The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

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Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 25 Forbearance

1.8K 45 70
By zer0420

No one's POV

Once on the battlefield, Shinn proceeded to take out Orb mobile suits left and right, with his beam rifle, however Nhazul continued flying forward, heading towards the Akatsuki, as Shinn soon did the same.

Shinn: Out of the way! This is where fucking nation falls!

Activating Destiny's Wings of Light, Shinn proceeded to rush forward towards the Akatsuki, with his beam sword. Seeing this, Cagalli recognized Destiny and proceeded to engage. However, just as the two clashed, something got in between them, kicking back Destiny.

Shinn: WHAT?!

As Shinn looked up, his eyes widened completely and utterly shocked, seeing the mobile suit in his way was the Vengeances, who was protecting Akatsuki.

Shinn: Huh...?

Seeing Vengeances, Cagalli immediately saw it resembled the Freedom, shocking her.

Cagalli: Freedom...? Kira...?!

Nhazul: Not quite.

Hearing this voice, Cagalli's eyes soon widened, even more shocked.

Cagalli: That voice.... Nhazul....?

As Nhazul stood in his way, Shinn continued to look at Nhazul, still in shock, however the shock soon turned into rage.


Nhazul: ....

From the Minerva, everyone saw Nhazul defending the Akatsuki, and were just as shocked.

Rey: What?!

Lunamaria: Nhazul?!

Arthur: Huh?! Just what does he think he's doing?!

Talia's thoughts: Nhazul....

Back with Nhazul and Shinn, the two were still standing off with one another, as Cagalli looked at Vengeances, still in shock.

Cagalli: Nhazul? What are you doing....? You're helping Orb?

Nhazul: Don't get it twisted. I'm not doing this for you or Orb.

Suddenly, Shinn rushed forward with Destiny's beam sword, going to attack Akatsuki, however Nhazul quickly blocked Shinn's strike with his beam shield, infuriating him.


Nhazul: I'm not doing this for Orb! I'm doing what's right!

Nhazul looked back at Akatsuki.

Nhazul: Where is Djibril? We can end this here and now with him.

Cagalli: I... I don't know. I plan on getting his location out of Yuna.

Nhazul: Then move your ass then!

Suddenly, everyone began picking up something coming down from space, surprising them.

Nhazul: The hell?!

Suddenly, multiple powerful blasts came down from the sky, blasting Nhazul and Shinn back away from the Akatsuki, however the two blocked the blasts. Looking up, Nhazul's eyes widened completely and utterly shocked to see it was a new version of the Freedom, the Strike Freedom now protecting Akatsuki.

Nhazul: What...? The Freedom....?

Shinn: It's back?! How?!

Cagalli: Kira...? Is that you?

Kira: Lacus, head for the Archangel.

Nhazul's thoughts: Lacus? Archangel?

Nhazul looked back to see the Archangel flying up, and getting ready to face off with the Minerva.

Nhazul's thoughts: Archangel? So it did survive... Hopefully that means...

Kira: Cagalli, head first defense headquarters. I'll hand things here.

Cagalli: Right.

Kira looked towards the Vengeances, seeing it resembled the Freedom. As Nhazul looked at Freedom, the two stood off with one another.

Nhazul: ...

Kira: ...

Suddenly, Nhazul looked up and saw the Destiny rocket towards Vengeances.


Quickly drawing his dual beam sabers, Nhazul and Shinn proceeded to clash with one another at breakneck speeds. Seeing this, confused Kira, having believed Nhazul was an enemy, but now saw him engaging the Destiny. Nhazul glanced back towards Freedom.

Nhazul: Make yourself useful! Help the Orb forces instead of just floating there watching us!

Kira didn't say anything, but did what Nhazul said and began helping the Orb forces. Nhazul turned his attention back to Shinn, having blocked his strike.

Nhazul: Shinn, stop! We can't do this!

Shinn: Shut up! I don't want to hear it! We were supposed to destroy Orb, but now you're helping them?! You're just another traitor like  fucking Athrun!

Shinn then proceeded to throw both his Flash-Edge 2 Beam Boomerangs towards Nhazul, however he quickly blocked them both with his beam shields. Retaliating, Nhazul proceeded to fire at Destiny with Vengeances's dual beam rifles, however due to the Wings of Light, Nhazul had difficulties landing a shot.

Nhazul: Damn it...

Shinn: What's this?! You're starting to act like the fucking Freedom! Aiming for my limbs and weapons!

Nhazul: Because I'm not trying to hurt you!

Shinn: Fuck off!

As Shinn proceeded to attempt to slash Nhazul with an overhead strike,

Nhazul using both his beam shields proceeded to catch the blade, stopping it it's tracks,

before blasting Destiny back with the railguns. However,

Nhazul soon avoided a barrage of beam cannon shots, looking over to see the Legend had joined the battle.

