
By Lyssandra_K23

26.1K 274 32

Almost everything is how it was in the series. Only this time, Clary has an older sister and she gets togethe... More

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1.1K 15 5
By Lyssandra_K23

Institute – Training Room

Alyssa sighed as she finished wrapping her hand with a hand boxing wrap. She looked exhausted but she was still using her stamina rune to ward away her tiredness. It’s been a few days since her trial, since Jace and Clary returned with the Cup and since Jace had spoken to her. He was rarely ever in the same room as her, often leaving just as she entered. It was all hurting Alyssa but she said nothing.
Right now, she was about working out like she had been for the past few days. She took off her tank top leaving her in just her sports bra and pants then began to work out her frustrations on the punching bag in front of her.
She worked out for a while till she felt the presence of someone in the room. Taking in a subtle breath, she identified the person as Clary. She let out a breath and hit the bag one last time, then caught it as it swung back, steadying it and leaned her forehead against it.
“Clary.” The girl in question was startled that her sister could tell she was the one since she hadn’t turned since she entered.
“Hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your training.”
“It’s okay. I needed a break anyway.” She said, moving away from the punching bag and grabbing her water bottle. “What’s up?” She asked, taking a drink from her water bottle. Clary studied her as she did this, taking in how she looked.
“Are you okay? You look exhausted.” Alyssa shrugged at her and took another sip from her water bottle.
“I’ve been better but I’m fine. What about you? Is Jocelyn okay?” Clary looked at her, surprised that she was asking about Jocelyn.
“Yeah, I think so. I mean she’s still under the sleeping spell.”
“And unfortunately only the warlock who helped her with the potion will know how to wake her up.” Clary tilted her head wondering how she knew. “I picked up a few things from living with Magnus for 12 years. I know a thing or two about certain spells and what it takes to remove them. But hey, I guess you’re glad to have her back safe and sound now, even though she’s not awake.”
“Yeah, I guess.” An awkward silence ensued between them. Alyssa looked at her sister, noticing her body language.
“What is it? You want to say something but you’re not sure how to say it. Spit it out.” Clary took in a deep breath.
“I don’t know if Jace told you about the other dimension.”
“He did, vaguely. He couldn’t tell me much since he wasn’t there for long. From what I heard, you’re the one that was in there for a long time.”
“I was. And I know you said you didn’t want to hear it, but I really am sorry for how I’ve acted towards you ever since we found each other again. I accused you wrongly of things without even trying to see the truth in them. I just…”
“You didn’t want to believe that everything I said about Jocelyn was true.”
“Yeah, but I realized that I was wrong. What I saw in the other dimension proved everything you’d said about how mom acted towards you. And I’m sorry for everything I said about you not caring and for throwing all those accusations against you.” Alyssa looked at her, searching her eyes and expression.
“It’s okay. I understand your reaction. It hurt but I understand. The thing is Clary, you were always Jocelyn’s baby girl. She always cared for you more than she did me. She may have done all that she needed to do as a mother for me but it was like being in a foster home. She fed me, made sure I was clothed and had somewhere to sleep. But what I didn’t have or ever get was her love. I grew up not knowing the love of a mother. My dad was the only one who was ever there for me while I still lived with you both. You on the other hand got all the love and care you needed from her and my dad. So you should understand why I don’t feel anything towards Jocelyn and her current condition. I do however care about you and my dad, which is why I’m willing to help you wake her up. To me, she will always be your mother and the woman my dad loves but that’s it.”
“I understand and I’m grateful. You’re my big sister and growing up, I always wondered where you were. There were times when I want you, when I needed a big sister but because of what mom told me and got me to believe, I began to resent you, for not being there when I needed you. But I don’t want to do that anymore. Right now, I need my big sister, more than ever and I’m hoping I haven’t damaged our already fragile relationship.” Alyssa smiled at her and shook her head.
“Clary, you’re always gonna be my little sister and I’m always gonna be there for you.” Clary smiled back at her with tears in her eyes.
“Can I hug you?” Alyssa smiled once more and opened her arms for Clary to step in which she did and embraced her. Just then a female Shadowhunter poked her through the door of the training room.
“Alyssa.” She noticed Clary there too. “Oh, Clary, good, you’re here too.” The sisters parted from their hug and looked towards her. “Magnus just arrived. Jace is meeting him in the ops center and asked me to get you two.”
“Ok, thanks.” Alyssa said then turned to Clary as she grabbed her tank top from the ground. “Magnus is here?” she asked, slipping her tank top on and picking up her water bottle as the two headed out.
“Yeah, he’s here to help us narrow down the number of warlocks that could have given my mom the sleeping potion. I thought Jace would tell you.” Alyssa pushed aside that slight ache that appeared in her chest at the mention of Jace.
“He didn’t.” The two sisters said nothing else as they walked down to the ops center.

