Handsome pt.2

By loveuh90

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Dave and Amaria have moved on with life but have few bumps in the road, do you think they will work through t... More

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By loveuh90

1 year later 

Amaria's POV

"No more to the right" I told Dave as he move the frame more to the right. "Actually the left" I said changing my mind and he did as told. "No that's too left" I complained as he sighed irritated. "It's not my fault you're not doing it right" I complained to Dave as he took a deep breath in before answering me. "Okay my bad, is this good?" he asked me as I rolled my eyes feeling myself get emotional. "Why are you crying?" he asked me putting the frame down and walking up to me. "I don't know" I sobbed. "Its okay, come on let's take break and get some food, we will finish the room later. We still got another month before he gets here" Dave said to me as I nodded my head wiping my tears. 

I'm 8 months pregnant. David proposed to me sooner than we both expected but it felt right so I said yes. He proposed to me in Paris, a month after his birthday trip, with the beautiful Eiffel Tower in view. Then I found out I was pregnant in August the following month after. We decided to make things official and get married after we found out I was pregnant. I moved in with him and now we are moving to a bigger penthouse in Tribeca. We are pregnant with a baby boy and I honestly couldn't be any happier, however I have been so emotional and it's draining for me and Dave. Dave has been so supportive of me during this pregnancy, he doesn't like leaving my side even to work. He set up a whole at home studio so he could be near me at all times. But sometimes he has to leave. 

"You need anything else?" Dave asked me as I munched on my grilled cheese sandwich happily. "Nope, I'm gonna take a nap after I eat" I said scrolling on my phone on instagram. "Aight, let me know if you need anything, I'll be in the studio" he said walking towards his studio. 

Once I finished eating I made myself a cup of ice before making my way to our new bedroom ad turning on my favourite show Power Book II. 

I peeled the sheets back getting bed and turned on Power while I munched on Ice. 


I woke up from my nap and got out of bed slowly cleaning up. Once I cleaned our room I made my way to my closet and changed. I went down to the kitchen and started looking for food to cook dinner with. After a good five minutes of looking I decided I needed to make a stop at the target that was nearby. I texted Dave letting him know I was leaving, I didn't want to interrupt his studio session. 

I arrived at target as Otis helped me get my pregnant ass out the car, "Could you come in with me please?" I asked him once my feet touched the ground. I know Dave would be heated if I went in alone. "Yes mam" he said closing the car door. 

I went across each isle picking out everything I needed to make this dinner, plus a little clothes shopping for my baby boy. "Are you staying for dinner Otis?" I asked just incase I had to make extra dinner. "No m-" he was cut off by the sound of gun shots. I looked around scared as everyone was screaming and running. The sound of an alarm went off followed by some more gunshots. Tears ran down my face as Otis wrapped his arm around me protecting me from people rushing by. "Are you good?" he asked me as we got behind a clothing rack. "No, can you call Dave I left my phone in the cart" I said as he called Dave but he didn't pick up. Fuck. 

"Stay here, I'm gonna go make sure everything is clear for us to leave" Otis said. "Here keep trying Dave I'll be back" he said handing me his phone. "Okay be safe" I said before he left me alone to call Dave. I called his phone multiple times but he never picked up. I took deep breaths in because I could feel my heart racing faster and faster. Once I calmed my nerves I heard gun shots go off again. Shit. I quickly prayed hoping that Otis was okay and that he hadn't been shot. Soon I heard men voices yelling at people to empty out their bags. I clenched Otis phone to my chest silently crying. 

"Pst Amaria come here" I heard someone whisper, I looked around confused before laying my eyes on Andre. "Quick they are getting closer" he whispered as I slowly crawled over to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I was shopping, follow me" he said as I followed him and we made our way to the changing rooms. 

"Are you ok? did you get hurt?" he asked me looking at me concerned. "No I'm okay, but my driver hasn't come back yet, he said he would go see if everything was clear and then I heard gunshots and he didn't come back and my husband isn't answering his phone" I said starting to cry as Andre tried to calm me down. "Its okay, I'll go find him, what he look like?" he asked me as I showed him Otis phone that was a picture of him and his daughter on his phone screen. "Okay, stay clam I'll be back with him. Do not leave this room Ari" he said to me as I nodded my head. "I won't" I said before he left me in the change room. 

I continued calling Dave's phone but he still wasn't answering. I sat down on the floor crying silently to myself. A few moments later another gunshot went off and I heard footsteps getting closer. I heard them open change room doors and yelling. 

