I'll Be With You (Barry Allen...

By hikari46

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A girl named Diana Greyson, she's the best friend of Caitlin and Cisco. She's also the niece of Dr. Wells, wh... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1 Awaken From Coma
Chapter 2 Clyde Mardon And Kidnapping
Chapter 3 Cause And Effect
Chapter 4 Busted
Chapter 5 Death Anniversary And First Clue
Chapter 6 Second Clue
Chapter 7 The Mist and Amethyst
Chapter 8 Ballroom
Chapter 9 Unexpected Visitor and Deity
Chapter 10 Gem And God Mother
Chapter 11 The Bully Is Back
Chapter 12 Spending Time With Iris West And Amethyst
Chapter 13 We Need Amethyst
Chapter 14 Sleeping Beauty and Mysterious Person
Chapter 15 The Arrow Is Here
Chapter 16 Arrow and Deity Vs. Flash
Chapter 17 History of Gem
Chapter 18 The Flash Is Here
Chapter 19 Ambushed
Chapter 20 Buying Christmas Gift
Chapter 21 Christmas Party
Chapter 22 He's Here
Chapter 23 Ronnie
Chapter 24 Visiting Barry's Dad And Niece
Chapter 25 Kidnapped And Moving In
Chapter 26 He's Back
Chapter 27 Old Friend
Chapter 29 Drunk
Chapter 30 Using and Mysterious Guy
Chapter 31 Hold Off
Chapter 32 My Life is Incomplete Without You

Chapter 28 U.S.B And Roberto Serkis

531 16 0
By hikari46

*Diana P.O.V*

I was in the Head Director rooms since he summon me unexpected

"Dr. Greyson, I have a favor to ask" in a serious tone

"what kind of favor would that be, Director?" I ask

"your going to have a seminar with the newly doctors and Dr. Garcia will help you" he smile

"so in other words me and Dr. Garcia will be the one who will seminar new doctors" I mentally sigh

"yes and don't worry, you have Dr. Garcia since he's a brilliant doctor" holding his hand together

"I'll accept it" looking at my watch "when will the seminar start?" I ask

"tomorrow and for now your work shift ends since you got a lot of things to do" I nod in agreement

I get out of the room and sigh. why me of all people? I went to C.C.P.D


I was waiting inside of his lab since Barry decided to have a lunch date with me. Janella is also work as an Sketch artist since Joe saw how she's good at drawing.

"are you ready to go?" Barry ask me

"yeah" I answer with a smile on my face

"Jane didn't want to join with us since she'll spent time with Joe" holding my hands

"Janella wants to know more about Joe and how to control her powers" looking at the window

"but is it okay that we hide about Jane's power?" in a worried tone

"I don't want them to test out her powers and join with us to fight" looking at him

"I started to feel guilty that we hide Jane's true powers including yours. why did you lie that your involve that explosion?" he ask

"my parents told me that don't trust anyone including uncle. lie to them so they won't know the whole truth" in a serious tone "they knew half of it and I can't tell them not until I'm seeking answers" I look down

"Diana" he lift my face to see him "I understand why your parents told you before they passed away. the question is still remains why Wells?" taking off my tie

my hair fall down and pretend to mad at him

"I don't know and taking off my hair tie is bad" in a blunt tone

"I like your hair down and you rebond it despite the fact I love your wavy hair" he touch my hair

"I just want to forget about Hartley and he did used to say I love your wavy hair even though your hair is short" I shrugged

"your hair is short before?" he ask

"yeah 2 years ago my hair is short wavy and Hartley likes it" I lean on him

"it's hard to believe that Rathaway likes you and then reject him" he shook his head

"I have no feelings for him and I'll end up hurting Hartley if I don't love him back" I smile sadly at him

"it's okay, at least your ready to fall in love that is me" wink at me

"yeah, yeah" I kiss him on the cheek

"let's have a lunch" he carried me in bridal style

~Korean Restaurant~

Barry and I are waiting for our food to arrive

"are you sure about this Barry?" I ask "I'm not even sure if you like the foods" looking at him worriedly