Main Room

The sisters arrived to find Jace and Magnus sitting at a table, waiting for them. Alyssa smiled at Magnus as she came to sit beside him with Clary. Jace looked up when he saw the sisters enter and cleared his throat, getting their attention.
“Morning.” He said.
“Morning.” Clary responded with a slight smile. Alyssa just nodded and began to unwrap her hands.
“You just come from training?” Jace asked. Alyssa glanced up at him for a few seconds and nodded then went back to unwrapping her hands.
“Sort of. Alyssa was the one who was training. I just met her in the training room to talk to her.” Clary said.
“I needed to vent.” Alyssa said curtly, not looking up at Jace.
“That’s good.” Jace replied, looking down at the table. Alyssa just nodded, flexing her fingers after unwrapping her other hand, then focused on folding the wraps. Clary and Magnus looked at the two in confusion, feeling the tension and wondering what was going on between the two.
“While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me why we couldn’t do this at my place? At least there we’d have cocktails.” Magnus said. Alyssa looked up slightly and smirked at the man. Clary just looked at him with a confused look.
“It’s 9:00 in the morning.” She said.
“Oh, it’s happy hour somewhere, sis. At least for Magnus.” Alyssa said, throwing a smirk at the warlock who just winked at them. “Besides, I could go for a drink or ten.”
“You can barely drink three of mine without getting severely drunk and you pass out after a fourth.” Magnus said. Alyssa shrugged and leaned back in her seat.
“That’s because your drinks are extremely alcoholic. But since we can’t have that, can I get a cappuccino please?” Alyssa said. Magnus rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, making a paper cup of coffee appear in front of Alyssa. “Thank you.”
“We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can’t leave the Institute. He’s an important part of this mission.” Jace said, bringing their minds back to the subject matter.
“Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor? There are certain individuals that I’d like to avoid, so let’s make this quick.” Magnus said. Alyssa shot him a sympathetic look that he returned with a smile. As if on cue, Hodge walked over with a tablet in hand.
“Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead.” Hodge said. He pulled up three pictures of a man and two women on the monitor in front of them.
“Hey, Magnus, isn’t that Ragnor Fell?” Alyssa asked, pointing towards one of the men. She sipped on her beverage.
“Yes, it is. Why is Ragnor Fell up there? He’s not more powerful than I am.” Magnus asked.
“Some would disagree. He is older than you.” Hodge said.
“Certainly not wiser.” Magnus mumbled. Alyssa snickered at him and threw him a cheeky smile when he looked over.
“Who is Ragnor Fell?” Clary asked.
“The former High Warlock of London.” Jace answered.
“And one of my oldest friends. Very prickly, likes to keep to himself.” Magnus added. Alyssa folded her lips to keep her laughter in but it was very obvious she was struggling to.
“Okay, look. We just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they’d done.” Hodge said. A thoughtful look came on Alyssa’s face.
“Hold up, Magnus, didn’t you tell me that Ragnor used to be a professor at the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris in the early 90s?” All eyes turned to her. Magnus nodded in answer to her question. “Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that when Jocelyn used to live there?” Clary’s eyes widened at this and she turned to Magnus.
“Could he have made the potion for her?” She asked. A look of realization appeared on Magnus’ face and a wide grin grew.
“That little bugger!” Magnus exclaimed softly. “That’s why he hasn’t responded to my fire message. Ever since Valentine began hunting Warlocks, Ragnor’s been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London. For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding. We’ll have to confront him face to face.” Hodge raised his eyebrows at Magnus when he said this.
“You’re going on this mission?” He asked.
“Of course he is.” Alyssa said, standing up with her cup in hand. “He’s the only one Ragnor trusts. We won’t get far without him.” Magnus nodded and stood up as well.
“Besides, I’ve played my last hand. Even I know when to fold.” He said then turned to walk away, only to come face to face with Alec who walked over with Lydia, who had a wide, bright smile on her face.
“Magnus, I didn’t know you were here.” Lydia said.
“That was the point.” Magnus muttered. Lydia’s smile didn’t falter as she turned to Alyssa.
“Alyssa, it’s nice to see to you. You haven’t been around lately.”
“Hi, Lydia.” Alyssa said, returning her smile with a small one of her own. “I had to get away for a bit.” Lydia nodded then turned to face the rest.
“We’re just on our way to greet some representatives of the Clave who arrived early for tomorrow’s wedding. How long are you staying?” Lydia asked.
“What’s going on here?” Alec cut in before Magnus or anyone could reply Lydia. “Nobody told me about a meeting.”
“Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the Warlock who can wake up my mom. We’re just bringing him back to the Institute.” Clary answered.
“How can I help?” Alec asked almost eagerly, as if he wanted out of what he was supposed to be doing. Jace stood up from the table and crossed his arms over his chest.
“We’re just recovering a warlock, Alec. We got this covered.” Jace snapped. Clearly, he was still on the outs with Alec.
“Besides, you have emissaries from the Clave to meet. You don’t want to tarnish your family’s perfectly-crafted image now, do you?” Magnus snipped with a fake smile towards Alec.
“Magnus.” Alyssa said softly, nudging the man. She looked up and gave Alec a small smile. “It’s okay, Alec. We got this. If more people go on the mission, we might scare Ragnor off.” Alec smiled back at her and nodded. Lydia inhaled sharply, keeping her smile.
“Again, lovely seeing you Magnus, Alyssa.” She said, then walked away with Alec. Jace looked up at the sisters then.
“Get ready. We leave in an hour.” He said, then turned and walked away, not even sparing Alyssa a second glace which baffled Clary and Magnus. They turned to look at Alyssa but she was already gone.

