By Game83898398828

5K 190 40

As we all know many different characters or readers have steep into this amazing show and helped all of its c... More

β™‘ Relationships β™‘
Chapter 1: A new story begins
Chapter 2: The Escape
Chapter 3: An Annoying Encounter
Chapter 4: A villainous Allience
AYO WTF!!!!???

Chapter 5: Let the Game Begin

163 12 0
By Game83898398828

Miles POV

After our interesting discussion, it seems everything turned out well, for both of us. DBK is finally about to absorb the staff's power, like in the movie, as I watch from the corner. However I can't stay here anymore longer, I have still some unfinished business with the Monkie Kid gang that I need to get done. I started to walk away as DBK's figure was starting to grow thanks to his new amount of power.

"Now where are you going?" Asked Red son, looking at me still with a frown as I walked away.

I looked back at him as I continued to leave "I have other things to do right now, you can continue with your plan" I said "You'll be able to contact me after everything is finished"

He looked at me, raising his eyebrows as he questioned my words, however didn't have any interest in interrogate me as he looked back to his father "Yeah whatever" he scowled as I leaved the place, starting to look out for my supposed new 'friends' in all this havoc.

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Nobody's POV

With the Demon Bull King's new acquired power thanks to Monkey King's staff, he started to caused destruction and caos around the city as he fired up his fire blasts. The citizens were running around everywhere trying to go somewhere safe, but the Bull clones were chasing them and took them down as many others came in. But all of the sudden, a weird food truck with some spikes in the front ran into them rolling them over, surprisingly destroying them as then Pigsy, Mei, Tang and Sandy shouted in fear. The Bull clones launched some barrels at them trying to stop them however the people inside got out the of the truck before it was destroyed as the Bull clones ran away. Then Red son appeared in front of them prepared to fight.

"So you wanna play heroes huh?" He said playfully as he laughed "Let me show what happens to heroes!" His flames gave him a menacing yet annoying aura.

"Agh! I've had it enough up to here with these demon punk-" Pigsy was prepared to show this demon a lesson as he clenched his fists, however Mei stepped in as she stopped him with her arm.

"I'll handle this one..." she said, she was suddenly surrounded by a green aura as her eyes glowed, she was prepared to fight.

But before any of them could make a move, a scream was heard from behind them, all of the sudden something big passed from above them as the conductor screamed terrified.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" The gang then notice surprised that the one screaming was Mk, which was riding Sandy's Cloud Jet.

"Mk!?" Mei spoked shocked as Mk then crushed into Red son, hitting him multiple times until leaving him unconscious on the ground, Mk then fell from the jet with some bruises from the hit, somehow he was still alive.

'Auchhhhhh, that really hurt...' he though as he groaned in pain.

The gang was standing in front of him as they cried, they were so relieved, he was alive! Mei then tackled him to the ground still crying.

"Mk!" she screamed happily as the they both hit the ground "Oh my goodness! We saw you blast in fire, I...I though you were all, like pew! Ah! But you're not!" she said taking away her tears as Tang then proceeded to touch Red son with a stick trying to confirm if he was still alive or not, that crash seemed to have left him really bad...

"Where'd ya get this jet though? Way to trash it already...Wait! Monkey King! Did you find him?" she asked him.

"Yeah I did!" He answered.

Pigsy looked around trying finding him, but he didn't saw anybody so he asked "And...where is he?"

"Well the thing is he said is up to me" he said to them nervous "to us"

"Well that's...anti-climactic" Mei said disappointed.

A sudden crash sounded, the gang then looked up at the menacing figure of DBK, now being more taller than all the buildings around him, as he was destroying everything on his path "And how are we supposed to fight that!?" Tang said scared.

"We believe in ourselves" Mk said reassuring him and the rest of the gang, he was going to explain them the plan until he noticed something "Okey guys I need you to- wait a sec, where's Miles?" He asked as he looked around.

"Oh shoot I forgot!" Mei said "That creepy evil woman, the one who took the staff, he captured Miles as well!" she said as she remembered how Miles was captured, she can't help but to still feel guilty about it.

"WHAT!? Wh- why didn't you said it sooner?!" Mk screamed, he started to get really worried, a feeling of fear and anger started to build inside him, they took Miles? What were they planing to do with him? he just hoped that he was okey.

"Yeah we weren't able to save him, we don't know we're he is but we believe he's in their base over there" Pigsy explained, as he pointed to DBK's base, the mountain where he found Monkey King's staff, however it was far away from where the chaos was happening.

Mk then looked up towards DBK as he closed his hand into a fist, he didn't knew were Miles was, but he'll save him, just like he saved him before "Okey then, I have a plan. You all clean the streets, and I'll go for Demon Bull King" he said looking at the immense and threatening figure of demon who was destroying the city "...somehow, and I'll also get Miles back" he sure didn't feel nervous at all.

"Yeah, this jet probably could have been useful huh?" she said as she kicked the pile junk of what was left of the jet, then a motorcycle came out of the other side and surprisingly it was totally intact, how convenient.