Nhazul: Rey...

Rey: I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, Nhazul. But I guess that was a mistake. It seems you've been corrupted by Athrun.

Nhazul just chuckled.

Nhazul: Corrupted, huh? It's scary how manipulative you sound right now, Rey...

Rey: You may see it as manipulative, but it's nothing of the sort. It's the truth. So as your friend, I'm giving you one warning. Stand down and return to the Minerva. Lunamaria already lost her sister, it'll be a real shame if she were to lose her lover the same way.

Hearing Rey say that, Nhazul narrowed his eyes, as he aimed his rifles at Legend and Destiny.

Rey: I see. So that's your answer. A real shame.

Shinn: Damn it, Nhazul!

Shinn proceeded to fire at Nhazul with his beam rifle, as Rey did the same. Backpedaling, Nhazul blocked both shots and fired back at the two at them.

Using the Wings of Light, Shinn rushed forward with his beam sword, striking at Nhazul, forcing him to dodge, however, Nhazul dodged directly into Legend's line of fire,

as Rey fired his beam rifle and cannons at Nhazul, forcing him to counter with a full burst blast. However, Nhazul looked to his right and saw a barrage of missiles, quickly shooting then down with his Vulcans, seeing the Blast Sabre.

Nhazul: Luna!

Lunamaria: Nhazul, please! Don't do this! Come back!

Nhazul: Luna...

Drawing her beam saber, Lunamaria proceeded to rush forward and clash with Nhazul, as be blocked with his beam shield. However Nhazul shifted her position, spinning her around to face Destiny and Legend.

Nhazul: Now!

Lunamaria: Yeah!

Lunamaria and Nhazul proceeded to fire at both Destiny and Legend, catching both Rey and Shinn off guard, as they barley blocked the shots, pushing them back.


Shinn: YOU TOO?!?!

Lunamaria: ...


12 hours ago....

It's currently the middle of the night, hours before the attack of Orb, Nhazul had made his way down the hall, before reaching Lunamaria's room, pressing the intercom.

Nhazul: Luna... Wake up...

About 2 minutes later, the door proceeded to open to a groggy Lunamaria, rubbing her eyes.

Lunamaria: Nhazul? What's-

Without warning, Nhazul covered Lunamaria's mouth, pushing her into the room, closing the door.

Lunamaria: Nhazul?! What are you doing?

Nhazul: Luna... We need to talk.

Lunamaria: Talk? Talk about what?

Nhazul: I'm going to leave.

Lunamaria: Huh?

Nhazul: I'm going to going to find the Archangel, it has to be within Orb.

Hearing Nhazul say this, Lunamaria could look at him completely shocked and even more confused.

Lunamaria: What are you talking about? The Archangel was destroyed and not just that, you're trying to help Orb? You hate them, so-

Nhazul: Because Athrun was right.

Lunamaria: What?

Nhazul: I don't know what the chairman is planning, but it isn't good. Athrun was targeted and branded a traitor because he wouldn't fall in line with what the chairman wanted. I'm sure Meyrin went with him because she believed him too. And not to mention this attack... If I go  with this plan to attack Orb, I'd be becoming the very thing I hate... The Chairman won't bring about the end of war, only breed more hate and conflict.

Hearing this, Lunamaria would just look down, unsure of what to think, however Nhazul walked up to her, placing his hands on her face to look at him.

Nhazul: I want you to come with me.

Lunamaria just looked at Nhazul surprised.

Lunamaria: Huh?

Nhazul: I want you to come with me. I don't want anything to happen to you.

Lunamaria: Why would-

Nhazul: Because Rey is 100% on the chairman's side. He won't let anyone or thing stand in the way. He's already pretty much convinced Shinn to believe everything the chairman says.

Lunamaria: Nhazul, they're our friends. Even if you don't agree, they'd-

Nhazul: Luna, when we went after Athrun, Rey was the first one to suggest we shot to kill and not capture. He had every intention of killing Athrun, even if he had to kill Meyrin to do it.

Hearing Nhazul say this, Lunamaria would look at him shocked, as he continued speaking.

Nhazul: If we stay here, I don't know what else is going to happen or he'll have us do.

The memories of his family dying played in Nhazul's head, making him tear up.

Nhazul: I already lost those important to me before... I can't go through that again... I can't lose you...

As Nhazul continued to tear up, he felt Lunamaria's hand touch his face, wiping his tears.

Lunamaria: I'll go.

Hearing this, Nhazul looked at Lunamaria surprised.

Nhazul: You will?

Lunamaria: I... I don't know exactly what's going on... But if what he has planned is making you side with Orb of all places, then it has to be bad. So I'll believe in you. Even if you're wrong and it's the wrong decision, I'll still follow you.

Lunamaria proceeded to pull Nhazul down, and into a hug.

Lunamaria: Because I don't want to lose you either.

