daddy's home

By CosyAuclair

22.3K 368 24

so you will be in the movie and you do not like your biological dad,dusty he left you and your mom when you w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 10

1K 18 2
By CosyAuclair

Your POV

It already was like 5 months and they were a blast I mean we have this new routine where my siblings go to dad's house every weekends and they stay with Brad while for me it's other way around,like I'm by dad's house for the week and at Brad's the weekends.

The reason why we do this is because I need to spend more time with dad and do some catching up,it is really fun to be honest and I remember that one day we celebrated my birthday I got this super cool bike from dad

I drive with it almost every single day and d/n is still with us and she has been a handful but she is still so fucking adorable and we have a castle meaning a lot more room for her to run around.

Last week I was celebrating my birthday with Brad and he got me something cool for my birthday and I  always wanted this,but it didn't beat the present dad gave me but I still loved the gift.

Well it wasn't just an iPad but still love the gifts I got from him it's so awesome it's really cool to celebrate two things for example Christmas.

I remember when I got like 1k money on my birthday and I was so happy I also spend it on new clothes which is cool well dad wasn't really happy with one of the clothes I got.

He said it was so revealing but I told him everytime that it was just fashion and I didn't dress up for boys I dressed up for myself not some stinky boy.

Dad also got a job at the school well he said he loved the job to well I don't believe that one bit and Im ALSO super excited for Christmas I mean yes it is cold some days but I love winter I also love summer.

I was in my room and realised that I was late for Megan's shoe so I quickly got dressed and did my hair.

I then ran to my motorbike and got on and started it then I off I went,after a while I got there and switched off my motorbike then I got off and got inside,well the reason I didn't go with dad is because I told him I can go there by myself, So when I got inside I saw my family I smiled and walked over


Shouted Megan and Dylan

"Hey guys!"

I said hugging them,I then saw mom,dad,Brad, Adrienne and Karen I said hello to everyone and gave them hugs.

"You guys ready?"

"Let's go"

We then made our way to the stage but then Megan stoped me and asked if I can tie her shirt in a knot making me smile and I tight her shirt up into a knot and she thanked me and got to the stage.

I sat down next to dad and I talked with him while we waited for the show to start,then the lights shined and the audience cheered and clapped and I saw a woman walk on the stage.

"Welcome to the one horse open sing!before we get started,notice we have several professional video and still photographers,to cover all your kids for free,so you can all put your phones in your pockets,relax and just be in the moment"

But people seemed to disagree and they still got out their phones, then the curtains flew open and it showed all the kids and they sang the song, after a while,All the kids had to go on stage and tell something about what Christmas meant to them.

Eat candy Santas and smashed potatoes and dressing up my dog like a reindeer, that's what Christmas means to me, thank you"

Everyone clapped and cheered

" And Now we have Megan mayron"

I smiled

"My name is Megan mayron,and I like Christmas presents a lot"

Everyone laughed making me laugh to

"But I don't really like Christmas my Daddy was at my first Christmases,but I don't remember those ones,then we had some with no daddy at all,then Brad came,but he was always trying too hard and making everyone feel uncomfortable,then daddy came back,and Brad did a pretend Christmas to show daddy that Brad was better than him"

I cleared my throat softly she isn't lying

"So now we have to go to different houses to have different Christmases me,my brother and my big sister wish we were like other families and we had Normal Christmases but we still like our Christmas presents,I want to be very clear about that thank you very much"

The audience then clapped and I heard jerry laugh

"Enjoy paying for therapy,boys!"

"Shut the fuck up jerry!"

I shouted at him


I sighed and shock my head.

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