The gang gasp in amazement as they look at it "That will work!" Mk said exited "Go get them buddy!" she said Mei with her thumbs up.

Mk then turn up the biked and drives off towards DBK as an interesting colored eagle looked at him from one of the buildings, DBK then looked down noticing Mk as he prepared one of his blasters.

"The little thief returns..." he said as he tried to kill Mk with his blasts, but he dodge them until all of the sudden his whole vision turned gold, making him gasp of confusion. He looked around, almost unconsciously, as his sight then pointed to the center of DBK's chest.

"Huh? Why is everything gold again?" he said confused, he looked around, the world suddenly moving slowly, as his eyes see DBK's machine in his chest, noticing the staff in it as his sight comes back to normal "Ahh! The staff!" he exclaimed, driving in the motorcycle towards the energy container.

However, at some point, Mk fell from the motorcycle, being sucked in by the machine, as then DBK's power grew even stronger, a wave of power coming from him as Sandy protected the others as the buildings collapsed, he laughed as his supposed victory as he walked away "Now this world is truly mine!" he chucked, heading forward through the city as the Monkie Kid gang looked at him, worried for what may have happened to Mk.

DBK stood forwards towards the rest of the city, prepared to lounge another power beam from his cannons on his back, however suddenly something make him feel less powerful, as weird force pulled him back "What is this?" he says confused as then suddenly something comes out of the machine on his chest.

The object looks like a weird egg, made out of rock as it feel to the ground, one that DBK recognizes. An ray of light emerges from it and flies to the sky, to let emerge Mk once more as a bright power surrounded him, blinding the demon's eyes.

"Huh? Monkey King?" He says, the memory of his defeat flashing through his eyes as he looks at the boy with a lot more anger than before.

Mk opens his eyes, and from his ear the staff emerges, just like it did with Sun Wukong, and he can't help but laugh of joy. A golden crown appears over his head, just in the place of his bandana as he then launches towards DBK, giving him a nice punch as he's backed away. The demon angered shouts loudly as he launches a beam of power towards Mk, but the boy avoids them flawlessly as he mocks him in the process.

Suddenly the staff grows to an immense form, as it hits DBK completely, leaving him almost defeated in the floor as a big crater surrounds him. Mk then cuts a building in a half, an just like it happened in a past era, he planned to bury DBK underneath it.

However, DBK won't let the past repeat itself, as he uses his power and with a strong blast, destroys the building into pieces and is able to propulses Mk backwards, this one hitting the wall of a decayed building and falling in the ground, groaning in pain.

"Hah! You thought you could stand against me?"  DBK said in a mocking tone "I am Demon Bull King! I will not let a little thief take victory from my grasp!" he pronounced as he approached him, to finish him once and for all.

"You might have that old fool's staff, but you're not the Monkey King" he spoke in a mocking tone.

With his injured body, Mk attempted to grab the staff and go back to the fight, but before he could react, due to the damages caused by DBK's blanket, the building started to slowly collapse just before Mk, falling in a tremendous speed.

Mk covered himself with his arms, in an attempt to protect himself from the incoming collapse, closing his eyes tightly, yet to his surprise, no attack came, as a familiar voice spoke close to him.

"He's right you know? You ain't nothing like that old ass monkey" It says, as he sees a figure approaching him. "If anything, I dare to say you might be worse"

Mk's eyes widened as he got a clear view of the figure, this one crouching to his height, as it holds the staff on his grasp. "Miles?" he says in a tone of surprise.

Miles holds the staff on his hand, looking at it without interest,  before his gaze meets Mk's, as a sly smile crosses his face.

"How about you show us who exactly are you and beat up this demon's ass?" he says in a playful tone, as he hands him the staff.

Mk looks at Miles with disbelief, before nodding, a grin covering his face. He stands up with the staff in hand, as he's ready to give the final strike.

"All yours Mk" Miles says, as he moves a bit to the side, to behold the end of this battle.

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Miles POV

I watch how Mk somehow creates with the remaining of the building the Monkey Mech, I stay on place. I have no interest in taking action in this, so as Mk finally defeats DBK I go over with the rest of the gang, as I don't want to be near him when he's going to make a literal crater in the earth that will cause a slight push to the whole solar system.

When all the destruction was finally over, I went to look at the end of the encounter, looking over to DBK's family.

"Make no mistake. You've just been MK.O'd!" Mk exclaimed with an enthusiastic tone.

Red son suddenly comes, surprisingly not badly injured, as he showed his usual pestering and useless determination once again "You think this is over? It isn't over, you bozo." He verily stood from the ground, visibly weak as he continued "Why don't you just get out of that dorky mech and fight me, you coward!" And then he rolled to the ground.

I wonder if with some improvement he could actually become a worth enemy to Mk, it will take some time, that's for sure. It's probably going to take eternity to build that kid into an actual cold minded fighter, but at least not impossible.

Mk used his mech and tried to reach out to his defeated enemies, being about to capture them, but suddenly a huge tornado surrounds them, and Iron Fan makes appearance.

"We know when we've been bested, but this won't be the last you see from us, noodle boy" she speaks with conviction, showing well he means it.