Hearing this, Nhazul just smiled and hugged Lunamaria back.

Nhazul: Thank you.

After a minute the two would break the hug and look at each other.

Lunamaria: Even if we defect to Orb, how can you be sure that the Archangel is still around?

Nhazul: Because that's undoubtedly where Athrun was heading. He wouldn't have attempted to run the way he did if they weren't. So they have to be there.

Lunamaria: Right. But how are we going to do it without the others catching on?

Nhazul: I already thought of that. Just follow me lead.


Lunamaria: I... I still don't know the full situation of what's truly going on, but I trust Nhazul... So I'm going to stand by him.

Shinn just began to look at her irritated.

Shinn: So you're just going to blindly follow him without knowing anything?!

Nhazul just fired his beam rifle at Shinn, forcing him to block.

Nhazul: Look who's talking.

Nhazul looked back at Lunamaria.

Nhazul: Help the Orb forces, Luna. Avoid killing them if possible. I'll hold them off.

Lunamaria: Are you sure?

Nhazul: I am, go!

Doing as Nhazul said, Lunamaria left to help

the Orb forces, Shinn attempted to fire at her,

but Nhazul combining his dual beam rifles into one, fired a powerful blast, canceling his out. Looking behind him, Nhazul saw Legend rushing forward with his beam saber, attempting to slash Nhazul, however he blocked it with his beam shield.

Shinn: You bastard!

Nhazul looked back to see Shinn rushing up with his palm cannon,

but Nhazul quickly avoided it and kicked him back. As he did, Rey blasted him with his beam rifle and cannons, forcing Nhazul to block, but was overwhelmed and pushed back.

Rey: Shinn! Now!

Leveling out, Shinn proceeded to aim at Vengeances with Destiny's beam cannon, attempting to kill Nhazul.

???: STOP!!!!

Without warning, Destiny is kicked back by a new Gundam entering the battle, surprising Nhazul as he recognized the voice, as his eyes widened.

Nhazul: Athrun....? You're alive...

Athrun who was still alive, now piloting the Infinite Justice looked towards Nhazul.

Athrun: Talk later! I'll handle Rey, take Shinn!

Nhazul: Yeah!

As Athrun drew his double sided beam saber, he rushed forward to take one Rey, as Nhazul and Shinn clashed at high speeds.

Nhazul: Shinn, stop!

Shinn: I'll stop after I kill you all, you damn traitors!

Using the Flash-Edge 2 Beam Boomerang in it's beam saber mode, Shinn brought it down on Nhazul, but it was blocked by Vengeances's beam shield.

Nhazul: Do you even realize what you're even doing?! This is exactly what happened 4 years ago?!

Hearing this, Shinn's eyes widened completely shocked.

Nhazul: The same thing that that resulted in our family's deaths, we're now the ones doing! Is this what you want?! For another innocent civilian family to die the same way?!

Shinn: ...

Nhazul: Athrun is right! If we continue to follow the Chairman, it'll just breed more conflict! More wars! More innocent people dying in the crossfire! As much as I hate Orb, as much as I hate them for failing my family, destroying them won't bring them back!

Shinn: ...

Rey: You're just another traitor that needs to die! Don't listen to him, Shinn! Don't be deceived!

Hearing Rey, Shinn narrowed his eyes, choosing to believe in his words.

Shinn: Yeah!

Nhazul: Damn it. Shinn!

Shinn: Shut the fuck up!

Destiny proceeded to rushed forward clashing again with Vengeances.

Shinn: You don't know anything! You're all just fucking traitors!

Shinn proceeded to throw his beam boomerangs at Nhazul, only for him to cut them both down with his beam sabers.

Nhazul: Shinn!

Shinn just ignored Nhazul, as his eyes widened full of rage.


Activating SEED mode, along with Destiny's Wings of Light, Shinn proceeded to rocket towards Nhazul.

Nhazul: Damn it!

Activating his own SEED mode, Nhazul proceeded to counter Shinn, cutting off Destiny's arm,

as well as destroying it's beam sword, completely shocking Shinn. As Nhazul turned to face Shinn again, he soon saw a shuttle taking off.

Nhazul: What?!

Nhazul's thoughts: That has to be, Djibril!

Nhazul proceeded to contact Lunamaria.

Nhazul: Luna! Stop that shuttle! Shoot it down if you have to!

Lunamaria: Right!

Doing as Nhazul said, Lunamaria proceeded to go after the shuttle with Djibril inside, firing at it, however she was unable to reach it before it reached orbit.

Nhazul: Damn it...!

Lunamaria: I'm sorry...

Nhazul: No, it's fine...

Suddenly, Nhazul saw the Minerva off flares, signaling their troops to withdraw.

Nhazul: Captain Gladys...