Soon my change room door swung open as two men stood there looking at me. "Look what we have here" one of them snickered as I stayed silent. "You one pretty lady" the same man said crouching down next to me as tears ran down my face. "Why you crying, I ain't gon hurt you" he said chuckling wiping my tear with his thumb as I just stayed still. "Man come on get the money and let's go" the other guy said from the change room door. "You heard the guy, empty your pockets" he said. "I don't have my bag on me, I left it in the cart, please you can go take it, don't hurt me" I cried. "Get up" he said standing as I stayed where I was. "I said get up bitch" he said pointing his gun at me as I screamed. "Please stop" I begged. "Nigga leave her alone she pregnant" the other guy said and he ignored him. "I don't care, she pretty, and I ain't had some in a minute" he said. "Get the fuck up, I ain't about to ask you again" he said as I got up slowly while crying. 

They lead me out the change rooms but stopped in their tracks when they heard police sirens. Thank god. "Shit man, this all your fault, if you just let her be" the man said referring to me. "Shut the fuck, up let's go out the back" he said. "How about the other guys?" he said. "We ain't got time let's get the fuck outta here" he said dragging me by my hand. "Yo leave the pregnant woman here, she just gonna slow us down" One of them said. He looked at me and shook his head, "Damn I was looking forward to you, but ima let you go, ima find you again and we gon have some fun" he winked at me making me sick, he let my hand go and ran to the back entrance. I quickly ran back to the change rooms hiding just incase the others were still in the building. 

-two hours later- 

"Like I said, I don't know them, can I please call my husband" I cried to the police officer. "Just a moment mam, we need to know for sure that you don't know these shooters, your story doesn't make any sense, I need proof" the officer said. "What proof? I am the victim, I'm eight months pregnant, I just want to be home with my husband getting my daily food rub" I cried venting to the police officer. "Here mam, drink some water" a black police officer said crouching in front of me with a glass of water. "Thank you" I thanked taking the water and drinking it to calm my nerves. "You need to let me go, I am innocent, I just want to call my husband and he won't let me" I said pointing to the white police officer sitting across from me. "He says he needs proof that I don't know them but that is just stupid" I told him as he nodded his head. "I got it from here" he told the fat white man. 

I called Dave as he finally answered. I explained everything to him and as you can imagine he was mad as fuck. 

Dave's POV

I got out the car walking into the prescient, I told Ari's dumbass not leave the house without me cause of shit like this, but she so damn hard headed she don't wanna listen to me. 

"Where my wife at" I asked irritated as they lead me to Ari, her eyes were red and puffy and I could tell she had been crying badly, I calmed myself down before approaching her. If it wasn't for being pregnant she woulda got all this anger i'm feeling right now, but she sensitive and I don't want anything to happen to our baby. 

"Ms. Brewster your husband is here" the lady said as Ari looked up at me and immediately started crying. I crouched down in front of her holding her hands. "You good? you hurt?" I asked her as she shook her head sniffling. "It's okay mama everything gonna be cool" I told her kissing her hands and wiping her tears. "O- Otis got shot" she said crying harder as I clenched my jaw. "It's okay, he's gonna pull through" I assured her as she nodded wiping her tears. Dealing with Ari's mood swings and her emotional pregnant ass is a lot, but in this situation I can't blame her. 

We got her stuff and left while I also threatened the percent with a law suit for treating Ari like a criminal, I don't know if that's an actual thing ima have to look into it with my lawyer. 

We drove home in silence while holding each others hand. Although Im mad as fuck at her right now, I'm also thankful nothing happened to her, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something did. We got back to the crib as I helped Ari settle down after her shower. "Are you hungry?" I asked her as we just got in bed. She shook her head looking up at the ceiling. "Mamas you got to eat for our son" I told her as she stayed silent biting the inside of her cheek. "Ima go visit Otis at the hospital and I'll get you some food on the way back, will you be okay?" I asked her as she nodded her head. "Ari if you don't want me to leave I won't" I told her as she finally looked at me and gave me a small smile. "I'll be fine, go, your security is here anyways" she said and looked back up at the ceiling. I placed a kiss on her cheek before getting myself ready to go see Otis. 

I arrived at the hospital and knocked on Otis hospital room door before walking in, I walked in seeing him laying on the hospital bed with all types of tubes attached to him. I hate seeing people I love and care for in the hospital, it's happened too many times. "How you feeling?" I asked walking closer towards him. "I'll pull through" he said casually as I nodded. "Thank you man" I said as he scrunched his eyebrows together, "For what?" he asked confused. "For taking care of my wife and making sure she was straight and protected, you basically took a bullet for her, I appreciate you for that for real bro" I said as he shrugged it off. "You my bro, I got you always and your family, you have always had my back bro and took care of mine since the start" he said as I remembered all the times I had helped him out back when we used to live in the projects in Harlem. Otis my brother for real, he been my side since I was a youngin, he like brother to me so whoever did this shit definitely is going to get their karma. 


