The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

45.7K 1.3K 528

Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 7 Memorial
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 22 Visible Scars

1.4K 38 23
By zer0420

No one's POV

Upon returning to Gibraltar upon the killing of traitors Athrun and Meyrin, Nhazul, Shinn and Rey had returned to the rooms in the Minerva to rest and were to report to Durendal's office, for a debriefing of the situation in the morning. In his room, Nhazul looked at his hands, trembling, almost feeling the controls of his Mobile Suit, the Vengeance as he struck down his mentor, his friend Athrun, along with Lunamaria's little sister Meyrin, as they tried to escape.

Nhazul: ...


Athrun: Nhazul, please! You're smarter then this, I know you are! You said it you're, there's no such thing as true peace! What the Chairman wants won't bring about peace, only bread more conflict! Don't fall for their words!


As Nhazul continued to look at his hands, the same feeling from before washed over him... the feeling he felt when he destroyed the Freedom. The sense of nothingness.

Nhazul: Again...


The following morning, Nhazul, Shinn and Rey all reported to Durendal's office, for a debriefing of the situation.

Nhazul, Shinn and Rey: Good morning.

Durendal: Morning. Sorry about last night. To have you suddenly take on such a burdensome task.

Rey: No problem.

Shinn: Not a problem, sir.

Nhazul: ...

Durendal: But you did a great job.

Rey: Nhazul is the one who took them down.

Durendal then looked at Nhazul.

Durendal: Is that so? Are you alright?

Nhazul: I'm not sure... I just still find it hard to believe the situation, even though it's over...

Shinn: They were traitors. Nothing more, nothing-

Durendal held his hand up to stop Shinn from talking, as he looked at Nhazul, speaking.

Durendal: It's quite understandable that you feel this way. However, unfortunately, we've yet to found the remains of the cockpit, so we've yet to uncover any details. All that we know, there is proof that someone hacked into the Ragnarok files.

Shinn: Ragnarok?

Durendal: It's the code name for the Assault on Heavens Base. An overstated operation name, perhaps. But it included data on the Vengeance, Destiny and Legend. The data was well protected, but for someone familiar with such information....

Rey: Like Meyrin.

Nhazul: ...

Durendal: He also tried to take Lacus with him. But she refused, and that's how we found out about the situation. Why was he trying to escape? And where was he trying to go? He did seem to be awfully upset about me ordering the Archangel and Freedom to be destroyed. But they're no longer...

Rey: Perhaps he panicked, having lost the support he had to fall back on.

Durendal: I can't understand it. That makes where he was trying to run more puzzling.

Rey: Only one group comes to mind that would want the Ragnarok data.

Shinn just narrowed his eyes.

Shinn: Logos!

Durendal: At the beginning of this war, he told me that he wanted me to avoid it no matter what. I trusted him and reinstated him in the forces. So why would he have a problem with me trying to end the war by getting rid of Logos.

Nhazul: ...


Athrun: But their words will eventually kill the whole world!


Nhazul: ...

Shinn: Chairman...

Rey: I share your feelings, sir, but I must say there is no point in worrying about it now. We're here for you, Chairman. As difficult as it may be, you have chosen to take the ultimate path. We all support that.

Shinn: That's right, sir!

Durendal: Rey. Shinn.

Nhazul: ...

Rey: We await your next orders.

Durendal: Thank you. I appreciate it.


As the Vengeance, Destiny, Legend and the repaired Sabre Gundams were being loaded up into the Minerva, the crew all hear Athrun and Meyrin's betrayal and death at the same time. But of course Talia and Lunamaria do not believe this and the event shakes everyone. Upon returning to the Minerva, Nhazul was walking down the halls alone, still thinking about everything that's happened, but as he's walking, he looked up to see Lunamaria.

Nhazul: Luna...

Nhazul looked away quickly, not bearing to look at her anguished and lost expression. He knew how close she and her sister were, despite how the sisters sometimes argued.

Nhazul's thoughts: Meyrin was her only family left... and I took her away...

