void continued out the exit on his own. Samara stood there trying to decide what to do. She wanted so badly to kill the man who had made half of her life miserable. However, no matter how much she wanted this, Void was right. She needed to prioritise.

First, she would help Void. Once he had everything he wanted, then she would find a way to get to Fenris that didn't land her back in Eichen behind that slab of bullet-proof glass.

Swearing under her breath, Samara moved to follow after Void. He smirked when he heard her coming. He knew that she would choose to come with him in the end, she just needed that small bit of convincing. She was like him underneath it all though; an agent of chaos. For what was the purpose of a Wraith but to bring death?

"Good choice," he praised as they let the door close behind them and walked out through the parking lot. 

Samara rolled her eyes, "Don't patronise me. I'm doing this for me. Not you."

"I don't really care," he said flatly. "Let's go. We've got work to do."

"Where to first?"

Void sighed, "First, we need to go to your house."

This almost made her stumble, confused by his answer.
"What? Why?"

"Because they're going to be informed that you're gone and we don't want that. Not yet."

The girl shook her head, "If they're back from their trip then they'd be at the hospital with Wren, not at the house. They won't leave his side."

This seemed to irritate Void. "Well, we can't just go walking through the hospital when Scott's mum works there, now, can we?"
Stopping to change direction, he sighed, "Alright, new plan. If they're at the hospital then we lay low at your house. We'll just have to hope they're not told right away. Fenris probably won't admit to something like this until he knows for sure that you're gone, anyway."

"Then what?"

"Tomorrow it starts," he answered. "But first, I need to get my hands on the Oni."

The Oni were demonic creatures who were clearly already under the control of someone to find the Nogitsune, so the girl wasn't too surprised to hear this. "Right. And how do you plan on doing that?"

This brought a grin to his face, "We go to the source."


Void had been sure to stop and grab the things that had been taken off of Stiles and Samara upon their arrival at Eichen House. This meant that Samara had her eyes and they didn't have to raise any suspicions by breaking a window.

Instinctively, Samara had also taken her gloves from the box. She couldn't fully comprehend why but she put them on. The only explanation she could come to was that even though Void had given her control, this used to be how she did that.

"Stiles has never been here," Void thought aloud as he walked into the house. 

"Stiles and I weren't really friendly for a while there," Samara informed him. "He accused me of murder a couple of times and some other things."

"Well, he wasn't completely wrong, now, was he? You did kill someone."

Samara immediately prickled, "That was an accident."

The girl stopped in the entryway as the Nogitsune closed and locked the door. She listened for a moment and when she was unable to hear talking, she assumed that she was correct and that her parents were at the hospital.  

The Nogitsune laughed, putting its hands up. "Don't worry, I'm not judging. In fact, I applaud you - it takes a lot to do something like that to family. It's what makes you strong, though, Samara."

"That moment had me scared nearly my entire life," she scoffed. 

The Nogitsune reached out and held her hand, removing the gloves that she had put on. After taking them off, he sat them on the side table. "You don't need these. Not anymore."

"I've never felt strong," she admitted to him. "Just afraid."

"Everyone is always so quick to assume that fear is a bad thing," the Nogitsune sighed as he walked over to her. "Fear is strength. Chaos is strength. Let me show you."

"How?" the girl asked, the idea of being able to turn years of pain into something better more than intriguing.

The creature wearing Stiles's face raised a hand and placed it on the girl's cheek. Even though she was currently relieved of her more weakening emotions thanks to Void, Samara could still feel a weight elevated from her.

Her whole life she had felt like she had a weight sitting on her chest. Each time she had to take from someone it felt like it continued to get heavier, slowly crushing and killing her. Part of her had just wished that it would; it felt easier than trying to fight it.

The veins along Void's hand and arm were black as he drew from the girl, taking a fraction of the pain she felt below the surface. He could feel how much remained and knew he had selected the right candidate to help him.

He fed on her pain, letting it strengthen him. Void just wished that he could take her power; being able to do what she did would make things easier than bringing her along, but he was willing to adjust his plans. He had waited years for this, after all.

Feeling stronger than ever, Void leaned towards the girl craving more. Samara didn't realise but as he got closer, she moved back.

Seeing this, Void stopped, smirking. "Hmph, still hung up on that werewolf?"

Samara sputtered, "Who? Isaac? No. In fact, I'm glad he's gone and out of my way. He was getting a bit too much."

"Right," Void laughed, his voice dripping in doubt. "Well, you won't have to worry much longer. We'll take care of that Pack soon enough."

"What does that mean?" she asked quietly.

"They'll want to stop me; stop us. I've waited too long for this so if anyone dares to get in my way," he said, leaning in to speak in a low voice, his hand lowering to be beneath her chin. "I'll kill them."