I arrived back at the crib and made my way upstairs to our bedroom. I opened the door to see Ari still awake watching her show. "Hey, how you doing?" I asked her placing Chipotle on her bed side. "Good, can you come to bed I wanna cuddle" she looked over at me. "Aight, eat something while I shower" I said placing a peck on her lips as she nodded. She sat up as I helped her, "Don't take long" Ari said starting to eat her chipotle. I feel bad for my baby, I know she probably traumatised as fuck and I wish I could do something to ease her pain. I'll try talk to her tomorrow morning and see where her head space at. 

I finished my shower putting on my boxers and getting in bed next to Ari. "Cmere" I said pulling her closer to me. "Baby, I'm sorry, I never should have left. I put my self and our baby in danger, and now Otis is shot because of me" she cried as I rubbed her stomach. "It's not your fault shorty, and you better not beat yourself up for what happened, you never could of guessed that a bunch of bitch ass niggas were going to do that shit" I told her kissing her head as she laid it in the crook of my head. 

"On a positive note i'm nine months pregnant tomorrow" she said rubbing her stomach as I smiled. "I can't wait to meet lil man" I chuckled. 

-2 days later- 

"I can't wait to meet my grand baby, he's gonna be so handsome like my David" My mom said touching Ari's stomach. We were in Jersey as my mom invited us for dinner and we were going to spend the night.

 "I can't wait for him to come out of me" Ari chuckled. "Son come help me grill" Pop said from the back yard. I got up placing a kiss on Ari's massive ass forehead and going to where my dad was at. 

"How she doing since what happened?" he asked me as I sighed deeply. "She blames herself for Otis getting shot, he's going to be good but she still upset about it" I informed him. "She my daughter too Dave, your mom and I are worried about her so you gotta be a good husband and be there for her, especially cause she is carrying your baby" Pop said as I nodded. "heard you" I replied looking back at Ari and my mom while they talked. 

We ate dinner while we talked and laughed, mostly my mom, my dad and me. Ari was silent picking at her food, she never told me the full story of what happened to her so I know thats what is keeping her mood down. Ive been asking her about it for the last two days but I didn't want to frustrate her by asking too much. I rubbed her leg as she looked at me giving me a small smile. "Ari baby, you thought of any names for baby boy?" my mom asked Ari trying to start a conversation with her. "No not yet" she replied. "I was thinking David Brewster Junior the third" My mom said as immediately shook my head laughing. "Hell no we are stopping that cycle with me" I said chuckling as Pop and Ari agreed with me. "Thanks Ma for the dinner, we gon knock out early tonight" I said cause I really needed to talk to Ari. "Alright now, you and that baby get some sleep" she said to Ari holding her hand. Everyone could tell something was up with Ari, but I didn't know how to help her. 

"Thank you ma, goodnight" she said before getting up and going upstairs. "Give her some time she will get better, she is probably traumatised from what happened the other day" My mom told me. "I know, it's just frustrating, she is never this sad, she always happy" I sighed. I said goodnight to my parents before going upstairs to the guest bedroom where me and Ari was sleeping tonight. I took a deep breath in before walking in and seeing her in bed laying down. 

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I asked Ari getting into bed next to her. "I'm tired" she mumbled. "You ready to talk?" I asked her calmly. She shrugged sitting up. "What you wanna talk about?" she asked me. "Everything that happened, I wanna know the whole story so I can help you feel better" I softly said. "Help me with what? I'm fine" she shrugged off but I could tell she was starting to get irritated. "Baby, I'm your husband now, you have to talk to me about these things, everything that upsets you and stresses you, I need to know to make sure you're good at all times" I explained to her as I sighed. "Andre died" she let out as I frowned. She mean Andre as in her ex? Why the fuck she care?

"And I know that we used to mess around, but that was my childhood friend before anything. He was there at the incident and he helped me hide out, then he left me to go look for Otis cause I was worried about him. They shot him and he didn't live he is dead Dave, it's all my fault" she cried as I immediately felt bad, she carrying all that weight on her plus the baby stress. "Ain't I told you not to blame yourself? Ari none of this is your fault shorty, you a good person, you always have good intentions, not a bad bone in you" I explained to her as she sniffled. "I'm sorry, for being so cold" she cried. "It's all good, come here" I told her as she lay down on my chest on her back since her belly was too big. 

"I love you okay, and ima always love and support you. We married now all those problems you have I gotta carry them too, for you and for our baby" I said as she nodded her head. "Okay, I love you too" she said, and a few moments later she was knocked out. 


How did y'all like the first chapter? A little bit of a time skip, but I like how this chapter turned out. Please make sure to vote and COMMENT, I love reading your comment so please make sure to do that. Ill see y'all in the next chapter, love y'all <3

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