Nhazul looked over and saw both Destiny and Legend, along with ZAFT forces retreating. From the Minerva, Talia saw both Vengeances and Sabre and gave a small smile.

Talia's thoughts: Nhazul... Lunamaria... Good luck.

As Nhazul and Lunamaria saw them retreating, he looked over and soon saw the Infinite Justice falling out of the sky.

Nhazul: Athrun!

Quickly flying down, Nhazul proceeded to catch the Infinite Justice before it hit the water.

Nhazul: You're not dead in there, are you?

Athrun: No... Though it feels like I should be...

As Vengeances held up Infinite Justice, Nhazul looked over and saw the Archangel resurfaced from underwater.

Lunamaria: The Archangel...

Nhazul: Come on.

Lunamaria: Right.

As Nhazul flew down to the Archangel, the hanger doors soon opened, as Nhazul, Lunamaria landed. Sitting up the Infinite Justice, Nhazul opened his cockpit and jumped to the Justice, opening it up to see Athran panting. He soon weakly looked up to see Nhazul.

Nhazul: Aren't you a sight for sore eyes... You look like shit.

Athrun weakly chuckled.

Athrun: I wonder why that is...?

Nhazul: I guess you got my message...


With a tremendous amount of force, Nhazul proceeded to cut straight through the GOUF's shield and arm, causing Athrun to backpedal, firing at him. However as he was,

Nhazul proceeded to throw his beam saber into the GOUF's arm, causing it to explode.

Athrun: Nhazul, please! Listen to me!

Nhazul: ENOUGH!!!!

As Athrun soon saw Vengeance rushing towards him,

through the smoke, cutting off the remaining arm that was damaged. Defenseless, Athrun attempted to backpedal, when he suddenly saw something pop on his screen, surprising him.

Athrun: Huh?

Both Athrun and Meyrin saw it was a message from Nhazul, telling them to "Survive". Seeing this, the two looked even more surprised as Nhazul would stab the side of the GOUF, angling it to make it seem like he pierced the cockpit, before quickly kicking the GOUF into the water to prevent Shinn and Rey from seeing he purposely missed the cockpit. Quickly thinking, Athrun self destructed the GOUF after ejecting the cockpit, but however was still caught in the blast.


Athrun just chuckled and smiled at Nhazul.

Athrun: Yeah... I did... I'm glad I got through to you...

Athrun proceeded to pass out, and Nhazul un strapped him, lowering himself and Athrun to the ground, where crew members of the Archangel were waiting. Nhazul then sat Athrun on the ground, as he heard someone calling Athrun.

???: Athrun!

Nhazul looked back and saw Kira exiting the Freedom, completely and utterly shocking Nhazul, recognizing him from before.

Nhazul: You....?

Kira then noticed Nhazul, shocking him as well.

Kira: You're the one from before...

Lunamaria: Nhazul!

Nhazul looked back and saw Lunamaria had made her way to Nhazul, however they soon had guns trained on them by the crew members!

Archangel crew: Don't move!

Nhazul and Lunamaria didn't say anything, as they just complied, however they soon heard someone call them.

???: Nhazul? Big sis?!

Looking over, Nhazul and Lunamaria saw Meyrin had walked over to everyone. Upon seeing her, Lunamaria's eyes widened, as tears began to stream down her face.

Lunamaria: Meyrin!

Meyrin seeing her sister again couldn't help but tear up again, as she ran up to hug her, as Lunamaria did the same, the two crying.

Lunamaria: I'm happy... I'm so happy you're still alive...!

Nhazul then turned his attention towards Athrun, as Kira was checking on him. Removing his helmet, everyone saw that he was bleeding heavily.

Kira: Athrun!

Athrun: Kira...

Kira: Get a stretcher! Call the medics, quick!

As some of the crew went to call the medics, the others kept their guns trained on Nhazul and Lunamaria, but another voice spoke up.

???: It's quite alright. You can stand down.

Everyone looked back and saw Todaka, which surprised Nhazul.

As the crew members lowered their guns, Todaka walked up to Nhazul and gave a smile.

Todaka: It's been a long time, Nhazul. It's nice to speak to you face to face again. Well, not really all that long, actually, if you include what happened before.

Nhazul just looked down.

Nhazul: It looks like our meeting had to be on a battlefield again...

Todaka: Seems to be a thing about us soldiers, unfortunately.

Todaka soon just patted Nhazul on his head, as Nhazul looked up at him.

Todaka: But I'm glad it was on the same side this time. I appreciate the help you and your friend here gave us, but right now I think it's best if you two wait within the brig for the time being. At least until things calm down a bit.

Lunamaria hearing this, looked at Nhazul, who just nodded.

Nhazul: Right. We understand.

Todaka: Thank you.

With that, Nhazul and Lunamaria were led to the brig by Todaka, as Meyrin stayed with Athrun and the others, as the the medical crew arrived.

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