Without looking up, he walked past by Lunamaria's motionless figure, clinching his fists. As Nhazul ignored her, Lunamaria's eyes widened, as tears soon began to stream down her face, falling to her knees crying. Hearing this, Nhazul wanted to turn around and comfort her, but didn't feel he had that right, given he was the killer of her sister, so he continued to walk away, leaving her alone, accepting their now fractured friendship.

Nhazul's thoughts: Again....


Athrun: You feel pretty proud of yourself, don't you? You got your damn revenge, right?!

Before Nhazul could say anything, Shinn spoke up for him.

Shinn: Yeah, I'm sure he does! I know I fucking would! Is it wrong for Nhazul to be proud when he defeated a powerful enemy?

Athrun looked at Shinn annoyed.

Athrun: You bastard! Kira wasn't even trying to kill you! He never tried to kill anyone! Ever!


Tears soon began to well up in Nhazul's eyes.

Nhazul's thoughts: I hurt someone important to me again...


It's been a 5 days since the Minerva left with the Earth Alliance fleet to take on Logos. Arriving, everyone could see the most heavily defended base in the Atlantic Federation sat deep in a wide fjord on the southern coast of Iceland. There, docking facilities for dozens of ships, hangar facilities for hundreds of mobile suits, and far more gave the base a combat strength unparalleled anywhere on Earth - even greater now than that of JOSH-A, the former headquarters of the Alliance, in Alaska.

Outside the fjord, the water seemed to be covered with military vessels, as the largest military fleet assembled in the history of mankind gathered just outside the base's striking range. Carriers, surface vessels, submarines and support craft from the PLANTs, the USSA, and the Eurasian Federation were assembled. Even a small number of carriers and support vessels from the Atlantic Federation were present.

The fleet's orders were simple, and once the blockade was complete, an ultimatum was broadcast to Heaven's Base by Ezalia Joule, who had accompanied the fleet, from the Minerva, as they were given six hours to surrender, otherwise lethal force would have been used. Three hours had passed after the warning with no response made. Currently within a ready room of the Minerva, Nhazul was looking out the window, when he heard a voice behind him.

???: The Sabre sure is amazing...

Nhazul's eyes widened, as he looked back to see Lunamaria was walking up to him, dressed in her pilot suit as well.

Lunamaria: I think I can handle it, just as you did...

Not answering, Nhazul went to walk away, however, when he felt her hands on his shoulder, he stopped. Despite her being on her pilot suit, he could feel her cold, trembling fingers.

Lunamaria: Please... Please don't keep ignoring me, Nhazul.... Please...

Nhazul remained silent, not saying anything, as he turned to see her shivering , her hands covering her face, covering her helpless tears. Nhazul felt his heart tighten in pain, seeing her in agony, which he had caused. Going back on his own words a few days ago, Nhazul wrapped arms around her small form, tightly.

Nhazul: I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Luna...

Despite Lunamaria seeming so independent, so strong, it was a mask she put up to hide her vulnerable and fragile self. Something Meyrin had taught him, something only he knows.


4 Years Ago...

ZAFT Training Academy, PLANTS

Currently within the cafeteria of the academy, Nhazul was eating alone, still shaken up by the death of his family that had taken place 6 months ago. As he ate, he could hear people talking with one another, getting to know each other on the first day, however Nhazul didn't want to be bothered. However, he soon heard footsteps walking behind him, along with a voice.

???: I told you to come early. Now our spot's taken, Meyrin.

Nhazul glanced back and saw a girl with with short, magenta hair told a girl with long red hair tied in pigtails. Sighing, and not wanting to be bothered, he stood up with his tray.

Nhazul: You can have it. I was just about to leave...

As Nhazul got up, the girl with magenta had a huge grin on her face, radiating so much cheerfulness Nhazul almost had to turn his head away to avoid the blinding light.

???: Wait a minute, you're new here aren't you? Hey, you're in Class-E, same as us!

The girl exclaimed excitedly, looking at his ID tag.

Nhazul's thoughts: The hell is with this girl's happy-go-lucky attitude?

???: I'm Lunamaria Hawke, and you're...?

