The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

De zer0420

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Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... Mais

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 28 The Song of Truth

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De zer0420

No one's POV

Currently within the Archangel, as they arrived at the Luner city of Copernicus, Nhazul was speaking with Athrun and Kira about Destiny and Legend Gundams.

Kira: So, if the Vengeances and Sabre are with us, then that means the Minerva only has the Destiny and Legend, correct?

Athrun: But given how Lunamaria and Nhazul defected, I'm sure they were assigned ZAKUs and GOUFs for more support.

Kira: I see.

Athrun: I still can't get over that to be honest. I never expected you to lose to Nhazul.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Thanks, I guess you were fine if I died...

Athrun: That's not what I mean. I didn't want either of you to die. It's just Kira is incredibly powerful as a pilot. The fact that you did beat him was impressive and shocking. There's not even a handful of people who can do that.

Kira: I wasn't trying to kill him at first, but as time went on, I couldn't see myself getting out of that situation unless I fought to kill. Even then, it was like Nhazul was learning and adapting as time we went on. He was even mimicking my movements.

Nhazul: Well, I wanted you dead. So I was going to use everything available to me, even your own movements.

Athrun: The Archangel also went down. It was full of surprises. But maybe that's what made it all the more clear to me. That this isn't right.

Kira: Athrun.

Athrun: It's what makes dealing with the Chairman and Rey so difficult. When you talk to them, everything they say sounds right. It still makes me glad I was able to get through to Nhazul all the more.

Nhazul: I've known Rey since I was in the academy. So I knew to trust him on must things. But when talking to the Chairman, it always felt like there was a second, hidden meaning to his words. Like he's saying one thing, but means something completely different.

Kira: I agree. I know what you're both saying. What they probably say is correct.

Nhazul just sighed, thinking about Shinn.

Nhazul: That's what Shinn has trouble seeing past. He's been enticed by their words and goals and now anyway who opposed them are the enemy...


It's been a few hours and currently in the armory, Nhazul, Athrun and Kira were in casual clothes, loading their guns, getting ready to head into the city. Athrun looked over and saw Nhazul had holstered two pistols in his gun holsters under his jacket.

Athrun: Do you really need two pistols?

Nhazul: ...-_-... I don't know, do you really need to wear sunglasses indoors?

Hearing Nhazul say that, Athrun looked at him annoyed, as Kira chuckled. Waiting outside by the elevator was Lunamaria, Meyrin, and Lacus wearing a cloak to hide her identity.

Lacus: It's been such a long time since I've been outside.

Lunamaria: Huh? Really?

Lacus: Yes. I've been confined in a shop for months. Until the other day, we were in space. And before that, we were underwater.

Meyrin: Wow...

The three of them looked back and noticed the boys walking towards them.

Lucus: I know it can't be helped, but it can get tiring.

Athrun then looked over at Kira.

Athrun: Are you sure about this?

Kira: Ah, sure.

As the six head down to the hanger, Athrun, Kira, Meyrin and Lacus all got into a car, while Nhazul on a motorcycle with Lunamaria on the back. As the the six left, they proceeded to make their way to town, heading to the mall.

Lacus: This is my first time to Copernicus. How about you two?

Lunamaria: No, we haven't.

Meyrin: This is our first time too.

As the six walked around the mall, the girls went to different stores,

while the boys stayed back and watched. As they did, Athrun had an annoyed look on his face.

Kira: Don't be so upset, Athrun.

Athrun: I'm not upset, I'm just disgusted.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Pretty sure that's the same thing.

Kira: Yeah, I thought so too.

Athrun just looked them annoyed.

Athrun: Why are you two agreeing with each other?! Anyway, just think about it, Lacus...

Lacus: Yes?

Kira: Oh, he's nothing.

Lacus: Is that so?

As the girls went back to what they were doing, Kira spoke up.

Kira: Don't worry, Athrun. I'm alright, and so is Lacus. Stop trying to take care of everything by yourself. Okay?

Athrun just rolled his eyes, as Lacus began trying on different outfits, when suddenly, a red Haro bounced it's way up to them.

Lacus: Oh, my.