Training Room

Alec and Izzy walked in talking.
“And…I’m throwing you a bachelor party.” Izzy said with a smirk.
“A what?” Alec asked, looking at her.
“A bachelor party.” Izzy said, maintaining her smirk. Alec looked amused.
“I don’t need a bachelor party.” He said. making Izzy smile.
“No one needs a bachelor party, but I’m throwing you one anyways.” Izzy said, crossing her arms over her chest, showing that she wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Actually, Jace should be the one throwing it but, lately he’s been a bit out of it for some reason and with whatever he has going on with Alyssa and I don’t wanna ask him to do anything.”
“Yeah, what’s up with that? Not long ago, they were hardly ever apart but now it’s like they can’t stand to be in the same room as the other.
“More like Jace doesn’t want to be in the same room as Alyssa. He’s been avoiding her. I’m really worried about her. She’s been finding it hard to sleep these days and she won’t let me help her out.”
“Yeah, I’m worried too. She looks exhausted.” Alec said. He was about to say more but then he saw Alyssa walking over.
“Hey, Iz, can I steal you for a bit? I need to raid your closet for some clothes. Most of mine that I had here had to be burned because of the ichor.” Izzy smirked and walked away with Alyssa to her room. She went straight into her closet and began to look for something for Alyssa to wear.
“So are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Jace?” Izzy asked, handing her some clothes. Alyssa took them and went behind the changing screen to change into them.
“I’ll tell you when I know that answer myself. He said he needed space and I’ve been giving him that space.”
“So it doesn’t bother you that he’s been avoiding you ever since he and Clary returned with the Cup?” Alyssa moved from behind the screen, grabbing her boots from beside the closet and sat on the bed beside Izzy to put them on.
“I never said it doesn’t bother me, Iz. I mean I can’t even sleep well these days and I’ve mostly been operating on my stamina rune and coffee. I can’t say that it doesn’t hurt but I can’t do anything.”
“Can’t or won’t.”
“Both. Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.” With that, Alyssa got up and left the room with Izzy staring after her with a worried expression.