She held out a hand for him to shake, but Nhazul simply stared at it blankly.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Nhazul Hatake.

As Nhazul was about to walk away when he was stopped for the second time by her, now annoying him.

Nhazul: ...-_-... What do you want now?

Lunamaria: Calm down, Nhazul, I was just trying to be nice. We're going to be in the same class until graduation, let's get along at least.

Nhazul just looked at Lunamaria annoyed.

Nhazul: I don't want to get along with the likes of you or anyone for that matter. I just want to be left alone.

Nhazul said glaring at her, as she stared back without flinching. She put her hands on her waist and glared back.

Lunamaria: Likes of me? Okay, listen here you, I'm not impressed by your attitude so far but don't you think the stick up your ass is a little-

Suddenly, she was pulled back by the other girl. Lunamaria rolled her eyes.

Lunamaria: Oh come on, Meyrin , like you're not getting pissed!

The girl named Meyrin threw Nhazul a tentative glance, and she quickly hid behind the taller girl when he gave her a dangerous glare.

Lunamaria: Now now, don't go scare my sister you jerk, if you don't want to be friends, fine, but don't threaten my sister or anything.

Nhazul: Last I checked, you talk to me first, now I can do whatever the hell I want. And by the way, you're the stick that's up my ass right now.

Lunamaria just looked at Nhazul even more irritated.

Lunamaria: What is wrong with you?! I was just introducing myself to you then you went and insult me and my sister. You don't have a sister, do you? Otherwise you won't be such an insensitive jerk!

Nhazul's eye twitched at the mention of having a sister, irritating him more.

Nhazul: What's wrong with me? It's your damn cheerful persona. It's getting on my damn nervous. You walk around so happy without a care in the damn world. Granted, the war just ended, but think about all the victims of war! We don't need your 'I'm-perfectly-fine' joy to spread around! Has it ever occurred to you what you said might be true?

Lunamaria: ...

Nhazul: So what I don't have a sister? So what if I don't know how to interact with people. You wanna know if I had a sister? I did, I had a little sister, but she's dead! She was blasted to pieces right in front of my eyes along with my older brother! My parents had already died through natural causes before then, so I have no one left in this world! And here you are, lecturing me about my attitude! You know nothing!

Nhazul said, as he glared at the floor, tears threatening to escape his eyes, but he kept them in. The silence was more than uncomfortable. When he looked up, he was surprised to see a sorrowful face on Lunamaria.

Lunamaria: I-I'm sorry... I didn't know. You're right, I don't how you feel...

Lunamaria whispered sadly.

Lunamaria: But... I do know how it felt, to lose someone dear to you. I'm sorry, Nhazul , and I promise I won't bother you again...

Lunamaria said, as she bit her lips and left the room hurriedly. The conversations in the cafeteria resumed gradually, leaving Nhazul and Meyrin, Lunamaria's sister, standing there.

Nhazul: She knows? If she does, why is she walking with that happy-go-lucky attitude?

Meyrin: You...don't...

Nhazul turned his attention to Meyrin.

Meyrin: You...don't...Don't ...know...Just stop insulting my big sister! You know why everyone seemed so peaceful and content here? It's because they understand big sis's view on war and appreciated her efforts at making things better than it is! Guess what, our parents...d-died during the attack on Boaz.

Hearing this, Nhazul's eyes widened completely shocked.

Nhazul: ...

Meyrin: My sister is all I have left. I couldn't deal with for the past months, she tried to make it seem normal, trying to help me adjust. She tried to be cheerful whereas I could not. I haven't seen her grieve yet... I often wonder how she felt when she comforted me. I never asked her how she felt about our parents'...deaths...

Meyrin stared at the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks and her body shivered slightly. Nhazul just looked down, now feeling horrible for what he said.

Nhazul: I'm sorry...

Nhazul said, as Meyrin looked up in surprise, as she saw Nhazul walking away, heading towards where Lunamaria had went. After a few minutes of searching, he was able to find her leaning against the window, looking out to the field.

Nhazul: Hey...

Hearing Nhazul, she quickly wiped her eyes before turning around to face him.

Lunamaria: Umm...

