Head of Prostate

Af PresidentialPassion

138 0 1

The thrilling prequel to When Towers Meet. Two lustful adventurers battle in a clash of tongues and towers. S... Mere

Beans and Spit
A New Beginning


9 0 0
Af PresidentialPassion

First president of the United States of America, George Washington smacks LBJ's sweet ass and inserts his tower. His seed is expelled into the cavity. He steps away.

John Adams cums.

Thomas Jefferson cums.

James Madison Jr. cums.

James Monroe cums.

John Quincy Adams cums.

Andrew Jackson cums.

Martin Van Buren cums.

William Henry Harrison cums.

John Tyler cums.

James Knox Polk cums.

Zachary Taylor cums.

Millard Fillmore fills more.

Franklin Pierce cums.

James Buchanan cums.

Abraham Lincoln cums.

Andrew Johnson cums.

Hiram Ulysses S. Grant cums.

Rutherford Birchard Hayes cums.

James Garfield cums.

Chester Alan Arthur cums.

Grover Cleveland cums.

Benjamin Harrison cums.

Grover Cleveland gets greedy and cums again.

William McKinley cums.

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. cums.

William Howard Taft is dead.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson cums.

Warren Gamaliel Harding cums.

John Calvin Coolidge Jr. cums.

Herbert Clark Hoover cums.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt cums.

Harry S. Truman cums.

Dwight David Eisenhower cums.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy cums.

Richard Milhous Nixon stares in horror.

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. cums.

James Earl Carter Jr. cums.

Ronald Wilson Reagan cums.

George Herbert Walker Bush cums.

After the event, LBJ holds his hand out to Dick. Dick takes it into his and gently adds his seed to the mix while kissing LBJ's fingers.

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