Countryside – Fields

Magnus, Alyssa, Clary and Jace all stepped out of the portal.
“Ragnor’s house is just across these fields.” Magnus said, gesturing ahead of then.
“Let’s make this quick. We’ll talk to Ragnor then portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we’re going.” Jace said, beginning to walk ahead of them. Alyssa rolled her eyes at his words. ‘As if anything is ever that easy. You just want us to get back quickly so you can go back to avoiding me,’ Alyssa thought. “Can we not do this right now?” He said, turning to look at Alyssa, confusing the other two.
“Do what? I didn’t say anything or do anything, Jace.” Alyssa said.
“No, but you thought it.”
“Well then, why don’t you stay out of my mind, if you don’t want to be hearing thoughts you’re not ready to deal with. I’m not doing anything to keep you from focusing on the mission.” Alyssa snapped back. Jace looked at her for a second and walked ahead of them again. Magnus gave Clary a look and nodded towards Jace. The younger Fairchild nodded and walked to catch up to Jace.
“Alright, what’s going between you two?” Magnus asked Alyssa.
“I don’t know.” Magnus took a second to look at the girl carefully.
“You’ve not been sleeping well, pumpkin. Are you having nightmares again?” Alyssa sighed and nodded again. “Have you told Jace?” Alyssa shook her head. “Is that why you’re fighting?”
“No, that’s not it. It’s not like he’d even notice if I’ve been having nightmares for the past few days to ask about them.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means Jace hasn’t been around me enough lately to notice that I’m not sleeping well. I asked Alec to get me a room of my own and I’ve been sleeping there.” Magnus was surprised at this. “But I don’t want to get into it right now.”
“Ok, but we will talk about this later.” Alyssa nodded.
“You know you should come to Alec’s wedding.”
“Let’s not go there, biscuit. He’s made it perfectly clear that he wants to marry Lydia.”
“We both know Alec’s not fine right now. He’s so focused on that illusion of restoring the family name that he’s not even considering his own happiness. Despite all that he’s saying, the real reason why he’s doing this is to prove himself worthy to his parents, just like Izzy is also trying to do by changing her style and other things. Marrying Lydia is a mistake, we both know it and so does he but he doesn’t want to admit it and disappoint his parents. You have to make him see that his happiness in the end is worth disappointing his parents for. Which is why I’m inviting you to the wedding.”
“Magnus, you can’t give up on Alec yet. You have to at least try one more time before he gets married to Lydia.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think…”
“It will be worth it, Mags. Trust me. You’re worth it and so is he. You both deserve to be happy. I don’t want to see you both unhappy because of certain decisions made or not made.” Magnus sighed and nodded.
“Very well, we’ll see.” Alyssa smiled and gave him a one-armed hug which he returned.
“Can you guys pick up the pace?” Jace said from ahead.
“You do not want to get any more on my bad side than you currently are at the moment, Jace Wayland.” She was about to say something more but her ears picked up a sound which had her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What was that?” She said, looking down at the ground ahead of her. Jace’s eyebrows furrowed as well as he followed in her line of vision. Clary, not noticing this, kept walking forward.
“Look out.” Magnus called out. Jace immediately pulled Clary away as a green wall of fire sprung up in front of them. Magnus and Alyssa caught up with them and stared at the fire.
“Ragnor put up wards to protect his lair.” Alyssa deduced. Magnus nodded in agreement.
“Why is the fire green?” Clary asked.
“It’s a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through.” Magnus informed. He turned to look at the other three. “Are you ready?” Without a reply, the four of them walked forward and walked through the fire, with Clary and Alyssa being the only one to appear on the other side. Clary looked around in confusion.
“Jace? Magnus? Where are you?” Clary yelled. Alyssa looked ahead and saw a house between the trees.
“Clary. Look.” Alyssa said, drawing Clary’s attention to the house. “Ragnor Fell.”
“Let’s go.” The two sisters moved towards the house.
Ragnor’s House
Clary and Alyssa arrived in front of the house to see the front door open.
“Ragnor?” Clary called out as the two sisters walked inside the house. Clary pulled out her blade while Alyssa activated her whip. Clary looked at it surprised. “Since when do you have a whip like Izzy’s?”
“Since the night we rescued Meliorn. Izzy gave it to me. I’ll tell you about it later.” Clary nodded and they concentrated back on finding Ragnor.
“Ragnor?” Clary called out again. “Hello?” The girls then came across a self-portrait painting of Ragnor Fell. As they turned to move to the other room, movement from the painting caught their eyes, bringing their attention back to it. Alyssa smirked and turned to her sister who had an identical smirk on then they turned to the painting, putting their weapons away.
“Nice try.” They both said, then reached into the painting and pulled Ragnor out of it. Ragnor fell to the floor, groaning slightly.
“Well done, Alyssa and Clary Fairchild. I’ve been expecting you two. You have Jocelyn’s talent, I see. Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes.” Ragnor said as led the girls to living room.
“Mm-mm,” Alyssa hummed, shaking her head. “You’re not as subtle as you think.” Ragnor looked at an empty chair behind them in annoyance.
“Yes, I know. I need to work on not moving my eyes.” He said, irritated. Alyssa and Clary frowned at him until Alyssa caught the scents of Jace and Magnus in the room. She realized Ragnor must have placed a glamor and silencing spell on them for some reason.
“Did you know my mom?” Clary asked, bringing the warlock’s attention back to her. “So you made that potion that put her to sleep?” 
“At her request, yes.” Ragnor answered. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to me looking for the antidote.” He gestured towards two chairs. “Please, sit.” Clary sat down while Alyssa chose to stand.
“Our friends, Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane. They were with us but we lost them in fire.” Clary said.
“Hmm, lost isn’t exactly the right word. Isn’t that right, Ragnor?” Alyssa said, giving the warlock a look.
“Ah, of course. You can sense him, can’t you? Your bonded, your husband? You can sense where he is, can’t you?” Ragnor said, looking at Alyssa knowingly.
“Maybe, maybe not. But I bet you know exactly where they are.” Ragnor said nothing then turned to the empty chair on Clary’s left.
“Let me do this my way.” He snapped then looked to Clary. “Your friends, are they true?” He asked her.
“Magnus said he’s known you for centuries. He sent you a fire message.” Clary said.
“This is not an act. It’s not act. It is essential.” Ragnor snapped again frustrated, this time to the empty chair on Clary’s right.
“Do you have any idea how insane you seem, right now?” Alyssa questioned with a raised eyebrow. The warlock ignored her in favor of glaring at the empty chair.
“Okay, what is your deal? Our friends are missing and if you can’t help me, I will find someone who can.” Clary said, getting up, frustrated.
“What is it worth to you?” Ragnor asked. Alyssa rolled her eyes as if to say, ‘of course you want something.”
“You find our friends and wake my mother…I’ll give you anything.” Clary promised. Alyssa groaned internally while Ragnor smiled.
“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He said then snapped his fingers, lifting the spell on Jace and Magnus. Both men stood up immediately they appeared in view.
“Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?” Magnus asked with an exasperated sigh.
“Of course. They offered me anything. You were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris. Yawn.” Ragnor said, brushing Magnus off.
“Uh, correction, she…” Alyssa pointed to her sister. “…is the one who offered you anything. I’m not included.” Ragnor just shrugged.
“Alright, enough with the warlock games. Can you really wake our--my mother?” Clary asked, looking at Ragnor who raised an eyebrow at her slip up but didn’t question it.
“Not without the Book of the White.” Ragnor replied.
“What is the Book of the White?” Jace asked.
“It’s an ancient book of warlock magic containing spells more powerful…” Magnus walked over to Ragnor and chuckled, placing his hand on Ragnor’s shoulder. “Most warlocks could ever imagine.” Ragnor nodded and Magnus tapped him lightly on the back before walking away from him, looking around.
“I possessed that book when your mother came to me, and I used its contents to create the potion.” Ragnor said looking at Clary. “Regrettably, I no longer have the book. I asked Jocelyn to hide it that Valentine might never find it.”
“Ragnor, please, I have to get my mom back. Is there any way to get the Book of the White?”
“Possibly.” Ragnor said, holding up a finger. “I may have something that can help us. Won’t be but a moment.” He turned around and walked away. Clary turned to the others.
“What do we do if he can’t find the book?” Clary asked.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Jace and Alyssa said at the same time, then turned to look at each other. Alyssa turned away first.
“It’s a bit drab, isn’t it?” Magnus said, looking around. Alyssa smiled at him then all of a sudden her smile fell, a frown taking its place. Her instincts warning her and telling her something was not right. Magnus noticed right away.
“Biscuit, what is it?” Alyssa looked in the direction Ragnor had gone.
“Something’s not right. I can feel it.” Clary and Jace shared confused looks. Jace went to voice his question when they all heard Ragnor scream from the room above them. They all looked up startled, to see a demon attacking Ragnor. Ragnor fought and killed the demon, falling down the stairs onto the floor.
“Ragnor!” Magnus exclaimed, rushing towards his friends. The other three followed.
“Shax demon.” Jace said, looking Ragnor over. Magnus kneeled next to Ragnor, lifting his head up. A deep wound run on the side of Ragnor’s neck.
“Creature took me by surprise.” Ragnor gasped. Magnus began to use his magic to try to heal him, as well as ease his pain.
“How could a Shax demon get past Ragnor’s wards?” Clary asked.
“It must have followed us. Jumped through when the fire wall reset.” Jace answered.
“Be still, my little cabbage.” Magnus whispered to Ragnor who continued to gasp in pain. “Your wounds are deep. Hold on, please.” Magnus tried harder to heal his friend. Alyssa looked at him sadly and knelt beside him. Ragnor place his hand on Magnus’ cheek. Alyssa watched sadly as the light left the man’s eyes. He was dead. “No, no, no.” Alyssa placed her arm around Magnus’ shoulders and leaned her head on his shoulder, to try to comfort him. Jace sighed, looking down sadly.
“I’m so sorry, Magnus.” Alyssa whispered sadly. Magnus just leaned his head against hers.
“For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone.” Magnus lamented. Jace sighed and looked at Clary.
“We have to leave, now.” He said.
“We can’t. Not until we find what Ragnor said could help us locate the Book of the White.” Clary protested.
“It’s two dangerous. If one Shax demon found us, you can bet there are more on the way.” Jace argued.
“We have to try.” Clary said desperately.
“Clary, we don’t have time to…” Jace began to say but was cut off.
“That’s enough, both of you!” Alyssa said, raising her voice. The two of them immediately quietened and looked down at her. “Can you two be any more insensitive? Clary for once, can you stop thinking selfishly about Jocelyn’s well-being and consider others? Jocelyn is alive and well, fortunately for you. Magnus just lost his closest friend and all you can think about is going through the stuff of said friend so you can wake up your mother who is fortunate to be alive. How selfish and insensitive can you be?” At this point, Magnus snapped his fingers and opened a portal behind Jace and Clary. “Both of you, go back to the Institute. And Clary, do not argue with me on this.” Alyssa said sternly, pinning her little sister with a look that brokered no argument. Clary still looked ready to protest.
“I’ll transport everything back to my place and find what you need.” Magnus spoke up, drawing their attention to him. “Now leave me to take care of my friend.” It seemed to register now to Clary that man who just died was someone close to Magnus, not just anybody.
“Magnus, I am…” She began to say but Magnus cut her off.
“Go!” He snapped. With slight hesitation, Jace and Clary walked through the portal and left. “You should go with them, biscuit.” Magnus said, more softly this time.
“But Magnus…”
“I’ll be fine, sweetheart, I promise. I just need to take care of Ragnor.” Alyssa hesitated but with more coaxing from the warlock, she hugged him and then left through the portal as well.