"You're saying this as if you think I care what happens to them," Samara replied just as low. "Those people made my life hell ever since my brother died. Do what you want."

"Really? And what about Nadine and Lincoln?" he countered, his smirk widening.

Samara felt something flicker within her, desperately trying to spark an emotion. However, whatever Void had done to her was stronger and extinguished that spark before it could ignite. 

The girl grabbed Void by the wrist, removing his hand from beneath her chin. "Do what you want."
She then turned and went upstairs, heading to her bedroom. "The spare room is down the hall. See you tomorrow."


When morning rolled around, Void didn't waste any time. He had Samara getting up early, and the two of them got into Wren and Samara's shared car, Void driving. He still hadn't let Samara in on any of his ideas.

As Void pulled into the parking lot, Samara assessed the area, realising where they were.
"The school? Why are we here on the weekend?"

"I told you. I'm getting the Oni," he told her as he got out of the car.

"Okay, but I thought you didn't want anyone to know that we're working together?"

Void shrugged as he opened the door to the school, "I realised it doesn't really matter. You're one of their friends and so is Stiles - they wouldn't risk hurting either of us. Plus, Scott is no killer."

"I just hope you know what you're doing," the girl muttered. 

They walked down the halls until Void stopped, entering a classroom down the end. Samara had been in this classroom before - it was where she took history with Mr Yukimura. 

"Coming in on a Saturday. That's dedication," Void sneered as he entered the room, Samara, right behind him. "Where's she hiding them?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," Mr Yukimura replied calmly with a steady voice.

Void wasn't affected, however, walking over to the bookshelf at the back of the room. He ran his fingers over the spines, "Her little knives. Daggers."
He began to pull the books loose, letting them drop to the ground with a thud. "I know what they are. A physical representation of her tails."

The boy pulled out a book, opening it to see if the daggers were hidden inside. Samara watched the man at the front of the room, noticing how he was slowly growing more nervous with each thing Void said. Which meant but one thing - the teacher knew exactly what he was talking about.

"However the hell that works."

"Maybe you'd like to do some reading on it," Mr Yukimura suggested. "I could direct you to the section on Japanese myth in the library."

Void smiled, slowly beginning to walk between the desks towards the front of the room. "No. No, I'd like to talk to you. The older the tail, the stronger the Oni. Am I right? I know there's one left. I know it's the strongest."

No matter how anxious he seemed, their teacher held his ground. "Unfortunately, I don't know what you're referring to."
His eyes flickered around the room, making sure to keep an eye on the girl standing quietly in the corner. 

Mr Yukimura knew of Samara and what she could do since he and his wife were aware of the secret of Beacon Hills. He didn't, however, understand why she was with the demonic Nogitsune. 

The Nogitsune seemed disappointed by the man's answer but not surprised. Glancing over his shoulder, he met eyes with the girl he'd partnered with. "Samara? Would you mind joining us?"

The girl didn't say anything but walked to the front of the classroom. She knew why she was here, she didn't have to ask. Samara didn't care, though, she would do what she had to do. She had promised, after all.

"Maybe it's time you tested out that gift I gave you, Samara," Void suggested. 

His gift; control, her brother's ability, strength.

Samara strolled over to the man, her usual fear and anxiety nowhere to be felt. It was invigorating. 

Seeing her get closer, Mr Yukimura shook his head, "Please, don't."

The Nogitsune grinned, noticing the man flinching as Samara grew closer. "Where is it?"

The girl rolled her eyes, reaching out and putting a hand around his neck. "Aren't teachers supposed to inspire and help with their students' curiosity? Just tell us where it is."

Mr Yukimura's face was covered in black veins as he slowly collapsed to his knees. His skin was turning an ashen colour. The man was unable to understand what was happening, never having experienced pain like this before.

"I can't," he insisted, the struggle clear in his voice. "I won't."

"You'll talk," the Nogitsune demanded. "You'll talk, or she'll kill you."

Focussing, Samara took a deep breath. She felt her pull strengthen and Mr Yukimura's life began to drain away from him faster. Samara usually tried to push away the engrossing feeling she got when she did this. This time, however, she embraced it.

It felt different now. Since she had Wren's half of their abilities, it was as if she were a whole new person. Because she was a Wraith, her body was still slowly decaying but now where near the pace it had been originally. Instead, Wren's ability was healing her body and slowing down the process.

Plus, between her new power and the control that Void had granted her, she felt stronger than ever. The feeling that was coursing through her at that moment as she drained his life was indescribable. 

"Slow down," the Nogistune instructed the girl when he noticed that Mr Yukimura was on the verge of going unconscious. 

Nodding, Samara forced herself to do as he asked. It seemed to be then that Mr Yukimura realised that they weren't lying and that they would kill him if it came down to it. 

"She's got them," he choked out.

The Nogitsune leaned closer, holding a hand to his ear. "Sorry, what was that?"