"it's fine" he waved his hand off "I would like to know what's their food looks like"

I look at him and smile then shook my head slightly

"I have to warn you that some of the food you order is super spicy" he frowned

"your bluffing" he give me a look

"since when did I bluff, Barry?" I ask

the food already arrive. Barry tried to eat kimchi he cough and drink water

"your not kidding, the food is spicy and how did they make this?" he ask and drink plenty of water

"some of the Koreans love spicy foods and that goes for me" I grab fire chicken and eat it

"how come your not affected of the spicy?" he whined at me

"I'm immune when it comes to spicy except for peanuts" I chew the food inside of my mouth

"peanuts?" he look at me confuse

I gulp and look at him

"I'm allergic to peanuts and if I eat" I sip my water "I'm going to have hard time to breathe" I smile nervously

"note to myself: no peanuts for you" holding my hands

"yes and you have any allergy foods?" I ask

"none and you on the other hand have, phobias?" he ask

"don't have and you?" looking at him

"none too lastly, can you feed me?" he ask with a huge smile on his face

"Barry Allen is asking me to feed you?" I look at him shock "why am I so surprise for this" I shook my head

"we've been dating 5 months now Diana" he pout

"that doesn't mean I'll feed you like a baby" in a blunt tone

"your so mean" in a sad tone

"you love me" I smile "here" I grab fire chicken using chopsticks

"is it spicy or not?" he ask

"why don't you find out?" I ask

I feed him and he blow then drink plenty of water

"I'll take that as yes" he pant

"no spicy for you" I kiss him on the cheek

"yeah, lunch is already over and we should head back our work" I shook my head

"I'll go with you because the director end my shift today" we grab our things

"why, did he fire you?" looking at me surprise

"no, he told me to get ready because me and Dr. Garcia will take charge for the seminar" I explain

"seminar for the new doctors at your work?" he ask

"yeah" we go out of the restaurant


I went to Joe's office while holding the U.S.B

"Joe do you have a minute?" I ask him

"yeah, sure what is it?" he ask

"here" I hand him the USB "this guy give me the U.S.B few days ago the one who save my life, before the yellow streak kills me" in a serious tone

he accept the U.S.B and look at me serious

"is this guy name Mysterious Guy can be trusted or not?" he ask

"I barely knew him and for some reason he can be trusted" I sigh "he's the one who lead you where Janella's father corpse is" I bit my lip

"what's this U.S.B got to do with it?" he look at the U.S.B

"even I myself don't know what's inside of it" I shrugged "he says your the only one who could see it and tell me right after. Mysterious Guy trusted us and for Barry, keep it a secret for him" in a serious tone

"I will" he held it

"not just only that.." I look around then at him "can I touch your hand for a minute? I need to let you see something"

he nod and touch his hand. I used my psychometry to let him see during Barry's training then let go. Joe look at me surprise

"all this time.." I nod

"he's not paralyzed. the question is, why did he hide?" I bit my thumb

"even Janella notice and decided to pretend she saw nothing that goes for you" he pat my head

"it's hard to know what uncle's thinking and wrong move, he'll give us suspicious look" in a serious tone

"Eddie and I investigate about Wells suspicious can you help us?" he ask "that powers of yours could help us to know who Wells really is" I look down

"I wanted too but, I can't" I sigh "I still need to figure it out about the History of gem" taking off the gem and give it to him

"what's so special about it?" he ask

"allows me to increase my powers twice and help me to heal myself" I explained

he give me the gem and wear it

"that gem, your powers and the book is very mysterious" I nod in agreement

it is and God knows why I gain powers

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

Dr. Garcia and I just finished seminar the new Doctors. yet this guy name Roberto Serkis keeps on staring at me

"are there any questions?" I ask

Roberto Serkis raise his hand

"yes Dr. Serkis" I called him

"why does everyone call you Miracle Girl, Dr. Greyson" he ask me

some of the people murmur about me. it's my first time people ask me this question.