Institute – Hallway

Jace, Clary and Alyssa entered the Institute and were met with Izzy walking towards them. She fell in step with them as they walked.
“Jace, you’re coming to Alec’s bachelor party, right?” Izzy asked.
“No. He doesn’t want me there and I’m swamped.” Jace replied. Alyssa rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to slap Jace. Izzy grabbed his arm and stopped him, in effect stopping Clary and Alyssa as well.
“You two seriously haven’t worked things out yet?” Izzy asked her brother.
“There’s nothing to work out. If he wants to talk, we’ll talk.” Jace said, pulling his arm from her. He cast his eyes around, looking at Lydia who was talking to a Shadowhunter some distance away. “We have more important things going on than a bachelor party. Come with me.” He said, walking away. The girls followed him to another part of the ops center, where the weapons are kept. Seeing it empty, Jace turned back to them. “We have a mole in the Institute.” He said to Izzy, who became surprised.
“We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell.” Clary filled in.
“The attack couldn’t have been coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us.” Jace continued.
“You don’t think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going?” Izzy asked, eyeing Jace.
“Iz, it’s very likely. Highly, that Valentine has someone here on the inside.” Alyssa said.
“No one would betray us like that. This is our family.” Izzy defended, looking mostly at Jace.
“Are you sure about that, Izzy?” Alyssa asked. Jace looked past Izzy at Lydia and she followed his line of sight.
“Not everyone’s family yet. I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I’m gonna…” Jace began to say.
“You’re going to what? Confront her? Accuse her of being Valentine’s spy? Have you lost your mind, Jace?” Alyssa said. Jace pierced her with a glare.
“Oh so now, you’re talking to me?” He snapped.
“Do not push me right now, Wayland. I’m not the one who’s been leaving the room every time I enter or turning the other way whenever you see me.” Alyssa glared right back. “So don’t you dare start with me and act like I’m the one who’s been doing something wrong.”
“Whoa, calm down you two. And Jace, Lyssa is right, wrongfully accusing a person of a crime is dangerous. Trust me.” Izzy said, eyeing the couple.
“Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell.” Jace countered. “If she’s not gonna admit what she did, I’m gonna make her admit it.” He said moving to walk past the girls but Alyssa placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back.
“You are right, Lydia was there when we were talking. So was I and so were you, Clary, Hodge, Alec and anybody who could have been eavesdropping. Now we know it wasn’t you, me, Alec or Clary. Who knows? It could have been Hodge, who definitely has more motive than any of us.” Izzy and Jace immediately went to protest but Alyssa continued and cut them off. “I don’t care that he’s like family or whatever. Family or not, he’s been trapped here and punished for crimes that others have been pardoned for. But the point is, it could be anybody within the Institute and you can’t just go around, especially with the way you’re worked up right now, and accuse someone of something when you don’t even have proof to back up your claim.”
“Especially not an important envoy from the Clave.” Izzy added in.
“Lyssa, why don’t you talk to Lydia?” Clary suggested then looked to Jace. “If you accuse Alec’s fiancée of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him. That’s not the situation with either me or Alyssa.”
“Clary’s right. If Lydia did this, she might not get so defensive with Lyssa. She might let her guard down. Slip up.” Izzy agreed.
“Yeah, I am not talking to her.” Alyssa said.
“Why not? You two seemed friendly this morning.” Clary said, almost accusingly.
“I’m friendly with her because of Alec and because yesterday she fought for me at the trial even though she was the one who prosecuted me in the first place. If I go and accuse her right now, she’ll think I’m being resentful for her part in me ever being on trial. You two weren’t here. I don’t mean to sound accusing but the fact is you weren’t here when I was being put on trial so you won’t get it. Izzy, you were there and you know if I talk to her and seemingly accuse her, not only will I seem like someone with a grudge, I’ll also have a problem with Alec who will, no doubt, hear about it from her. And the last thing we need is Alec getting mad at us.” Izzy sighed and nodded. Jace looked down almost remorseful.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I forgot.” Izzy apologized.
“Ok, then I’ll talk to Lydia.” Clary volunteered. Jace nodded and looked at her.
“Fine. But I wanna know everything she says.” Clary nodded, turned and walked away. Alyssa took this as her cue and left the room, unable to continue being around Jace without feeling hurt. Jace felt the shift in her emotions.
“Alyssa.” He called but she kept on walking away. He went to follow her but Izzy stopped him.
“Leave her be. You’ll only make it worse right now. Give her some time to calm down.” She advised. Jace sighed and looked at Alyssa’s retreating form, feeling her shut down her side of the bond.