Nhazul just sighed, before speaking up.

Nhazul: Look, I'm sorry about what I said before. I...I just heard from your sister that...well... I'm not trying to pity you or anything. I just want to say that... I understand.

Lunamaria seemed taken aback but nodded gratefully.

Lunamaria: Thank you, Nhazul...I meant what I said back there too. Don't worry, I'll try my best not to annoy you anymore. I won't force you to change your views. I...

Lunamaria just she looked away sadly.

Lunamaria: It's never occurred to me how I act can affect the others. Maybe you're right, I'm too cheerful. Meyrin...I wonder if she ever thinks of me annoying, always talking and...

Nhazul just chuckled.

Nhazul: Did you already forgot what you just told me? That you won't force me to change my views? Well, no one can change your view either. You're just who you are.

Lunamaria at him surprised, before smiling.

Lunamaria: Thank you again. Nhazul, I need that... I take back my're not insensitive after all.

Nhazul: I wouldn't go that far.

Lunamaria's thoughts: Maybe he's not so bad.

Nhazul's thoughts: Maybe I can be bothered with a few people...

A small smile appeared on their faces, as Nhazul spoke.

Nhazul: I guess we should start over. I'm Nhazul Hatake.

Nhazul said, as he held out his hand genuinely.
Lunamaria shook his hand and grinned.

Lunamaria: I'm Lunamaria Hawke. You can just call me Luna if you want.


Nhazul didn't know how long they stood there. She sobbed quietly into his arms, as tears were forming in his eyes. In his mind was in turmoil. Why did she seek him for comfort? Why didn't she just hit him? Why didn't she curse him? Why didn't she hate him?

Nhazul: Why...?

Lunamaria: I...I don't blame you, Nhazul...

Hearing this words, Nhazul's eyes widened in shock.

Nhazul: Huh...?

Lunamaria: I said I don't blame you...

Nhazul: Why not? I killed her....I killed them with my own hands. You can hit me, Luna, or scream at me, kill me even... I'll do anything to make you feel better, if there's any way at all... Please just do it...

She shook her head and looked up into his eyes. He forced himself not to look away from her teary face.

Lunamaria: I said I don't blame you, Nhazul! You already blame yourself for something you couldn't prevent. It all showed, you didn't want to do it, but it was inevitable...

Lunamaria's voice shook, and as he touched his face kindly. It was only then she realized he, too, was crying .

Nhazul: But I killed the only family you had left...Why don't you hate me...?

Hearing this, Lunamaria leaned her head against his chest for support.

Lunamaria: I couldn't hate you, Nhazul're my friend... My best friend... I will never forget Meyrin...I'll always love my sister. It was LOGO's fault, Nhazul. They must have done something to Meyrin, or Athrun had persuaded her somehow. So, Nhazul, please don't blame yourself...anymore... I... I don't want to lose you too...

Nhazul: Neither do I...

As Nhazul and Lunamaria continued to look into each other's eyes, instinctively the two began to lean into one another,

before their lips met, sharing a very passionate kiss together. After a full minute, they broke it.

Nhazul: I'm sorry...

Lunamaria: It's okay... But tell me...

Nhazul: Hmm?

Lunamaria: Was that out of comfort or out of love...

Nhazul just pressed his forehead against Lunamaria's, blushing.

Nhazul: Love...

Lunamaria soon smiled, blushing as well.

Lunamaria: I see. Then... Was the girl who told me about before... Was she me...?

Nhazul: Yeah... I've loved you for awhile... I just didn't know how to express it...

Lunamaria: You're a dummy... You should have just said something... I fell in love with you too even before we graduated the academy. I didn't think you would feel the same so I just hide them away...

Hearing this, Nhazul was even more surprised, before he held Lunamaria tightly.

Nhazul: No matter what happens, I promise to protect you...

Lunamaria soon held Nhazul tightly as well, resting her head on his chest.

Lunamaria:Yeah... So will I. We'll protect each other.

As Nhazul and Lunamaria continued to hold each other in each other's embrace, unbeknownst to them was Rey had been watching them, with a disapproving look.

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