"Dr. Serkis everyone gives me that nickname because I achieve many goals and help people that have difficult case" I answer with a smile

Serkis smile back and convince my answer. the seminar is already over as I sit down on the bench looking at my surrounding

"Dr. Greyson" I look at the person it's Serkis

"yes?" I ask

"do you mind if I sit here next to you?" he ask

"sure" I smile

he sit next to me and look at his surroundings

"I hope your not offended that I'm asking that question out of the blue" I look at him surprise

"I'm not offended at all" I wave it off "Dr. Garcia and I are surprise that you ask that question" I smile and lift my glasses up

"it's your first time that you encounter question" he chuckled

"yeah" I chuckled

"where did you work from before you end up here?" I ask

"I work at New Zealand and the head director happened to be my grandpa promote me here" he shrugged

I look at him surprise. since when did the director have grandson!?

"your his grandson?" in a surprise tone

he cover my mouth and look around him then at me

"grandpa told me to keep a low profile and he said to tell Dr. Greyson because she's one of the person can be trusted" in a low tone

he uncover my mouth and look at me as I move away from him a little. who knew this guy will keep a low profile about his relation to the Director

"I won't tell and did Dr. Garcia knows?" I ask

"no, only you" he answer

I look at my watch and sigh then staring at him

"my break is already over and I'm going to start working, I'll see you later Dr. Serkis" I waved at him then left

why do I have a feeling that I knew him before? I sigh mentally and continue my work

*Joe P.O.V*

I closed the laptop and rub my temples. right after Diana give me the U.S.B I already see everything. her powers, gem, including the files of Jane and Zain murder, lastly I knew him all along.

"it seems like your having a trouble Joe" the person chuckled

I look at the person surprise

"Roberto?" I ask in a surprise tone

we hug each other then pull away each other

"why didn't you contact me or Iris?" I ask

"I wanted to have surprise" looking at my office "you really are detective" he chuckled

"damn right, I am. so did you meet your younger sister?" I sit down on the chair

"yes and didn't know I'm her brother" he laugh

"blood related or not your still siblings. after all, Jane and Zain adopted you" I smile

"your right" he sit on the chair "did you tell her that she has adopted brother?" he ask

"we didn't tell her. Diana's been busy and... few problems" in a serious tone

"of what?" in a serious tone

"Janella, the niece of Diana currently stayed with us... Diana and I have suspicious on him" in a low tone

"him?" looking at me confuse "why am I not surprise" he sigh

"what do you mean?" I ask

"I watch news and read tabloids about him, to be honest. he's not the guy I knew before" he sigh

"before?" looking at him confuse

"yes, I can't explain how but we need to find more about Harrison" in a serious

"your life will be in danger, Roberto" in a worried tone

"I'm already involve Joe" in a serious tone "if Harrison hurt my precious sister, I won't hesitate to back down when it comes to fight"

"that's you alright" both of us are laughing "you know Diana's powers right?" I ask

"of course" he smirked "mom and dad told me including that person" he shrugged

"Mysterious Guy?" I ask

"yes, him. I can't believe he code name himself" he sigh

"how's Iris anyway?" he ask

"Iris is living in with my partner, Eddie Thawne" I answer

he look at me surprise

"Iris didn't tell me that she live-in with Thawne" in a surprise tone "I only know her relationship except live-in" he sigh

"Iris have a major crush on you before" I tease him

Iris and Roberto meet each other back when they're kids before Barry came into out life. Iris have a huge crush on Roberto but, Roberto is dense and don't know what love is

"again with the teasing" he shrugged "where is this Thawne person? I only picture and not in person" looking at his watch "I'll see him the next time we meet, I have to meet Iris at Jitters for the surprise" he smile

"Iris will be very happy to see you" I smile "did you change your surname Greyson?" I ask

"yeah, it's Serkis because the owner of the hospital happened to be my grand dad promote me here as doctor" he grab his coat

"you should tell Diana about you" in a serious tone

"when were close" wink at me then left

I shook my head slightly and start my work

*Iris P.O.V*

"when will the client appear" I sigh

somehow this client name is very familiar

"the client appear out of nowhere" I yelped

I look at the person in surprise

"Roberto?" I ask

"the one and only" he smile

we hug each other then pull away

"why didn't you tell me your here?" in surprise tone

"I was having a seminar at the Central Hospital since I'm going to start work tomorrow 7:30 o'clock in the evening" he answer

