Boy From Nowhere

By YOLOwriting101

28.7K 1.4K 789

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into... More

𓍯twenty one
𓍯twenty two


882 56 24
By YOLOwriting101

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

Evan looked into Nigel's eyes as he gripped his face, the both of them being only centimeters apart.

Nigel held a firm grip whilst he looked at his lips and knew only minutes ago they were kissing a girl. He found himself smiling as he soon looked back at Evan.

"I didn't kiss Owen once, I could go back to you and kiss you, knowing I didn't kiss him at all. Because to me, the only person I wanted to kiss was you; yet it seems you don't mind kissing others besides me. I didn't know you had this side to you. Willing to take it to this point, I had no ill-intentions towards you when I let Owen do what he did. You, however...have ill-intentions towards me for doing this." Nigel states, looking out the window behind Evan's back.

Noticing some teachers beginning to walk in and he was aware that the bell would go off soon. Except right now, he didn't care.

"No one has ever taken revenge out on me before, and because what? I wouldn't tell you why I let some guy suck me off? What if...I just wanted my dick sucked-?"

"With the kind of person you are, I know that's not it."

"And what kind of person am I? Since you know me so well?"

Evan glared at him, pulling his face out of Nigel's hand grip. His lips tightening together as he wiped his lips of the all the kisses he had with Kiersten. Nigel just snickering at such a thing.

"I know...that you know what Owen did to Barry. Why would you just volunteer to do all of this and let Owen get like this with you? You hate bullies and you...hate everything they are, so what the fuck do you mean? I know there's a bigger reason as to why you let him do it. You're not fooling me." Evan snapped at him.

Nigel just stayed silent as he contemplated saying anything still.

"You got all of that...from me just letting him do that?"


"What about Terrance?"

Evan frowned at him, not even knowing why he'd bring him up now.

"What about Terrance? What does he have to do with this?"

"I see..." Nigel drifts, looking off only to settle his eyes back onto Evan. Grinning at him, he nodded. "You're right, what does he have to do with this? I was just wondering if you'd tie him to anything too."

Evan shook his head, but he now wondered if he should now. Because why would he bring it up if there wasn't a bigger reason behind it?

"What are you hiding from me?" Evan calls Nigel out, causing him to just force a grin upon his face. "You're...hiding something from me and it's so fucking obvious that it's laughable. I don't think Owen realizes, but he might realize now that you're trying something. I can tell you have a bigger reason for doing what you're doing and I want to know what that is."

Nigel doesn't say anything, debating on saying anything at all. Because who was to say that it would work for the better on his end? Who's to say that he would actually get anything out of this besides one person's trust or distrust?

The reaction could go two ways and have multiple ramifications.

That he wasn't willing to take and has never taken before.

"Let me show you then."


Evan became confused as Nigel got out of the car. Almost as if what happened was completely forgotten...more like pushed aside for now.

When in reality, Nigel could care less. It really didn't change anything, just made things more obvious to him.

"Show me why?" Evan questions him hurriedly as he followed him out of his car. Not even sure what he meant by that and wasn't able to figure out anymore than that since the school bell went off.

So he was left hanging at that moment and the curiosity drove him a little insane. He couldn't tell if it was something towards him truly or really Owen.

Except when lunch hit around that day, he knew exactly who Nigel was talking about.

As he pushed himself to the front of the crowds that started to form around Nigel's locker. He got there to see Owen look embarrassed whilst putting on a brave face. While Nigel looked at him in pure confusion.

While...Evan knew it was an act all along.

"Don' this to me!" Owen shouts in Nigel's face, causing him to keep going through his locker. "You said you wouldn't deny me...and look what the fuck you're doing, denying!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Nigel looked at him warily, causing Owen's eyes to widen upon him. He looked off and saw a crowd forming and if they didn't join with the crowd, they watched at a distance. This looked too reminiscent to Terrance's, he was 'put in his place' by the people he once bullied.

This was much different, but the crowd was the same.

Why was it that crowds formed when it came to Nigel? Why did it feel like this had a bigger reason behind it?

"Don't play dumb with me. You know what the fuck I'm talking about and you're pissing me off."

"We aren't friends, I don't know what you're talking about. Can you...please stop?" Nigel practically begged and Evan stood from the side.

To see Nigel suddenly act like he didn't know who he was...was the oddest thing. Because his acting was much more disturbing to watch than he thought. It made him wonder that since he brought up Terrance earlier...did he act at that time too? Did he plan something against Terrance at that time as well? Was the bit where he got his back hurt...was he really hurt at all?

He couldn't even deny that it probably did hurt because he has reacted to being hit in the back or just slamming up against things. That couldn't have been an act...right?