Next Day
Institute – Greenhouse

Alyssa was sat down on the spiral staircase, with her sketchbook in hand. She was looking down at a freshly drawn image, one that she had been thankfully aware of. Her phone buzzed with a new message, drawing her attention from the drawing to it. She opened the message to see a message from Magnus which made her smile.
“What’s with that smile?” She looked up to see Alec walking in.
“Got a message from Magnus. He’ll be dropping by later. But what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be getting ready. Your wedding is in two hours.” Alyssa said, closing her sketch book and putting it and her phone away.
“I’ve got plenty of time before I have to get ready.” Alec said with a chuckle, coming to sit on the step before the one she was seated on. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?” Alec sighed.
“I…it’s about the wedding. I just…tell me I’m doing the right thing. I need…I need someone to tell me what I’m doing is right.” Alyssa sighed.
“Alec, you know I always like to tell the truth and speak bluntly. Can I do that?”
“Yes, that’s why I came to you.”
“Ok, honestly, what you are doing is right on some level. But, it’s also not entirely right on a whole other level. On one hand, it’s the right thing because you’re doing this for your family, to help lift some of the pressure from your parents’ mistake. But you and I both know you’re also doing this to get approval from your parents. To make them proud that they’ve raised you right and to also spite them a little.” Alec opened his mouth to protest but shut it when he realized she was right. “On the other hand, it’s not the right thing because you’re denying yourself true happiness and love. You’re giving up your chance to find or be in love and be truly and fully happy. You don’t love Lydia and you know that. You can learn to love her, yes, it’s not the same as being with the one you're truly in love with.”
“But what about you and Jace? You two didn’t know or love each other before you met and…”
“Mine and Jace’s situation is different from this one, Alec. Unlike us, you’re not soul bonded to Lydia. And Jace and I did know and love each other before we re-met. We had just been made to forget and now we just have to start over. But we’re not talking about me and Jace, we’re talking about you. Since this whole thing began, you’ve been thinking with your head and your heart separately. Some decisions you made with your head and some you made with your heart. I’m not saying that’s the wrong or right thing but in this situation, it’s not the best way to make a decision. You need to sync your heart with your head to find the best and right decision for you. Not for your parents, not for Izzy, not for Jace, not for anyone but you. You need to ask yourself if this is the right and best thing for you and if you’re going to be happy. At this point and in this situation, you’re the only one who will know what’s best and right for you, no one else. You’re the only one who can decided about your happiness.” Alec nodded as she spoke. “I know I probably didn’t help clear up your thoughts and assure you of your decision being right but I hope that when the time comes, you’ll realize what I’m trying to say and make the best and right decision for yourself. Now whether that is to go on and marry Lydia or not, I don’t know. But what I do know is that whatever you choose, I’m going to be by your side.” Alec looked up at her in surprise.
“Yeah. You were there for me during the trial, you fought for me when you could have just as well left me to be prosecuted by Lydia, but you didn’t. Even when I tried to resist your help, you and Izzy still stood by me. So yes, I will be by your side, no matter what path you choose…big brother.” Alyssa promised, laying her hand on Alec’s shoulder with a smile. Alec placed his hand on hers on his shoulder and returned the smile. Alyssa calling him ‘big brother’ made him happy.
“Thank you…little sister.” Alyssa grinned brightly at him calling her little sister.
“There you two are.” The newly bonded pseudo siblings turned and looked up to see Izzy walking into the greenhouse. “Alec, why are you not getting ready and Alyssa, why are you also not getting ready? The wedding starts in an hour and a half.”
“Relax, Izzy. We were just talking. Alec was just leaving to go get ready before he turns up late for his own wedding.” Alyssa said. Alec chuckled and got up, placing a kiss on Alyssa’s forehead then walked out of the greenhouse.
“Please tell me, you at least talked some sense into him and got him to consider calling off the wedding.” Izzy pleaded. Alyssa laughed and got up, picking up her phone and sketchpad and descended the stairs.
“In a certain fashion, I did talk sense into him and no, I did not tell him to call off the wedding.” Izzy threw her head back at this. “But I gave him some advice which he will put to use when the time comes. And believe me when I say that, that time will come.” Alyssa said with a slightly mischievous smile. Izzy caught the smile and narrowed her eyes at her pseudo sister.
“I know that smile. What did you do?”
“Nothing bad. I just invited Magnus as a friend to the wedding and to help our big brother make the final decision for himself.” Izzy raised an eyebrow at her. “What?”
“Nothing. I just forgot how devious and insightful you can be at times.”
“I know. Now come on, let’s go get ready.” Together the two left the greenhouse to go get ready for the wedding.