Seeing the Haro, Athrun looked at it surprised.

Athrun: This is Meer's!

Lunamaria: Meer?

Athrun: The Chairman's Lacus. Meer Campbell.

Lacus saw a note attached to the Haro and it read, " Help! I'm gonna be killed!"

Nhazul: ...-_-... If this isn't the set up for a trap, I don't know what is...

Athrun: Yeah. But still, we can't ignore it. Damn, and they set this trap knowing that too.

Athrun looked at Kira.

Athrun: You need to protect Lacus and return to the ship. Ah, no. We'll just call for back up. Just wait. We still don't know what they're after.

Lacus: I'm going with you.

Athrun looked at Lucas shocked.

Athrun: Huh?! You foo-

Lacus: This person is asking for me.

Athrun: However...

Lacus: It's something we were going to have to deal with sooner or later. Right, Kira?

Athrun: Kira!

Lacus: I would like to meet her.

Meyrin and Lunamaria: Huh?!

Nhazul just rolled his eyes.

Nhazul: If you're really going to do this, then you should at least call the ship.

Athrun: You too?!

Nhazul: ...-_-... I mean we literally know it's a trap, so it's not like we're going in blind.

Kira: He's right. Besides, we'll go together.

Lacus: Thank you, Kira.

Kira: You're welcome. But be careful.


After arriving at the location where Meer had told them to go, Athrun made his presence known, shocking her.

Meer: Athrun?! Athrun! You're alive!

As Meer ran up to him, he drew his gun in her, surprising her.

Athrun: Stop right there.

Meer: Athrun..?

Athrun: I got your message. I also know this is a trap. I'm giving you one last chance, Meer. That's why I came!

Meer: ...

Suddenly, the others walked out, with their pistols out, as Lacus walked up, removing her hood.

Lacus: Athrun.

Meer: Miss Lacus...

Lacus: Hello, Miss Meer. Nice to finally meet you. In your letter, you asked for my help. Said you were going to be killed. If so, I ask you to come with me.

Although Meer idolized Lacus, meeting Lacus in person made her realize how much she is a threat to her status as a pop idol.

Meer: T-That's me! It's me!

Athrun: Meer?! Calm down! It's alright! So-

Meer: B-But I'm the real Lacus! Because... I'm right, aren't I?! I have the same voice and face as her! I'm the real Lacus! What's wrong with that?!

Suddenly, Meer pulled out a pistol and tried to shoot Lacus, but Nhazul fired one of his gun and disarmed Meer.

Nhazul: Let's not do that.

Athrun: Meer, cut it out!  You're-

Lacus: If it's my name you want, you may have it. And my appearance. But even then, you and I will still be two separate people. That will never change.

Meer: ...

Meer just fell to her knees, conflicted, as Lacus spoke up.

Lacus: None of us can be anything other then ourselves. But that's why you and I exist, and stand here before each other, right? That's why we have encounters, right? With one another, and also with ourselves. Your dreams belong to you. So please sing your dreams for your own sake. You mustn't let others use your dreams for their benefit.

Hearing Lacus's words, Meer soon began to cry, having realized the error of her ways. However, out of the corner of his eye, Nhazul had seen a glint in the distance, making his eyes widened.

Nhazul: GET DOWN!!!!

Quickly reacting, Nhazul grabbed Lacus, moving her out of the way of a sniper shot.

Lunamaria: Sniper?!

Nhazul quickly rushed Lacus to cover with Kira, as Athrun quickly grabbed Meer, getting into cover as well as more sniper shots rang out.

Athrun: Kira!

Kira: This way!

Peaking out from cover, Nhazul saw multiple armed men from the converge emerged with machine guns as Athrun and Nhazul tried to fire back.

Athrun: How many? Do you know?

Meer: I don't know! Only Sarah!

Athrun: Nhazul! On me!

Nhazul: Yeah!

While Kira, Lunamaria and Meyrin defended their position and provided cover fire, Athrun and Nhazul moved forward to neutralize the attackers. Although outnumbered in firepower, Nhazul and Athrun's superior reflexes and marksmanship killed the first shooter, while Athrun injured Sarah's left shoulder.