Not to mention that Terrance was the one that attacked him, but the whole time Nigel has played none the wiser. When in all honesty...he probably knew everything all along?

Evan didn't know if he was overthinking things, but if that was the case then what was Nigel trying to accomplish? It kind of scared him because he wasn't sure if Nigel being alongside him was an act or a ploy to something more. Though even if he wondered, his curiosity was more piqued than anything else. The fear and worry factor...was much more lower than everything else.

"What the fuck are you on about?!" Owen found himself raising his voice more, grabbing Nigel's arm. "Why are you doing this? I literally spoke you this morning."

"You asked about the library work options, that's it. I don't know how that has anything to do with a friendship."


"Owen what are you doing?" One of Owen's actual friends walked up, Aiden, to be specific. He was aware of Nigel being deaf and it didn't look good for his friend to be yelling at him.

He saw Evan on the other side of Nigel and wondered if they were better friends than they were with him. It honestly felt like it ever since he started working at the library as a punishment.

It actually...changed him, when they all preached it wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm dealing with this idiot who's playing fucking dumb! Mind your business!" Owen sneers sharply at Aiden who stepped back in fear of being involved.

He already had to be more cautious ever since...the incident, he wasn't going to risk anything.

"Owen...look around...and don't forget, you just got off suspension-."

"So what? I know Nigel and he knows me, this is fucking ridiculous! Where's that girl...that girl who was quick to make out with Evan when she got the chance because she knew she'd never get the chance to do it with anyone else, huh?!" Owen calls her out, and instantly Evan narrowed his eyes on him. "Nigel I know you know who the hell I'm talking about. What was her name?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're being rude. If Evan wants to kiss a girl and the girl had her chance, good for her. Who'd say no to a chance like that?" Nigel chuckles shyly, causing Evan to look over his shoulder.

He wondered where Kiersten was now. If she was in the crowd, she wasn't there now.

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

Evan looked back, seeing Owen shove Nigel forward some as he forcefully slammed his locker closed. Nigel standing his ground and looking down at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're thinking of someone else. I don't know who you are, I wouldn't lie about something like that," Nigel grinned at him, Owen's breathing increasing as his anger began to grow even more, "If you had asked to be my friend, I wouldn't have denied you. I wouldn't deny being friends with you, but you haven't asked. Sorry if I missed the signs-."

"Bullshit!" Owen shouts even louder, pointing at Evan now. "Evan you know damn well that I am friends with Nigel. Right?"

Evan saw Owen wait for a response, but his eyes moved onto Nigel. Who didn't even move or look back at him. Except he didn't need to as Nigel had to keep himself from grinning as he opened his locker again.

"Evan...say something..." Owen sneered, causing Evan to look around.

He was already aware of his predicament. It was obvious to him that Nigel had set this up and he knew damn well people would come to his defense. Just like at...the party.


"No," Evan speaks up, causing Owen's eyes to widen, "I wasn't aware you two were friends at all. You two have never even talked for more than a couple of minutes, so no. You two aren't friends. I don't know why you're doing this to him." Evan lies right through his teeth, grinning as he rests his hand on Nigel's shoulder.

When Nigel glanced over at him, his eyes said it all. Evan having to bite his lip to keep himself from smiling.

"You two are liars!" Owen shrieks, everyone watching as he lunges for Nigel. Only for him to move in time as he looked at him in shock. "You're fuckin' lying and I said I hate liars and deniers! You think that since you're deaf that you're exempt from the truth? Well guess the fuck what?!"

"I don't know, what? Besides you trying to point out my only weakness because you're just a bully." Nigel says calmly, and Owen's temperature soured.

"Owen..." Aiden tried to grab Owen's arm once more as the anger within the crowd raised. 

Except Owen shoved Aiden away from him, pointing right at Nigel's face.

"You...I should fuckin' do to you what I do to those who deserve it. I should bully your ass and put you in your place because that's our fucking job. To put people like you in their place because they clearly don't know shit! Want to join the list with Barry you freak?" Owen hissed harshly, and Nigel's eyes narrowed on him.

"The fuck did you just say?" Nigel questioned him quietly, Owen instantly becoming nervous as his anger ceased. "Did I read your lips right? Did you just acknowledge that you bullied Barry and were aware that it was bullying?"

"I didn't say-."


Everyone was quick to rush away once they heard the principal's voice.

Owen tried to rush away too, but Nigel grabbed his arm.

"Let go of me you deaf piece of-."

" my office, now!" The principal shouted over Owen's voice.

From that alone, Owen already knew that he was in trouble. And to be honest with himself...he felt played. Like this wasn't just a coincidence. Everything coincided with each other too perfectly and the fact that Nigel used what he hates against him...?