Institute – Church

Alyssa entered the room where the ceremony was taking place and looked around, seeing many of the guests seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin. She took in the decorations and how the room looked with a smile.
“You really outdid yourself, Iz.” She murmured.
She looked forward to see Maryse and Robert talking to Alec and Jace in front of the altar. She studied the expression on Alec’s face and could see he was getting conflicted and having second thoughts. “I hope you make the right choice for you, Alec.” She murmured with a sigh. Feeling her presence, Jace turned and looked in her direction. The two stared at each other for a while before Alyssa looked away.
“Lyssa.” Alyssa turned to see Clary walking over with Simon. “Hey.”
“Hey. Hello, Simon.”
“Hi, Alyssa, right?” Simon said, smiling hesitantly. His previous encounters with the older girl were not friendly and they hardly held a conversation, making him unsure as to how to act with her.
“It’s okay, Simon. I don’t bite. I only do that when I’m pissed off.” Alyssa said with a smile.
“So I’ve seen and heard. Luke tells me you’re a sweet face with a really terrible temper.”
“Well, he’s not wrong. I’m pretty sure Raphael and Magnus would tell you the same thing. Kinda comes with the territory of being a wolf.”
“Right. Remind me to never get on your bad side.” Alyssa just smiled innocently at him and batted her eyelashes. “Yeah, your smile isn’t fooling me.” Alyssa let out a light chuckle.
“Careful now, keep going on and I might actually have to like you and call you my best friend. Wouldn’t want Clary to think I’m stealing her best friend?” She said, giving Clary a teasing look. Clary just shook her head and shoved her slightly.
“Anyway, we were just about to sit down. Join us?” Clary said. Alyssa nodded and the three of them took seats in the front. A Silent Brother standing at the altar, used his staff to get everyone’s attention.
“Attention.” Everyone found their seats and sat down. “The ceremony is about to commence.” Once everyone was settled, Izzy walked in and down the aisle, looking extremely beautiful in a golden dress, holding a pillow with a bracelet cuff and a stele on it. She walked up to join her brothers and the Silent brother on the altar, taking her place. Lydia walked in then looking beautiful with her dress and hair, holding a bouquet of red roses, smiling up at Alec.
“Wow.” Simon muttered. Getting to the altar, Alec offered Lydia a hand which she took and stepped up next to him then gave her bouquet to Izzy. Alyssa could see that other than Lydia and, of course the Silent Brother, neither of the siblings up on the altar looked happy. Izzy looked a little annoyed, looking down and holding out the pillow towards Lydia. Lydia took the bracelet from the pillow and slipped it on Alec’s wrist. Alec turned to Jace, who held out a similar pillow but with a necklace on it. Alec took the necklace and put around Lydia’s neck, with her back to him. She looked down at the necklace, lightly touching it and looked up at Izzy, whose expression did not change.
“It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune.” The Silent Brother announced, standing behind a crystal sculpture on the altar as Lydia turned back to face Alec. The Brother used his staff to activate the crystal sculpture. Maryse and Robert exchanged a look, not knowing whether to be proud Alec was doing this to restore their family name or to be upset that he was doing it to please them, knowing he was giving up his happiness. Alyssa and Clary also shared a sad look and Alyssa looked towards the doors. “A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart. A union is born.” Lydia took a stele from Izzy and touched it to the sculpture, releasing a white smoke then she turned to Alec, taking his hand. Just before she could mark Alec, the doors to the church slammed open and in walked Magnus, drawing the attention of everyone to him. Alec stared at him, transfixed and Magnus stared back. Alyssa smirked and rolled her eyes at his dramatic entrance.
‘Right on time,’ she thought, turning to look at Izzy who shared the same smirk. She heard Maryse muttering and wondering what, in her words, the warlock was doing here. Jace noticed the smirk and look that Izzy and Alyssa had shared and whispered to Izzy.
“Izzy, did Alec invite Magnus?”
“Lyssa did. Didn’t think he’d show when Lyssa told me but I guess, she knows him best.” Izzy said with a chuckle.
Maryse, noticing the stare off between her son and Magnus, got up and walked over to Magnus.
“Magnus, leave this wedding now.” Magnus held up a hand, silencing her.
“Maryse, this is between me and your son.” He said, taking a step forward, still looking towards Alec. “I’ll leave if he asks me to.” Alyssa turned back towards the altar to see Alec breathing heavily. Jace noticed this too.
“You gonna be okay, buddy?” He whispered. Lydia noticed too and pulled Alec’s face to look at her.
“Alec? Hey.”
“I just…I can’t breathe.” Alyssa restrained herself from walking over to him as she heard Alec say this.
“I know. It’s okay?” Lydia said with a smile, shaking her head. Alec remembered then all what Alyssa had said to him earlier when he spoke with her.
“…you’re giving up your chance to find or be in love and be truly and fully happy. You can learn to love Lydia, yes, it’s not the same as being with the one you truly love……you need to sync your heart with your head to find the best and right decision for you. Not for your parents, not for Izzy, not for Jace, not for anyone but you. You need to ask yourself if this is the right and best thing for you and if you’re going to be happy……”
“I can’t do this.” Alec said, sighing as he took a deep breath. Lydia’s face fell in in disappointment. “I thought we were doing the right thing but this isn’t it.” Despite her disappointment, Lydia smiled at Alec and shook her head.
“You don’t have to explain.”
“Lydia, I’m sorry.” Alec said guiltily.
“Hey, you deserve to be happy, okay? I’ll be fine.” Lydia said, placing her hand on Alec’s shoulder. Alec then turned away from her and made his way down the altar and down the aisle towards Magnus. Maryse walked towards him to intercept him.
“Alec, what are you doing?” She asked but Alec brushed her off.
“Enough.” He said then kissed Magnus in front of everyone. Jace, Izzy, Alyssa, Clary and Simon watched on, smiling and feeling very happy for both of them while Maryse and Robert looked away, shocked. Maryse then walked away, angry and Robert followed her, both of them leaving the room. Jace and Izzy walked down the aisle towards the new couple as well as Simon and Clary, all smiling happily. Alyssa turned and noticed Lydia still standing away from them, looking sad yet happy for Alec and her smile faded. She looked towards Izzy and gave her a silent message then walked towards Lydia.
“Hey.” Lydia was surprised that the girl was talking to her when she could be celebrating with her friends over the new couple.
“What you did for Alec…I…thank you. I know I wasn’t easy.”
“You know Jace said the same thing, exact wording before he went down to join you guys. Just how connected are you?" Lydia said in a mock teasing voice before sobering up. "Anyway it was the right thing to do.” Lydia said, smiling slightly.
“Right thing or not…it wasn’t exactly easy. It takes a special person to be willing to do that for the man they were about to marry.” Alyssa said, taking her and squeezing it lightly, smiling at the blonde
“Thank you.”
“So what are you gonna do now?”
“Head back to Idris.” Lydia said with a deep sigh. “Dive into work. There’s no place for me here.”
“I don’t know about that.” Alyssa said, still smiling. “There’s always gonna be a place for you here.” Lydia smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded.
“Give Alec and Magnus my best.” Lydia said and went to walk away. But Alyssa caught her hand and fell in step with her as they walked out.
“Why don’t I help you get out of that dress and if you still wanna go, pack?” Lydia was surprised again.
“Sure but why are you being nice to me? I thought you didn’t like me.” Alyssa threw her hands up in mock frustration.
“Why does everyone think I'm not a nice person? I'm one of the nicest people you'll ever meet." She said in a mock offended tone that had Lydia giggling. She smiled and chuckled. "That aside, like you, when you meet me for the first time, it may seem like I’m abrasive and that I don’t like you. But that’s not exactly it. The first day we met, I had already been irritated by my sister’s actions and I was also worried for her, Jace and later my dad. That and your being abrasive didn’t help at the time. But I realized during the trial that despite everything, that wasn’t who you really were and that your duties were what was making you seem like……”
“…A bitch?” Lydia completed with a smirk.
“Kind of, yeah.” They both shared a laugh.
“It’s alright.”
“Bottom line is, it’s not that I didn’t like you. It’s that I didn’t really know you yet then.”
“Why don’t we start over then?”
“Sure, as friends, if you want.” Lydia smiled.
“I’d like that.” Alyssa smiled back and they both made their way to Lydia’s room.