"I thought your going to be cop not doctor" waiting for our drinks

"let's just say I change my mind" he smirked "I love saving people's lives, Iris" he smile

"your just like, M" I sigh "though she's already in a relationship to my best friend Barry Allen" I smile

"M? who's M?" he ask

"her name is Maria Teresa Diana Greyson" our drink arrive "I know.. her name is long" I shrugged

"Dr. Greyson? the rumors are true then" he sip the coffee

"you know her?" looking at him surprise

"yeah, she and Dr. Garcia are the one's who seminar the newly doctor happened to work at Central City" looking at the window "it's been a long time I came back" he sigh

"it doesn't change though" I smile

"yeah, where is this Thawne guy anyway?" he ask

"my boyfriend is working" I answer "when you go to New Zealand any lucky girl you found?" I smirked

"no" he sigh "they love me because I'm popular and gentlemen. those girls are not my type instead they stalk me, love me because they think I'm the only person that is very handsome" in sarcastic tone

"that's creepy" in a blunt tone

"I know" he agree "why you didn't tell me you live-in with him?" in a serious tone

"now wonder I forget something" I smile sheepishly at him "sorry" I apologize

"it's alright" wave it off "since when did you and Dr. Greyson became so close friends? you haven't told me about her" drinking his coffee

"I couldn't contact you and reply me in emails" glaring at him

"I'm busy person" raising his hands up "after work, I've been chasing by a stalker girls" he sigh

"your life is complicated. who knows, since your here...." I smirked "nothing happened to you"

"please turn me into a girl" he sigh

I laugh at his statement. even though he's few years older than me, Roberto is still the same the one I used to crush with

"few of the guys will have major crush on you" I smirked

"yeah, yeah" rolling his eyes at me "even Dr. Greyson quickly hides when one of the few guys are asking her out" in a blunt tone

"does Barry know about this?" I question of myself

"Allen? Dr. Ochea and Dr. Garcia told me about him" he shrugged

"what did they say?" in a curious tone

"Allen is one of the forensic at C.C.P.D and he always take Dr. Greyson to her work, they'll eat lunch together, lastly he ask the director to change her shift into day not night" he explain

"wow" looking at him surprise "who knew that Barry will do that and he's madly in love to M" I smile

"the guy will do anything to make their girl safe" looking at his watch "I have to go, since I'm half way to finish unpack my things" grabbing his coat

"do you want me and Eddie to help you?" I suggest

"no" he decline "I don't wanna be a third wheeler and out of place while you two go lovely dovey" he give me card

"that way, I can contact you" I smirked and accept it

"not 24/7" he smirked

Roberto left and look at the card surprise. who knew that this guy is professional like M. not to mention, he's also an engineering!? I can't believe he didn't tell me about this!

*Diana P.O.V*

I was busy reading the history of gem then sense that Barry is covering my eye

"guess who?" he ask

"Barry, I have strong sensory remember?" I smile

he uncover my eyes and sit next to me

"it's unfair you have that ability" he sulk

"blame the gem not me" I chuckled

he touch the gem that is around my neck

"I'm still having hard time that this gem will increase your power twice" I lay my head on his chest while reading the book

"me too, I already have powers before the explosion" flipping the next page

"that powers is keeping you alive and your not easily get sick, Diana" stroking my head

"I know..." I sigh "this book will never get me to nowhere no matter how smart I am" closed the book

"History of Gem?" he ask

"yeah" looking at him

"may, I?" I give him the book

"that book will lead you to nowhere since the text is quite different" I sigh

he give me the book and smile sheepishly while I lay my hand on the book

"can't help you with that, sorry" he apologize

"there is nothing to apologize, since the text is complicated" I sigh

"don't worry" rubbing my back "time will come that you'll know the history" he smile at me

Barry, even though I'm stressed about this. you make me calm down and not letting me loose control.. I love you very much, Barry Allen

I smile and lay my head on his shoulder as he continue to stroke my head

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