The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

46.1K 1.3K 528

Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 24 Winds Of Change

1.4K 48 14
By zer0420

No one's POV

As the ZAFT forces gain complete control of Heaven's Base. But Lord Djibril's whereabouts is still unknown, surprising Nhazul and the others as they heard the news from Rey.

Shinn: What?! Djibril's no where to be found?!

Lunamaria: He's not there?! No way!

Rey: He seems to have secretly escaped moments before the base surrounded. He deserted all of the other Logos members.

Nhazul: Why am I not surprised.

Shinn: Cowardly piece of shit...he abandoned the others and ran to save his own skin!

Rey: So this isn't going to end easily after all.

Shinn proceeded to crush his drink furiously.

Shinn: That's not true! Next time I find him, I'll crush him my damn self! If he thinks he continue to stand in the Chairman's way, he's dead fucking wrong!

Hearing this, Nhazul looked at Shinn, once again thinking back to what Athrun had said to him.


Athrun: Nhazul, please! You're smarter then this, I know you are! You said it yourself, there's no such thing as true peace! What the Chairman wants won't bring about peace, only bread more conflict! Don't fall for their words!


Nhazul: ...

As Nhazul looked away with a conflicted look, Lunamaria had noticed, but didn't say anything.


Upon returning to Gibraltar for resupply, Durandal hands out medals of honor for Nhazul and the others for the contribution with the last mission. However, at that moment,  Durendal stepped forward and began to speak.

Durendal: I want to thank you all for your exceptional performance over the past few months, and especially in the last few operations. You have gone above the call of duty in fighting the battles that you have been in, and for that I am proud and thankful of your efforts.

Durendal then stepped back, and the base commander stepped forward again, awarding Shinn, Rey and Lunamaria with their medals, and now it was Nhazul's turn.

Base commander: In honor of his distinguished service in Operation Ragnarök, the Battle of Heaven's Base, as well as in other engagements thus far, we hereby award the Order of the Nebula to Nhazul Hatake.

Lunamaria and Shinn almost did a double take at this announcement, that Nhazul was to be presented with the single most prestigious decoration that could be given to a ZAFT soldier.

The Commander stepped forward, pinning the rather larger and more ornate medal to his lapel.

Base commander: Congratulations, young man.

Nhazul just looked at the medal for a few seconds, almost indifferent to it, but responded with a salute, as the entire room erupted in applause.

Nhazul: Thank you, sir.

Nhazul said formally as he shook the commander's hand, as Durendal spoke up.

Durendal: In addition, this is for Nhazul , as well as Shinn Asuka and Rey Za Burrel.

Confused, Shinn stepped up, along with Rey, as Durendal presented them with a small, square box, made of lacquered wood. Shinn opened his box first, and saw a small, silver-and-gold pin, shaped like a bird's outstretched wing. He gasped, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Shinn: Chairman...

Durendal: Do you object?

Shinn: N-No, not at all! I don't object! It's just...

Durendal: This is an acknowledgement of how much we have come to reply on your strength. It is my hope that you three will wear them with pride, that you will continue to use your power, and that you will not betray my faith in you.

Rey: I'm honored. I will do my best.

Shinn: I am honored as well, sir!

Shinn replied in earnest, as he held the box in his hand.

Shinn: I will do my best for you and your ambitions!

Nhazul: ...


Athrun: What the Chairman and Rey say may sound correct and agreeable! But their words will eventually kill the whole world!


Nhazul: ...

As the officers in attendance applauded again, along with Lunamaria, Nhazul just looked at his FAITH pin, still indifferent, something Talia picked up on. As the others were leaving, Lunamaria walked up to Nhazul smiling.

Lunamaria: You're awesome, Nhazul. That's two, now.

Nhazul: Yeah...

Lunamaria: What's wrong?

Nhazul: Hmm, oh, it's nothing.

As the two were walking, Rey glanced back at Nhazul. As they continued on, they happened to over hear Durendal and Talia speaking to an officer, as they revealed that Djibril's whereabouts are confirmed, as he is hiding at the Seiran's mansion in Orb. Hearing this, Nhazul and Shinn looked completely shocked.

Nhazul's thoughts: Orb...?


It's currently later in the night, and currently Nhazul was currently on the observation deck, looking at his FAITH pin.

Nhazul: ...

???: I knew I'd find you here.

Nhazul looked over and saw Rey walking outside, as he turned his attention back to his pin.