Before the tornado makes them disappear, the woman gives a quick glance, I know well what it conveys. I nod to her, as the three of them are able to run away from being defeated.

"What?! No fair! You can't just run away when I'm about to win"

"Give them some slack Mk, you showed your ground to them anyways"

Mk gets off of the giant mech, to meets with us here on the ground. When he sees me, he runs to me in a fast pace.

"Miles! I'm so glad you're alright, are you hurt-"

"Don't even try it" I caught him off, as I quickly dodged him before he had the chance to wrap his arms around him, causing him to fall down to the ground, hitting his face.

"Oh common, not even a hug to give to you hero?" he whines, as he stands up.

I narrow my eyes at him "Excuse me? I don't recall calling you a 'hero', and I personally don't need one"

Mk frowns at my comment, before then grinning at me, as he nudged me with his elbow "Who knows? Maybe you'll even end up having a crush on me-"

"The hell did you just say?" I feel a sudden rage coming at me, as I can feel my face turning into an intense glare.

"N-nothing!" Mk immediately moves away from me as I sigh, I must control this impulses.

"Mk! Miles!" Mei approaches us. "That was really awesome! Without this city would've been toast!"

I'm not going to bother in commenting about that.

Mk laughs awkwardly at her comment "Heh, yeah. But, you know, I couldn't have done it alone"

Soon the rest come over, congratulating Mk from defeating DBK, praising him and all. Tang then comes over to me.

"Oh, Miles. It's good to see you're alright. What happened to you in DBK's base?" he questioned me, as he raised an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged, answering him plainly "Nothing much, that family ain't got any guts if you ask me"

It seemed Tang wasn't completely conformed with my answer, as he was about to ask me more, but he was interrupted by the rest of the gang.

"Well guys, what do we do now?" Sandy asked us.

"Isn't obvious?"

"We're going to bust up some bad guys!-"

"Yeah that ain't happening" I said, popping off their imaginary bubble.

Tang the spoke up "Umm, how about we go for some noodles instead"

All the gang seemed to agree, as they went back to Pigsy's place cheering and laughing loudly. Before I followed them, I looked up, and I was met with the glare of the great Monkey King.

I gave him a mocking grin from my part, as he gave me an expression of visible annoyance in return, as well as the glimpse of something else.

He transformed into an eagle and flew sways, as I shook my head, amused by our first encounter, as I followed the others from behind.

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Nobody's POV

The chaos was finally over, and the Monkie kid and his friends celebrated their victory, so a certain black haired boy didn't find a reason to stay there anymore, the other people's presence being annoying. He was far far away from the Metropolis, being in a desolated area, no more than the cold's air whisper being heard around.

The boy started to search something in a rush, between all the grass and oil, and after a while, he uncovered a stone plate with strange carved figures, some looked like people other like animals, and they emanate some strange scarcer aura.

The boy left a sigh of relief as he approached the plate, taking breath before touching it with his hand, saying words from an unknown language, as a sudden wave of power filled the ground.

The plate started to glow in a bright green light as the boy started to walk backwards, the light getting more and more strong as it then transformed into a massive ray of light, making its way towards the sky, space, even to the high ways to the celestial realm.

It's powerful glow and light wasn't unnoticed by the inhabitants of this world, everyone feeling curious and terrified of such beam of light, powerful demons being thirsty of power, mortals afraid for a new menace, and celestial beings being wary of what's yet to come.

Yet Miles was unfazed by all of this, just seeing the huge beacon as he waited patiently, until the ray finally died out, the glow from the plate disappearing as then it buried itself underground, leaving no trace of its existence.

He stood in there for a while, just looking to the place where the light came from, trying to replay the moment in his mind, as he then looked back up.

"I didn't expect it to be this powerful.." he said looking up "But that's your fault now isn't it?" he said, looking to try to see your expression through this invisible screen.

"Why are you all here? Did you just find this interesting? Just wanting to see another kind of romance? Tired of your show's late new updates? Or maybe you're all bored and just want something new to waste your time?" he spoke, shaking his head in annoyance "Well, not like I could care any less"

He closed his eyes, a frown appearing on his face "Either way, everything has begun, there's no turning back" he chuckled.

"And it's all thanks to you"

He started walking away from the place, returning to where he came from "So sit tight, grab a drink or whatever shit you do while you see this, because I'm going to win this game" he said, an evil grin appearing in his face as his voice got lower, his eyes flickering with a green like shine as he makes his final statement.

"And none of you will stop me.."

𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅


I finally finished the movie!

Sorry for how long I took, I'll be honest I have no justification of my prolonged disappearance, which I apologize for, but somehow finally did it.

Also thank you so much for 3k!!! I literally don't know how to thank you all for this, I'm really surprised at how many people have read this even when it just haves like 8 parts, I still can't seem to get the grasp and all this, it's just really amazing!

But as it was already said, everything has begun, and there's no turning back. After all now I have 4 seasons to come up with my story as well as the specials.

And yes, I'll probably disappear again, not gonna lie, but I'll try to give you the next chapter as soon as I possible can.

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next update!


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