Mr Yukimura shook his head, "She keeps it with her. It's safer."

Void's eyes shot to Samara before going back to Mr Yukimura, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Samara watched as Void lifted a textbook from the desk. A fly flew out from beneath the book, heading over to the teacher. Once it flew down his throat, Samara dropped her hand.

"Let's go," Void said, turning and walking out the door.

The girl followed after him, jogging a bit to catch up. "So her mum has it. How in the hell are we supposed to get it off of her?"

"I'll deal with her tomorrow," he sighed. "Right now, we need to deal with the Oni."

"What do you mean? We were fine last night."

Void shook his head, "Well, Yukimura will survive and he'll tell his wife. Once she finds out that Stiles is no longer in Eichen and no longer in control, she'll send the Oni. Unfortunately for us both, there's not a lot you can do to defend against them. So, we're going to get some help."

"Help?" Samara repeated. "Who else is there who will stick their neck out for you?"

"Who do you think?" he laughed. "Scott. The Sheriff. Neither of them will let anything happen to Stiles. So, we take advantage of that."


Unlocking the car, he opened the door. "We're going to cause some discourse."


Samara had given up on asking questions by the time they pulled over out the front of the Stilinski house. Void hadn't exactly been open with her, so she just stopped trying.

She didn't care too much, anyway. She'd gotten what she'd wanted out of this arrangement for the most part. Sure, she remembered that he had told her that he would wake up Wren and Isaac but she didn't really care either way anymore. 

Pulling what she could logically guess was Stiles's housekey, Void unlocked the front door. Samara had only been inside the Stilinski home once before, but she hadn't been there for long.

Void led the way down the hallway to the back of the house, pushing open a door. The last time she had been here was when Stiles had been missing, so she hadn't really taken the time to actually look at his room.

The girl assessed the space, seeing the boy's personality in how he decorated his room. It was almost like being in his head. He still had all of the clues and evidence he'd had about the Nogitsune pinned to his wall, not having found the time to remove it yet.

"You're not going to ask why we're here?" Void questioned as he sat down on the bed in the corner.

Samara scoffed, "Yeah, no. I gave up on that - you don't exactly answer when I ask."

He frowned, "Well, that's just no fun, now."

"Fine," she said, arms crossed in front of her. "Why are we here?

"I'm glad you asked. Take a seat," he smirked. Samara went and sat beside him on the bed, watching as he pointed up in the corner. "See that?"

Peering up into the corner, she saw what he was pointing at. "Is that a camera?"

Void nodded, "The Sheriff had them installed after Stiles went missing. They detect movement and right now, they're detecting us. Say hi."
The Nogitsune waved up at the camera with one corner of its mouth hitched upwards.

Noticing a red light flickering on the camera, Samara did as told, waving up at it. He was baiting them.
"So, you're leading them here."

"No," he said as he stood up from the bed and walked over to Stiles's desk. "This space isn't right for what we need it for."

"We're not putting on a show."

"Aren't we?" he chuckled. 

The girl rolled her eyes as she went over to him. Sitting on Stiles's desk was a chessboard. All of the pieces were spread across the board, each with a sticky note stuck to them with someone's name written on them. 

On separate pieces, the pink sticky notes read Scott, Lincoln, Derek, Isaac, Peter, Ethan and Aiden - the werewolves.

The purple ones read Argent, Allison and Kate - the hunters.

On the singular yellow was Jackson - the Kanima - and blue, Deaton - the Emissary.

Two green sticky notes read Samara and Wren - the Wraiths.

"What is this?" Samara mumbled.

Beginning to move pieces, Void answered the girl. "This was how Stiles explained the supernatural to his dad. Well, tried to. He didn't really believe him at first."

The purple and yellow sticky notes were on the ivory pieces, while every other colour was on ebony. Remembering that Isaac had told her about how the hunters had tried to kill them all and then the Kanima had done the same, Samara could only guess that Stiles had done this to represent who had been their enemy at one time or another.

Void moved the pieces that read Isaac and Wren off of the board, symbolising that they were out of the way. She knew that normally this would've made her sad but she just couldn't bring herself to feel it. She didn't want to.

Her heart made her weak, it made her lose control. Now, she didn't have to worry about any of that.

While she stood watching, Void shifted other pieces until they fit his narrative. Samara had learnt chess during her first stay at Eichen House; there hadn't been a lot of ways to pass the time. Flipping through that knowledge in her head, she read the board.

"The King. . . Derek. . . he's one move away from checkmate," she thought aloud.

"Exactly," Void looked up at her with a smile, nodding his head. "They're going to go right where we want them to."



Sorry, it's been a minute, I was trying to get some chapters of Problems out before the new OBX season dropped.

I have yet to finish Season 3, so please no spoilers!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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