Lydia was now changed and in the office with Alyssa, taking the Mortal Cup out of the safe it had been in. her hair was still in the elaborate do it had been in for the wedding.
“I really hope to not see that near this place anytime soon.” Alyssa commented, making Lydia chuckle. “It’s caused more trouble than it should.”
“It also saved your life at the trial so…” Alyssa smirked and tilted her head.
“I’d like to think you saved my life at the trial and the Inquisitor is the one who put it in peril again because of that Cup. So my point still stands.” Lydia pretended to ponder it, nodding.
“Hmm, good point.” The two women giggled at this then Lydia turned to place the Cup in the case she was traveling with. Alyssa frowned, feeling a presence behind her but before she could turn or react, she was grabbed and thrown into a wall on the side, crashing into some painting then fell to the floor with a groan. She held her hand to her head as it throbbed from hitting the wall then the ground with force and felt blood sticking to her hand. She looked up just in time to see the intruder knock Lydia into the coffee table, causing it to break from the impact. Alyssa tried to sit up but found herself unable to as her back and whole body ached from being flung across the room. Her groan of pain caught the person’s attention and they turned back to her. Alyssa looked up to see that it was Hodge. She glared and growled weakly as he walked toward her and picked her up by the throat.
“I knew there was something I couldn’t trust about you.” She weakly said, trying to pry his hand from her throat as he gripped it tightly. Hodge just smirked and threw her across the room again, into the wall on the other side causing her to yell out. Alyssa fell to the ground with a scream of pain. Hodge then grabbed her head and slammed it into the wall, knocking her unconscious.
Meanwhile, outside, nobody realized that Alyssa hadn’t returned from walking out with Lydia, not even Jace. He couldn’t feel her through their bond since she’d shut down her side of it.

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