During this time, Meer was covering her ears in fear of the shooting and Lacus crawled to her side to comfort her, believing they'll come out victoriously. Lacus' words helped eased Meer a little when Kira warned them they had to move when one of the gunmen launched a grenade. Meer, Lacus, Lunamaria, Meyrin, and Kira relocated to the corner of the wall and avoided any harm.

Sarah charged through and attempted to throw another grenade at Lacus, but Kira, Lunamaria and Meyrin shot it back at her, blowing her away. Athrun managed to shoot the second gunman and, while Nhazul killed the third one just as the Akatsuki arrived for assistance.

Mu: You alright, kids!

Kira: What took so long, Mu?!

Mu: Huh?!

Kira: Look after Lacus and the others! Hurry!

Mu: Yeah, Gotcha.

As Lacus gets ready to leave, Kira also extended his hand to Meer. Although hesitant at first, Meer agreed to go with them. It was then Meer realized Sarah still lived and aimed at Lacus. Meer dashed towards Lacus, warning her of danger but everyone was too slow to react. Meer took the shot on her upper-body and fell to the floor. Nhazul and Athrun returned two shots, the last bullet killed Sarah. Although the fight truly ended, however, Meer was losing blood quickly.

Nhazul: Shit, she's losing blood and fast!

Quickly thinking, Nhazul removed Meer's jacket, finding the wound. Taking Lacus's cloak, Nhazul ripped off a piece of it and wrapping it around the wound.

Nhazul: Meyrin, come here! Apply direct pressure on it!

Meyrin: Right!

Doing what Nhazul said, Meyrin applied the pressure onto the wound, as Nhazul screamed out to Mu.

Nhazul: Make a be line towards the Archangel! She's still losing blood.

Mu: Right!

As Mu took Lacus, Meer and Meyrin, and left for the Archangel, Nhazul looked back towards the others.

Nhazul: Let's go. We don't know if any reinforcements are on the way or not.

Everyone: Right.


A few days after the attack and assassination attempt against Lacus, miraculously Meer survived the gun shot. Just barely but she survived it. Sitting up in the bed of the medical bay, Meer was still thinking about what Lacus had told her.


Lacus: If it's my name you want, you may have it. And my appearance. But even then, you and I will still be two separate people. That will never change.

Meer: ...

Meer just fell to her knees, conflicted, as Lacus spoke up.

Lacus: None of us can be anything other then ourselves. But that's why you and I exist, and stand here before each other, right? That's why we have encounters, right? With one another, and also with ourselves. Your dreams belong to you. So please sing your dreams for your own sake. You mustn't let others use your dreams for their benefit.


Meer: ...

She had received emergency surgery and was remaining in the medical bay of the Archangel. Only this time she was Meer Campbell not Lacus Clyne. No longer would she impersonate Lacus Clyne, it felt meaningless now. She would no longer serve under the Chairman either. She had served her purpose as Lacus Clyne and she was now finished. She was finished being something she was not. She was Meer not Lacus. Meer not Lacus.

Meet's thoughts: Meer not Lacus, Meer not Lacus, Meer not Lacus...

???: Are you feeling okay?

Meer looked over and saw both Athrun and Nhazul standing at the door.

Meer: I'm okay, thank you for asking.

Athrun: Lacus wanted to accompany us, but she's currently busy multiple other things.

Meer didn't speak up for a moment, before looking at him.

Meer: Athrun, who do you see who you look at me? Do you see Lacus Clyne or Meer Campbell?

He was startled by her sudden question of his opinion and before he could answer she said.

Athrun: I see Meer Campbell not Lacus Clyne.

Hearing this, made Meer smile.

Meer: Lacus was right... I will no longer pose as Lacus Clyne...but Meer Campbell. The Chairman has no need for me now, you see as you said before I will probably be killed.

Athrun: Then what will you do after that?

Meer: I guess I'll just stay low until the war is over...

Athrun: We can make arrangements to take you to Orb. You'll be safe there.

Meer: Thank you.

As both Nhazul and Athrun left, Meer had soon reached up into her hair and removed her Lacus-like hair piece.

Meer: Meer, not Lacus...

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