His lips tighten together, beginning to go alongside the principal.

"Nigel and Evan, you too."

When Owen heard that, he felt like he no had a chance. Because with them being pressured he knew how Evan could be, yet at the same time... He wasn't a snitch, so who's side would he pick?

It already didn't look good for Owen since he said what he said, but he didn't really mean it. Especially if it was going to bring harm upon the one person he actually liked.

"I want explanations of what's going"

All three of them sat in the front office, and Owen looked over at Evan. He didn't look bothered at all while Nigel just had this sad look on his face.

Seeing such an expression confused Owen because he has seen the expressions Nigel could make. Sadness...didn't suit his face at all.

"Nigel lied and I just got angry is all. I said some stuff I didn't mean."

"And what did he lie about for you to say such cruel things?" Their principal glanced over at Nigel who still held that sad expression.

"Nigel and I...we are friends, okay? He fucking lied and made me look like an idiot! Saying I'm lying about being his friend, who lies about being someone's friend?!" Owen found himself getting riled up again, sighing to calm his irritation. "Evan...knows what I'm talking about-."

"I don't." Evan interrupts, Owen glaring at him. "I have been around Nigel for a bit now and never once did he mention you. You have never been to the library besides yesterday. I never saw you...heard you, nothing. I think it's just...all in your head." Evan mocks him with the 'head' bit, causing Owen's face to become red.

Nigel, however, had to lower his head as he didn't bother reading anyone else's lips. It was clear to him where this was going...and who Evan had already chosen.

"All in my head, huh?" Owen asks rhetorically, causing Evan to look at him. "Bullshit!"


"No!" Owen yelled over the principal, looking back at Evan now as he felt his anger become hurt. "You' were supposed to be friend after all of this. You meet Nigel and now all of this? I was your friend before him."

"Yeah, a bad one." Evan responded quickly with no hesitation. "I don't want friends like that who bully senselessly. I was on the sidelines for too long and defended your guys shitty actions. Now you're being shitty towards a friend I care for dearly, that's the last straw, sorry."

Owen sat back in his chair, at a complete loss for words. He couldn't believe what was happening right now.

When he looked over at Nigel he saw him already looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Absolute hatred for him within his eyes and Owen began to remember.

"I think bullies are the worst thing. Doesn't that over-exceed your stupid things like liars and deniers?"

Owen felt his heart drop as he remembered the questions he asked. Especially the last question that he was never able to answer...and it all made sense.

The way Nigel grabbed him...the grip felt angry and he could feel the anger despite his kind expression. Now he was aware of how...fake it was.

"Then which percent does that make you for bullying Barry? The eighty-five...or the fifteen percent?"

He suddenly felt sick as Nigel lifted his head, a kind expression on his face.

"I'm sorry...I wish none of this had to happen. If only I was more aware."

"Don't blame yourself. There's a difference between a friendship and a acquaintanceship." The principal spoke up and Evan found that excuse...perfect.

The principal wasn't seeing it that an excuse, but it was the way Nigel wanted it to seem like. He was...manipulating the narrative so well.

It was disturbing because now he saw what he was perpetuating. Actually never drawing a line between him and Owen, so it would be uncertain if...they were friends or acquaintances... Or even anything at all.

"Acquaintances...huh?" Nigel breathed, standing up and Evan did too. "I'll head to class, and I'm sorry again for the misunderstanding."

"Fuck off."

Evan glared at Owen, seeing him glaring forward. Not even looking at either of them. He felt his hands ball up into fists as Nigel and Evan walked out of the office.

Already aware of what trap...he walked into.

Unaware that outside the office corridor, Evan pushed Nigel against the wall. His lips capturing his desperately and the both of them kissed each other with no shame.

Neither of them caring if they were to be caught or not.

Even after all of what just happened and Evan knowing he lied for Nigel's sake, he didn't care. He found himself wanting him even more, liking him even more - dare he say?

Despite what he saw and Nigel clearly manipulating the narrative, he could imagine why. He just wanted to hear why from Nigel himself. Because after all of that and taking his side...?

He didn't expect himself to go about this in such a way and wasn't sure if there was something wrong with him or... If he liked Nigel much more than he let on.

Or if Nigel manipulated him so much, that he was liking being in on whatever was going on. Either way, it didn't matter now.

And now he wondered, if that was the way Nigel wanted it, or did he somehow change his mind?


who knows. 😪

only Nigel knows- 🥴

for now. 🧛🏿

Owen though...? 🌚

idk whether to feel bad or glad. 🌝

...i guess i have to choose neither. 😀

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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