Nhazul: I'm pretty sure everyone knows I come up here.

Rey: I've noticed that you've been drastically different ever since the defeat of the Freedom.

Nhazul: Well, a lot has happened... A lot that is difficult for me to process.

Rey just looked at Nhazul, before speaking up very bluntly.

Rey: You're still thinking about Athrun and Meyrin, aren't you.

Nhazul didn't say anything, before speaking up after awhile.

Nhazul: How can I not?

Rey: They were enemies. They betrayed us, Nhazul. It couldn't be helped.

Nhazul: Betrayed or not, I can't just forget about them as simple as flipping a switch. They were still my frie-

Rey: They aren't your friends anymore. They were traitors. Traitors who attempted to stand in the Chairman's way. In the way of his goal to end this war and all wars. That act is unforgivable, no matter who they were.

Nhazul didn't say anything, as Rey continued to speak.

Rey: If that ordeal brought you this much grief, then Shinn or myself should have done it. You're far too kind, and that is a weakness.

Rey proceeded to walk away, but said one more thing.

Rey: You won't be able to protect anything, especially Lunamaria because of it. The fate your siblings were given will repeat itself if you continue to have that weakness.

As Rey left, Nhazul looked back and saw he was gone. As he looked back at his pin, he clinched the box tightly.

Nhazul's thoughts: No, Rey... The past won't repeat itself. I won't allow it.


After discovering Djibril's whereabouts, ZAFT demands to hand over Djibril, however Yuna makes an announcement that he is not in Orb. Of course ZAFT knows that it is a lie and commence military ascendancy.However, after the arrival of the

Golden Gundam, named Akatsuki piloted by Cagalli, along with her squad of Murasame, she seizes the Orb headquarters and orders that Yuna be arrested and restrained. She takes command of the Orb forces and temporary push back the ZAFT forces. However, the Minerva soon arrived on the battlefield, with Nhazul and the others on standby.

Shinn: Anything on Djibril?

Rey: It seems they've yet to find him. They're putting up quite a fight.

Nhazul and Shinn: ...

Lunamaria: Nhazul...

Rey: There's no need for all of us to sortie. I'll go-

Shinn: No, Nhazul and I will go.

Lunamaria: Huh?

Rey: No, I wouldn't recommend it.

Nhazul: No, we're going.

Shinn: Orb took everything from us. If anyones going to destroy Orb, it's going to be us...

Once leaving for the hanger, both Nhazul and Shinn entered Destiny and Vengeances, getting ready to take off.

Abby: Activation of all systems confirmed, launch sequence initiated. Hatch open for catapults 1 and 2. Linear launch system engaged. Catapult online, power levels normal. Course clear. Destiny and Vengeances, cleared for launch.

Shinn: Shinn Asuka. Destiny Gundam, LAUNCHING!

Shinn said as he got the all-clear, and the Destiny shot forward on the ship's catapult, rifle in hand.

Nhazul: Nhazul Hatake. Vengeances Gundam, Launching!

Nhazul said as he got the all-clear, and the Vengeances shot forward on the ship's catapult, dual rifles in hand. The two machines shot forward, moving in toward the battlefield.

Nhazul: ...

Once on the battlefield, Shinn proceeded to take out Orb mobile suits left and right, with his beam rifle, however Nhazul continued flying forward, heading towards the Akatsuki, as Shinn soon did the same.

Shinn: Out of the way! This is where fucking nation falls!

Activating Destiny's Wings of Light,

Shinn proceeded to rush forward towards the Akatsuki, with his beam sword. Seeing this, Cagalli recognized Destiny and proceeded to engage. However, just as the two clashed, something got in between them, kicking back Destiny.

Shinn: WHAT?!

As Shinn looked up, his eyes widened completely and utterly shocked, seeing the mobile suit in his way was the Vengeances, who was protecting Akatsuki.

Shinn: Huh...?

Seeing Vengeances, Cagalli immediately saw it resembled the Freedom, shocking her.

Cagalli: Freedom...? Kira...?!

Nhazul: Not quite.

Hearing this voice, Cagalli's eyes soon widened, even more shocked.

Cagalli: That voice.... Nhazul....?

As Nhazul stood in his way, Shinn continued to look at Nhazul, still in shock, however the shock soon turned into rage.


Nhazul: ....

As the Destiny and Vengeances stand off with one another, under the Orb's sky having conflicting emotions toward their homeland.

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